As reflected by articles in the Dean Burgon News from 1979-1980
On whether the KJV is inerrant
It is one thing to say that the Traditional Texts, the Massoretic and Received Texts, are closest to the originals, and it is a completely different thing to say that a translation is inerrant. Evidently, Peter F. [sic] Ruckman holds this view, affirming that the KJV is inerrant and infallible. Certainly this is going too far theologically.
Strouse, Thomas. “The Supernatural Approach to Textual Criticism” Part 3, The Dean Burgon News. January, 1980, p. 2
On preservation
I agree with Dr. Wisdom when he stresses the need for “verbal preservation” to go along with “verbal inspiration.” I could conceive, however, of God using “verbal inspiration” of his Word as he originally gave it to man without connecting it necessarily with “verbal preservation.” These two fields of theological and linguistic study are separate, and can be treated separately, though each is interrelated with the other. I don’t know that I would say that “verbal inspiration” is “useless” without “verbal preservation,” though I do agree that they go closely together.
Waite, D.A. “An Answer to Textus Receptus: Is it Fundamental to our Faith?” part 4 The Dean Burgon News. March, 1980, p. 1
We are in agreement on the vast number of manuscripts and other textual materials available for us today. We are also in agreement that somewhere within these vast numbers of manuscripts—over 2,255—we have “with certainty” every word of the Word of God.” … We are happy that Dr Panosian agrees with us, and others such as Wilbur Pickering that somewhere in the manuscripts and other materials that we have on hand, “every word of the Word of God” is to be found.
Waite, D.A. “An Answer to What is the Inspired Word of God?” Part 6 The Dean Burgon News. August, 1979, p. 3
The “pro-T.R..” [sic] people believe, on the other hand, that God has” verbally preserved” His Word through the close examination of all present documents and evidence which bears upon the very words of the Scriptures (which, in the New Testament at least consists of (1) the manuscripts themselves; (2) the lectionaries; (3) the quotations of the church fathers; and (4) the versions. Let it be said here, however, that the vast majority of Greek New Testament verses have no dissent about them whatsoever from these two groups (that is, the “Non-T.R.” group and the “Pro-T.R.” group). The argumentation comes about over those small number of words, verses, or longer passages (some of which are extremely important to various doctrines, and all of which are important in the ascertainment of the very words of God!) where the manuscript & other evidence is not agreed upon by both groups. We feel most definitely that the Textus Receptus or Traditional Text of the Greek New Testament contains by far the greatest amount of the very exact words of God the Holy Spirit as were in the original writings from the human writers’ own hands, of any other Greek text in print today!
Waite, D.A. “An Answer to Textus Receptus: Is it Fundamental to our Faith?” part 9 The Dean Burgon News. August, 1980, p. 2
On the Textus Receptus being the closest to the originals
It is entirely likely, that, in the main, this “Textus Receptus,” this “Traditional Text,” this “Majority Text” has indeed come “directly from the fingers of God”! … Cannot it be considered “possible,” at the very least (if not, in fact even “probable”) that God superintended and protected these various sources of his written Word so as to keep intact in the highest possible percentage of verses and words that text which, by and large, came “directly from the fingers of God”?!!
Waite, D.A. “An Answer to What is the Inspired Word of God?” Part 12 The Dean Burgon News. April, 1980, p. 2
On not blowing out of proportion differences with other fundamentalists on the Bible version issue
And I personally intend to continue this friendly relationship to this great school [BJU], regardless of any minor differences we might have on these matters of the texts of the Bible, though I know some of my friends do not wish to maintain a friendly relationship with them due to this difference.
Waite, D.A. “An Answer to What is the Inspired Word of God?” The Dean Burgon News. April 1979, p. 3
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