In honor of the 400th anniversary of the Authorized Version 1611-2011
These marginal notes are available in scans and published reprints of the 1611, but we believe that listing them all together and in modern spelling makes it much easier to study the notes in depth, or to do quick visual scans. The digital text of the notes allows for keyword searches, among other advantages.
Ways in which the marginal notes are valuable
- Sometimes the notes shed light on an obscure passage
- The meaning of the names of Bible characters revealed in the notes are often of interest
- Also the meaning of some biblical terms are defined (such as Bethel, meaning house of God)
- It reveals that Bible translation work is not as simple and straightforward as some people imagine
- It illustrates the absurdity of never deviating from translating in a literal fashion. The notes for a verse that illustrates this vividly is Genesis 25:18, where “he did eat of his venison” in literal Hebrew would have been “venison was in is mouth” according to the marginal notes.
Why are the marginal notes left out of virtually all modern printings of the KJV? We present the following theories:
- Extra material as in marginal notes costs more to print
- Popularity of study Bibles that do not leave room for these marginal notes
- Lack of demand, as the notes often deal with technicalities that do not concern the overwhelming majority of Bible readers
Misc. technical details of interest
- The famous phrase “rock of ages” is not found in the text of the KJV, but rather in the margin at Isaiah 26:4.
- The very last marginal note in the 1611 was a typo at Rev. 20:13. For the word hell in the text, it had the marginal note “Or, hell.”
- There are no notes for the entire book of Philemon.
- At least 9 entire verses were rewritten in marginal notes.
- There are 6,565 marginal notes in the OT, and 777 in the NT, for a total of 7,342 marginal notes*
*Apochrypha not included. Scrivener’s totals were 767 for the NT, 6,637 for the OT, for a total of 7,404 marginal notes. We used a spreadsheet program to help avoid human error in counting.
Scrivener’s assessment
In fact, more than half the references contained in the edition of 1611 are derived from manuscript and printed copies of the Vulgate Latin Bible, and thus present to us the fruits of the researches of mediaeval scholars and the traditional expositions of the Western Church. …no other portion of the work is so carelessly printed as these parallel texts, each issue exhibiting errors peculiar to itself, but few leaves indeed being exempt from some gross fault common to them both. The references to the Psalms direct us constantly to the wrong verse; namely, that of the Latin Vulgate from which they were first derived, not to that of the English Bible on whose pages they stand. The marks of reference from the text to the margin are so often misplaced, that it would be endless to enumerate glaring errors in regard to them which have long since been removed. (Scrivener, Frederick Henry Ambrose. The Authorized Edition of the English Bible. Cambridge: The University Press, 1910, pp. 117-118)
Historical documentation in regard to the marginal notes
An account of the work and the rules of translation was provided to the 1618 Synod of Dort. The following rules relate to the marginal notes:
Secondly, no notes were to be placed in the margin, but only parallel passages to be noted.
Thirdly, where a Hebrew or Greek word admits two meanings of a suitable kind, the one was to be expressed in the text, the other in the margin. The same to be done where a different reading was found in good copies.
Fourthly, the more difficult Hebraisms and Graecisms were consigned to the margin.
(Pollard, A. W., ed., The Holy Bible. A Facsimile in a Reduced Size of the Authorized Version Published in the Year 1611. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1911, p. 142)
Notes we found to be humorous due to our evolving language
Psalm 80:4 – wilt thou be angry: Heb. wilt thou smoke?
Isaiah 29:4 – whisper: Heb. peep or chirp
Isaiah 34:14 – shrichowle: Or, night monster
Jeremiah 13:18 – principalities: or, head tires
Heeding the warning of the KJV translators
Many of the marginal notes reveal thousands of instances in which the KJV translators were forced to interpret as part of their translation work. The KJV translators were not always certain that they had made the correct interpretation, and hence the marginal note. In the preface of the 1611 they explained that we should not dogmatize on the basis of their interpretation:
…it hath pleased God in his divine providence, here and there to scatter words and sentences of that difficulty and doubtfulness, not in doctrinal points that concern salvation, (for in such it hath been vouched that the Scriptures are plain) but in matters of less moment … in such a case, doth not a margin do well to admonish the Reader to seek further, and not to conclude or dogmatize upon this or that peremptorily? … They that are wise, had rather have their judgments at liberty in differences of readings, then to be captivated to one, when it may be the other.
Although we believe the KJV is trustworthy, we warn the reader that some in their zeal to defend the KJV go too far, and are guilty of what the KJV translators warned about.
The notes indicate a desire on the part of the KJV translators to be very accurate and as literal as possible, in part because they sometimes noted matters where the departure from the original language was very slight. However, at other times some departures may seem surprising, such as when their notes reveal that they left out “spirit” in Genesis 7:22. The object of the marginal notes are usually to expand the meaning of a single word or short phrase. In some cases, lengthy phrases or in rarer cases an entire verse is rewritten in the margin. The marginal notes reveal some italics were inconsistent (though perhaps they should be considered vindicated by the content of the marginal notes).
Our methods
We did not include the cross-references from the margins, nor the chapter headings. The notes of the Apocrypha were also not included. To make the notes more user-friendly, we recreated them more-or-less in modern spelling. When an archaic word in the notes was not recognized, the spelling was left “as is.”
The text of 1611 used the symbols † and || in the text to indicate the word or the start of a phrase for which there is a marginal note. When a phrase was involved, in a few cases it was difficult to determine the exact length the phrase should be. When doubts surfaced, I used a Hebrew-English or Greek-English interlinear in an attempt to determine the exact phrase that the notes corresponded to. At times the determination of the length of the phrase was unavoidably subjective. The † symbol was used when the margin displayed a more literal Hebrew meaning. A || symbol was used to express another way in which the underlying Hebrew could be translated. The notes themselves in the Old Testament start with the abbreviation Hebr. for Hebrew and “or” to designate alternative translations. On a few occasions the notes are preceded by “i.” or “That is,” instead. In some rare cases it was obvious that the † and || symbol should have been moved back a word or two. (i.e., 2 Kings 8:29, first marginal note, 2 Chronicles 32:6, etc) “&c.” was replaced with the more modern “etc.”
After the reference, the relevant portion from the text of the 1611 is listed, followed by the marginal note corresponding to that portion with a colon between them. When a colon was used in the original notes, we used a comma instead to prevent confusion. Sometimes the notes capitalized words in what seemed to us an inconsistent manner, but we have attempted to retain the capitalization of the notes as in the original 1611 edition.
Calvin George
Genesis 1:5 divided the light from the darkness: Heb. between the light and between the darkness
Genesis 1:5 And the evening and the morning were the first day: Heb. And the evening was, and the morning was
Genesis 1:6 firmament: Heb. expansion
Genesis 1:11 grass: Heb. tender grass
Genesis 1:14 the day from the night: Heb. between the day and between the night
Genesis 1:16 to rule the day: Heb. for the rule of the day, etc.
Genesis 1:20 moving: Or, creeping
Genesis 1:20 life: Heb. soul
Genesis 1:20 open firmament of heaven: face of the firmament of heaven
Genesis 1:28 moveth: Heb. creepeth
Genesis 1:29 bearing seed: Heb. seeding seed
Genesis 1:30 life: Heb. a living soul
Genesis 2:3 created and made: Heb. created to make
Genesis 2:6 but there went up a mist from: Or, a mist which went up from
Genesis 2:7 of the dust of the ground: Heb. dust of the ground
Genesis 2:13 Ethiopia: Heb. Cush
Genesis 2:14 toward the East of Assyria: Or, Eastward to Assyria
Genesis 2:15 the man: Or, Adam
Genesis 2:16 freely eat: Heb. eating thou shalt eat
Genesis 2:17 surely die: Heb. dying thou shalt die
Genesis 2:18 meet for him: Heb. as before him
Genesis 2:19 Adam: Or, the man
Genesis 2:20 gave: Heb. called
Genesis 2:22 made: Heb. built
Genesis 3:1 Yea, hath: Heb. Yea, because, etc.
Genesis 3:6 pleasant: Heb. a desire
Genesis 3:7 aprons: Or, things to gird about
Genesis 3:8 cool: Heb. wind
Genesis 3:16 to thy husband: Or, subject to thy husband
Genesis 3:18 bring forth: Heb. cause to bud
Genesis 3:20 Eve: Heb. Chavah
Genesis 4:2 Abel: Heb. Hebel
Genesis 4:2 keeper: Heb. a feeder
Genesis 4:3 in process of time: Heb. at the end of days
Genesis 4:4 flock: Heb. sheep, or, goats
Genesis 4:7 be accepted?: Or, have the excellency?
Genesis 4:7 unto thee: Or, subject unto thee
Genesis 4:10 blood: Heb. bloods
Genesis 4:13 My punishment is greater, then I can bear: Or, my iniquity is greater then that it may be forgiven
Genesis 4:17 Enoch: Heb. Chanoch
Genesis 4:18 Lamech: Heb. Lemech
Genesis 4:22 instructor: Heb. wheter
Genesis 4:23 I have slain a man to my wounding: Or, I would slay a man in my wound, etc.
Genesis 4:23 hurt: Or, in my hurt
Genesis 4:25 Seth: Heb. Sheth
Genesis 4:26 Enos: Heb. Enosh
Genesis 4:26 call upon the Name of the LORD: Or, to call themselves by the Name of the LORD
Genesis 5:6 Enos: Heb. Enosh
Genesis 5:9 Cainan: Heb. Kenan
Genesis 5:12 Mahalaleel: Gr. Maleleel
Genesis 5:15 Jared: Heb. Jered
Genesis 5:21 Methuselah: Gr. Mathusala
Genesis 5:26 Lamech: Heb. Lemech
Genesis 5:29 Noah: Gr. Noe
Genesis 6:5 that every imagination: Or, the whole imagination. The Hebr. word signifieth not only the imagination, but also the purposes and desires.
Genesis 6:5 continually: Heb. every day
Genesis 6:7 both man and beast: Heb. from man unto beast
Genesis 6:9 perfect: Or, upright
Genesis 6:13 with the earth: Or, from the earth
Genesis 6:14 rooms: Heb. nests
Genesis 7:2 by sevens: Heb. seven seven
Genesis 7:4 destroy: Heb. blot out
Genesis 7:10 after seven days: Or, on the seventh day
Genesis 7:11 windows: Or, floodgates
Genesis 7:14 sort: Heb. wing
Genesis 7:22 the breath of life: Heb. the breath of the spirit of life
Genesis 8:3 continually: Heb. in going and returning
Genesis 8:5 decreased continually: Heb. were in going and decreasing
Genesis 8:7 to and fro: Heb. in going forth and returning
Genesis 8:9 pulled her in unto him: Heb. caused her to come
Genesis 8:19 kinds: Heb. families
Genesis 8:21 a sweet savour: Heb. a savour of rest Or, satisfaction
Genesis 8:22 While the earth remained: Heb. as yet all the days of the earth
Genesis 9:18 Canaan: Heb. Chenaan
Genesis 9:26 his servant: Or, servant to them
Genesis 9:27 enlarge: Or, persuade
Genesis 10:10 Babel: Gr. Babylon
Genesis 10:11 went forth Ashur: Or, he went out into Assyria
Genesis 10:11 the city: Or, the streets of the city
Genesis 10:15 Sidon: Heb. Tzidon
Genesis 10:19 Gaza: Heb. Azzah
Genesis 10:22 Arphaxad: Heb. Arpachshad
Genesis 10:24 Salah: Heb. Shelah
Genesis 11:1 language: Heb. lip
Genesis 11:1 speech: Heb. words
Genesis 11:3 they said one to another: Heb. a man said to his neighbor
Genesis 11:3 burn them throughly: Heb. burn them to a burning
Genesis 11:9 Babel: that is, Confusion
Genesis 11:16 Peleg: Phalec
Genesis 11:20 Serug: Saruch
Genesis 11:24 Terah: Thara
Genesis 12:9 going on still toward the South: Heb. in going and journeying
Genesis 13:8 brethren: Heb. men brethren
Genesis 13:18 plain: Heb. plains
Genesis 14:5 Shaveh Kiriathaim: Or, the plain of Kiriathaim
Genesis 14:6 Elparan: Or, the plain of Paran
Genesis 14:14 armed: Or, led forth
Genesis 14:14 trained: Or, instructed
Genesis 14:21 persons: Heb. souls
Genesis 15:17 a burning lamp: Heb. a lamp of fire
Genesis 16:2 obtain children by her: be built by her
Genesis 16:6 as it pleaseth thee: that which is good in thy eyes
Genesis 16:6 dealt hardly with her: afflicted her
Genesis 16:11 Ishmael: that is, God shall hear
Genesis 16:14 Beerlahairoi: That is, the well of him that liveth and seeth me
Genesis 17:1 perfect: Or, upright or sincere
Genesis 17:4 many nations: Heb. multitude of nations
Genesis 17:8 wherein thou art a stranger: Heb. of thy sojournings
Genesis 17:12 he that is eight days old: Heb. a son of eight days
Genesis 17:16 she shall be a mother of nations: Heb. she shall become nations
Genesis 18:5 comfort: Heb. stay
Genesis 18:5 are you come: Heb. you have passed
Genesis 18:6 make ready: Heb. hasten
Genesis 19:15 are here: Heb. are found
Genesis 19:15 iniquity: Heb. punishment
Genesis 19:21 thee: Heb. thy face
Genesis 19:23 risen: Heb. gone forth
Genesis 20:3 a man’s wife: Heb. married to an husband
Genesis 20:5 integrity: Or, simplicity or sincerity
Genesis 20:15 where it pleaseth thee: Heb. as is good in thine eyes
Genesis 21:23 deal falsely with me: Heb. if thou shalt lie unto me
Genesis 21:31 Beersheba: that is, The well of the oath
Genesis 21:33 grove: Or, Tree
Genesis 22:1 Behold, here I am: Heb. Behold me
Genesis 22:7 Here am I: Heb. behold me
Genesis 22:7 lamb: Or, kid
Genesis 22:14 Jehovahjireh: that is, The Lord will see, or, provide
Genesis 22:17 shore: Heb. lip
Genesis 23:6 a mighty Prince: Heb. a Prince of God
Genesis 23:9 as much money: Heb. full money
Genesis 23:10 audience: Heb. ears
Genesis 24:1 well stricken in age: Heb. gone into days
Genesis 24:10 for: Or, And
Genesis 24:11 that woman go out to draw water: Heb. that woman which draw water, go forth
Genesis 24:16 very fair to look upon: Heb. good of countenance
Genesis 24:22 earring: Or, jewel for the forehead
Genesis 24:53 jewels: Heb. vessels
Genesis 24:55 a few days: Or, a full year, or, ten months
Genesis 24:63 to meditate: Or, to pray
Genesis 25:18 died: Heb. fell
Genesis 25:18 he did eat of his venison: Heb. venison was in is mouth
Genesis 25:30 with that same red pottage: Heb. with that red, with that red pottage
Genesis 25:32 at the point to die: Heb. going to die
Genesis 26:12 received: Heb. found
Genesis 26:13 went forward: Heb. went going
Genesis 26:14 servants: Or, husbandry
Genesis 26:19 springing: Heb. living
Genesis 26:20 Esek: that is, Contention
Genesis 26:21 Sitnah: that is, Hatred
Genesis 26:22 Rehoboth: That is, room
Genesis 26:28 We saw: Heb. seeing we saw
Genesis 26:29 That thou wilt: Heb. if thou shalt etc.
Genesis 26:33 Shebah: That is, an oath
Genesis 26:33 Beersheba: That is, the well of the oath
Genesis 26:35 a grief of mind: Heb. bitterness of spirit
Genesis 27:3 take: Heb. hunt
Genesis 27:15 goodly: Heb. desirable
Genesis 27:20 to me: Heb. before me
Genesis 27:33 trembled very exceedingly: Heb. trembled with a great trembling greatly
Genesis 27:33 taken: Heb. hunted
Genesis 27:36 Jacob: That is, A supplanter
Genesis 27:37 sustained: Or, supported
Genesis 27:39 the fatness: Or, of the fatness
Genesis 28:3 a multitude: Heb. an assembly of people
Genesis 28:3 wherein thou art a stranger: Heb. of thy sojournings
Genesis 28:8 pleased not: Heb. were evil in the eyes, etc
Genesis 28:14 spread abroad: Heb. break forth
Genesis 28:19 Bethel: that is, the house of God
Genesis 29:1 went on his journey: Heb. lift up his feet
Genesis 29:1 people: Heb. children
Genesis 29:6 Is he well?: Heb. Is there peace to him?
Genesis 29:7 it is yet high day: Heb. yet the day is great
Genesis 29:13 tidings: Heb. hearing
Genesis 29:14 the space of a month: Heb. a month of days
Genesis 29:26 country: Heb. place
Genesis 29:32 Reuben: that is, See a son
Genesis 29:33 Simeon: that is, Hearing
Genesis 29:34 Levi: that is, joined
Genesis 29:35 Judah: that is, Praise
Genesis 29:35 left bearing: Heb. stood from bearing
Genesis 30:3 have children by her: Heb. be built by her
Genesis 30:6 Dan: that is, Judging
Genesis 30:8 great wrestlings: Heb. wrestlings of God
Genesis 30:8 Nephtali: That is, My wrestling
Genesis 30:11 Gad: that is, A troop, or company
Genesis 30:13 Happy am I: Heb. in my happiness
Genesis 30:13 Asher: That is, Happy
Genesis 30:18 Issachar: That is, An hire
Genesis 30:20 Zebulun: That is, Dwelling
Genesis 30:21 Dinah: That is, Judgment
Genesis 30:24 Joseph: That is, Adding
Genesis 30:30 increased: Heb. broken forth
Genesis 30:30 since my coming: Heb. at my foot
Genesis 30:33 in time to come: Heb. tomorrow
Genesis 31:2 as before: Heb. as yesterday and the day before
Genesis 31:10 rams: Or, he goats
Genesis 31:19 images: Heb. teraphim
Genesis 31:20 unawares to Laban: Heb. the heart of Laban
Genesis 31:24 either good or bad: Heb. from good to bad
Genesis 31:27 steal away from me: Heb. hast stolen me
Genesis 31:34 searched: Heb. felt
Genesis 31:37 searched: Heb. felt
Genesis 31:47 Jegarsahadutha: that is, The heap of witness
Genesis 31:49 Mizpah: that is, A beacon, or, watchtower
Genesis 31:54 offered sacrifice: Or, killed beasts
Genesis 32:2 Mahanaim: that is, Two hosts or camps
Genesis 32:3 country: Heb. Field
Genesis 32:10 I am not worthy of the least of all: Heb. I am less then all etc.
Genesis 32:11 with: Heb. upon
Genesis 32:20 of me: Heb. my face
Genesis 32:23 sent them over: Heb. caused to pass
Genesis 32:24 breaking of the day: Heb. Ascending of the morning
Genesis 32:30 Peniel: that is, The face of God
Genesis 33:5 with thee: Heb. To thee
Genesis 33:8 What meanest thou by all this drove which I met?: Heb. What is all this band to thee?
Genesis 33:9 keep that thou hast unto thyself: Heb. be that to thee that is thine
Genesis 33:14 according as the cattle that goeth before me: Heb. According to the foot of the work, etc.
Genesis 33:15 leave: Heb. set, or place
Genesis 33:15 What needeth it?: Heb. wherefore is this?
Genesis 33:17 Succoth: that is, booths
Genesis 33:19 pieces: Or, lambs
Genesis 33:20 EleloheIsrael: that is, God, the God of Israel
Genesis 34:2 defiled her: Heb. humbled her
Genesis 34:3 kindly unto the damsel: Heb. to her heart
Genesis 34:26 edge: Heb. mouth
Genesis 35:7 Elbethel: that is, The God of Bethel
Genesis 35:8 Allonbachuth: that is, The oak of weeping
Genesis 35:16 a little way: Heb. a little piece of ground
Genesis 35:18 Benoni: that is, The son of my sorrow
Genesis 35:18 Benjamin: That is, The son of the right hand
Genesis 36:6 persons: Heb. souls
Genesis 36:9 the Edomites: Heb. Edom
Genesis 36:43 the Edomites: Heb. Edom
Genesis 37:3 wherein his father was a stranger: Heb. of his fathers sojournings
Genesis 37:3 colors: Or, pieces
Genesis 37:14 see whether it be well with thy brethren: Heb. see the peace of thy brethren, etc
Genesis 37:19 dreamer: Heb. master of dreams
Genesis 37:23 colors: Or, pieces
Genesis 37:27 were content: Heb. hearkened
Genesis 37:36 officer: Heb. Eunuch. But the word doth signify not only eunuchs, but also chamberlains, courtiers, and officers
Genesis 37:36 captain of the guard: Heb. chief of the slaughter men, or executioners. Or, chief Marshall
Genesis 38:10 displeased the LORD: Heb. was evil in the eyes of the Lord
Genesis 38:12 in process of time: Heb. The days were multiplied
Genesis 38:14 an open place: Heb. the door of eyes, or, of Enajim
Genesis 38:17 a kid from the flock: Heb. a kid of the goats
Genesis 38:21 openly: Or, in Enajim
Genesis 38:23 be shamed: Heb. become a contempt
Genesis 38:29 How hast thou broken forth?: Or, wherefor has thou made this branch against thee?
Genesis 38:29 Pharez: That is, a breach
Genesis 39:14 loud: Heb. great
Genesis 39:21 shewed him mercy: Heb. extended kindness unto him
Genesis 40:7 look ye so sadly today?: Heb. are your faces evil?
Genesis 40:13 lift up thine head: Or, reckon
Genesis 40:14 think on me: Heb. remember me with thee
Genesis 40:16 white baskets: Or, full of holes
Genesis 40:17 bakemeats for Pharaoh: Heb. meat of Pharaoh, the work of a baker, or cook
Genesis 40:19 lift up thy head from off thee: Or, reckon thee, and take thy office from thee
Genesis 40:20 lifted up: Or, reckoned
Genesis 41:5 rank: Heb. fat
Genesis 41:14 brought him hastily: Heb. made him run
Genesis 41:15 thou canst understand a dream, to interpret it: Or, When thou hearest a dream, thou canst interpret it
Genesis 41:21 eaten them up: Heb. come to the inward parts of them
Genesis 41:23 withered: Or, small
Genesis 41:31 grievous: Heb. heavy
Genesis 41:32 established by God: Or, prepared of God
Genesis 41:34 officers: Or, overseers
Genesis 41:36 perish not: Heb. be not cut off
Genesis 41:40 be ruled: Heb. armed, or, kiss
Genesis 41:42 fine linen: Or, silk
Genesis 41:43 bow the knee: Or, Tender father, Heb. Abrech
Genesis 41:45 priest: Or, prince
Genesis 41:50 priest: Or, Prince
Genesis 41:51 Manasseh: That is, Forgetting
Genesis 41:52 Ephraim: That is, Fruitful
Genesis 41:56 the storehouses: Heb. All wherein was
Genesis 42:7 roughly unto them: Heb. hard things with them
Genesis 42:16 kept: Heb. bound
Genesis 42:17 put them all together: Heb. gathered
Genesis 42:23 he spake unto them by an interpreter: Heb. an interpreter was between them
Genesis 42:28 failed: Heb. went forth
Genesis 42:30 roughly to us: Heb. with us hard things
Genesis 43:3 solemnly protest: Heb. protesting he protested
Genesis 43:7 asked us straightly: Heb. asking he asked us
Genesis 43:7 tenor: Heb. mouth
Genesis 43:7 Could we certainly know: Heb. knowing could we know?
Genesis 43:7 this second time: Or, twice by this
Genesis 43:14 If I be bereaved: Or, And I, as I have been, etc
Genesis 43:16 slay: Heb. kill a killing
Genesis 43:16 dine: Heb. eat
Genesis 43:18 seek occasion against us: Heb. roll himself upon us
Genesis 43:7 we came indeed down: Heb. coming down we came down
Genesis 43:23 I had your money: Heb. your money came to me
Genesis 43:27 welfare: Heb. peace
Genesis 43:27 Is your father well: Heb. Is there peace to your father?
Genesis 43:34 were merry: Heb. they drank largely
Genesis 44:1 steward of his house: Heb. him that was over his house
Genesis 44:5 divineth?: Or, maketh trial
Genesis 44:15 divine?: Or, make trial?
Genesis 44:34 come on my father?: Heb. find my father
Genesis 45:2 wept aloud: Heb. gave forth his voice in weeping
Genesis 45:3 troubled: Or, terrified
Genesis 45:5 nor angry with yourselves: Heb. neither let there be anger in your eyes
Genesis 45:7 to preserve you a posterity: Heb. to put for you a remnant
Genesis 45:16 pleased Pharaoh well: Heb. was good in the eyes of Pharaoh
Genesis 45:20 regard not your stuff: Heb. let not your eye spare, etc
Genesis 45:21 commandment: Heb. mouth
Genesis 45:23 laden: Heb. carrying
Genesis 45:26 Jacob’s: Heb. his
Genesis 46:20 priest: Or, prince
Genesis 46:26 loins: Heb. thigh
Genesis 46:32 their trade hath been to feed cattle: Heb. they are men of cattle
Genesis 47:8 How old art thou?: Heb. How many are the days of the years of thy life?
Genesis 47:12 according to their families: Or, as a little child is nourished. Heb. according to the little ones
Genesis 47:17 he fed them: Heb. led them
Genesis 47:22 priests: Or, Princes
Genesis 47:26 priests: Or, Princes
Genesis 47:28 the whole age of Jacob: Heb. the days of the years of his life
Genesis 48:10 dim: Heb. heavy
Genesis 48:16 into a multitude: Heb. as fishes do increase
Genesis 48:17 displeased…: was evil in his eyes
Genesis 48:19 multitude: Heb. fullness
Genesis 49:4 thou shalt not excell: Heb. do not thou excell
Genesis 49:4 he went up to my couch: Or, my couch is gone
Genesis 49:5 instruments of cruelty: Or, their swords are weapons of violence
Genesis 49:6 digged down a wall: Or houghed oxen
Genesis 49:17 an adder: Heb. an arrow snake
Genesis 49:22 branches: Heb. daughters
Genesis 50:3 mourned: Heb. wept
Genesis 50:11 Abelmizraim: that is, the mourning of the Egyptians
Genesis 50:16 sent: Heb. charged
Genesis 50:21 kindly unto them: Heb. to their hearts
Exodus 1:5 loins: Heb. thigh
Exodus 1:12 But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied: Heb. and as they afflicted them, so they multiplied, etc
Exodus 2:10 Moses: that is, Drawn out
Exodus 2:14 a prince and a judge: Heb. A man a Prince
Exodus 2:16 priest: Or, Prince
Exodus 2:25 had respect: Heb. knew
Exodus 3:19 no not by a mighty hand: Or, but by strong hand
Exodus 3:22 the Egyptians: Or, Egypt
Exodus 4:9 shall become: Heb. shall be and shall be
Exodus 4:10 eloquent: Heb. a man of words
Exodus 4:10 nor since thou hast: Heb. since yesterday nor since the third day
Exodus 4:13 wilt: Or, shouldest
Exodus 4:25 stone: Or, knife
Exodus 4:25 cast it: Heb. made it touch
Exodus 5:9 Let there more work be laid upon the men: Heb. let the work be heavy upon the men
Exodus 5:13 daily tasks: Heb. a matter of a day in his day
Exodus 5:21 to be abhorred: Heb. to stink
Exodus 5:23 neither hast thou delivered: Heb. delivering thou hast not delivered
Exodus 6:8 swear: Heb. lift up my hand
Exodus 6:9 anguish: Heb. shortness, or, straitness
Exodus 7:19 pools of water: Heb. gathering of their waters
Exodus 8:3 kneadingtroughs: Or, dough
Exodus 8:9 Glory over me: Or, have this honour over me, etc
Exodus 8:9 when shall I entreat: Or, against when
Exodus 8:9 destroy: Heb. to cut off
Exodus 8:10 Tomorrow: Or, Against tomorrow
Exodus 8:21 swarms of flies: Or, a mixture of noisome beasts, etc
Exodus 8:23 a division: Heb. a redemption
Exodus 8:23 tomorrow: Or, by tomorrow
Exodus 8:24 corrupted: Or, destroyed
Exodus 9:16 raised thee up: Heb. made thee stand
Exodus 9:21 regarded not: Heb. set not his heart unto
Exodus 9:28 mighty thunderings: Heb. voices of God
Exodus 9:32 not grown: Heb. hidden Or, dark
Exodus 9:35 by Moses: Heb. by the hand of Moses
Exodus 10:5 face: Heb. eye
Exodus 10:8 who: Heb. who & who etc
Exodus 10:16 called for: Heb. hastened to call
Exodus 10:19 cast: Heb. fastened
Exodus 10:21 even darkness which may be felt: Heb. that one may feel darkness
Exodus 10:25 us: Heb. into our hands
Exodus 11:8 that follow thee: Heb. that is at thy feet
Exodus 11:8 a great anger: Heb. heat of anger
Exodus 12:3 lamb: Or, kid
Exodus 12:5 of the first year: Heb. son of a year
Exodus 12:6 in the evening: Heb. between the two evenings
Exodus 12:12 gods: Or, princes
Exodus 12:13 to destroy: Heb. for a destruction
Exodus 12:16 man: Heb. soul
Exodus 12:21 lamb: Or, kid
Exodus 12:29 dungeon: Heb. house of the pit
Exodus 12:34 kneadingtroughs: Or, dough
Exodus 12:38 a mixed multitude: Heb. a great mixture
Exodus 12:42 a night to be much observed: Heb. a night of observations
Exodus 12:47 keep it: Heb. do it
Exodus 13:3 bondage: Heb. servants
Exodus 13:12 set apart: Heb. cause to pass over
Exodus 13:13 lamb: Or, kid
Exodus 13:14 in time to come: Heb. tomorrow
Exodus 13:18 harnessed: Or, by five in a rank
Exodus 14:13 for the Egyptians whom ye have seen today: Or, For whereas you have seen the Egyptians today, etc.
Exodus 14:25 that they drave them heavily: Or, made them to go heavily
Exodus 14:27 overthrew: Heb. shook off
Exodus 14:31 work: Heb. hand
Exodus 15:9 destroy: Or, repossess
Exodus 15:11 gods?: Or, mighty ones?
Exodus 15:23 Marah: that is, Bitterness
Exodus 16:4 a certain rate every day: Heb. the portion of a day in his day
Exodus 16:15 It is Manna: Or, what is this? or it is a portion
Exodus 16:16 for every man: Heb. by the pole or head
Exodus 16:16 persons: Heb. souls
Exodus 17:7 Massah: that is, Temptation
Exodus 17:7 Meribah: That is, Chiding, or, strife
Exodus 17:9 Joshua: called Jesus, Acts. 7.45
Exodus 17:15 JEHOVAH Nissi: that is, The LORD my banner
Exodus 17:16 Because the LORD hath sworn that the LORD will have war with Amalek: Or, because the hand of Amalek is against the throne of the LORD, therefore etc. Heb. The hand upon the throne of the Lord
Exodus 18:3 Gershom: that is, A stranger there
Exodus 18:4 Eliezer: that is, my God is an help
Exodus 18:7 welfare: Heb. peace
Exodus 18:8 come upon them: Heb. found them
Exodus 18:16 one and another: Heb. a man and his fellow
Exodus 18:18 Thou wilt surely wear away: Heb. Fading thou wilt fade
Exodus 19:13 trumpet: Or, Cornet
Exodus 19:21 charge: Heb. contest
Exodus 20:2 bondage: Heb. servants
Exodus 20:25 build it of hewen stone: Heb. build them with hewing
Exodus 21:3 by himself: Heb. with his body
Exodus 21:5 shall plainly say: Heb. saying shall say
Exodus 21:8 please not her master: Heb. be evil in the eyes of, etc
Exodus 21:17 curseth: Or, revileth
Exodus 21:18 another: Or, his neighbour
Exodus 21:19 the loss: ceasing
Exodus 21:20 punished: Heb. avenged
Exodus 22:1 sheep: Or, goat
Exodus 22:17 pay: Heb. weigh
Exodus 22:28 Gods: Or, judges
Exodus 22:29 first: Heb. thy fullness
Exodus 22:29 liquors: Heb. Teare
Exodus 23:1 raise: Or, receive
Exodus 23:2 speak: Heb. answer
Exodus 23:5 and wouldest forbear to help him, thou shalt surely help with him: Or, wilt thou cease to help him? Or, etc wouldest cease to leave thy business for him, thou shalt surely leave it to join with him
Exodus 23:8 the wise: Heb. the seeing
Exodus 23:9 heart: Heb. soul
Exodus 23:11 oliveyard: Or, olive trees
Exodus 23:18 sacrifice: Or, feast
Exodus 23:22 an adversary unto thine adversaries: Or, I will afflict them that afflict thee
Exodus 23:27 backs: Heb. necks
Exodus 25:2 bring me: Heb. take for me
Exodus 25:2 offering: Or, heave offering
Exodus 25:3 linen: Or, silk
Exodus 25:19 of the Mercy seat: Or, of the matter of the Mercy seat
Exodus 25:29 to cover withall: Or, to power out withall
Exodus 25:37 shall light: Or, cause to ascend
Exodus 25:37 it: Heb. the face of it
Exodus 25:40 which was showed thee: Heb. which thou wast caused to see
Exodus 26:1 of cunning work shalt thou make them: Heb. the work of a cunning workman, or embroiderer
Exodus 26:11 tent: Or, covering
Exodus 26:13 of that which remaineth: Heb. in the remainder or surplusage
Exodus 26:17 tenons: Heb. hands
Exodus 26:24 coupled: Heb. twinned
Exodus 27:8 it was shewed: Heb. he shewed
Exodus 27:18 fifty: Heb. fifty by fifty
Exodus 27:20 to burn: Heb. to ascend up
Exodus 28:8 curious: Or, embroidered
Exodus 28:17 set in it settings of stones: Heb. fill in it fillings of stone
Exodus 28:17 Sarius: Or, Ruby
Exodus 28:20 inclosings: Heb. fillings
Exodus 28:33 hem: Or, skirts
Exodus 28:41 consecrate: Heb. fill their hand
Exodus 28:42 their nakedness: Heb. flesh of their nakedness
Exodus 28:42 reach: Heb. be
Exodus 29:9 put: Heb. bind
Exodus 29:9 consecrate: Heb. fill the hand of
Exodus 29:13 the caul: it seemeth by anatomy, and the Hebrew doctors, to be the midriff
Exodus 29:17 unto: Or, upon
Exodus 29:24 wave: Or, shake to and fro
Exodus 29:30 that son: Heb. he of his sons
Exodus 29:43 the Tabernacle: Or, Israel
Exodus 30:3 top: Heb. the roof and the walls
Exodus 30:3 sides: Heb. walls
Exodus 30:4 corners: Heb. ribs
Exodus 30:7 sweet incense: Heb. incense of spices
Exodus 30:8 lighteth: Or, setteth up, Heb. causeth to ascend
Exodus 30:8 at even: Heb. between the two evens
Exodus 30:12 their number: Heb. them that are to be numbered
Exodus 30:15 give more: Heb. multiply
Exodus 30:15 give less: Heb. diminish
Exodus 30:25 Apothecary: Or, perfumer
Exodus 30:35 tempered: Heb. salted
Exodus 31:7 furniture: Heb. vessels
Exodus 31:15 holy: Heb. holiness
Exodus 32:11 the LORD: Heb. the face of the LORD
Exodus 32:18 being overcome: Heb. weakness
Exodus 32:25 their enemies: Heb. those that rose up against them
Exodus 32:29 For Moses had said, Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, even every man upon his son, and upon his brother: Or, And Moses said, Consecrate yourselves today to the LORD, because every man hath been against his son, and against his brother, etc
Exodus 32:29 Consecrate: Heb. fill your hands
Exodus 34:13 images: Heb. statues
Exodus 34:20 lamb: Or, kid
Exodus 34:22 years end: Heb. revolution of the year
Exodus 34:28 commandments: Heb. words
Exodus 35:2 holy: Heb. holiness
Exodus 36:29 coupled: Heb. twinned
Exodus 36:30 every board two sockets: Heb. two sockets, two sockets under one board
Exodus 36:37 of needlework: Heb. the work of a needleworker Or, embroiderer
Exodus 37:8 on the end: Or, out of, etc
Exodus 37:8 on the other: Or, out of, etc
Exodus 37:16 to cover withall: Or, to pour out withal
Exodus 38:8 lookingglasses: Or, brasen glasses
Exodus 38:8 assembling: Heb. assembling by troups
Exodus 38:26 every man: Heb. a poll
Exodus 39:10 Sardius: Or, Ruby
Exodus 39:38 the sweet incense: Heb. the incense of sweet spices
Exodus 40:4 the things that are: Heb. the order thereof
Exodus 40:10 most Holy: Heb. Holiness of Holinesses
Exodus 40:36 went onward: Heb. journeyed
Leviticus 1:15 wring off his head: Or, pinch off the head with the nail
Leviticus 1:16 his feathers: Or, the filth thereof
Leviticus 2:5 in a pan: Or, on a flat plate Or, slice
Leviticus 2:12 be burnt: Heb. ascend
Leviticus 3:3 fat: Or, suet
Leviticus 3:4 caul above the liver with the kidneys: Or, midriff over the liver, and over the kidneys
Leviticus 4:12 without the camp: Heb. To without the camp
Leviticus 4:12 where the ashes are poured: Heb. at the pouring out of the ashes
Leviticus 4:27 any one: Heb. any soul
Leviticus 4:27 common people: Heb. people of the land
Leviticus 5:7 he be not able to bring a lamb: Heb. his hand cannot reach to the sufficiency of a lamb
Leviticus 5:10 manner: Or, ordinance
Leviticus 6:2 in fellowship: Or, in dealing
Leviticus 6:2 violence: putting of the hand
Leviticus 6:5 in the day of his trespass: Or, in the day of his being found guilty: Heb. in the day of his trespass
Leviticus 6:9 because of the burning: Or, for the burning
Leviticus 7:9 in the pan: Or, on the flat plate, or, slice
Leviticus 7:24 beast that dieth: Heb. carcase
Leviticus 8:13 put bonnets: Heb. bound
Leviticus 9:16 manner: Or, ordinance
Leviticus 9:17 took an handfull thereof: Heb. filled his hand out of it
Leviticus 11:36 wherein there is plenty of water: Heb. a gathering together of waters
Leviticus 11:42 hath more feet: Heb. doth multiply feet
Leviticus 11:43 selves: Heb. souls
Leviticus 12:6 first year: Heb. son of his year
Leviticus 12:8 she be not able to bring: Heb. her hand find not sufficiency of
Leviticus 13:2 rising: Or, swelling
Leviticus 13:10 quick raw flesh: Heb. the quickening of living flesh
Leviticus 13:24 a hot burning: Heb. a burning of fire
Leviticus 13:40 hair is fallen: Heb. head is pilled
Leviticus 13:48 thing made of: Heb. work of
Leviticus 13:49 thing of skin: Heb. vessel, or, instrument
Leviticus 13:55 bare within or without: Heb. whether it be bald in the head thereof, or in the forehead thereof
Leviticus 14:4 birds: Or, sparrows
Leviticus 14:7 into the open field: Heb. upon the face of the field
Leviticus 14:10 the first year: Heb. the daughter of her years
Leviticus 14:21 cannot get so much: Heb. his hand reach not
Leviticus 14:21 to be waved: Heb. for a waving
Leviticus 14:36 empty: Or, prepare
Leviticus 14:48 shall come in: Heb. in coming in, shall come in, etc
Leviticus 14:57 when it is unclean, and when it is clean: Heb. in the day of the unclean, and in the day of the clean
Leviticus 15:2 running issue: Or, running of the reins
Leviticus 15:4 thing: Heb. vessel
Leviticus 15:19 put apart: Heb. in her separation
Leviticus 16:8 scapegoat: Heb. Azazel
Leviticus 16:9 fell: Heb. went up
Leviticus 16:16 remaineth: Heb. dwelleth
Leviticus 16:21 a fit man: Heb. a man of opportunity
Leviticus 16:21 not inhabited: Heb. of separation
Leviticus 16:32 consecrate: Heb. fill his hand
Leviticus 17:13 which hunteth and catcheth: Heb. that hunteth any hunting
Leviticus 17:15 that which died: Heb. a carcase
Leviticus 19:17 and not suffer sin upon him: Or, that thou bear not sin for him
Leviticus 19:20 betrothed: Or, abused by any. Heb. reproached by (or, for) man
Leviticus 19:20 she shall be scourged: Or, they. Heb. there shall be a scourging
Leviticus 19:24 holy to praise the LORD: Holiness of praises to the LORD
Leviticus 19:29 prostitute: Heb. profane
Leviticus 19:33 vex: Or, oppress
Leviticus 19:36 weights: Heb. stones
Leviticus 20:18 discovered: Heb. made naked
Leviticus 20:19 uncovereth: Heb. hath made naked
Leviticus 20:21 an unclean thing: Heb. a separation
Leviticus 20:25 creepeth: Or, moveth
Leviticus 21:4 being a chief man among his people, to profane himself: Or, being an husband among his people he shall not defile himself for his wife etc.
Leviticus 21:17 bread: Or, food
Leviticus 21:20 dwarf: Or, too slender
Leviticus 22:4 running issue: Heb. running of the reins
Leviticus 22:11 with his money: Heb. with the purchase of his money
Leviticus 22:12 a stranger: Heb. a man a stranger
Leviticus 22:16 suffer them to bear the iniquity of trespass, when they eat: Or, lade themselves with the iniquity of trespass in their eating
Leviticus 22:21 sheep: Or, goats
Leviticus 22:23 lamb: Or, kid
Leviticus 22:28 ewe: Or, she goat
Leviticus 23:10 sheaf: Or, handful: Heb. an Omer
Leviticus 23:32 celebrate: Heb. rest
Leviticus 23:36 solemn: Heb. day of restraint
Leviticus 23:40 boughs: Heb. fruit
Leviticus 24:2 to burn: Heb. to cause to ascend
Leviticus 24:12 that the mind of the LORD might be shewed them: Heb. to expound unto them according to the mouth of the LORD
Leviticus 24:17 killeth any man: Heb. smiteth the life of a man
Leviticus 24:18 beast for beast: Heb. life for life
Leviticus 25:2 keep: Heb. rest
Leviticus 25:5 of thy vine undressed: Heb. of thy separations
Leviticus 25:9 of the jubilee to sound: Heb. loud of sound
Leviticus 25:23 forever: Or, to be quite cut off. Heb. for cutting off
Leviticus 25:26 himself be able to redeem it: Heb. his hand hath attained and found sufficiency
Leviticus 25:31 they may be redeemed: Heb. redemption belongeth unto it
Leviticus 25:33 a man purchase of the Levites: Or, one of the Levites redeem them
Leviticus 25:33 relieve him: Heb. strengthen
Leviticus 25:35 fallen in decay: Heb. his hand faileth
Leviticus 25:39 compel him to serve as a bondservant: Heb. serve thyself with him with the service, etc.
Leviticus 25:42 as bond men: Heb. with the sale of a bondman
Leviticus 25:46 they shall be your bondmen: Heb. ye shall serve yourselves with them
Leviticus 25:47 wax rich: Heb. his hand obtain, etc
Leviticus 25:54 in these years: Or, by these means
Leviticus 26:1 standing image: Or, pillar
Leviticus 26:1 Image of stone: Or, figured stone. Heb. a stone of picture
Leviticus 26:6 rid: Heb. cause to cease
Leviticus 26:16 over you: Heb. upon you
Leviticus 26:21 contrary unto me: Or, at all adventures with me, etc. so verse 24
Leviticus 26:36 shaken: Heb. driven
Leviticus 27:12 valuest it who art the Priest: Heb. according to thy estimation, O Priest, etc.
Leviticus 27:16 An Homer: Or, the land of an Homer, etc.
Leviticus 27:26 firstling: Heb. first born, etc.
Numbers 2:2 far off: Heb. over against
Numbers 3:3 whom he consecrated: Heb. whose hand he filled
Numbers 3:16 word: Heb. mouth
Numbers 3:36 under the custody and charge: Heb. the office of the charge
Numbers 4:7 cover withall: Or, pour out withal
Numbers 4:14 basons: Or, bowls
Numbers 4:23 to perform the service: Heb. to war the warfare
Numbers 4:24 burdens: Or, carriage
Numbers 4:27 appointment: Heb. mouth
Numbers 4:30 service: Heb. warfare
Numbers 5:9 offering: Or, heave offering
Numbers 5:19 with another instead of thy husband: Or, being in the power of thy husband. Heb. under thy husband
Numbers 5:21 rot: Heb. fall
Numbers 6:2 separate themselves to vow a vow of a Nazarite: Or, to make themselves Nazarites
Numbers 6:4 separation: Or, Nazariteship
Numbers 6:4 vine tree: Heb. vine of the wine
Numbers 6:7 consecration: Heb. separation
Numbers 6:12 lost: Heb. fall
Numbers 7:2 and were over them: Heb. who stood
Numbers 7:89 him: i. God
Numbers 8:7 let them shave: Heb. let them cause a razor to pass over, etc
Numbers 8:11 offer: Heb. wave
Numbers 8:11 offering: Heb. wave offering
Numbers 8:11 they may execute: Heb. they may be to execute, etc.
Numbers 8:19 a gift: Heb. given
Numbers 8:25 cease waiting upon the service: Heb. return from the warfare of the service
Numbers 9:3 at even: Heb. between the two evenings
Numbers 9:19 tarried long: Heb. prolonged
Numbers 9:21 abode: Heb. was
Numbers 10:21 the other: That is, the Gershorates, and the Merarites, See v. 17
Numbers 10:28 Thus: Heb. These
Numbers 10:36 many thousands: Heb. ten thousand thousands
Numbers 11:1 complained: Or, were as it were complainers…
Numbers 11:1 it displeased the: Heb. it was evil in the eyes of etc.
Numbers 11:2 was quenched: Heb. sunk
Numbers 11:3 Taberah: that is, a burning
Numbers 11:4 fell a lusting: Heb. lusted a lust
Numbers 11:4 also wept again: Heb. returned and wept
Numbers 11:7 color thereof as the color: Heb. eye of it, as the eye of
Numbers 11:20 whole month: Heb. month of days
Numbers 11:31 as it were a days journey: Heb. as it were the way of a day
Numbers 11:34 Kibrothhattaavah: that is, The graves of lust
Numbers 11:35 abode at: Heb. they were in, etc.
Numbers 12:1 Ethiopian: Or, Cushite
Numbers 12:1 married: Heb. taken
Numbers 13:23 brook: Or, valley
Numbers 13:24 brook: Or, valley
Numbers 13:24 Eschol: i. a cluster of grapes
Numbers 13:32 men of a great stature: Heb. men of statures
Numbers 14:9 defence: Heb. shadow
Numbers 14:19 until now: Or, hitherto
Numbers 14:23 Surely they shall not see the land: Heb. if they see the land
Numbers 14:30 sware: Heb. lifted up my hand
Numbers 14:33 wander: Or, feed
Numbers 14:34 breach of promise: Or, altering of my purpose
Numbers 15:3 performing: Heb. separating
Numbers 15:24 without the knowledge: Heb. from the eyes
Numbers 15:24 manner: Or, ordinance
Numbers 15:29 sinneth: Heb. doeth
Numbers 15:30 presumptuously: Heb. with an high hand
Numbers 16:3 ye take too much upon you: Heb. it is much for you
Numbers 16:14 put out: Heb. boare out
Numbers 16:29 the common death of all men: Heb. as every man dieth
Numbers 16:30 make a new thing: Heb. create a creature
Numbers 17:6 a rod a piece, for each Prince one: Heb. a rod for one prince, a rod for one prince
Numbers 17:10 rebels: Heb. children of rebellion
Numbers 18:12 best: Heb. fat
Numbers 18:22 and die: Heb. to die
Numbers 18:29 best: Heb. fat
Numbers 19:11 man: Heb. soul
Numbers 19:17 ashes: Heb. dust
Numbers 19:17 running water shall be put: Heb. living waters shall be given
Numbers 20:13 Meribah: that is, strife
Numbers 20:14 befallen…: Heb. found us
Numbers 20:24 word: Heb. mouth
Numbers 21:3 Hormah: that is, utter destruction
Numbers 21:4 discouraged: Or, grieved. Heb. shortened
Numbers 21:11 Ijeabarim: Or, heaps of Abarim
Numbers 21:14 What he did in the Red sea: Or, Vaheb in Suphah
Numbers 21:15 lieth: Heb. leaneth
Numbers 21:17 Spring up: Heb. ascend
Numbers 21:17 sing: Or, answer
Numbers 21:20 country: Heb. field
Numbers 21:20 Pisgah: Or, hill
Numbers 21:20 Jeshimon: Or, the wilderness
Numbers 21:25 villages: Heb. daughters
Numbers 22:5 face: Heb. eye
Numbers 22:11 I shall be able to overcome them: Heb. I shall prevail in fighting against him
Numbers 22:16 Let nothing, I pray thee, hinder thee from: Heb. Be not thou letted from etc.
Numbers 22:30 upon which thou hast ridden: Heb. who hast ridden upon me
Numbers 22:30 ever since I was thine: Or, ever since thou wast, etc.
Numbers 22:31 fell flat: Bowed himself
Numbers 22:32 to withstand thee: Heb. to be an adversary unto thee
Numbers 22:34 displease: Heb. be evil in thine eyes
Numbers 22:39 Kirjathhuzoth: Or, a city of streets
Numbers 23:3 he went to: Or, he went solitary
Numbers 23:10 me die the death: Heb. my soul, or my life
Numbers 23:14 Pisgah: Or, the hill
Numbers 23:23 against: Or, in
Numbers 24:1 to seek for enchantments: Heb. to the meeting of enchantments
Numbers 24:3 whose eyes are open: Heb. who had his eyes shut, but now open
Numbers 24:17 smite the corners of Moab: Or, smite through the princes of Moab
Numbers 24:20 the first of the nations: the nations that warred against Israel, Exod. 17
Numbers 24:20 shall be, that he perish forever: Or, shall be even to the destruction
Numbers 24:22 the Kenite: Heb. Kain
Numbers 24:22 until Ashur shall carry thee away captive: Or, how long shall it be ere Ashur carry thee away captive
Numbers 25:14 a chief house: Heb. house of a father
Numbers 26:54 give the more inheritance: Heb. multiply his inheritance
Numbers 26:54 give the less inheritance: Heb. diminish his inheritance
Numbers 27:4 done away: Heb. diminished
Numbers 28:2 a sweet unto me: Heb. a savour of my rest
Numbers 28:3 day by day: Heb. in a day
Numbers 28:4 at even: Heb. between the two evenings
Numbers 29:39 do: Or, offer
Numbers 30:2 break: Heb. profane
Numbers 30:6 she vowed: Heb. her vows were upon her
Numbers 31:4 of every tribe a thousand: Heb. a thousand of a tribe, a thousand of a tribe
Numbers 31:14 battle: Heb. host of war
Numbers 31:17 him: Heb. a male
Numbers 31:20 made of skins: Heb. instrument or vessel of skins
Numbers 31:26 that was taken: Heb. of the captivity
Numbers 31:30 flocks: Or, goats
Numbers 31:49 charge: Heb. hand
Numbers 31:50 gotten: Heb. found
Numbers 31:52 offering: Heb. heave offering
Numbers 32:7 discourage: Heb. break
Numbers 32:11 wholly followed me: Heb. fulfilled after me
Numbers 32:38 gave other names unto the cities: Heb. they called by names the names of the cities
Numbers 33:16 Kibrothhattaavah: that is, the graves of lust
Numbers 33:44 Ijeabarim: Or, heaps of Abarim
Numbers 33:49 Abelshittim: Or, the plains of Shittim
Numbers 33:54 give the more inheritance: Heb. multiply his inheritance
Numbers 33:54 give the less inheritance: Heb. diminish his inheritance
Numbers 34:11 side: Heb. shoulder
Numbers 35:6 add: Heb. above them ye shall give
Numbers 35:8 he inheriteth: Heb. they inherit
Numbers 35:11 at unawares: Heb. by error
Numbers 35:17 with throwing a stone: Heb. with a stone of the hand
Numbers 35:27 shall not be guilty of blood: Heb. no blood shall be to him
Numbers 35:31 guilty of death: Heb. faulty to die
Numbers 35:33 land cannot be cleansed: Heb. there can be no expiation for the land
Numbers 36:3 whereinto they are received: Heb. unto whom they shall be
Numbers 36:6 marry: Heb. be wives
Numbers 36:7 keep himself: Heb. cleave to the, etc
Numbers 36:12 into the families: Heb. to some that were of the families
Deuteronomy 1:1 the Red sea: Or, Zuph
Deuteronomy 1:7 all the places: Heb. all his neighbours
Deuteronomy 1:8 set: Heb. given
Deuteronomy 1:13 Take: Heb. Give
Deuteronomy 1:15 made: Heb. gave
Deuteronomy 1:17 respect persons: Heb. acknowledge faces
Deuteronomy 1:28 discouraged: Heb. melted
Deuteronomy 1:36 wholly followed: Heb. fulfilled to go after
Deuteronomy 1:43 went presumptuously: Heb. you were presumptuous, and went up
Deuteronomy 2:5 no not so much as a foot breadth: Heb. even to the treading of the sole of the foot
Deuteronomy 2:9 Distress not the Moabites: Or, use no hostility against Moab
Deuteronomy 2:12 succeeded them: Heb. inherited them
Deuteronomy 2:12 stead: Or, room
Deuteronomy 2:13 brook: Or, valley
Deuteronomy 2:24 begin to possess it: Heb. begin, possess
Deuteronomy 2:34 men, and the women, and the little ones: Heb. every city of men and women and little ones
Deuteronomy 3:17 Ashdothpisgah: Or, under the springs of Pisgah, or, the hill
Deuteronomy 3:18 meet for the war: Heb. sons of power
Deuteronomy 3:27 Pisgah: Or, the hill
Deuteronomy 4:11 midst: Heb. heart
Deuteronomy 4:12 only ye heard a voice: Heb. save a voice
Deuteronomy 4:19 divided: Or, imparted
Deuteronomy 4:30 are come upon thee: Heb. have found thee
Deuteronomy 5:1 keep and do them: Heb. keep to do them
Deuteronomy 5:6 bondage: Heb. servants
Deuteronomy 5:25 hear: Heb. add to hear
Deuteronomy 6:1 go: Heb. pass over
Deuteronomy 6:7 teach: Heb. whet or sharpen
Deuteronomy 6:12 bondage: Heb. bondmen or servants
Deuteronomy 6:20 in time to come: Heb. tomorrow
Deuteronomy 6:22 sore: Heb. evil
Deuteronomy 7:5 images: Heb. statues, or pillars
Deuteronomy 7:12 if: Heb. because
Deuteronomy 7:22 put out: Heb. pluck off
Deuteronomy 7:23 unto thee: Heb. before thy face
Deuteronomy 8:8 of oil olive: Heb. of olive tree of oil
Deuteronomy 10:4 Commandments: Heb. words
Deuteronomy 10:10 first time, forty days: Or, forty days
Deuteronomy 10:11 take thy journey: Heb. go in journey
Deuteronomy 11:6 substance: Or, living substance which followed them
Deuteronomy 11:6 was in their possession: Heb. was at their feet
Deuteronomy 11:12 careth: Heb. seeketh
Deuteronomy 11:15 send: Heb. give
Deuteronomy 12:2 possess: Or, inherit
Deuteronomy 12:3 overthrow: Heb. break down
Deuteronomy 12:11 your choice vows: Heb. the choice of your vows
Deuteronomy 12:19 long as thou livest: Heb. all thy days
Deuteronomy 12:23 be sure: Heb. be strong
Deuteronomy 12:29 succeedest them: Heb. inheritest or possessest them
Deuteronomy 12:30 by following them: Heb. after them
Deuteronomy 12:31 abomination to the: Heb. abomination of the
Deuteronomy 13:5 spoken to turn you away from the LORD: Heb. spoken revolt against the LORD
Deuteronomy 13:10 bondage: Heb. bondmen
Deuteronomy 13:13 the children: Or, naughty men
Deuteronomy 13:13 cursed: Or, devoted
Deuteronomy 14:5 Pygarg: Or, Bison. Heb. Dishon
Deuteronomy 14:26 desireth: Heb. asketh of thee
Deuteronomy 15:2 creditor that lendeth: Heb. master of the lending of his hand
Deuteronomy 15:4 Save when there shall be no poor among you: Or, to the end that there be no poor among you
Deuteronomy 15:9 thought: Heb. word
Deuteronomy 15:9 wicked: Heb. Belial
Deuteronomy 16:5 sacrifice: Or, kill
Deuteronomy 16:8 solemn assembly: Heb. restraint
Deuteronomy 16:10 a tribute: Or, sufficiency
Deuteronomy 16:13 corn, and thy wine: Heb. floor and thy winepress
Deuteronomy 16:17 as he is able: Heb. according to the gift of his hand
Deuteronomy 16:19 words: Or, matters
Deuteronomy 16:20 altogether just: Heb. justice, justice
Deuteronomy 16:22 image: Or, statue, or pillar
Deuteronomy 17:1 sheep: Or, goat
Deuteronomy 17:12 and will not hearken: Heb. not to hearken
Deuteronomy 18:8 that which cometh of the sale of his partimony: Heb. his sales by the fathers
Deuteronomy 18:13 perfect: Or, upright or sincere
Deuteronomy 18:14 possess: Or, inherit
Deuteronomy 19:1 succeedest: Heb. inheritest, or possessest
Deuteronomy 19:4 in time past: Heb. from yesterday the third day
Deuteronomy 19:5 head: Heb. iron
Deuteronomy 19:5 helve: Heb. wood
Deuteronomy 19:5 lighteth: Heb. findeth
Deuteronomy 19:6 slay him: Heb. smite him in life
Deuteronomy 19:6 in time past: Heb. from yesterday, third day
Deuteronomy 19:11 mortally: Heb. in life
Deuteronomy 19:16 against: Or, falling away
Deuteronomy 20:3 faint: Heb. be tender
Deuteronomy 20:3 tremble: Heb. make haste
Deuteronomy 20:6 eaten of it: Heb. made it common
Deuteronomy 20:8 faint: Heb. melt
Deuteronomy 20:9 to lead the people: Heb. to be in the head of the people
Deuteronomy 20:14 take: Heb. spoil
Deuteronomy 20:19 for the tree of the field mans life: Or, for, O man the tree of the field is to be employed in the seige
Deuteronomy 20:19 to employ them: Heb. to go from before thee
Deuteronomy 20:20 it be subdued: Heb. it come down
Deuteronomy 21:5 word: Heb. mouth
Deuteronomy 21:8 unto thy people: Heb. in the midst
Deuteronomy 21:12 pare: Or, suffer to grow. Heb. make or dress
Deuteronomy 21:17 that he hath: Heb. that is found with him
Deuteronomy 21:23 accursed of God: Heb. the curse of God
Deuteronomy 22:9 fruit of thy seed: Heb. fullness of the seed
Deuteronomy 22:12 quarters: Heb. wings
Deuteronomy 22:25 force her: Or, take strong hold of her
Deuteronomy 23:6 prosperity: Heb. good
Deuteronomy 23:11 cometh: Heb. turneth toward
Deuteronomy 23:13 wilt ease: Heb. sitteth down
Deuteronomy 23:14 unclean thing: Heb. nakedness of any thing
Deuteronomy 23:16 liketh him best: Heb. is good for him
Deuteronomy 23:17 whore: Or, sodomitess
Deuteronomy 24:1 some uncleanness: Heb. matter of nakedness
Deuteronomy 24:1 divorcement: Heb. cutting off
Deuteronomy 24:5 neither shall he be charged: Heb. not any thing shall pass upon him
Deuteronomy 24:10 lend thy brother any thing: Heb. lend the loan of any thing to, etc
Deuteronomy 24:15 setteth his heart upon it: Heb. lifteth his soul unto it
Deuteronomy 24:20 go over the boughes again: Heb. thou shalt not bough it after thee
Deuteronomy 24:21 afterward: Heb. after thee
Deuteronomy 25:5 husbands brother: Or, next kinseman
Deuteronomy 25:7 brothers wife: Or, next kinsemans wife
Deuteronomy 25:13 divers weights: Heb. a stone and a stone
Deuteronomy 25:14 divers measures: Heb. an Ephah, and an Ephah
Deuteronomy 27:13 to curse: Heb. for a cursing
Deuteronomy 28:5 store: Or, dough, or, kneadingtroughs
Deuteronomy 28:8 storehouses: Or, barns
Deuteronomy 28:11 in goods: Or, for good
Deuteronomy 28:11 body: Heb. belly
Deuteronomy 28:20 for to thee: Heb. which thou wouldst do
Deuteronomy 28:22 sword: Or, drought
Deuteronomy 28:25 removed: Heb. for a removing
Deuteronomy 28:30 gather the grapes thereof: Heb. prophane, or use it as common meat
Deuteronomy 28:31 shall not be restored to thee: Heb. shall not return to thee, etc.
Deuteronomy 28:41 thou shalt not enjoy them: Heb. they shall not be thine
Deuteronomy 28:42 consume: Or, possess
Deuteronomy 28:49 understand: Heb. hear
Deuteronomy 28:50 of fierce countenance: Heb. strong of face
Deuteronomy 28:53 body: Heb. belly
Deuteronomy 28:57 young one: Heb. afterbirth
Deuteronomy 28:61 bring upon: Heb. cause to ascend
Deuteronomy 29:12 enter: Heb. pass
Deuteronomy 29:17 idols: Heb. dungy gods
Deuteronomy 29:18 gall: Or, a poisonfull herb. Heb. Rosh
Deuteronomy 29:19 imagination: Or, stubbornness
Deuteronomy 29:19 drunkenness to thirst: Heb. the drunken to the thirsty
Deuteronomy 29:21 are written: Heb. is written
Deuteronomy 29:22 which the Lord hath laid upon it: Heb. wherewith the LORD hath made it sick
Deuteronomy 29:26 whom he had not given unto them: Heb. divided. Or, who had not given to them any portion
Deuteronomy 31:16 sleep: Heb. lie down
Deuteronomy 31:17 befall: Heb. find them
Deuteronomy 31:21 against: Heb. before
Deuteronomy 31:21 go: Heb. do
Deuteronomy 32:5 They have corrupted themselves: Heb. he hath corrupted to himself
Deuteronomy 32:5 their spot is not the spot of his children: Or, that they are not his children, that is their blot
Deuteronomy 32:7 many generations: Heb. generation and generation
Deuteronomy 32:9 lot: Heb. cord
Deuteronomy 32:10 led him about: Or, compassed him about
Deuteronomy 32:17 not to God: Or, which were not God
Deuteronomy 32:19 abhorred: Or, despised
Deuteronomy 32:22 shall burn: Or, hath burned
Deuteronomy 32:22 shall consume: Or, hath consumed
Deuteronomy 32:24 burning heat: Heb. burning coals
Deuteronomy 32:25 within: Heb. from the chambers
Deuteronomy 32:25 destroy: Heb. bereave
Deuteronomy 32:25 our hand is high, and the LORD hath not done all this: Or, our high hand and not the LORD hath done all this
Deuteronomy 32:32 of the vine of Sodom: Or, is worse then the vine of Sodom
Deuteronomy 32:36 power: Heb. hand
Deuteronomy 32:38 your protection: Heb. an hiding for you
Deuteronomy 32:43 Rejoice, O ye nations: Or, Praise his people ye nations. Or, sing ye
Deuteronomy 32:44 Hoshea: Or, Joshua
Deuteronomy 32:25 Meribahkadesh: Or, strife at Kadesh
Deuteronomy 33:2 a fiery law: Heb. a fire of law
Deuteronomy 33:10 They shall teach: Or, let them teach, etc.
Deuteronomy 33:10 they shall put incense: Or, let them put incense
Deuteronomy 33:10 before thee: Heb. at thy nose
Deuteronomy 33:14 put forth: Heb. thrust forth
Deuteronomy 33:14 moon: Heb. moons
Deuteronomy 33:21 seated: Heb. cieled
Deuteronomy 33:25 Thy shoes: Or, under thy shoes shall be iron
Deuteronomy 33:29 shall be found liars: Or, shall be subdued
Deuteronomy 34:1 Pisgah: Or, Hill
Deuteronomy 34:7 natural: Heb. moisture
Deuteronomy 34:7 abated: Heb. fled
Joshua 1:6 unto this people shalt thou divide for an inheritance the land: Or, thou shalt cause this people to inherit the land, etc.
Joshua 1:7 prosper: Or, do wisely
Joshua 1:14 armed: Heb. marshalled by five
Joshua 2:1 lodged: Heb. lay
Joshua 2:9 faint: Heb. melt
Joshua 2:11 remain: rose up
Joshua 2:14 Our life for yours: Heb. instead of you to die
Joshua 2:18 bring: Heb. gather
Joshua 2:24 faint: Heb. melt
Joshua 3:4 heretofore: Heb. since yesterday and the third day
Joshua 4:6 in time to come: Heb. tomorrow
Joshua 4:13 prepared: Or, ready armed
Joshua 4:18 lift up: Heb. plucked up
Joshua 4:18 flowed over: Heb. went
Joshua 4:21 in time to come: Heb. tomorrow
Joshua 4:24 forever: Heb. all days
Joshua 5:2 sharp knives: Or, knives of flints
Joshua 5:3 the hill of the foreskins: Or, Gibeahharaloth
Joshua 5:8 when they had done circumcising all the people: Heb. when the people had made an end to be circumcised
Joshua 5:9 Gilgal: i. rolling
Joshua 5:14 captain: Or, Prince
Joshua 6:1 was straightly shut up: Heb. did shut up, and was shut up
Joshua 6:5 flat: Heb. under it
Joshua 6:9 rereward: Heb. gathering host
Joshua 6:10 make any noise with your voice: Heb. make your voice to be heard
Joshua 6:17 accursed: Or, devoted
Joshua 6:19 consecrated: Heb. holiness
Joshua 6:20 flat: Heb. under it
Joshua 6:23 kindred: Heb. families
Joshua 7:3 about two or three thousand men: Heb. about 2000 men. Or, about 3000 men
Joshua 7:5 going down: Or, in Morad
Joshua 7:8 backs: Heb. necks
Joshua 7:10 liest: Heb. fallest
Joshua 7:15 folly: Or, wickedness
Joshua 7:21 wedge: Heb. tongue
Joshua 7:23 laid: Heb. powered
Joshua 7:26 Achor: That is, trouble
Joshua 8:6 drawn: Heb. pulled
Joshua 8:12 of the city: Or, of Ai
Joshua 8:13 their liers: Heb. their lying in wait
Joshua 8:20 power: Heb. hand
Joshua 8:35 were conversant: Heb. walked
Joshua 9:2 accord: Heb. mouth
Joshua 9:11 with you: Heb. in your hand
Joshua 9:14 the men took of their victuals: Or, they received the men by reason of their victuals
Joshua 9:23 none of you be freed: Heb. not be cut off from you
Joshua 10:2 one of the royal cities: Heb. cities of the kingdom
Joshua 10:12 stand: Heb. be silent
Joshua 10:13 Iasher? Or, the upright?
Joshua 10:19 smite the hindmost: Heb. cut off the tail
Joshua 11:5 met together: Heb. assembled by appointment
Joshua 11:8 great Zidon: Or, Zidonrabbah
Joshua 11:8 Misrephothmaim: Or, salt pits. Heb. burning of waters
Joshua 11:11 any left to breathe: Heb. any breath
Joshua 11:13 in their strength: Heb. on their heap
Joshua 11:15 left nothing undone: Heb. he removed nothing
Joshua 11:17 the mount Halak: Or, the smooth mountain
Joshua 12:3 the South: Or, Teman
Joshua 12:3 Ashdothpisgah: Or, the springs of Pisgah, or the hill
Joshua 12:18 Lasharon: Or, Saron
Joshua 13:1 to be possesed: Heb. to possess it
Joshua 13:4 Mearah: Or, the cave
Joshua 13:17 Bamothbaal and Bethbaalmeon: Or, the high places of Baal, and house of Baalmeon
Joshua 13:20 Ashdothpisgah: Or, springs of Pisgah, or the hill
Joshua 13:22 soothsayer: Or, diviner
Joshua 14:10 wandered: Heb. walked
Joshua 15:2 bay: Heb. tongue
Joshua 15:3 Maalehacrabbim: Or, the going up to Acrabbim
Joshua 15:13 the city of Arba: Or, Kiriatharba
Joshua 15:36 and: Or, or
Joshua 15:46 near: Heb. by the place of
Joshua 15:53 Janum: Or, Janus
Joshua 16:1 fell: Heb. went forth
Joshua 17:9 river Kanah: Or, brook of reeds
Joshua 17:15 giants: Or, Rephaims
Joshua 18:18 Arabah: Or, the plain
Joshua 18:19 bay: Heb. tongue
Joshua 19:13 Methoar: Or, which is drawn
Joshua 19:29 Tyre: Heb. Tzor
Joshua 19:46 before: Or, over against
Joshua 19:46 Japho: Or, Joppa
Joshua 20:7 appointed: Heb. sanctified
Joshua 21:9 mentioned: Heb. called
Joshua 21:11 the city of Arbah: Or, Kiriatharbah
Joshua 22:14 chief house a prince: Heb. house of the father
Joshua 22:24 in time to come: Heb. tomorrow
Joshua 22:30 it pleased them: Heb. it was good in their eyes
Joshua 22:31 now: Heb. Then
Joshua 22:34 Ed: That is, a witness
Joshua 23:1 stricken in age: Heb. come into days
Joshua 23:4 Westward: Heb. at the sun set
Joshua 23:8 But cleave unto the: Or, for if you will cleave, etc.
Joshua 23:9 For the LORD hath driven out: Or, Then the LORD will drive
Joshua 23:11 selves: Heb. souls
Joshua 24:31 overlived Joshua: Heb. prolonged their days after Joshua
Joshua 24:32 pieces of silver: Or, lambs
Judges 1:7 their thumbs and their great toes: Heb. the thumbs of their hands and of their feet
Judges 1:7 gathered: Or, gleaned
Judges 1:9 valley: Or, low country
Judges 1:19 drave out the inhabitants of the mountain: Or, he possessed the mountain
Judges 1:35 prevailed: Heb. was heavy
Judges 1:36 the going up to Akrabbim: Or, MaaleAkrabbim
Judges 2:1 angel: Or, messenger
Judges 2:5 Bochim: that is, Weepers
Judges 2:7 outlived Joshua: Heb. prolonged days after Joshua
Judges 2:16 delivered: Heb. saved
Judges 2:19 corrupted themselves: Or, were corrupt
Judges 2:19 they ceased not from their own: Heb. they let nothing fall of their
Judges 2:23 left: Or, suffered
Judges 3:8 Mesopotamia: Heb. Aramnaharaim
Judges 3:9 deliverer: Heb. saviour
Judges 3:10 came upon: Heb. was
Judges 3:10 Mesopotamia: Heb. Aram
Judges 3:15 a Beniamite: Or, the son of Jemini
Judges 3:15 left handed: Heb. shut of his right hand
Judges 3:19 quarries: Or, graven images
Judges 3:20 a summer parlour: Heb. a parlour of cooling
Judges 3:22 dirt came out: Or, it came out at the fundament
Judges 3:24 covereth: Or, doeth his easement
Judges 3:29 lusty: Heb. fat
Judges 4:13 gathered together: Heb. gathered by cry or proclamation
Judges 4:16 a man: Heb. unto one
Judges 4:18 mantle: Or, rug, or blanket
Judges 4:21 took: Heb. put
Judges 4:24 prospered and prevailed: Heb. going, went and was hard
Judges 5:5 melted: Heb. flowed
Judges 5:6 travellers: Heb. walkers of paths
Judges 5:6 byways: Heb. crooked ways
Judges 5:10 Speak: Or, meditate
Judges 5:11 righteous acts: Heb. righteousnesses of the Lord
Judges 5:14 handle the pen: Heb. draw with the pen, etc.
Judges 5:15 foot: Heb. his feet
Judges 5:15 for the divisions: Or, in the divisions, etc.
Judges 5:15 thougths: Heb. impressions
Judges 5:16 for: Or, in
Judges 5:17 shore: Or, port
Judges 5:17 breaches: Or, creeks
Judges 5:18 jeoparded: Heb. exposed to reproach
Judges 5:20 courses: Heb. paths
Judges 5:22 pransings: Or, tramplings, or plungings
Judges 5:26 smote: Heb. hammered
Judges 5:27 at her: Heb. between
Judges 5:27 dead: Heb. destroyed
Judges 5:29 answer: Heb. words
Judges 5:30 to every man: Heb. to the head of a man
Judges 5:30 for the necks of them that take the spoil: Heb. for the necks of the spoil
Judges 6:2 prevailed: Heb. was strong
Judges 6:4 sheep: Or, goat
Judges 6:8 a prophet: Heb. a man, a prophet
Judges 6:11 to hide it: Gr. to cause it to fly
Judges 6:15 my family is poor: Heb. my thousand is the meanest
Judges 6:18 present: Or, meat offering
Judges 6:19 a kid: Heb. a kid of the goats
Judges 6:24 Jehovahshalom: that is, The LORD send peace
Judges 6:26 rock: Heb. strong place
Judges 6:26 the ordered place: Or, in an orderly manner
Judges 6:34 came upon: Heb. clothed
Judges 6:34 was gathered after him: Heb. was called after him
Judges 7:11 armed men: Or, ranks by five
Judges 7:15 the interpretation thereof: Heb. the breaking thereof
Judges 7:16 a trumpet in every mans hand: Heb. trumpets in the hand of all of them
Judges 7:16 lamps: Or, firebrands or torches
Judges 7:22 in: Or, towards
Judges 7:22 border: Heb. tip
Judges 8:1 Why hast thou served us thus: Heb. what thing is this, thou hast done unto us?
Judges 8:1 sharply: Heb. strongly
Judges 8:3 anger: Heb. spirit
Judges 8:7 tear: Heb. thresh
Judges 8:10 an hundred and twenty thousand men that drew sword: Or, an hundred and twenty thousand, every one drawing a sword
Judges 8:12 discomfited: Heb. terrified
Judges 8:14 described: Heb. writ
Judges 8:16 taught: Heb. made to know
Judges 8:18 resembled: Heb. according to the form, etc
Judges 8:21 ornaments: Or, ornaments like the moon
Judges 8:26 collars: Or, sweet jewels
Judges 8:30 of his body: Heb. going out of his thigh
Judges 8:31 called: Heb. set
Judges 9:2 Whether it is better: Heb. What is good? whether, etc
Judges 9:3 to follow: Heb. after
Judges 9:6 by the plain of the pillar: Or, by the oak of the pillar. See Josh. 24.26
Judges 9:9 go to be promoted over the trees?: Or, go up and down for other trees
Judges 9:14 Bramble: Or, thistle
Judges 9:17 adventured his life: Heb. cast his life
Judges 9:24 aided him in the killing: Heb. strengthened his hands to kill
Judges 9:27 merry: Or, songs
Judges 9:30 kindled: Or, hot
Judges 9:31 privily: Heb. craftily or to Tormah
Judges 9:33 as thou shalt find: Heb. as thine hand shall find
Judges 9:37 middle: Heb. navel
Judges 9:37 Meonenim: Or, the regarders of times
Judges 9:48 me do: Heb. I have done
Judges 10:1 defend: Or, deliver. Heb. save
Judges 10:4 Havothjair: Or, the villages of Jair
Judges 10:8 oppressed: Heb. crushed
Judges 10:15 seemeth good unto thee: Heb. is good in thine eyes
Judges 10:16 strange gods: Heb. gods of strangers
Judges 10:16 was grieved: Heb. was shortened
Judges 10:17 gathered together: Heb. cried together
Judges 11:1 an harlot: Heb. a woman, an harlot
Judges 11:3 from: Heb. from the face
Judges 11:3 in process of time: Heb. after days
Judges 11:10 be witness between us: Heb. be hearer between us
Judges 11:31 whatsoever cometh forth: Heb. that which cometh forth shall come forth
Judges 11:31 and I will offer it: Or, I will offer it, etc.
Judges 11:33 plain: Or, Abel
Judges 11:34 beside her he had neither son nor daughter: Or, he had not of his own either son or daughter. Heb. of himself
Judges 11:37 go up and down: Heb. go, and go down
Judges 11:39 custom: Or, ordinance
Judges 11:40 yearly: Heb. from year to year
Judges 11:40 to lament: Or, to talk with
Judges 12:1 gathered: Heb. were called
Judges 12:14 nephews: Heb. sons sons
Judges 13:1 did evil…: Heb. added to commit, etc
Judges 13:12 How shall we order the: Heb. What shall be the manner of the, etc
Judges 13:12 How shall we do unto him?: Or, what shall he do?
Judges 13:15 for thee: Heb. before thee
Judges 13:18 secret: Or, wonderful
Judges 14:3 she pleaseth me well: She is right in mine eyes
Judges 14:5 against him: Heb. in meeting him
Judges 14:12 sheets: Or, shirts
Judges 14:15 to take that we have?: Heb. to possess us, or to impoverish us?
Judges 14:17 the seven days: Or, the rest of the seven days, etc.
Judges 14:19 spoil: Or, apparel
Judges 15:2 take her: Heb. let her be thine
Judges 15:3 Now shall I be more blameless than the Philistines, though: Or, now shall I be blameless from the Philistines, though, etc.
Judges 15:4 firebrands: Or, torches
Judges 15:11 went: Heb. went down
Judges 15:14 loosed: Heb. were melted
Judges 15:15 new: Heb. moist
Judges 15:15 heaps upon heaps: Heb. an heap, two heaps
Judges 15:17 Ramathlehi: that is, the lifting up of the jawbone, or, casting away of the jawbone
Judges 15:19 the jaw: Or, Lehi
Judges 15:19 Enhakkore: that is, the well of him that called or cried
Judges 16:1 an harlot: Heb. a woman an harlot
Judges 16:2 quiet: Heb. silent
Judges 16:3 bar and all: Heb. with the bar
Judges 16:4 of Sorek: Or, by the brook
Judges 16:5 afflict: Or, humble
Judges 16:7 green withs: Or, new cords: Heb. moist
Judges 16:7 another: Heb. one
Judges 16:9 toucheth: Heb. smelleth
Judges 16:11 that never were occupied: Heb. wherewith work hath not been done
Judges 16:16 vexed: Heb. shortened
Judges 16:21 put out: Heb. bored out
Judges 16:22 after he was shaven: Or, as when he was shaven
Judges 16:24 which slew many of us: Heb. and who multiplied our slain
Judges 16:25 them: Heb. before them
Judges 16:29 on which it was borne up: Or, he leaned on them
Judges 16:30 me: Heb. my soul
Judges 17:5 consecrated: Heb. filled the hand
Judges 17:8 as he journeyed: Heb. in making his way
Judges 17:10 a suit of apparel: Or, a double suit, etc: Heb. an order of garments
Judges 18:2 men: Heb. sons
Judges 18:7 magistrate: Heb. possessOr, or heir of restraint
Judges 18:11 appointed: Heb. girded
Judges 18:15 saluted him: Heb. asked him of peace
Judges 18:23 that thou comest with such a company?: Heb. that thou are gathered together?
Judges 18:25 angry: Heb. bitter of soul
Judges 19:1 a concubine: Heb. a woman a concubine, or a wife a concubine
Judges 19:2 four whole months: Or, a year and four months
Judges 19:3 friendly unto her: Heb. to her heart
Judges 19:5 Comfort: Heb. strengthen
Judges 19:8 until afternoon: Heb. till the day declined
Judges 19:9 draweth: Heb. is weak
Judges 19:9 the day groweth to an end: Heb. it is the pitching time of the day
Judges 19:9 home: Heb. to thy tent
Judges 19:10 over against Jebus: Heb. to over against Jebus
Judges 19:18 receiveth: Heb. gathereth
Judges 19:24 so vile a thing: Heb. the matter of this folly
Judges 20:4 the Levite: Heb. the man the Levite
Judges 20:5 forced: Heb. humbled
Judges 20:11 knit together: Heb. fellows
Judges 20:31 to smite of the people, and kill, as at other times: Heb. to smite of the people wounded as at, etc.
Judges 20:31 the house of God: Or, Bethel
Judges 20:37 drew themselves along: Or, made a long sound with the trumpet
Judges 20:38 sign: Or, time
Judges 20:38 and: Heb. with
Judges 20:38 flame: Heb. elevation
Judges 20:39 to smite and kill: Heb. to smite the wounded
Judges 20:40 flame: Heb. the whole consumption
Judges 20:41 was come upon them: Heb. touched them
Judges 20:43 with ease…: Or, from Menuchah, etc.
Judges 20:43 over against: Heb. unto over against
Judges 20:48 came to hand: Heb. was found
Judges 20:48 they came to: Heb. were found
Judges 21:11 hath lain by man: Heb. knoweth the lying with man
Judges 21:12 young virgins: Heb. young women virgins
Judges 21:13 to speak: Heb. and spake and called
Judges 21:13 call: Or, proclaim peace
Judges 21:19 yearly: Heb. from year to year
Judges 21:19 East side: Or, towards the sun rising
Judges 21:19 of: Or, on
Judges 21:22 Be favourable unto them: Or, gratify us in them
Ruth 1:1 ruled: Heb. judged
Ruth 1:2 continued: Heb. were
Ruth 1:12 have a husband: Or, if I were with an husband
Ruth 1:13 tarry: Heb. hope
Ruth 1:13 it grieveth me: Heb. I have much bitterness
Ruth 1:18 was steadfastly: Heb. strengthened herself
Ruth 1:16 Intreat me not to leave thee: Or, Be not against me
Ruth 1:20 Naomi: that is, pleasant
Ruth 1:20 Mara: That is, bitter
Ruth 2:3 hap: Heb. hap happened
Ruth 2:3 Boaz: Called Mat. 1.5 Booz
Ruth 2:13 let me find favor: Or, I find favor
Ruth 2:13 friendly: Heb. to the heart
Ruth 2:15 reproach her not: Heb. shame her not
Ruth 2:20 one of our next kinsmen: Or, one that hath right to redeem
Ruth 2:22 meet thee: Or, fall upon thee
Ruth 3:4 uncover his feet: Or, lift up the clothes that are on his feet
Ruth 3:8 turned: Or, took hold on
Ruth 3:9 a near kinsman: Or, one that hath right to redeem
Ruth 3:11 city: Heb. gate
Ruth 3:15 vail: Or, sheet, or, apron
Ruth 4:4 I thought to advertise thee: Heb. I said, I will reveal in thine ear
Ruth 4:11 Do thou worthily: Or, get thee riches or power
Ruth 4:11 be famous: Heb. proclaim thy name
Ruth 4:14 left thee: Heb. caused to cease unto thee
Ruth 4:14 kinsman: Or, redeemer
Ruth 4:15 a nourisher: Heb. to nourish
Ruth 4:15 thine old age: Heb. thy gray hairs
Ruth 4:20 Salmon: Or, Salmah
1 Samuel 1:3 yearly: Heb. from year to year
1 Samuel 1:5 a worthy portion: Or, a double portion
1 Samuel 1:6 provoked her: Heb. angered her
1 Samuel 1:7 when she went up: Or, from the time that she, etc: Heb. from her going up
1 Samuel 1:7 in bitterness of soul: Heb. bitter of soul
1 Samuel 1:11 a man child: Heb. seed of men
1 Samuel 1:12 continued praying: Heb. multiplied to pray
1 Samuel 1:15 of a sorrowful spirit: Heb. hard of spirit
1 Samuel 1:16 complaint: Or, meditation
1 Samuel 1:20 time was come about: Heb. revelation of days
1 Samuel 1:20 Samuel: That is, asked of God
1 Samuel 1:28 lent him to the LORD: Or, returned him, whom I have obtained by petition to the LORD
1 Samuel 1:28 he shall be lent to the LORD: Or, he whom I have obtained by petiotion, shall be returned
1 Samuel 2:3 arrogancy: Heb. hard
1 Samuel 2:16 presently: Heb. as on the day
1 Samuel 2:20 loan which is lent: Or, petition which he asked, etc.
1 Samuel 2:22 assembled: Heb. assembled by troops
1 Samuel 2:23 I hear of your evil dealings: Or, I hear evil words of you
1 Samuel 2:24 transgress: Or, cry out
1 Samuel 2:32 an enemy in my habitation, in all the wealth which God shall give Israel: Or, the affliction of the tabernacle, for all the wealth which God would have given Israel
1 Samuel 2:32 in the flower of their age: Heb. men
1 Samuel 2:36 Put: Heb. join
1 Samuel 2:32 one of the priests offices: Or, Somewhat about the Priesthood
1 Samuel 3:7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD, neither was the word of the LORD yet revealed unto him: Or, thus did Samuel, before he knew the LORD; and before the word of the LORD was revealed unto him
1 Samuel 3:12 when I begin, I will also make an end: Heb. beginning and ending
1 Samuel 3:13 for I have told him: Or, and I will tell him, etc.
1 Samuel 3:13 vile: Or, accurse
1 Samuel 3:13 restrained them not: Heb. frowned not upon them
1 Samuel 3:17 more also: so add
1 Samuel 3:17 thing: Or, word
1 Samuel 3:18 every whit: Heb. all the things, or words
1 Samuel 3:20 established: Or, faithful
1 Samuel 4:1 came: Or, came to pass. Heb. was
1 Samuel 4:2 they joined battle: Heb. the battle was spread
1 Samuel 4:2 the army: Heb. the array
1 Samuel 4:3 fetch: Heb. take unto us
1 Samuel 4:7 heretofore: Heb. yesterday, or the third day
1 Samuel 4:9 quit yourselves like men: Heb. be men
1 Samuel 4:11 were slain: Heb. died
1 Samuel 4:15 were dim: Heb. stood
1 Samuel 4:16 is there done: Heb. is the thing
1 Samuel 4:19 to be delivered: Or, to cry out
1 Samuel 4:19 came: Heb. were turned
1 Samuel 4:20 neither did she regard it: Heb. set not her heart
1 Samuel 4:21 Ichabod: that is, where is the glory? Or, There is no glory
1 Samuel 4:21 The glory is departed: Or, there is no glory
1 Samuel 5:4 the stump: Or, the filthy part
1 Samuel 6:4 you all: Heb. them
1 Samuel 6:6 wonderfully: Or, reproachfully
1 Samuel 6:6 the people: Heb. them
1 Samuel 6:9 he: Or, it
1 Samuel 6:18 great stone: Or, great stone [possibly a mistake in the KJV notes? I verified with 1611 scan]
1 Samuel 7:8 Cease not to cry: Heb. Be not silent from us from crying
1 Samuel 7:9 heard: Or, answered
1 Samuel 7:12 Ebenezer: that is, The stone of help
1 Samuel 7:16 in circuit: Heb. and he circuited
1 Samuel 8:6 displeased Samuel: Heb. was evil in the eyes of Samuel
1 Samuel 8:9 hearken: Or, obey
1 Samuel 8:9 howbeit, yet protest solemnly unto them, and show them: Or, notwithstanding, when thou has solemnly protested against them, then thou shalt show, etc.
1 Samuel 8:15 officers: Heb. eunuchs
1 Samuel 9:1 a Benjamite: Or, the son of a man of Jemini
1 Samuel 9:1 power: Or, substance
1 Samuel 9:7 is spent in: Heb. is gone out of etc.
1 Samuel 9:7 have we?: Heb. is with us?
1 Samuel 9:8 Behold I have here at hand: Heb. there is found in my hand
1 Samuel 9:10 Well said: Heb. Thy word is good
1 Samuel 9:11 the hill to the city: Heb. in the ascent of the city
1 Samuel 9:12 sacrifice: Or, feast
1 Samuel 9:13 about this time: Heb. to day
1 Samuel 9:15 told Samuel in his ear: Heb. revealed the ear of Samuel
1 Samuel 9:17 reign over: Heb. restrain in
1 Samuel 9:20 three days ago: Heb. today three days
1 Samuel 9:21 so to me?: Heb. according to this word?
1 Samuel 9:24 left: Or, reserved
1 Samuel 9:27 a while: Heb. to day
1 Samuel 10:2 the care of: Heb. the business
1 Samuel 10:4 salute thee: Heb. ask thee of peace
1 Samuel 10:7 let it be when these signs are come unto thee: Heb. and it shall come to pass that when these signs etc.
1 Samuel 10:7 that thou do as occasion serve thee: Heb. do for thee as thine hand shall find
1 Samuel 10:9 back: Heb. shoulder
1 Samuel 10:9 gave: Heb. turned
1 Samuel 10:11 one to another: Heb. a man to his neighbor
1 Samuel 10:12 of the same place: Heb. from thence
1 Samuel 10:24 God save the King: Heb. let the king live
1 Samuel 10:27 he held his peace: Or, he was, as though he had been deaf
1 Samuel 11:3 Give us: Heb. forbear us
1 Samuel 11:7 with one consent: Heb. as one man
1 Samuel 11:9 help: Or, deliverance
1 Samuel 12:3 bribe: Heb. ransom
1 Samuel 12:3 to blind mine eyes: Or, that I should hide mine eyes at at him [typo. Verified in 1611 scan]
1 Samuel 12:6 advanced: Or, made
1 Samuel 12:7 righteous acts: Heb. righteousness, or, benefits
1 Samuel 12:7 to: Heb. with
1 Samuel 12:14 commandment: Heb. mouth
1 Samuel 12:14 continue: Heb. be after
1 Samuel 12:23 in ceasing: Heb. from ceasing
1 Samuel 12:24 how great things: Or, what a great thing etc.
1 Samuel 13:1 reigned one year: Heb. the son of one year in his reigning
1 Samuel 13:3 Geba: Or, the hill
1 Samuel 13:4 was had: Heb. did stink
1 Samuel 13:7 followed him trembling: Heb. trembled after him
1 Samuel 13:10 salute him: Heb. bless him
1 Samuel 13:12 made supplication: Heb. intreated the face
1 Samuel 13:15 present: Heb. found
1 Samuel 13:21 a file for the mattocks: Heb. a file with mouths
1 Samuel 13:21 to sharpen: Heb. to set
1 Samuel 13:23 garrison: Or, standing camp
1 Samuel 14:1 it came to pass: Or, there was a day
1 Samuel 14:5 forefront: Heb. tooth
1 Samuel 14:9 Tarry: Heb. be still
1 Samuel 14:14 an half acre of land: Or, half a furrow of an acre of land
1 Samuel 14:15 a very great trembling: Heb. a trembling of God
1 Samuel 14:19 noise: Or, tumult
1 Samuel 14:20 assembled themselves: Heb. were cried together
1 Samuel 14:28 faint: Or, weary
1 Samuel 14:33 transgressed: Or, dealt treacherously
1 Samuel 14:34 with him: Heb. in his hand
1 Samuel 14:35 the same was the first altar: Heb. that Altar he began to build unto the LORD
1 Samuel 14:38 chief: Heb. corners
1 Samuel 14:41 Give: Or, shew the innocent
1 Samuel 14:41 escaped: Heb. went forth
1 Samuel 14:48 gathered an host: Or, wrought mightily
1 Samuel 15:5 laid wait: Or, fought
1 Samuel 15:9 fatlings: Or, of the second sort
1 Samuel 15:18 they be consumed: Heb. they consume them
1 Samuel 15:23 witchcraft: Heb. divination
1 Samuel 15:29 Strength: Or, eternity, or, victory
1 Samuel 16:2 with thee: Heb. in thine hand
1 Samuel 16:4 coming: Heb. meeting
1 Samuel 16:7 outward appearance: Heb. eyes
1 Samuel 16:11 down: Heb. round
1 Samuel 16:12 of a beautiful countenance: fair of eyes
1 Samuel 16:14 troubled: Or, terrified
1 Samuel 16:18 matters: Or, speech
1 Samuel 17:1 Ephesdammim: Or, the coast of Dammim
1 Samuel 17:1 set the battle: Heb. ranged the battle
1 Samuel 17:5 armed: Heb. clothed
1 Samuel 17:6 target: Or, gorget
1 Samuel 17:18 cheeses: Heb. cheeses of milk
1 Samuel 17:18 captain of their thousand: Heb. captain of a thousand
1 Samuel 17:20 trench: Or, place of the carriage
1 Samuel 17:20 the fight: Or, battle ray, or place of fight
1 Samuel 17:22 his carriage: Heb. the vessels from upon him
1 Samuel 17:22 saluted his brethren: Heb. asked his brethren of peace
1 Samuel 17:24 from him: Heb. from his face
1 Samuel 17:30 manner: Heb. word
1 Samuel 17:31 sent for him: Heb. took him
1 Samuel 17:34 lamb: Or, kid
1 Samuel 17:38 armed…with his armour: Heb. clothed, etc. with his clothes
1 Samuel 17:40 brook: Or, valley
1 Samuel 17:40 bag: Heb. vessell
1 Samuel 17:46 deliver thee: Heb. shut thee up
1 Samuel 18:5 behaved: Or, prospered
1 Samuel 18:6 Philistine: Or, Philistines
1 Samuel 18:6 instruments of music: Heb. three stringed instruments
1 Samuel 18:8 displeased him: Heb. was evil in his eyes
1 Samuel 18:14 behaved: Or, prospered
1 Samuel 18:17 valiant: Heb. a son of valour
1 Samuel 18:20 pleased him: Heb. was right in his eyes
1 Samuel 18:24 on this manner spake: Heb. according to these words
1 Samuel 18:26 expired: Heb. fulfilled
1 Samuel 18:30 much set by: Heb. precious
1 Samuel 19:7 in time past: Heb. yesterday, third day
1 Samuel 19:8 him: Heb. his face
1 Samuel 19:24 lay down: Heb. fell
1 Samuel 20:2 shew it me: Heb. uncover mine ear
1 Samuel 20:4 Whatsoever thy soul: Or, say what is thy mind, and I will do, etc.
1 Samuel 20:4 desireth: Heb. speaketh, or thinketh
1 Samuel 20:6 sacrifice: Or, feast
1 Samuel 20:12 sounded: Heb. searched
1 Samuel 20:12 shew it thee: Heb. uncover thine ear
1 Samuel 20:16 made: Heb. cut
1 Samuel 20:17 because he loved him: Or, by his love towards him
1 Samuel 20:18 empty: Heb. missed
1 Samuel 20:19 quickly: Or, diligently: Heb. greatly
1 Samuel 20:19 when the business was in hand: Heb. in the day of the business
1 Samuel 20:19 Ezel: Or, that showeth the way
1 Samuel 20:21 no hurt: Heb. not any thing
1 Samuel 20:30 Thou son of the perverse rebellious woman: Or, thou perverse rebell. Heb. son of perverse rebellion
1 Samuel 20:31 shall surely die: Heb. is the son of death
1 Samuel 20:36 beyond him: Heb. to pass over him
1 Samuel 20:40 artillery: Heb. instruments
1 Samuel 20:40 his lad: Heb. that was his
1 Samuel 20:42 forasmuch as we have sworn both of us in the Name of the LORD: Or, The LORD be witness of that which, etc.
1 Samuel 21:3 present: Heb. found
1 Samuel 21:5 yea, though it were sanctified this day in the vessel: Or, especially when this day there is other sanctified in the vessel
1 Samuel 21:13 scrabbled: Or, made marks
1 Samuel 21:14 is mad: Or, playeth the mad man
1 Samuel 22:2 was in debt: Heb. had a creditor
1 Samuel 22:2 disconnected: Heb. bitter of soul
1 Samuel 22:6 tree in Ramah: Or, grove in a high place
1 Samuel 22:8 sheweth me: Heb. uncovereth mine ear
1 Samuel 22:12 Here I am: Heb. behold me
1 Samuel 22:15 less or more: Heb. little or great
1 Samuel 22:17 footmen: Or, guard: Heb. the runners
1 Samuel 23:12 deliver me: Heb. shut up
1 Samuel 23:19 on the South: Heb. on the right hand
1 Samuel 23:19 Jeshimon?: Or, the wilderness?
1 Samuel 23:22 haunt is: Heb. foot shall be
1 Samuel 23:27 invaded: Heb. spread themselves upon, etc
1 Samuel 23:28 Selahammahlekoth: That is, the rock of divisions
1 Samuel 24:1 following: Heb. after
1 Samuel 24:4 Sauls robe: Heb. the robe, which was Sauls
1 Samuel 24:7 stayed: Heb. cut off
1 Samuel 24:15 deliver: Heb. judge
1 Samuel 24:18 delivered: Heb. shut up
1 Samuel 25:2 possessions: Or, business
1 Samuel 25:5 greet him in thy name: Heb. ask him in my name of peace
1 Samuel 25:7 hurt: Heb. shamed
1 Samuel 25:9 ceased: Heb. rested
1 Samuel 25:11 flesh: Heb. slaughter
1 Samuel 25:14 he railed on them: Heb. flew upon them
1 Samuel 25:15 hurt: Heb. shamed
1 Samuel 25:18 clusters: Or, lumps
1 Samuel 25:24 audience: Heb. ears
1 Samuel 25:25 regard: Heb. lay it to his heart
1 Samuel 25:26 avenging thy self: Heb. saving thyself
1 Samuel 25:27 blessing: Or, present
1 Samuel 25:27 follow: Heb. walk at the feet of etc.
1 Samuel 25:29 as out of the middle of a sling: Heb. in the midst of the bought of a sling
1 Samuel 25:31 no grief: Heb. no staggering, or, stumbling
1 Samuel 25:42 after her: Heb. at her feet
1 Samuel 26:5 trench: Or, midst of his carriages
1 Samuel 26:8 delivered: Heb. shut up
1 Samuel 26:16 worthy to die: Heb. the sons of death
1 Samuel 26:19 accept: Heb. smell
1 Samuel 26:19 abiding: cleaving
1 Samuel 27:1 perish: Heb. be consumed
1 Samuel 27:7 the time: Heb. the number of days
1 Samuel 27:7 a full year: Heb. a year of days
1 Samuel 27:8 Gezrites: Or, Gerzites
1 Samuel 27:10 Whither have ye made a road today: Or, did you not make a road, etc.
1 Samuel 27:12 utterly to abhor: Heb. to stink
1 Samuel 28:14 what for is he of?: Heb. what is his form?
1 Samuel 28:15 by prophets: Heb. by the hand of Prophets
1 Samuel 28:17 to him: Or, for himself
1 Samuel 28:17 me: Heb. mine hand
1 Samuel 28:20 fell straightway all along on the earth: Heb. made haste and fell with the fullness of his stature
1 Samuel 29:6 the lords favor thee not: Heb. thou art not good in the eyes of the lords
1 Samuel 29:7 displease not the lords: Heb. do not evil in the eyes of the lords
1 Samuel 29:7 with thee: Heb. before thee
1 Samuel 30:6 grieved: Heb. bitter
1 Samuel 30:17 the next day: Heb. their morrow
1 Samuel 30:21 saluted them: Or, asked them how they did
1 Samuel 30:22 those: Heb. men
1 Samuel 30:25 forward: Heb. and forward
1 Samuel 30:26 Present: Heb. blessing
1 Samuel 31:1 slain: Or, wounded
1 Samuel 31:3 and the archers: Heb. shooters, men with bows
1 Samuel 31:3 hit him: Heb. found him
1 Samuel 31:4 abuse me: Or, mock me
1 Samuel 31:11 of that which: Or, concerning him
2 Samuel 1:4 How went: Heb. What was, etc.
2 Samuel 1:7 Here am I: Heb. Behold me
2 Samuel 1:9 anguish is come upon me: Or, my coat of male (Or, my embroidered coat) hindereth me, that my, etc.
2 Samuel 1:18 Jasher: Or, of the upright
2 Samuel 1:23 pleasant: Or, sweet
2 Samuel 2:7 be ye valiant: Heb. be ye the sons of valor
2 Samuel 2:8 Sauls host: Heb. the host which was Sauls
2 Samuel 2:11 time: Heb. number of days
2 Samuel 2:13 together: Heb. them together
2 Samuel 2:16 Helkathhazzurim: that is, The field of strong men
2 Samuel 2:18 of foot: Heb. of his feet
2 Samuel 2:18 as a wild Roe: Heb. as one of the Roes that is in the field
2 Samuel 2:19 following Abner: Heb. from after Abner
2 Samuel 2:21 armour: Or, spoil
2 Samuel 2:27 in the morning: Heb. from the morning
2 Samuel 2:27 gone up: Or, gone away
2 Samuel 3:13 that is: Heb. saying
2 Samuel 3:16 along weeping: Heb. going, and weeping
2 Samuel 3:17 in times past: Heb. both yesterday, and the third day
2 Samuel 3:27 quietly: Or, peaceably
2 Samuel 3:28 blood: Heb. bloods
2 Samuel 3:29 fail: Heb. be cut off
2 Samuel 3:31 bier: Heb. bed
2 Samuel 3:34 wicked men: Heb. children of iniquity
2 Samuel 3:36 pleased them: Heb. was good in their eyes
2 Samuel 3:39 weak: Heb. tender
2 Samuel 4:2 other: Heb. second
2 Samuel 4:10 thinking to have brought good tidings: Heb. he was in his own eyes as a bringer, etc.
2 Samuel 4:10 who thought that I would have given him a reward for his tidings: Or, which was the reward I gave him for his tidings
2 Samuel 5:6 Thinking, David cannot: Or, saying, David shall not etc.
2 Samuel 5:8 Wherefore they said, The blind and the lame shall not come into the house: Or, because he had said even the blind and the lame, He shall not come into the house
2 Samuel 5:10 went on, and grew: Heb. went, going and growing
2 Samuel 5:11 Masons: Heb. hewers of the stone of the wall
2 Samuel 5:20 Baalperazim: that is, the plain of breaches
2 Samuel 5:21 burnt them: Or, took them away
2 Samuel 5:25 Geba: also called, Gibeon
2 Samuel 6:2 whose name is called by the name of the LORD of hosts: Or, at which the Name, even the Name of the LORD of hosts was called upon
2 Samuel 6:3 set: Heb. made to ride
2 Samuel 6:3 Gibeah: Or, the hill
2 Samuel 6:4 accompanying: Heb. with
2 Samuel 6:6 shook: Or, stumbled
2 Samuel 6:7 error: Or, rashness
2 Samuel 6:8 made: Heb. broken
2 Samuel 6:8 Perezuzzah: That is, the breach of Vzzah
2 Samuel 6:17 pitched: Heb. stretched
2 Samuel 6:20 shamelessly: Or, openly
2 Samuel 6:22 of the maid servants: Or, of the handmaids of my servants
2 Samuel 7:5 my servant David: Heb. to my servant to David
2 Samuel 7:7 any of the tribes: In the 1. Chro. 17.6. any of the judges
2 Samuel 7:8 from following: Heb. from after
2 Samuel 7:9 out of thy sight: Heb. from thy face
2 Samuel 7:19 manner: Heb. law
2 Samuel 7:27 revealed: Heb. opened the ear
2 Samuel 7:29 let it please thee to bless: Heb. be thou pleased and bless
2 Samuel 8:1 Methegammah: Or, the bridle of Ammah
2 Samuel 8:4 from him: Or, of his
2 Samuel 8:10 salute him: Heb. ask him of peace
2 Samuel 8:10 had wars with: Heb. was a man of wars with
2 Samuel 8:10 brought with him: Heb. in his hand were
2 Samuel 8:13 smiting: Heb. his smiting
2 Samuel 8:16 Recorder: Or, remembrancer, or writer of chronicles
2 Samuel 8:17 scribe: Or, secretary
2 Samuel 8:18 chief rulers: Or, princes
2 Samuel 10:3 Thinkest thou that David: Heb. In thine eyes doth David?
2 Samuel 11:1 after the year was expired: Heb. at the return of the year
2 Samuel 11:3 Bathsheba: Or, Bathshuah
2 Samuel 11:4 (for she was purified from her uncleanness) and she returned: Or, when she had purified herself, etc. she returned
2 Samuel 11:7 how…did: Heb. of the peace of, etc
2 Samuel 11:8 followed him: Heb. went out after him
2 Samuel 11:15 hottest: Heb. strong
2 Samuel 11:15 from him: Heb. from after him
2 Samuel 11:25 displease thee: Heb. be evil in thine eyes
2 Samuel 11:25 one as well as another: Heb. so and such
2 Samuel 11:27 displeased: Heb. was evil in the eyes of
2 Samuel 12:3 meat: Heb. morsel
2 Samuel 12:5 shall surely die: Or, is worthy to die
2 Samuel 12:16 fasted: Heb. fasted a fast
2 Samuel 12:18 vex: Heb. do hurt
2 Samuel 12:25 Jedidiah: that is, Beloved of the Lord
2 Samuel 12:28 it be called after my name: Heb. my name be called upon it
2 Samuel 12:30 in great abundance: Heb. very great
2 Samuel 13:2 Amnon thought it hard: Heb. it was marvellous or hidden in the eyes of Amnon
2 Samuel 13:4 lean: Heb. thin
2 Samuel 13:4 from day to day: Heb. morning by morning
2 Samuel 13:8 flour: Or, paste
2 Samuel 13:12 force me: Heb. humble me
2 Samuel 13:12 no such thing ought to be done: Heb. it ought not so to be done
2 Samuel 13:15 exceedingly: Heb. with great hatred greatly
2 Samuel 13:20 regard not this thing: Heb. set not thine heart
2 Samuel 13:20 desolate: Heb. and desolate
2 Samuel 13:28 have I not commanded you?: Or, will you not, since I have commanded you?
2 Samuel 13:28 valiant: Heb. sons of valour
2 Samuel 13:29 gate: Heb. rode
2 Samuel 13:32 appointment: Heb. mouth
2 Samuel 13:32 determined: Or, settled
2 Samuel 13:35 as thy servant said: Heb. according to the word of thy servant
2 Samuel 13:36 very sore: Heb. with a great weeping greatly
2 Samuel 13:37 Ammihud: Or, Ammihur
2 Samuel 13:39 longed: Or, was consumed
2 Samuel 14:4 Help: Heb. save
2 Samuel 14:6 none to part them: Heb. no deliverer between them
2 Samuel 14:7 upon the earth: Heb. upon the face of the earth
2 Samuel 14:11 that thou wouldest not suffer the revengers of blood to destroy: Heb. that the revenger of blood do not multiply to destroy
2 Samuel 14:14 neither doth God respect any person, yet doth he devise means: Or, because God hath not taken away his life, he hath also devised means, etc.
2 Samuel 14:17 comfortable: Heb. for rest
2 Samuel 14:17 to discern: Heb. to hear
2 Samuel 14:22 thanked: Heb. blessed
2 Samuel 14:22 his: Or, thy
2 Samuel 14:25 But in all Israel there was none to be so much praised as Absalom for his beauty: Heb. and as Absalom there was not a beautiful man in all Israel, to praise greatly
2 Samuel 14:30 near mine: Heb. near my place
2 Samuel 15:2 came: Heb. to come
2 Samuel 15:3 no man deputed of the king to hear thee: Or, none will hear you from the king downward
2 Samuel 15:14 bring: Heb. thrust
2 Samuel 15:15 appoint: Heb. choose
2 Samuel 15:16 after him: Heb. at his feet
2 Samuel 15:20 make thee go up and down with us?: Heb. make thee wander in going?
2 Samuel 15:23 Kidron: Called Joh. 18.1. Cedron
2 Samuel 15:30 and wept as he went up: Heb. going up and weeping
2 Samuel 16:4 I humbly beseech: Heb. I do obeisance
2 Samuel 16:5 he came forth, and cursed: Or, he still came forth and cursed
2 Samuel 16:7 bloody man: Heb. man of blood
2 Samuel 16:8 behold, thou art taken to thy mischief: Heb. behold thee in thy evil
2 Samuel 16:12 affliction: Or, tears: Heb. eye
2 Samuel 16:13 cast dust: Heb. dusted him with dust
2 Samuel 16:16 God save the king: Heb. let the king live
2 Samuel 16:23 Oracle: Heb. word
2 Samuel 17:4 pleased: Heb. was right in the eyes of, etc
2 Samuel 17:5 what he saith: Heb. what is in his mouth
2 Samuel 17:6 saying?: Heb. word
2 Samuel 17:7 given: Heb. counseled
2 Samuel 17:8 chafed in their minds: Heb. bitter of soul
2 Samuel 17:9 overthrown: Heb. fallen
2 Samuel 17:11 that thou go: Heb. that thy face or presence go, etc.
2 Samuel 17:14 appointed: Heb. commanded
2 Samuel 17:23 followed: Heb. done
2 Samuel 17:23 put his household in order: Heb. gave charge concerning his house
2 Samuel 17:28 basins: Or, cups
2 Samuel 18:3 care for us: Heb. set their heart on us
2 Samuel 18:3 worth ten thousand of us: Heb. as ten thousand of us
2 Samuel 18:3 succour: Heb. be to succour
2 Samuel 18:8 devoured: Heb. multiplied to devour
2 Samuel 18:12 receive: Heb. weigh upon mine hand
2 Samuel 18:12 Beware that: Heb. beware whosoever ye be, of etc.
2 Samuel 18:14 with thee: Heb. before thee
2 Samuel 18:14 midst: Heb. heart
2 Samuel 18:19 avenged him of his enemies: Heb. judged him from the hand etc.
2 Samuel 18:20 bear tidings: Heb. be a man of tidings
2 Samuel 18:22 howsoever: Heb. be what may
2 Samuel 18:22 ready?: Or, convenient
2 Samuel 18:27 Me thinketh the running: Heb. I see the running
2 Samuel 18:28 all is well: Or, peace be to thee. Heb. peace
2 Samuel 18:28 delivered: Heb. shut up
2 Samuel 18:29 is…safe?: Heb. Is there peace?
2 Samuel 18:31 Tidings: Heb. tidings is brought
2 Samuel 19:2 victory: Heb. salvation or deliverance
2 Samuel 19:6 in that thou lovest: Heb. by loving, etc.
2 Samuel 19:6 that thou regardest neither princes, nor servants: Heb. that princes or servants are not to thee
2 Samuel 19:7 comfortably unto thy servants: Heb. to the heart of thy servants
2 Samuel 19:10 speak ye not a word: Heb. are ye silent?
2 Samuel 19:18 what he thought good: Heb. the good in his eyes
2 Samuel 19:28 dead men: Heb. men of death
2 Samuel 19:34 How long have I to live: How many days are the years of my life?
2 Samuel 19:38 require: Heb. choose
2 Samuel 19:43 despise us: Heb. set us at light
2 Samuel 20:3 ward: Heb. a house of ward
2 Samuel 20:3 shut up: Heb. bound
2 Samuel 20:3 living in widowhood: Heb. in widowhood of life
2 Samuel 20:4 Assemble: Heb. call
2 Samuel 20:6 escape us: Heb. deliver himself from our eyes
2 Samuel 20:10 struck him not again: Heb. doubled not his stroke
2 Samuel 20:15 it stood in the trench: Or, it stood against the outmost wall
2 Samuel 20:15 battered the wall, to throw it down: Heb. marred to throw down
2 Samuel 20:18 They were wont to speak in old time, saying, They shall surely ask counsel at Abel: and so they ended the matter: Or, they plainly spake in the beginning, saying, surely they will ask of Abel; and so make an end
2 Samuel 20:21 by name: Heb. by his name
2 Samuel 20:22 retired: Heb. were scattered
2 Samuel 20:24 recorder: Or, remembrancer
2 Samuel 20:26 a chief ruler: Or, a prince
2 Samuel 21:1 enquired: Heb. sought the face, etc.
2 Samuel 21:4 We will have no silver nor gold of Saul, nor of his house, neither for us shalt thou kill: Or, it is not silver or gold that we have to do with Saul, or his house, neither pertains it to us to kill etc.
2 Samuel 21:5 devised against us: Or, cut us off
2 Samuel 21:6 whom the LORD did choose: Or, chosen of the Lord
2 Samuel 21:8 Michal: Or, Michals sister
2 Samuel 21:8 brought up for Adriel: Heb. bare to Adriel
2 Samuel 21:16 the giant: Or, Rapha
2 Samuel 21:16 spear: He. the staff, or the head
2 Samuel 21:17 light: Heb. candle, or lamp
2 Samuel 21:18 the Giant: Or, Rapha
2 Samuel 21:19 Jaareoregim: Or, Jair
2 Samuel 21:20 the Giant: Or, Rapha
2 Samuel 21:21 defied: Or, reproached
2 Samuel 22:5 waves: Or, pangs
2 Samuel 22:5 ungodly: Heb. Belial
2 Samuel 22:6 sorrows: Or, cords
2 Samuel 22:9 out of his nostrils: Heb. by
2 Samuel 22:12 dark waters: Heb. binding of waters
2 Samuel 22:17 many: Or, great
2 Samuel 22:24 before him: Heb. to him
2 Samuel 22:25 in his eye sight: Heb. before his eyes
2 Samuel 22:27 shew thyself unsavoury: Or, wrestle
2 Samuel 22:29 lamp: Or, candle
2 Samuel 22:30 run through a troop: Or, broken a troop
2 Samuel 22:31 tried: Or, refined
2 Samuel 22:33 maketh: Heb. riddeth, or, looseth
2 Samuel 22:34 maketh: Heb. equalleth
2 Samuel 22:35 to war: Heb. for the war
2 Samuel 22:36 hath made me great: Heb. multiplied me
2 Samuel 22:37 feet: Heb. ankles
2 Samuel 22:40 subdued: Heb. caused to bow
2 Samuel 22:45 Strangers: Heb. sons of the stranger
2 Samuel 22:45 submit: Or, yield fainted obedience. Heb. lie
2 Samuel 22:48 avengeth me: Heb. giveth avengement for me
2 Samuel 23:3 he that ruleth: Or, be thou ruler, etc.
2 Samuel 23:7 fenced: Heb. filled
2 Samuel 23:8 The Tachmonite…: Or, Joshebbassebet the Tachmonite, head of the three
2 Samuel 23:8 whom he slew: Heb. slain
2 Samuel 23:11 into a troop: Or, for foraging
2 Samuel 23:13 three of the thirty chief: Or, the three captains over the thirty
2 Samuel 23:18 and slew them: Heb. slain
2 Samuel 23:20 who had done many acts: Heb. great of acts
2 Samuel 23:20 lionlike men: Heb. lion of God
2 Samuel 23:21 a goodly man: Heb. a man of countenance or sight, called 1. Chro. 11.23 a man of great stature
2 Samuel 23:23 more honourable than the thirty: Or, honourable among the thirty
2 Samuel 23:23 guard: Or, council. Heb. at his command
2 Samuel 23:30 brooks: Or, valleys
2 Samuel 24:1 he: Satan. See 1. Chron. 21.1
2 Samuel 24:2 go now through: Or, compass
2 Samuel 24:5 river: Or, valley
2 Samuel 24:6 land of Tahtimhodshi: Or, nether land newly inhabited
2 Samuel 24:14 great: Or, many
1 Kings 1:1 stricken in years: Heb. entered into days
1 Kings 1:2 let there be sought: Heb. let them seek
1 Kings 1:2 a young virgin: Heb. a damsel, a virgin
1 Kings 1:2 cherish him: Heb. be a cheriser unto him
1 Kings 1:5 be king: Heb. reign
1 Kings 1:6 at any time: Heb. from his days
1 Kings 1:7 conferred with Joab: Heb. his words were with Joab
1 Kings 1:7 following Adonijah, helped him: Heb. helped after Adonijah
1 Kings 1:9 Enrogel: Or, the well Rogel
1 Kings 1:14 confirm: Heb. fill up
1 Kings 1:16 what wouldest thou?: Heb. what to thee?
1 Kings 1:21 offenders: Heb. sinners
1 Kings 1:25 God save king Adonijah: Heb. let king Adonijah live
1 Kings 1:28 into the king’s presence: Heb. before the king
1 Kings 1:33 mine own: Heb. which belongeth to me
1 Kings 1:40 pipes: Or, flutes
1 Kings 2:3 prosper: Or, do wisely
1 Kings 2:4 fail thee (said he) a man on the throne: Heb. be cut off from thee from the throne
1 Kings 2:5 shed: Heb. put
1 Kings 2:8 grievous: Heb. strong
1 Kings 2:16 deny me not: Heb. turn not away my face
1 Kings 2:26 worthy of death: Heb. a man of death
1 Kings 3:6 mercy: Or, bounty
1 Kings 3:9 understanding: Heb. hearing
1 Kings 3:11 long life: Heb. many days
1 Kings 3:11 to discern: Heb. to hear
1 Kings 3:13 shall not be: Or, hath not been
1 Kings 3:26 yearned: Heb. were hot
1 Kings 3:28 in him: Heb. in the midst of him
1 Kings 4:2 the priest: Or, the chief officer
1 Kings 4:3 Scribes: Or, secretaries
1 Kings 4:3 Recorder: Or, rememberancer
1 Kings 4:6 tribute: Or, levy
1 Kings 4:8 the son of Hur: Or, Benhur
1 Kings 4:9 son of Dekar: Or, BenDekar
1 Kings 4:10 son of Heseb: Or, BenHeseb
1 Kings 4:11 son of Abinadab: Or, BenAbinadab
1 Kings 4:13 son of Geber: Or, BenGeber
1 Kings 4:14 Mahanaim: Or, to Mahanaim
1 Kings 4:22 provision: Heb. bread
1 Kings 4:22 measures: Heb. cors
1 Kings 4:25 safely: Heb. confidently
1 Kings 4:28 dromedaries: Or, mules, or swift beasts
1 Kings 5:5 purpose: Heb. say
1 Kings 5:6 appoint: Heb. say
1 Kings 5:8 considered: Heb. heard
1 Kings 5:9 appoint: Heb. send
1 Kings 5:11 measures: Heb. cors
1 Kings 5:13 levy: Heb. tribute of men
1 Kings 5:18 stone squarers: Or, Giblites, as Ezek. 27.9
1 Kings 6:4 windows of narrow lights: Or, windows broad within and narrow without, or, skewed and closed
1 Kings 6:5 against: Or, upon, or joining to
1 Kings 6:5 chambers: Heb. floors
1 Kings 6:5 chambers: Heb. ribs
1 Kings 6:5 narrowed: Heb. narrowings, or, rebatements
1 Kings 6:8 side: Heb. shoulder
1 Kings 6:9 with beams and boards of Cedar: Or, the vault beams and the ceilings with Cedar
1 Kings 6:15 both of the floor of the house, and the walls: Or, from the floor of the house unto the walls, etc. And so ver. 16
1 Kings 6:18 knops: Or, gourds
1 Kings 6:18 open flowers: Heb. openings of flowers
1 Kings 6:20 pure: Heb. shut up
1 Kings 6:23 olive tree: Or, oily. Heb. trees of oil
1 Kings 6:27 they stretched forth the wings of the cherubims: Or, the Cherubims stretched forth their wings
1 Kings 6:29 open flowers: Heb. openings of flowers
1 Kings 6:31 a fifth: Or, five square
1 Kings 6:32 two doors: Or, leaves of the doors
1 Kings 6:32 open flowers: Heb. openings of flowers
1 Kings 6:33 a fourth: Or, four square
1 Kings 6:38 throughout all the parts thereof, and according to all the fashion of it: Or, with all the appurtenances thereof, and with all the ordinances thereof
1 Kings 7:3 beams: Heb. ribs
1 Kings 7:4 light was against light: Heb. sight against sight
1 Kings 7:5 doors and posts were square, with the windows: Or, spaces and pillars were square in prospect
1 Kings 7:6 before them: Or, according to them
1 Kings 7:6 before them: Or, according to them
1 Kings 7:7 one side of the floor to the other: Heb. from floor to floor
1 Kings 7:14 a widows son: Heb. the son of a widow woman
1 Kings 7:15 cast: Heb. fashioned
1 Kings 7:21 Jachin: that is, he shall establish
1 Kings 7:21 Boaz: That is, in it is strength
1 Kings 7:23 from the one brim to the other: Heb. from his brim, to his brim
1 Kings 7:32 joined to the base: Heb. in the base
1 Kings 7:36 proportion: Heb. nakedness
1 Kings 7:39 side: Heb. shoulder
1 Kings 7:42 upon the pillars: Heb. upon the face
1 Kings 7:45 bright: Heb. made bright or scoured
1 Kings 7:46 in the clay ground: Heb. in the thickness of the ground
1 Kings 7:47 because they were exceeding many: Heb. for the exceeding multitude
1 Kings 7:47 found out: Heb. searched
1 Kings 7:50 censers: Heb. ash pans
1 Kings 7:51 things which David: Heb. things of David
1 Kings 8:1 chief: Heb. princes
1 Kings 8:8 ends: Heb. heads
1 Kings 8:8 Holy place: Or, Ark, as 2. Chron. 5.9
1 Kings 8:9 when: Or, where
1 Kings 8:25 there shall not fail thee a man in my sight: Heb. there shall not be cut off unto thee a man from my sight
1 Kings 8:25 so that: Heb. only if
1 Kings 8:29 towards this place: Or, in this place
1 Kings 8:30 toward this place: Or, in this place
1 Kings 8:31 and an oath be laid upon him: Heb. and he require an oath of him
1 Kings 8:33 in: Or, towards
1 Kings 8:37 cities: Or, jurisdiction
1 Kings 8:43 this house which I have builded, is called by thy Name: Heb. thy name is called upon this house
1 Kings 8:44 toward the city: Heb. the way of the city
1 Kings 8:45 cause: Or, right
1 Kings 8:47 bethink themselves: Heb. bring back to their heart
1 Kings 8:49 cause: Or, right
1 Kings 8:56 failed: Heb. fallen
1 Kings 8:59 at all times: Heb. the thing of a day in his day
1 Kings 8:66 blessed: Or, thanked
1 Kings 9:12 pleased him not: Heb. were not right in his eyes
1 Kings 9:13 Cabul: that is, displeasing Or, dirty
1 Kings 9:19 that which Solomon desired to build: Heb. the desire of Solomon which he desired
1 Kings 9:25 upon the: Heb. upon it
1 Kings 9:26 shore: Heb. lip
1 Kings 10:3 questions: Heb. words
1 Kings 10:5 attendance: Heb. standing
1 Kings 10:5 cupbearers: Or, Butlers
1 Kings 10:6 report: Heb. word
1 Kings 10:6 acts: Or, sayings
1 Kings 10:7 thy wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the fame: Heb. thou hast added wisdom and goodness to the fame
1 Kings 10:11 almug…: also called, algum trees
1 Kings 10:12 pillars: Or, rails: Heb. a prop
1 Kings 10:13 Solom gave her of his royal bounty: Heb. according to the hand of king Solomon
1 Kings 10:15 governors: Or, captains
1 Kings 10:19 behind: Heb. on the hinder part thereof
1 Kings 10:19 stays: Heb. hands
1 Kings 10:20 the like: Heb. so
1 Kings 10:21 none were of silver: Or, there was no silver in them
1 Kings 10:22 ivory: Or, elephants teeth
1 Kings 10:24 sought to: Heb. sought the face of
1 Kings 10:27 made: Heb. gave
1 Kings 10:28 And Solomon had horses brought out: Heb. And the going forth of the horses which was Solomons
1 Kings 10:29 by their means: Heb. by their hand
1 Kings 11:1 together with: Or, besides
1 Kings 11:6 went not fully after: Heb. fulfilled not after
1 Kings 11:11 is done of thee: Heb. is with thee
1 Kings 11:21 let me depart: Heb. send me away
1 Kings 11:22 Nothing: Heb. Not
1 Kings 11:27 repaired: Heb. closed
1 Kings 11:28 was industrious: Heb. did work
1 Kings 11:28 charge: Heb. burden
1 Kings 11:36 light: Heb. lamp or candle
1 Kings 11:41 acts: Or, words, or things
1 Kings 11:42 time: Heb. days
1 Kings 12:13 roughly: Heb. hardly
1 Kings 12:18 made speed: Heb. strengthened himself
1 Kings 12:19 rebelled: Or, fell away
1 Kings 12:32 offered upon the altar: Or, went up to the altar, etc
1 Kings 12:32 sacrificing: Or, to sacrifice
1 Kings 12:33 offered upon the altar: Or, went up to the altar, etc
1 Kings 12:33 and burnt incense: Heb. to burn incense
1 Kings 13:1 burn: Or, to offer
1 Kings 13:6 the LORD: Heb. the face of the LORD
1 Kings 13:17 it was said: Heb. a word was
1 Kings 13:26 torn: Heb. broken
1 Kings 13:28 torn: Heb. broken
1 Kings 13:33 made again: Heb. returned and made
1 Kings 13:33 consecrated him: Heb. filled his hand
1 Kings 14:3 with: Heb. in thine hand
1 Kings 14:3 cracknels: Or, cakes
1 Kings 14:3 cruse: Or, bottle
1 Kings 14:4 were set by reason of his age: Heb. stood for hoariness
1 Kings 14:6 heavy: Heb. hard
1 Kings 14:20 slept: Heb. lay down
1 Kings 14:23 images: Or, standing images, or statues
1 Kings 14:27 guard: Heb. runners
1 Kings 14:28 torn: Heb. broken
1 Kings 15:4 lamp: Or, candle
1 Kings 15:10 mothers: that is, grandmother
1 Kings 15:13 destroyed: Heb. cut off
1 Kings 15:15 things: Heb. holy
1 Kings 15:19 depart: Heb. go up
1 Kings 15:22 exempted: Heb. free
1 Kings 15:25 began to reign: Heb. reigned
1 Kings 16:9 steward: Heb. which was over
1 Kings 16:11 neither of his kinsfolks, nor of his friends
1 Kings 16:12 by: Heb. by the hand of
1 Kings 16:24 Samaria: Heb. Shomeron
1 Kings 16:31 as if it had been a light thing: Heb. was it a light thing? etc.
1 Kings 17:1 Elijah: Heb. Elijahu. Luke 4.25. he is called Elias
1 Kings 17:7 after a while: Heb. at the end of days
1 Kings 17:14 sendeth: Heb. giveth
1 Kings 17:15 many days: Or, a full year
1 Kings 17:16 by: Heb. by the hand of
1 Kings 17:21 stretched: Heb. measured
1 Kings 17:21 into him again: Heb. into his inward parts
1 Kings 18:3 Obadiah: Heb. Obadiahu
1 Kings 18:3 the governor: Heb. over his house
1 Kings 18:4 Jezebel: Heb. Izebel
1 Kings 18:5 lest not all the beasts: Heb. that we are not cut off ourselves from the beasts
1 Kings 18:21 opinions?: Or, thoughts
1 Kings 18:24 it is well spoken: Heb. the word is good
1 Kings 18:26 hear: Or, answer
1 Kings 18:26 answered: Or, heard
1 Kings 18:26 leapt upon the altar: Or, leaped up and down at the altar
1 Kings 18:27 aloud: Heb. with a great voice
1 Kings 18:27 he is talking: Or, he meditateth
1 Kings 18:27 is pursuing: Heb. hath a pursuit
1 Kings 18:28 the blood gushed out upon them: Heb. poured out blood upon them
1 Kings 18:29 offering: Heb. ascending
1 Kings 18:29 any that regarded: Heb. attention
1 Kings 18:35 ran: Heb. went
1 Kings 18:40 Take: Or, apprehend
1 Kings 18:41 a sound of abundance of rain: Or, a sound of a noise of rain
1 Kings 18:44 Prepare: Heb. tie, or bind
1 Kings 18:46 to the entrance of Jezreel: Heb. till thou come to Jezreel
1 Kings 19:4 for himself: Heb. for his life
1 Kings 19:6 head: Heb. bolster
1 Kings 19:18 I have left: Or, I will leave
1 Kings 19:20 go back again: Heb. go return
1 Kings 20:6 pleasant: Heb. desirable
1 Kings 20:7 I denied him not: Heb. I kept not back from him
1 Kings 20:10 follow me: Heb. are at my feet
1 Kings 20:12 message: Heb. word
1 Kings 20:12 pavillions: Or, Tents
1 Kings 20:12 set yourselves in aray: Or, place the engins, and they placed engins
1 Kings 20:13 came: Heb. approached
1 Kings 20:14 young men: Or, servants
1 Kings 20:14 order: Heb. bind, or, tie
1 Kings 20:25 that thou hast lost: Heb. that was fallen
1 Kings 20:26 to fight against Israel: Heb. to the war with Israel
1 Kings 20:27 were all present: Or, were victualled
1 Kings 20:30 into an inner chamber: Or, from chamber to chamber. Heb. into a chamber within a chamber
1 Kings 20:37 smiting he wounded him: Heb. smiting and wounding
1 Kings 20:39 pay: Heb. weigh
1 Kings 20:40 he was gone: Heb. he was not
1 Kings 21:2 seem good to thee: Heb. be good in thine eyes
1 Kings 21:9 on high among the people: Heb. in the top of the people
1 Kings 21:23 wall: Or, ditch
1 Kings 21:25 stirred up: Or, incited
1 Kings 22:3 still, and take it: Heb. silent from taking it
1 Kings 22:9 officer: Or, eunuch
1 Kings 22:10 void: Heb. floor
1 Kings 22:20 persuade: Or, deceive
1 Kings 22:25 into an inner chamber: Or, from chamber to chamber. Heb. chamber in a chamber
1 Kings 22:30 I will disguise myself, and enter into the battle: Or, when he was to disguise himself and enter into the battle
1 Kings 22:34 at a venture: Heb. in his simplicity
1 Kings 22:34 joints of the harness: Heb. joints and the breastplate
1 Kings 22:34 wounded: Heb. made sick
1 Kings 22:35 increased: Heb. ascended
1 Kings 22:35 midst: Heb. bosom
1 Kings 22:37 was brought: Heb. came
1 Kings 22:48 made ships: Or, had ten ships
2 Kings 1:4 Thou shalt not come down from that bed on which thou art gone up: Heb. the bed, whither thou art gone up, thou shalt not come down from it
2 Kings 1:7 what manner of man was he: Heb. what was the manner of the man?
2 Kings 1:13 fell: Heb. bowed
2 Kings 2:7 to view: Heb. in sight, or, over against
2 Kings 2:10 thou hast asked a hard thing: Heb. thou hast done hard in asking
2 Kings 2:13 bank: Heb. lip
2 Kings 2:16 strong men: Heb. sons of strength
2 Kings 2:16 some mountain: Heb. one of the mountains
2 Kings 2:19 barren: Heb. causing to miscarry
2 Kings 3:2 image: Heb. statue
2 Kings 3:9 that followed them
2 Kings 3:19 marr: Heb. grieve
2 Kings 3:21 gathered: Heb. were cried together
2 Kings 3:21 put on armour: Heb. gird himself with a girdle
2 Kings 3:23 slain: Heb. destroyed
2 Kings 3:24 they went forward smiting: Or, they smote in it, even smiting
2 Kings 3:25 only in Kirharaseth left they the stones thereof: Heb. until he left the stones thereof in Kirharaseth
2 Kings 4:3 borrow not: Or, scant not
2 Kings 4:7 debt: Or, creditor
2 Kings 4:8 it fell on a day: Heb. there was a day
2 Kings 4:8 constrained: Heb. laid hold on him
2 Kings 4:16 season: Heb. set time
2 Kings 4:23 well: Heb. peace
2 Kings 4:24 slack not thy riding: Heb. restrain not for me to ride
2 Kings 4:27 by the feet: Heb. by his feet
2 Kings 4:27 vexed: Heb. bitter
2 Kings 4:31 hearing: Heb. attention
2 Kings 4:35 to and fro: Heb. once hither, and once thither
2 Kings 4:41 harm: Heb. evil thing
2 Kings 4:42 in the husk: Or, in his scrip, or garment
2 Kings 5:1 with: Heb. before
2 Kings 5:1 honorable: Or, gracious. Heb. lifted up, or accepted in contenance
2 Kings 5:1 deliverance: Or, victory
2 Kings 5:2 waited: Heb. was before
2 Kings 5:3 with: Heb. before
2 Kings 5:3 recover: gather in
2 Kings 5:5 with him: Heb. in his hand
2 Kings 5:11 I thought, He will surely come out to me: Heb. said. Or, I said with myself, He will surely come out etc.
2 Kings 5:11 and strike: Heb. move up and down
2 Kings 5:12 Abana: Or, Amana
2 Kings 5:19 a little way: Heb. a little piece of ground
2 Kings 5:21 Is all well?: Heb. Is there peace?
2 Kings 5:24 tower: Or, secret place
2 Kings 5:25 no whither: Heb. not hither or thither
2 Kings 6:5 axe head: Heb. iron
2 Kings 6:8 camp: Or, encamping
2 Kings 6:12 None: Heb. No
2 Kings 6:14 great: Heb. heavy
2 Kings 6:15 servant: Or, minister
2 Kings 6:19 follow me: Heb. come ye after me
2 Kings 6:27 if the LORD do not help thee: Or, Let not the Lord save thee
2 Kings 6:29 next: Heb. other
2 Kings 7:2 a lord on whose hand the king leaned: Heb. a Lord which belonged to the King, leaning upon his hand
2 Kings 7:9 some mischief will come upon us: Heb. we shall find punishment
2 Kings 7:13 in the city: Heb. in it
2 Kings 8:6 officer: Or, Eunuch
2 Kings 8:9 with him: Heb. in his hand
2 Kings 8:11 steadfastly: Heb. and set it
2 Kings 8:16 began to reign: Heb. reigned
2 Kings 8:19 light: Heb. candle, or lamp
2 Kings 8:29 wounds which the Syrians: Heb. wherewith the Syrians had wounded
2 Kings 8:29 had given: Heb. wounded
2 Kings 9:2 inner chamber: Heb. chamber in a chamber
2 Kings 9:13 is king: Heb. reigneth
2 Kings 9:15 Joram: Heb. Jehoram
2 Kings 9:15 given: Heb. smote
2 Kings 9:15 let none go forth nor escape: Heb. let no escaper go, etc.
2 Kings 9:20 driving: Or, marching
2 Kings 9:20 furiously: Heb. in madness
2 Kings 9:21 Make ready: Heb. bind
2 Kings 9:21 met him: Heb. found
2 Kings 9:24 drew a bow: Heb. filled his hand with a bow
2 Kings 9:24 sunk: Heb. bowed
2 Kings 9:26 blood: Heb. bloods
2 Kings 9:26 plat: Or, portion
2 Kings 9:30 painted her face: Heb. put her eyes in painting
2 Kings 9:32 eunuchs: Or, chamberlains
2 Kings 9:36 by his: Heb. by the hand of
2 Kings 10:1 them that brought up: Heb. nourishers
2 Kings 10:6 mine: Heb. for me
2 Kings 10:10 by: Heb. by the hand of
2 Kings 10:11 kinfolks: Or, acquaintance
2 Kings 10:12 shearing house: Heb. house of shepherds binding sheep
2 Kings 10:13 met: Heb. found
2 Kings 10:13 to salute: Heb. to the peace of etc.
2 Kings 10:15 lighted: Heb. found
2 Kings 10:15 saluted: Heb. blessed
2 Kings 10:20 Proclaim: Heb. Sanctify
2 Kings 10:21 full from one end to another: Or, so full, that they stood mouth to mouth
2 Kings 10:25 edge: Heb. the mouth
2 Kings 10:26 Images: Heb. statues
2 Kings 10:31 took no heed: Heb. observed not
2 Kings 10:32 to cut: Heb. to cut off the ends
2 Kings 10:33 eastward: Heb. toward the rising of the sun
2 Kings 10:33 even Gilead and Bashan: Or, even to Gilead and Bashan
2 Kings 10:36 the time: Heb. the days were
2 Kings 11:1 seed royal: Heb. seed of the kingdom
2 Kings 11:2 Jehosheba: also called, Jehoshabeath
2 Kings 11:6 that it be not broken down: Or, from breaking up
2 Kings 11:7 parts of all you: Or, companies: Heb. hands
2 Kings 11:11 corner: Heb. shoulder
2 Kings 11:12 God save the King: Heb. let the king live
2 Kings 11:18 officers: Heb. offices
2 Kings 12:4 dedicated things: Or, holy things: Heb. holinesses
2 Kings 12:4 the money that every man is set at: Heb. the money of the souls of his estimation
2 Kings 12:4 cometh into any mans heart: Heb. ascendeth upon the heart of a man
2 Kings 12:6 in the three and twentieth year: Heb. in the twentieth year, and third year
2 Kings 12:9 door: Heb. threshold
2 Kings 12:10 scribe: Or, secretary
2 Kings 12:10 put in: Heb. bound up
2 Kings 12:11 laid it out: Heb. brought it forth
2 Kings 12:12 was laid out: Heb. went forth
2 Kings 12:18 went away: Heb. went up
2 Kings 12:20 the house of Millo: Or, Bethmillo
2 Kings 13:1 the three and twentieth year: Heb. in the twentieth year and third year
2 Kings 13:2 followed: Heb. walked after
2 Kings 13:5 as beforetime: Heb. as yesterday, and third day
2 Kings 13:6 walked: Heb. he walked
2 Kings 13:6 remained: Heb. stood
2 Kings 13:16 put thine hand upon: Heb. make thine hand to ride
2 Kings 13:21 was let down: Heb. went down
2 Kings 13:23 presence: Heb. face
2 Kings 13:25 took again: Heb. returned and took
2 Kings 14:7 Selah: Or, the rock
2 Kings 14:10 at home: Heb. at thy house
2 Kings 14:10 was put to the worse: Heb. was smitten
2 Kings 15:13 a full month: Heb. a month of days
2 Kings 15:20 exacted: Heb. caused to come forth
2 Kings 16:10 Damascus: Heb. Dammesek
2 Kings 16:13 his: Heb. which were his
2 Kings 17:3 gave: Heb. rendered
2 Kings 17:3 presents: Or, tribute
2 Kings 17:10 images: Heb. statues
2 Kings 17:13 by all the: Heb. by the hand of all
2 Kings 17:33 whom they carried away from thence: Or, who carried them ways from thence
2 Kings 18:4 images: Heb. statues
2 Kings 18:6 from following him: Heb. from after him
2 Kings 18:8 Gaza: Heb. Azzah.! [sic]
2 Kings 18:13 Sennacherib: Heb. Sanherib
2 Kings 18:16 it to the: Heb. them
2 Kings 18:17 great: Heb. heavy
2 Kings 18:18 scribe: Or, secretary
2 Kings 18:20 sayest: Or, talkest
2 Kings 18:20 vain words: Heb. word of the lips
2 Kings 18:20 I have counsel and strength for the war: Or, but counsel and strength are for the war
2 Kings 18:21 trustest upon: Heb. trustest thee
2 Kings 18:23 pledges: Or, hostages
2 Kings 18:27 own piss with you?: Heb. the water of their feet?
2 Kings 18:31 Make an agreement: Or, seek my favour. Heb. make with me a blessing
2 Kings 18:31 cistern: Or, pit
2 Kings 18:32 persuadeth: Or, deceiveth
2 Kings 19:3 blasphemy: Or, provocation
2 Kings 19:4 left: Heb. found
2 Kings 19:18 cast: Heb. given
2 Kings 19:23 By: Heb. by the hand of
2 Kings 19:23 the tall: Heb. the tallness, etc.
2 Kings 19:23 the forest of his Carmel: Or, the forest and his fruitful field
2 Kings 19:24 beseiged: Or, fenced
2 Kings 19:25 Hast thou not heard long ago how I have done it, and of ancient times that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste fenced cities into ruinous heaps: Or, Hast thou not heard how I have made it long ago, and formed it of ancient times? Should I now bring it to be laid waist, and fenced cities to be ruinous heaps?
2 Kings 19:26 of small power: Heb. short of hand
2 Kings 19:27 abode: Or, sitting
2 Kings 19:30 the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah: Heb. the escaping of the house of Judah that remaineth
2 Kings 19:31 they that escape: Heb. the escaping
2 Kings 19:37 Armenia: Heb. Ararat
2 Kings 20:1 set thine house in order: Heb. give charge concerning thine house
2 Kings 20:3 sore: Heb. with a great weeping
2 Kings 20:4 court: Or, city
2 Kings 20:11 dial: Heb. degrees
2 Kings 20:13 precious things: Or, spicery
2 Kings 20:13 armour: Or, jewels. Heb. vessells
2 Kings 20:19 is it not good if peace and truth be in my days? Or, shall there not be peace and truth? etc.
2 Kings 21:13 wiping it and turning it upside down: Heb. he wipeth and turneth it upon the face thereof
2 Kings 21:16 from one end to another: Heb. from mouth to mouth
2 Kings 22:4 door: Heb. threshold
2 Kings 22:9 gathered: Heb. melted
2 Kings 22:14 wardrobe: Heb. garments
2 Kings 22:14 in the college: Or, in the second part
2 Kings 23:2 both small and great: Heb. from small even unto great
2 Kings 23:5 put down: Heb. caused to cease. Heb. chemarim
2 Kings 23:5 Planets: Or, twelve signs or constellations
2 Kings 23:7 hangings: Heb. houses
2 Kings 23:11 chamberlain: Or, Eunuch, or Officer
2 Kings 23:12 brake them down from thence: Or, ran from thence
2 Kings 23:13 the mount of corruption: that is, the mount of Olives
2 Kings 23:14 images: Heb. statues
2 Kings 23:18 alone: Heb. to escape
2 Kings 23:20 slew: Or, sacrificed
2 Kings 23:24 images: Or, teraphim
2 Kings 23:26 provocations: Heb. angers
2 Kings 23:33 that he might not reign: Or, because he reigned
2 Kings 23:33 put the land to a tribute: Heb. set a mulct upon the land
2 Kings 24:2 by his: Heb. by the hand of
2 Kings 24:10 was beseiged: Heb. came into seige
2 Kings 24:12 officers: Or, Eunuchs
2 Kings 24:15 officers: Or, Eunuchs
2 Kings 25:6 gave judgment upon him: Heb. spake judgment with him
2 Kings 25:7 put out the eyes: Heb. made blind
2 Kings 25:8 captain of the guard: Or, chief marshal
2 Kings 25:11 fugitives: Heb. fallen away
2 Kings 25:16 one sea: Heb. the one sea
2 Kings 25:18 door: Heb. threshold
2 Kings 25:19 Officer: Or, Eunuch
2 Kings 25:19 were in the kings presence: Heb. saw the kings face
2 Kings 25:19 principle Scribe of the host: Or, scribes of the captain of the host
2 Kings 25:25 the seed royal: Heb. of the kingdom
2 Kings 25:28 kindly to him: Heb. good things with him
1 Chronicles 1:6 Riphath: Or, Diphath, as it is in some copies
1 Chronicles 1:7 Dodanim: Or, Rodanim, according to some copies
1 Chronicles 1:17 Meshech: Or, Mash. gen. 10.23 [sic]
1 Chronicles 1:19 Peleg: that is, division
1 Chronicles 1:30 Hadad: Or, Hadar, Gen. 25.14
1 Chronicles 1:36 Zephi: Or, Zepho, Gen. 36.12
1 Chronicles 1:39 Homam: Or, Heman, Gen. 36.22
1 Chronicles 1:40 Alian: Or, Alvan, Gen. 36.23
1 Chronicles 1:40 Shephi: Or, Sepho, Gen. 36.23
1 Chronicles 1:41 Amram: Or, Hemdan, Gen. 36.26
1 Chronicles 1:42 Jakan: or Akan, Gen. 36.27
1 Chronicles 1:50 Hadad: Or, Hadar, Gen. 36.39
1 Chronicles 1:50 Pai: Or, Pau, Gen. 36.39
1 Chronicles 2:1 Israel: Or, Jacob
1 Chronicles 2:6 Zimri: Or, Zabdi, Josh. 7.1
1 Chronicles 2:6 Dara: Or, Darda
1 Chronicles 2:7 Achar: Or, Achan
1 Chronicles 2:9 Ram: Or, Aram. Mat. 1.3
1 Chronicles 2:9 Chelubai: Or, Caleb. Ver. 18
1 Chronicles 2:13 Shimma: Or, Shamma, 1 Sam. 16.9
1 Chronicles 2:21 married: Heb. took
1 Chronicles 2:52 Haroeh: Or, Reaiah, chap. 4.2
1 Chronicles 2:52 half of the Manahethites: Or, half of the Manahethites, Or Hatsihammenuchoth
1 Chronicles 2:54 Ataroth, the house of Joab: Or, Atarites, or, crowns of the house of Joab
1 Chronicles 3:1 Daniel: Or, Chileab, 2. sam. 3.3
1 Chronicles 3:5 Shimea: Or, Shammua, 2. Sam. 5.14
1 Chronicles 3:5 Bathshua: Or, Bethsabe, 2. Sam. 11.13
1 Chronicles 3:5 Ammieal: Or, Eliam, 2. Sam. 11.3
1 Chronicles 3:6 Elishama: Or, Elishua 2. Sam. 5.15
1 Chronicles 3:8 Eliada: Or, Beliada, 1. Chro. 14.7
1 Chronicles 3:10 Abia: Or, Abiam, 1. king. 15.1
1 Chronicles 3:11 Ahaziah: Or, Azariah, 2. chr. 22.6 & 21.17
1 Chronicles 3:12 Azariah: Or, Uzziah 2. king. 15.30
1 Chronicles 3:15 Johanan: Or, Joachaz, 2. king. 23.30
1 Chronicles 3:15 Joakim: Or, Eliakim, 2. king. 23.34
1 Chronicles 3:15 Zedekiah: Or, Mathania, 2. king. 24.17
1 Chronicles 3:16 Jeconiah: Or, Jehoiachin, 2. king. 24.6
1 Chronicles 3:17 Jeconiah: Or, Coniah, jer. 22.34
1 Chronicles 3:17 Salathiel: Heb. Shealtiel
1 Chronicles 3:17 his son: 2. King. 24.17. being his uncle
1 Chronicles 3:23 Hezekiah: Heb. Hiskijah
1 Chronicles 4:1 Carmi: Or, Chelubai, Chap. 2.9. or Caleb, Chap. 2.18
1 Chronicles 4:2 Reaiah: Or, Haroe
1 Chronicles 4:9 Jabez: that is, sorrowful
1 Chronicles 4:10 Oh that thow wouldest: Heb. if thou wilt, etc.
1 Chronicles 4:10 keep me: Heb. do me
1 Chronicles 4:12 Irnahash: Or, the city of Nahash
1 Chronicles 4:13 Hathath and Meonothai: Or, Hathath, and Meonothai, who begat, etc.
1 Chronicles 4:14 valley: Or, inhabitants of the valley
1 Chronicles 4:14 Charasim: That is, craftsmen
1 Chronicles 4:15 even Kenaz: Or, Uknaz
1 Chronicles 4:18 Jehudijah: Or, the Jewess
1 Chronicles 4:19 Hodiah: Or, Jehudijah, mentioned before
1 Chronicles 4:24 Nemuel: Or, Jemuel
1 Chronicles 4:27 like: Heb. unto
1 Chronicles 4:29 Bilhah: Or, Bela
1 Chronicles 4:29 Tolad: Or, Eltolad
1 Chronicles 4:31 Hazarsusim: Or, Hazarsusah
1 Chronicles 4:32 Etam: Or, Ether
1 Chronicles 4:33 Baal: Or, Baalathbeer
1 Chronicles 4:33 genealogy: Or, as they divided themselves by nations among them
1 Chronicles 4:38 mentioned: Heb. coming
1 Chronicles 5:2 rulers: Or, Prince
1 Chronicles 5:6 Tilgathpilneser: Or, Tiglathpilneser
1 Chronicles 5:8 Shema: Or, Shemaiah
1 Chronicles 5:10 throughout all the East land: Heb. upon all the face of the East
1 Chronicles 5:16 their borders: Heb. their goings forth
1 Chronicles 5:18 valient men: Heb. sons of valour
1 Chronicles 5:21 took away: Heb. led captive
1 Chronicles 5:21 men: Heb. souls of men
1 Chronicles 5:24 famous men: Heb. men of names
1 Chronicles 6:1 Gershon: Or, Gershom
1 Chronicles 6:10 in the temple: Heb. in the house
1 Chronicles 6:12 Shallum: Or, Meshullam
1 Chronicles 6:16 Gershom: Or, Gershon
1 Chronicles 6:21 Joah: Or, Ethan
1 Chronicles 6:21 Iddo: Or, Adaia
1 Chronicles 6:22 Amminadab: Or, Izhar
1 Chronicles 6:26 Zophai: Or, Zuph
1 Chronicles 6:28 Vashni: called also Joel
1 Chronicles 6:33 waited: Heb. stood
1 Chronicles 6:44 Kishi: Or, Kushaiah
1 Chronicles 6:58 Hilen: or Holon
1 Chronicles 6:59 Ashan: or Ain
1 Chronicles 6:60 Alemeth: or Almon
1 Chronicles 6:78 Bezer: Or, Bozor
1 Chronicles 7:12 Ir: Or, Iri
1 Chronicles 7:12 Aher: Or, Ahiram
1 Chronicles 7:27 Non: Or, Nun
1 Chronicles 7:28 towns: Heb. daughters
1 Chronicles 7:28 Gaza: Or, Adazza, 1. mac. 7.45
1 Chronicles 8:3 Addar: Or, Ard
1 Chronicles 8:5 Shephuphan: Or, Shupham
1 Chronicles 8:21 Shimhi: Or, Shema
1 Chronicles 8:29 father of Gibeon: also called Jehiel
1 Chronicles 8:31 Zacher: Or, Zechariah
1 Chronicles 8:32 Shimeah: Or, Shimeam
1 Chronicles 8:33 Eshbaal: Or, Ishbosheth
1 Chronicles 8:34 Meribbaal: Or, Mephibosheth
1 Chronicles 8:35 Tarea: Or, Tahrea
1 Chronicles 8:36 Jehoadah: also called, Jarah
1 Chronicles 8:37 Rapha: also called, Rephaiah
1 Chronicles 9:13 very able men: mighty men of valour
1 Chronicles 9:19 gates: Heb. thresholds
1 Chronicles 9:22 did ordain: Heb. founded
1 Chronicles 9:22 set office: Or, trust
1 Chronicles 9:26 set office: Or, trust
1 Chronicles 9:26 chambers: Or, storehouses
1 Chronicles 9:28 bring them in and out by tale: Heb. bring them in by tale, and carry them out by tale
1 Chronicles 9:29 instruments: Or, vessels
1 Chronicles 9:31 set office: Or, trust
1 Chronicles 9:31 in the pans: Or, on flat plates, or, slices
1 Chronicles 9:32 shewbread: Heb. bread of ordering
1 Chronicles 9:33 they were imployed: Heb. upon them
1 Chronicles 10:1 slain: Or, wounded
1 Chronicles 10:2 Abinadab: Or, Jeshui
1 Chronicles 10:3 archers: Heb. shooters with bows
1 Chronicles 10:3 hit him: Heb. found him
1 Chronicles 10:4 abuse me: Or, mock me
1 Chronicles 10:13 committed: Heb. transgressed
1 Chronicles 10:14 Jesse: Heb. Isai
1 Chronicles 11:2 in time past: Heb. both yesterday and the third day
1 Chronicles 11:2 feed: Or, rule
1 Chronicles 11:3 by: Heb. by the hand of
1 Chronicles 11:6 chief: Heb, head
1 Chronicles 11:7 it the city of David: That is, Zion
1 Chronicles 11:8 repaired: Heb. revived
1 Chronicles 11:9 waxed greater and greater: Heb. went in going and increasing
1 Chronicles 11:10 strengthened themselves with him: Or, held strongly with him
1 Chronicles 11:11 an Hachmonite: Or, son of Hachmoni
1 Chronicles 11:13 Pasdammim: also called, Ephesdammim
1 Chronicles 11:14 set themselves: Or, stood
1 Chronicles 11:14 deliverance: Or, salvation
1 Chronicles 11:15 three of the thirty captains: Or, three captains over the thirty
1 Chronicles 11:19 that have put their lives: Heb. with their lives?
1 Chronicles 11:22 who had done many acts: Heb. great of deeds
1 Chronicles 11:23 a man of great stature: Heb. a man of measure
1 Chronicles 11:27 Harorite: Or, Harodite
1 Chronicles 11:38 the son of Haggeri: Or, the Haggerite
1 Chronicles 11:45 son of Zimri: Or, Zimrite
1 Chronicles 12:1 while he yet kept himself close: Heb. being yet shut up
1 Chronicles 12:3 Shemaah: Or, Hasmaa
1 Chronicles 12:8 of war: Heb. of the host
1 Chronicles 12:8 as swift as the Roes upon the mountains: Heb. as the Roes upon the mountains to make haste
1 Chronicles 12:14 one of the least was over an hundred, and the greatest, over a thousand: Or, one that was least could resist an hundred, and the greatest a thousand
1 Chronicles 12:15 overflown: Heb. filled over
1 Chronicles 12:17 to meet them: Heb. before them
1 Chronicles 12:17 be knit: Heb. be one
1 Chronicles 12:17 wrong: Or, violence
1 Chronicles 12:18 the spirit came upon Amasai: Heb. the Spirit clothed Amasai
1 Chronicles 12:19 to the jeopardy of our heads: Heb. on our heads
1 Chronicles 12:21 against the band: Or, with a band
1 Chronicles 12:23 bands: Or, captains, or, men. Heb. heads
1 Chronicles 12:24 armed: Or, prepared
1 Chronicles 12:29 kindred: Heb. brethren
1 Chronicles 12:29 the greatest part of them: Heb. a multitude of them
1 Chronicles 12:30 famous: Heb. men of names
1 Chronicles 12:33 expert in war: Or, rangers of battle, or ranged in battle
1 Chronicles 12:33 keep rank: Or, set the battle in array
1 Chronicles 12:33 not of double heart: Heb. without a heart and a heart
1 Chronicles 12:36 expert: Or, keeping their rank
1 Chronicles 12:40 meat: Or, victual of meal
1 Chronicles 13:2 let us send abroad: Heb. let us break forth and send
1 Chronicles 13:2 in their cities and suburbs: Heb. in the cities of their suburbs
1 Chronicles 13:3 bring again: Heb. bring about
1 Chronicles 13:7 carried the Ark: Heb. made the Ark to ride
1 Chronicles 13:8 singing: Heb. songs
1 Chronicles 13:9 Chidon: Called Nachon
1 Chronicles 13:9 stumbled: Or, shook it
1 Chronicles 13:11 Perezuzza: Heb. breach of Uzza
1 Chronicles 13:13 brought not: Heb. removed
1 Chronicles 14:3 more wives: Heb. yet
1 Chronicles 14:7 Beeliada: Or, Eliada
1 Chronicles 14:11 Baalperazim: that is, a place of breaches
1 Chronicles 14:16 Gibeon: also called, Geba
1 Chronicles 15:2 None ought to carry the ark of God, but the Levites: Heb. It is not to carry the Ark of God, but for the Levites
1 Chronicles 15:5 brethren: Or, kinsmen
1 Chronicles 15:21 Sheminith: Or, on the eight to oversee
1 Chronicles 15:22 was for song, he instructed about the song: Or, was for the carriage, he instructed about the carriage
1 Chronicles 15:22 song: Heb. lifting up
1 Chronicles 15:27 song: Or, carriage
1 Chronicles 16:5 with Psalteries and with harps: Heb. with instruments of Psalteries, and harps
1 Chronicles 16:18 the lot: Heb. the cord
1 Chronicles 16:19 few: Heb. men of number
1 Chronicles 16:40 morning and evening: Heb. in the morning and in the evening
1 Chronicles 16:42 Porters: Heb. for the gate
1 Chronicles 17:7 from following: Heb. from after
1 Chronicles 17:19 great things: Heb. greatness
1 Chronicles 18:3 Hadarezer: Or, Hadadezer in Sam
1 Chronicles 18:5 Damascus: Heb. Darmesek
1 Chronicles 18:8 Tibhath…: Called in the book of Sam. Beta, and Berothai
1 Chronicles 18:9 Tou: Or, Toi
1 Chronicles 18:10 Hadoram: Or, Joram
1 Chronicles 18:10 to enquire: Or, to salute
1 Chronicles 18:10 to congratulate: Heb. to bless
1 Chronicles 18:10 had war: Heb. was the man of wars
1 Chronicles 18:15 Recorder: Or, remembrancer
1 Chronicles 18:16 Abimelech: Called Ahimelech in Sam.
1 Chronicles 18:16 Shausha: Called Saraia in Sam. and Sisa
1 Chronicles 18:17 chief about the king: Heb. at the hand of the King
1 Chronicles 19:3 Thinkest: Heb. In thine eyes doeth David, etc.
1 Chronicles 19:6 odious: Heb. to stink
1 Chronicles 19:10 the battle was: Heb. the face of the battle was
1 Chronicles 19:10 choice: Or, young men
1 Chronicles 19:11 Abishai: Heb. Abshai
1 Chronicles 19:16 River: i. Euphrates
1 Chronicles 19:16 Shophach: Or, Shobach
1 Chronicles 20:1 after the year: Heb. at the return of the year
1 Chronicles 20:2 to weigh: Heb. the weight of
1 Chronicles 20:4 arose: Or, continued, Heb. stood
1 Chronicles 20:4 Gezer: Or, Gob
1 Chronicles 20:4 the giant: Or, Rapha
1 Chronicles 20:5 Jair: Called also Jaareoregim
1 Chronicles 20:6 man of great stature: Heb. a man of measure
1 Chronicles 20:6 the son of the giant: Heb. born to the giant, or, Rapha
1 Chronicles 20:7 defied: Or, reproached
1 Chronicles 20:7 Shimea: Called Shammah
1 Chronicles 21:7 And God was displeased with this thing: And it was evil in the eyes of the LORD concerning this thing
1 Chronicles 21:10 offer: Heb. stretch out
1 Chronicles 21:11 Choose thee: Heb. take to thee
1 Chronicles 21:13 great: Or, many
1 Chronicles 21:15 Ornan: Or, Araunah
1 Chronicles 21:20 And Ornane turned back and saw the Angel, and his four sons with him hid themselves: Or, When Ornan turned back, and saw the Angel, then he and his four sons with him, hid themselves
1 Chronicles 21:22 Grant: Heb. give
1 Chronicles 22:9 Solomon: That is, peaceable
1 Chronicles 22:14 in my trouble: Or, in my poverty
1 Chronicles 22:15 workers of stone and timber: That is, masons and carpenters
1 Chronicles 23:4 to set forward: Or, to oversee
1 Chronicles 23:6 courses: Heb. divisions
1 Chronicles 23:7 Laadan: Or, Libni
1 Chronicles 23:10 Zina: Or, Ziza
1 Chronicles 23:11 had not many sons: Heb. did not multiply sons
1 Chronicles 23:16 Shebuel: also called, Shubael
1 Chronicles 23:17 the chief: Or, the first
1 Chronicles 23:17 were very many: Heb. were highly multiplied
1 Chronicles 23:22 brethren: Or, kinsmen
1 Chronicles 23:25 that they may dwell in Jerusalem: Or, that he dwelleth in Jerusalem, etc.
1 Chronicles 23:27 numbered: Heb. number
1 Chronicles 23:17 their office was to wait on the sons of Aaron: Heb. their station was at the hand of the sons of Aaron
1 Chronicles 23:29 pan: Or, flat plate
1 Chronicles 24:6 principal household: Heb. house of the father
1 Chronicles 25:2 Asarelah: otherwise called Jesharelah [† or || symbol missing here]
1 Chronicles 25:2 according to the order of the king: Heb. by the hand of the king
1 Chronicles 25:3 Zeri: Or, Izri
1 Chronicles 25:3 six: With Shimei mentioned ver. 17
1 Chronicles 25:4 Uzziel: Or, Azareel
1 Chronicles 25:4 Shebuel: Or, Shubael
1 Chronicles 25:5 words: Or, matters
1 Chronicles 25:6 according to the kings order: Heb. by the hands of the King
1 Chronicles 26:1 Meshelemiah: Or, Shelemiah
1 Chronicles 26:1 Asaph: Or, Abiasaph
1 Chronicles 26:5 him: That is, Obededom
1 Chronicles 26:13 as well the small as the great: Or, as well for the small as for the great
1 Chronicles 26:14 Shelemiah: Called Meshelemiah
1 Chronicles 26:15 Asuppim: Heb. gatherings
1 Chronicles 26:20 dedicate things: Heb. holy things
1 Chronicles 26:21 Laadan: Or, Libni
1 Chronicles 26:21 Jehieli: Or, Jehiel
1 Chronicles 26:27 out of the spoils won in battles: Heb. out of the battles and spoils
1 Chronicles 26:30 officers: Heb. over the charge
1 Chronicles 26:32 affairs: Heb. thing
1 Chronicles 27:4 Dodai: Or, Dodo
1 Chronicles 27:5 chief priest: Or, principal officer
1 Chronicles 27:15 Heldai: Or, Heled
1 Chronicles 27:24 was the number: Heb. ascended
1 Chronicles 27:27 over the increase of the vineyards: Heb. over that which was of the vineyards
1 Chronicles 27:32 Scribe: Or, secretary
1 Chronicles 27:32 son of Hachmoni: Or, Hachmonite
1 Chronicles 28:1 possession: Or, cattle
1 Chronicles 28:1 officers: Or, Eunuchs
1 Chronicles 28:3 blood: Heb. bloods
1 Chronicles 28:7 constant: Heb. strong
1 Chronicles 28:12 of all that he had: Heb. of all that was with him
1 Chronicles 29:5 to consecrate his service: Heb. to fill his hand
1 Chronicles 29:14 be able: Heb. retain or obtain strength
1 Chronicles 29:14 thine own hand: Heb. of thine hand
1 Chronicles 29:15 abiding: Heb. expectation
1 Chronicles 29:17 present: Heb. found
1 Chronicles 29:18 prepare: Or, stablish
1 Chronicles 29:24 submitted themselves unto Solomon: Heb. gave the hand under Solomon
1 Chronicles 29:29 book: Or, history
1 Chronicles 29:29 book: Heb. words
2 Chronicles 1:5 he put: Or, was there
2 Chronicles 1:9 like the dust of the earth: Heb. much as the dust of the earth
2 Chronicles 1:15 made: Heb. gave
2 Chronicles 1:16 Solomon had horses brought out of Egypt: Heb. the going forth of the horses which was Solomons
2 Chronicles 1:17 by their means: Heb. by their hand
2 Chronicles 2:3 Huram: Or, Hiram
2 Chronicles 2:4 sweet incense: Heb. incense of spices
2 Chronicles 2:6 is able: Heb. hath retained, or obtained strength
2 Chronicles 2:7 to grave: Heb. to grave gravings
2 Chronicles 2:8 Algume: Or, Almuggim
2 Chronicles 2:9 wonderful great: Heb. great and wonderful
2 Chronicles 2:12 endued with prudance and understanding: Heb. knowing prudence and understanding
2 Chronicles 2:16 as much as thou shalt need: Heb. according to all thy need
2 Chronicles 2:16 Joppa: Heb. Japho
2 Chronicles 2:17 the strangers: Heb. the men the strangers
2 Chronicles 3:1 where the LORD appeared unto David his father: Or, which was seen of David his father
2 Chronicles 3:1 Ornan: Or, Araunah
2 Chronicles 3:3 instructed: Heb. founded
2 Chronicles 3:6 garnished: Heb. covered
2 Chronicles 3:10 image work: Or, (as some think) of moveable work
2 Chronicles 3:13 inward: Or, toward the house
2 Chronicles 3:14 wrought: Heb. caused to ascend
2 Chronicles 3:15 high: Heb. long
2 Chronicles 3:17 Jachin: That is, he shall establish
2 Chronicles 3:17 Boaz: That is, in it is strengh
2 Chronicles 4:2 from brim to brim: Heb.
2 Chronicles 4:5 with flowers of lillies: Or, like a lilyflower
2 Chronicles 4:6 burnt offering: Heb. the work of burnt offering
2 Chronicles 4:8 basons: Or, bowls
2 Chronicles 4:11 basons: Or, bowls
2 Chronicles 4:11 finished the work: Heb. finished to make
2 Chronicles 4:13 upon: Heb. upon the face
2 Chronicles 4:14 lavers: Or, caldrons
2 Chronicles 4:16 bright: Heb. made bright, or scoured
2 Chronicles 4:17 clay ground: Heb. thicknesses of the ground
2 Chronicles 4:21 perfect gold: Heb. perfections of gold
2 Chronicles 4:22 basons: Or, bowls
2 Chronicles 5:9 it is unto: Or, they are there
2 Chronicles 5:10 when: Or, where
2 Chronicles 5:11 present: Heb. found
2 Chronicles 6:13 long: Heb. the length thereof, etc
2 Chronicles 6:16 not fail thee a man: Heb. there shall not be a man cut off
2 Chronicles 6:20 towards this place: Or, in this place
2 Chronicles 6:21 make: Heb. pray
2 Chronicles 6:22 and an oath be laid upon him: Heb. and he require an oath of him
2 Chronicles 6:24 be put to the worse: Or, be smitten
2 Chronicles 6:24 in: Or, towards
2 Chronicles 6:28 in the cities of their land: Heb. in the land of their gates
2 Chronicles 6:29 in this house: Or, toward this house
2 Chronicles 6:31 so long as they live: Heb. all the days which
2 Chronicles 6:31 in the land: Heb. upon the face of the land
2 Chronicles 6:33 this house which I have built: Heb. thy Name is called upon this house
2 Chronicles 6:35 cause: Or, right
2 Chronicles 6:36 they carry away captives unto a land far off or near: Heb. they that take them captives carry them away
2 Chronicles 6:37 bethink themselves: Heb. bring back to their heart
2 Chronicles 6:39 cause: Or, right
2 Chronicles 6:40 unto the prayer that is made: Heb. to the prayer of this place
2 Chronicles 7:6 by their ministry: Heb. by their hand
2 Chronicles 7:6 a solemn: Heb. a restraint
2 Chronicles 7:14 which are called by my Name: Heb. upon whom my name is called
2 Chronicles 7:15 unto the prayer that is made in this place: Heb. to the prayer of this place
2 Chronicles 7:18 there shall not fail thee: Heb. there shall not be cut off to thee
2 Chronicles 8:6 all that Solomon desired to build: Heb. all the desire of Solomon, which he desired to build
2 Chronicles 8:11 holy: Heb. holiness
2 Chronicles 8:14 so had David the man of God commanded: Heb. so was the commandment of David the man of God
2 Chronicles 8:17 Eloth: Or, Elath
2 Chronicles 9:4 cupbearers: Or, butlers
2 Chronicles 9:5 report: Heb. word
2 Chronicles 9:5 acts: Or, sayings
2 Chronicles 9:10 algum…: also called, almug trees
2 Chronicles 9:11 terraces: Or, stairs, Heb. highways
2 Chronicles 9:14 governors: Or, captains
2 Chronicles 9:18 stays: Heb. hands
2 Chronicles 9:20 pure: Heb. shut up
2 Chronicles 9:20 none were of silver: Or, there was no silver in them
2 Chronicles 9:21 ivory: Or, elephants teeth
2 Chronicles 9:26 river: that is, Euphrates
2 Chronicles 9:27 made: Heb. gave
2 Chronicles 9:29 book: Heb. words
2 Chronicles 10:11 put: Heb. laded
2 Chronicles 10:18 made speed: Heb. strengthened himself
2 Chronicles 11:13 resorted to him: Heb. presented themselves to him
2 Chronicles 11:23 many wives: Heb. a multitude of wives
2 Chronicles 12:7 some: Or, a little while
2 Chronicles 12:12 and also in Judah things went well: Or, and yet in Judah that were good things
2 Chronicles 12:14 prepared: Or, fixed
2 Chronicles 12:15 book: Heb. words
2 Chronicles 13:3 set: Heb. bound together
2 Chronicles 13:9 consecrate himself: Heb. to fill his hand
2 Chronicles 13:22 story: Or, commentary
2 Chronicles 14:3 images: Heb. statues
2 Chronicles 14:5 images: Heb. sun images
2 Chronicles 14:11 man: Or, mortal man
2 Chronicles 14:13 destroyed: Heb. broken
2 Chronicles 15:2 to meet Asa: Heb. before Asa
2 Chronicles 15:6 destroyed: Heb. beaten in pieces
2 Chronicles 15:8 abominable: Heb. abominations
2 Chronicles 15:11 the same time: Heb. in that day
2 Chronicles 15:16 idol: Heb. horror
2 Chronicles 16:2 Damascus: Heb. Darmesek
2 Chronicles 16:4 his: Heb. which were his
2 Chronicles 16:8 huge: Heb. in abundance
2 Chronicles 16:9 to show himself: Or, strongly to hold with them, etc.
2 Chronicles 16:10 oppressed: Heb. crushed
2 Chronicles 16:14 had made: Heb. digged
2 Chronicles 17:5 brought: Heb. gave
2 Chronicles 17:6 lift up: That is, was encouraged
2 Chronicles 17:10 fell: Heb. was
2 Chronicles 17:12 castles: Or, palaces
2 Chronicles 17:15 next to him: Heb. at his hand
2 Chronicles 18:2 after certain years: Heb. at the end of years
2 Chronicles 18:6 besides: Heb. yet or more
2 Chronicles 18:8 officers: Or, Eunuchs
2 Chronicles 18:8 fetch: Heb. hasten
2 Chronicles 18:9 void: Or, floor
2 Chronicles 18:10 they be consumed: Heb. thou consume them
2 Chronicles 18:12 with one assent: Heb. with one mouth
2 Chronicles 18:17 but evil?: Or, but for evil
2 Chronicles 18:24 into an inner chamber: Or, from chamber to chamber, Heb. chamber in a chamber
2 Chronicles 18:32 from pursuing him: Heb. from after him
2 Chronicles 18:33 at a venture: Heb. in his simplicity
2 Chronicles 18:33 between the joints of the harness: Heb. between the joints and between the breastplate
2 Chronicles 18:33 wounded: Heb. made sick
2 Chronicles 19:4 he went out again: Heb. he returned and went out
2 Chronicles 19:6 in the judgment: Heb. in the matter of judgment
2 Chronicles 19:11 Deal courageously: Heb. take courage and do
2 Chronicles 20:3 himself: Heb. his face
2 Chronicles 20:7 who: Heb. thou
2 Chronicles 20:16 cliff: Heb. ascent
2 Chronicles 20:16 brook: Or, valley
2 Chronicles 20:21 that should praise: Heb. praisers
2 Chronicles 20:22 And when they began: Heb. And in the time that they, etc.
2 Chronicles 20:22 to sing and to praise: Heb. in singing and praise
2 Chronicles 20:22 they were smitten: Or, they smote one another
2 Chronicles 20:23 to destroy: Heb. for the destruction
2 Chronicles 20:24 none escaped: Heb. there was not an escaping
2 Chronicles 20:26 Berachah: that is, blessing
2 Chronicles 20:27 forefront: Heb. head
2 Chronicles 20:34 book: Heb. words
2 Chronicles 20:34 is mentioned: Heb. was made to ascend
2 Chronicles 21:7 light: Heb. lamp, or candle
2 Chronicles 21:8 dominion: Heb. hand
2 Chronicles 21:14 a great plague: Heb. a great stroke
2 Chronicles 21:17 carried away: Heb. carried captive
2 Chronicles 21:17 Jehoahaz: Or, ahaziah, chap. 22.1. Or, Azariah, ver. 6
2 Chronicles 21:20 without being desired: Heb. without desire
2 Chronicles 22:6 which were given him: Heb. wherewith they wounded him
2 Chronicles 22:6 Azariah: Otherwise called Ahaziah, ver. 1. & Jehoahaz chap. 21.17
2 Chronicles 22:7 the destruction: Heb. treading down
2 Chronicles 22:11 Jehoshabeath: also called, Jehosheba
2 Chronicles 23:4 doors: Heb. thresholds
2 Chronicles 23:10 side: Heb. shoulder
2 Chronicles 23:10 Temple: Heb. house
2 Chronicles 23:11 God save the King: Heb. let the king live
2 Chronicles 23:13 Treason: Heb. Conspiracy
2 Chronicles 23:18 by David: Heb. by the hands of David
2 Chronicles 24:4 to repair: Heb. to renew
2 Chronicles 24:9 a proclamation: Heb. a voice
2 Chronicles 24:13 the work was perfected: Heb. the healing went up upon the work
2 Chronicles 24:14 offer: Or, pestils
2 Chronicles 24:20 came upon: Heb. clothed
2 Chronicles 24:23 at the end of the year: Heb. in the revolution of the year
2 Chronicles 24:23 Damascus: Heb. Darmesek
2 Chronicles 24:26 Zabad: Or, Jozacher
2 Chronicles 24:26 Shimrith: Or, Shomer
2 Chronicles 24:27 repairing: Heb. founding
2 Chronicles 24:27 story: Or, Commentary
2 Chronicles 25:3 established to him: Heb. confirmed upon him
2 Chronicles 25:9 army: Heb. band
2 Chronicles 25:10 home: Heb. to their place
2 Chronicles 25:10 great anger: Heb. in heat of anger
2 Chronicles 25:13 the soldiers: Heb. the sons of the band
2 Chronicles 25:16 determined: Heb. counselled
2 Chronicles 25:18 thistle: Or, furr bush, or thorn
2 Chronicles 25:18 wild beast: Heb. a beast of the field
2 Chronicles 25:22 put to the worse: Heb. smitten
2 Chronicles 25:23 the corner gate: Heb. the gate of it that looketh
2 Chronicles 25:27 from following: Heb. from after
2 Chronicles 25:27 made a conspiracy: Heb. conspired a conspiracy
2 Chronicles 25:28 Judah: that is, the city of David, as it is 2. king. 14.20
2 Chronicles 26:1 Uzziah: Or, Azariah
2 Chronicles 26:5 in the visions of God: Heb. in the seeing of God
2 Chronicles 26:6 about Ashdod: Or, in the country of Ashdod
2 Chronicles 26:8 spread: Heb. went
2 Chronicles 26:9 fortified: Or, repaired
2 Chronicles 26:10 digged many wells: Or, cut out many cisterns
2 Chronicles 26:10 Carmel: Or, fruitful fields
2 Chronicles 26:10 husbandry: Heb. ground
2 Chronicles 26:13 an army: Heb. the power of an army
2 Chronicles 26:14 slings to cast stones: Heb. stones of slings
2 Chronicles 26:15 spread far: Heb. went forth
2 Chronicles 26:21 several: Heb. Free
2 Chronicles 27:3 Ophel: Or, the tower
2 Chronicles 27:5 so much: Heb. much
2 Chronicles 27:6 prepared: Or, established
2 Chronicles 28:3 burnt incense: Or, offered sacrifice
2 Chronicles 28:5 Damascus: Heb. Darmesek
2 Chronicles 28:6 valiant men: Heb. sons of valour
2 Chronicles 28:7 next to the King: Heb. the second to the King
2 Chronicles 28:17 captives: Heb. a captivity
2 Chronicles 28:23 Damascus: Heb. Darmesek
2 Chronicles 28:25 burn: Or, to offer
2 Chronicles 29:6 turned their backs: Heb. given the necks
2 Chronicles 29:8 trouble: Heb. commotion
2 Chronicles 29:11 be not now negligent: Or, be not now deceived
2 Chronicles 29:11 burn incense: Or, offer sacrifice
2 Chronicles 29:15 by the words of the LORD: Or, in the business of the LORD
2 Chronicles 29:23 forth: Heb. near
2 Chronicles 29:25 of the LORD: Heb. by the hand of the LORD
2 Chronicles 29:25 by: Heb. by the hand of
2 Chronicles 29:27 when: Heb. in the time
2 Chronicles 29:27 instruments: Heb. hands of instruments
2 Chronicles 29:28 singers: Heb. song
2 Chronicles 29:29 present: Heb. found
2 Chronicles 29:31 consecrated: Or, filled your hand
2 Chronicles 29:34 did help them: Heb. strengthened them
2 Chronicles 30:4 pleased the king: Heb. was right in the eyes of the king
2 Chronicles 30:6 from: Heb. from the hand
2 Chronicles 30:8 be ye not stiffnecked: Harden not your necks
2 Chronicles 30:8 yield: Heb. give the hand
2 Chronicles 30:16 stood in their place: Heb. their standing
2 Chronicles 30:21 present: Heb. found
2 Chronicles 30:21 lowd: Heb. instruments of strength
2 Chronicles 30:22 comfortably unto all: Heb. to the heart of all etc.
2 Chronicles 30:24 did give: Heb. lifted up or offered
2 Chronicles 30:27 his holy dwelling place: Heb. the habitation of his holiness
2 Chronicles 31:1 present: Heb. found
2 Chronicles 31:1 images: Heb. statues
2 Chronicles 31:1 until they had utterly destroyed: Heb. until to make an end
2 Chronicles 31:5 came abroad: Heb. brought forth
2 Chronicles 31:5 honey: Or, dates
2 Chronicles 31:6 by heaps: Heb. heaps heaps
2 Chronicles 31:11 chambers: Or, storehouses
2 Chronicles 31:13 under the hand: Heb. at the hand
2 Chronicles 31:15 next him: Heb. at his hand
2 Chronicles 31:15 set office: Or, trust
2 Chronicles 31:18 set office: Or, trust
2 Chronicles 32:1 to win them for himself: Heb. to break them up
2 Chronicles 32:2 he was purposed to fight: Heb. his face was to war
2 Chronicles 32:4 ran: Heb. overflowed
2 Chronicles 32:5 darts: Or, swords, or weapons
2 Chronicles 32:6 he spake comfortably: Heb. he spake to their heart
2 Chronicles 32:8 rested: Heb. leaned
2 Chronicles 32:9 power: Heb. dominion
2 Chronicles 32:10 in the siege: Or, in the strong hold
2 Chronicles 32:21 slew him: Heb. made him fall
2 Chronicles 32:23 presents: Heb. precious things
2 Chronicles 32:24 gave him a sign: Or, wrought a miracle for him
2 Chronicles 32:26 the pride: Heb. the lifting up
2 Chronicles 32:27 pleasant jewels: Heb. instruments of desire
2 Chronicles 32:31 ambassadors: Heb. interpreters
2 Chronicles 32:32 goodness: Heb. kindnesses
2 Chronicles 32:33 chiefest: Or, highest
2 Chronicles 33:3 he built again: Heb. he returned and built
2 Chronicles 33:11 of the king: Heb. which were the kings
2 Chronicles 33:11 fetters: Or, chains
2 Chronicles 33:14 Ophel: Or, the tower
2 Chronicles 33:19 the seers: Or, Hosai
2 Chronicles 33:23 tresspassed more and more: Heb. multiplied tresspass
2 Chronicles 34:4 the images: Or, the sun images
2 Chronicles 34:4 graves of them: Heb. face of the graves
2 Chronicles 34:6 mattocks: Or, mauls
2 Chronicles 34:7 into powder: Heb. to make powder
2 Chronicles 34:11 to floor: Or, to rafter
2 Chronicles 34:14 by: Heb. by the hand of
2 Chronicles 34:16 to: Heb. to the hand of
2 Chronicles 34:17 gathered together: Heb. poured out, or melted
2 Chronicles 34:18 it: Heb. in it
2 Chronicles 34:20 Abdon: Or, Achbor
2 Chronicles 34:22 Hasrah: Or, Harhas
2 Chronicles 34:22 wardrobe: Heb. garments
2 Chronicles 34:22 college: Or, in the school, or in the second part
2 Chronicles 34:30 great and small: Heb. from great even to small
2 Chronicles 34:32 present: Heb. found
2 Chronicles 34:33 from following: Heb. from after
2 Chronicles 35:5 families of the fathers: Heb. the house of the fathers
2 Chronicles 35:5 brethren: Heb. the sons of the people
2 Chronicles 35:7 gave: Heb. offered
2 Chronicles 35:8 gave willingly: Heb. offered, etc
2 Chronicles 35:9 gave: Heb. offered
2 Chronicles 35:13 divided them speedily: Heb. made them run
2 Chronicles 35:15 place: Heb. station
2 Chronicles 35:17 present: Heb. found
2 Chronicles 35:18 present: Heb. found
2 Chronicles 35:20 Temple: Heb. house
2 Chronicles 35:21 the house, wherewith I have war: Heb. the house of my war
2 Chronicles 35:23 sore wounded: Heb. made sick
2 Chronicles 35:24 in one of the sepulchers: Or, among the sepulchers
2 Chronicles 35:26 goodness: Heb. kindnesses
2 Chronicles 36:3 put him down: Heb. removed him
2 Chronicles 36:3 condemned: mulcted
2 Chronicles 36:6 fetters: Or, chains
2 Chronicles 36:8 Jehoiachin: Or, Jeconiah, 1. chro. 3.16. Or, Coniah, jer. 22.24
2 Chronicles 36:10 when the year was expired: Heb. at the return of the year
2 Chronicles 36:10 goodly vessels: Heb. vessels of desire
2 Chronicles 36:10 Zedekiah: Or, Mattaniah
2 Chronicles 36:15 by his messengers: Heb. by the hand of his messengers
2 Chronicles 36:15 betimes: That is, continually and carefully
2 Chronicles 36:16 remedy: Heb. healing
2 Chronicles 36:20 them that had escaped from the sword: Heb. the remainder from the sword
Ezra 1:1 made a proclomation: Heb. caused a voice to pass
Ezra 1:4 help him: Heb. lift him up
Ezra 1:6 strengthened their hands: that is, helped them
Ezra 1:11 the captivity: Heb. the transportation
Ezra 2:2 Seraiah: Or, Azariah
Ezra 2:10 Bani: Or, Binnui
Ezra 2:18 Jorah: Or, Hariph
Ezra 2:20 Gibbar: Or, Gibeon
Ezra 2:24 Azmaveth: Or, Bethazmaveth
Ezra 2:33 Hadid: Or, Harid, as it is in some copies
Ezra 2:40 Hodaviah: Or, Judah, chap. 3.9. called also Hodevah
Ezra 2:46 Shalmai: Or, Shamlai
Ezra 2:52 Bazluth: Or, Bazlith, in Nehem
Ezra 2:55 Peruda: Or, Perida, in Nehem.
Ezra 2:57 Ami: Or, Amon, in Nehem.
Ezra 2:59 seed: Or, pedegree
Ezra 2:62 were they as polluted, put from the priesthood: Heb. they were polluted from the priesthood
Ezra 2:63 Tirshatha: Or, governor
Ezra 3:2 Jeshua: Or, Josua
Ezra 3:4 as the duty of every day required: Heb. the matter of the day in his day
Ezra 3:6 the foundation of the temple of the LORD was not yet laid: Heb. the Temple of the Lord was not yet founded
Ezra 3:7 carpenters: Or, workmen
Ezra 3:9 Judah: Or, Hodaviah
Ezra 3:9 together: Heb. as one
Ezra 4:1 the children of the captivity: Heb. the sons of the transportation
Ezra 4:6 Ahasuerus: Heb. Ahashverosh
Ezra 4:7 Bishlam: Or, in peace
Ezra 4:7 companions: Heb. societies
Ezra 4:8 Scribe: Or, Secretary
Ezra 4:9 companions: Chald. societies
Ezra 4:10 and at such a time: Chal. Cheeneth
Ezra 4:12 set up: Or, finished
Ezra 4:12 joined: Chal. sowed together
Ezra 4:13 pay: Chal. give
Ezra 4:13 revenue: Or, strength
Ezra 4:14 we have maintenance from the Kings palace: Chal. we are salted with the salt of the palace
Ezra 4:15 moved: Cald. made
Ezra 4:15 within the same of old time: Chald. in the midst thereof
Ezra 4:17 companions: Chal, societies
Ezra 4:19 I commanded: Chald. by me a decree is set
Ezra 4:19 made insurrection: Chald. lifted up itself
Ezra 4:21 Give ye now commandement: Chal. make a decree
Ezra 4:23 by force and power: Chald. by arm and power
Ezra 5:4 that make this building: Chald. that build this building
Ezra 5:7 wherein: Chald. in the midst whereof
Ezra 5:8 great stones: Chald. stones of rolling
Ezra 5:14 governor: Or, deputy
Ezra 6:1 rolls: Chalde, books
Ezra 6:1 laid up: Chalde, made to descend
Ezra 6:2 Achmetha: Or, Ecbatana, or in a coffer
Ezra 6:5 brought again: Chaldee, go
Ezra 6:6 your companions: Chalde, their societies
Ezra 6:8 I make a decree: Chalde, by me a decree is made
Ezra 6:8 hindered: Chalde, made to cease
Ezra 6:10 of sweet savours: Chalde, of rest
Ezra 6:11 let him be hanged: Chalde, let him be destroyed
Ezra 6:14 commandment: Chald. decree
Ezra 6:16 the children of the captivity: Chald. the sons of the transportation
Ezra 6:18 as it is written in the book: Chald. according to the writing
Ezra 7:9 began he to go up: He was the foundation of the going up
Ezra 7:121 unto Ezra the priest, a Scribe of the Law of the God of heaven, Peace: Or, to Ezra the Priest a perfect Scribe of the Law of the God of heaven, Peace, etc.
Ezra 7:14 of the king: Chal. from before the King
Ezra 7:22 measures: Chald, cores
Ezra 7:23 Whatsoever is commanded: Heb. whatsoever is of the decree
Ezra 7:26 to banishment: Chald. to rooting out
Ezra 8:12 the son: Or, the youngest son
Ezra 8:14 Zabbud: Or, Zaccur, as some read
Ezra 8:15 abode: Or, pitched
Ezra 8:17 I told them: Heb. I put words in their mouth
Ezra 8:27 fine copper: Heb. yellow or shining brass
Ezra 8:27 precious: Heb. desireable
Ezra 9:5 heaviness: Or, affliction
Ezra 9:6 trespass: Or, guiltiness
Ezra 9:8 little space: Heb. moment
Ezra 9:8 a nail: Or, a pinne [symbol in wrong place]
Ezra 9:8 in his holy place: That is, a constant and sure abode
Ezra 9:9 to repair: Heb. to set up
Ezra 9:11 by thy servants: Heb. by the hand of thy servants
Ezra 9:11 from one end to another: Heb. from mouth to mouth
Ezra 9:13 hast punished us less, then our iniquities deserve: Heb. hast withheld beneath our iniquities
Ezra 10:1 wept very sore: Heb. wept a great weeping
Ezra 10:1 put away: Heb. to bring forth
Ezra 10:8 forfeited: Heb. devoted
Ezra 10:9 the great rain: Heb. the showers
Ezra 10:10 have taken: Heb. have caused to dwell, or have brought back
Ezra 10:13 we are many that have transgressed in this thing: Or, we have greatly offended in this thing
Ezra 10:14 for this matter: Or, till this matter be dispatched
Ezra 10:15 were employed: Heb. stood
Ezra 10:40 Machnadebai: Or, Mabnadebai, according to some copies
Nehemiah 2:6 Queen: Heb. wife
Nehemiah 3:2 next unto him: Heb. at his hand
Nehemiah 3:8 fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall: Or, left Jerusalem unto the broad wall
Nehemiah 3:11 other piece: Heb. second measure
Nehemiah 3:20 Zabbai: Or, Zaccai
Nehemiah 3:26 Ophel: Or, the tower
Nehemiah 3:31 corner: Or, corner chamber
Nehemiah 4:2 fortify themselves?: Heb. leave to themselves
Nehemiah 4:4 despised: Heb. despite
Nehemiah 4:7 were made up: Heb. ascended
Nehemiah 4:8 to hinder it: Heb. to make an error to it
Nehemiah 4:12 From all places whence ye shall return unto us: Or, that from all places ye must return to us
Nehemiah 4:13 in the lower places: Heb. from the lower parts of the place, etc.
Nehemiah 4:18 by his side: Heb. on his loins
Nehemiah 4:23 saving that every one put them off for washing: Or, every one with with his weapon for water
Nehemiah 5:7 I consulted with myself: Heb. my heart consulted in me
Nehemiah 5:13 emptied: Heb. empty or void
Nehemiah 6:6 Gashmu: Or, Geshem
Nehemiah 6:17 sent many letters unto Tobiah: Heb. multiplied letters passing to Tobiah
Nehemiah 6:19 words: Or, matters
Nehemiah 7:4 large: Heb. broad in spaces
Nehemiah 7:7 Azariah: Or, Seraiah
Nehemiah 7:15 Binnui: Or, Bani
Nehemiah 7:24 Hariph: Or, Jord
Nehemiah 7:25 Gibeon: Or, Gibbar
Nehemiah 7:28 Bethazmaveth: Or, Azmaveth
Nehemiah 7:29 Kirjathjearim: Or, Kirjatharim
Nehemiah 7:43 Hodevah: Or, Hodaviah, Ezra 2.4. Or, Judah, Ezra. 3.9
Nehemiah 7:59 Amon: Or, Ami
Nehemiah 7:61 seed: Or, pedigree
Nehemiah 7:65 the Tirshatha: Or, the governor
Nehemiah 7:70 some: Heb. part
Nehemiah 8:2 that could hear with understanding: Heb. that understood in hearing
Nehemiah 8:3 from the morning: Heb. from the light
Nehemiah 8:4 pulpit of wood: Heb. tower of wood
Nehemiah 8:5 sight: Heb. eyes
Nehemiah 8:9 the Tirshatha: Or, the governor
Nehemiah 8:13 to understand the words of the Law: Or, that they might instruct in the words of the Law
Nehemiah 8:14 by: Heb. by the hand of
Nehemiah 8:18 a solemn: Heb. a restraint
Nehemiah 9:2 strangers: Heb. strange children
Nehemiah 9:4 stairs: Or, scaffold
Nehemiah 9:13 true laws: Heb. laws of truth
Nehemiah 9:15 which thou hadst sworn to give them: Heb. which thou hadst lift up thine hand to give them
Nehemiah 9:17 a God ready to pardon: Heb. a god of pardons
Nehemiah 9:24 as they would: Heb. according to their will
Nehemiah 9:25 wells: Or, cisterns
Nehemiah 9:25 fruit trees: Heb. tree of food
Nehemiah 9:28 they did evil: Heb. they returned to do evil
Nehemiah 9:29 and withdrew the shoulder: Heb. they gave a withdrawing shoulder
Nehemiah 9:30 forbear them: Heb. protract over them
Nehemiah 9:30 in thy Prophets: Heb. in the hand of thy Prophets
Nehemiah 9:32 trouble: Heb. weariness
Nehemiah 9:32 that hath come upon us: Heb. that hath found us
Nehemiah 9:38 seal unto it: Heb. are at the sealing, or sealed
Nehemiah 10:1 that sealed were: Heb. at the sealings
Nehemiah 10:1 the Tirshatha: Or, the governor
Nehemiah 10:29 by: Heb. by the hand of
Nehemiah 10:31 every: Heb. every hand
Nehemiah 11:14 the son of one of the great men: Or, the son of Haggedolim
Nehemiah 11:14 had the oversight: Heb. were over
Nehemiah 11:19 the gates: Heb. at the gates
Nehemiah 11:21 Ophel: Or, the tower
Nehemiah 11:23 a certain portion: Or, a sure ordinance
Nehemiah 11:31 from Giba: Or, of Geba
Nehemiah 11:31 at Michmash: Or, to Michmash
Nehemiah 12:2 Malluch: Or, Melicu
Nehemiah 12:3 Shechaniah: Or, Shebaniah
Nehemiah 12:3 Rehum: Or, Harim
Nehemiah 12:3 Merimoth: Or, Meraioth
Nehemiah 12:4 Ginnetho: Or, Ginnethon
Nehemiah 12:5 Miamin: Or, Miniamin
Nehemiah 12:5 Madiah: Or, Moadiah
Nehemiah 12:7 Sallu: Or, Sallai
Nehemiah 12:8 the thanksgiving: That is, the Psalms of thanksgiving
Nehemiah 12:25 thresholds: Or, treasuries, or assemblies
Nehemiah 12:42 sang loud: Heb. made their voice to be heard
Nehemiah 12:44 of the law: that is, appointed by the law
Nehemiah 12:44 for Judah: Heb. for the joy of Judah
Nehemiah 12:44 that waited: Heb. that stood
Nehemiah 12:47 sanctified: that is, set apart
Nehemiah 13:1 they read: Heb. there was read
Nehemiah 13:1 audience: Heb. ears
Nehemiah 13:4 having the oversight: Heb. being set over
Nehemiah 13:5 commanded to be given to the Levites: Heb. the commandment of the Levites
Nehemiah 13:6 after certain days: Heb. at the end of days
Nehemiah 13:6 obtained I leave: Or, I earnestly requested
Nehemiah 13:11 place: Heb. standing
Nehemiah 13:12 treasuries: Or, storehouses
Nehemiah 13:13 next to them: Heb. at their hand
Nehemiah 13:13 their office: Heb. it was upon them
Nehemiah 13:14 good deeds: Heb. kindnesses
Nehemiah 13:14 offices: Or, observations
Nehemiah 13:21 about the wall?: Heb. before the wall
Nehemiah 13:22 greatness: Or, multitude
Nehemiah 13:23 had married: Heb. had made to dwell with them
Nehemiah 13:24 could not speak: Heb. they discerned not to speak
Nehemiah 13:24 of each people: Heb. of people and people
Nehemiah 13:25 cursed them: Or, reviled them
Nehemiah 13:29 because they have defiled: Heb. for the defilings
Esther 1:5 present: Heb. found
Esther 1:6 blue: Or, violet
Esther 1:6 red, and blue, and white, and black marble: Or, of porphyre, and marble, and alabaster, and stone of blue color
Esther 1:7 royal wine: Heb. wine of the kingdom
Esther 1:7 state of the king: Heb. according to the hand of the king
Esther 1:10 chamberlains: Or, Eunuchs
Esther 1:11 fair to look on: Heb. good of countenance
Esther 1:12 by his chamberlains: Heb. which was by the hand of his Eunuchs
Esther 1:15 what shall we do: Heb. what to do?
Esther 1:19 if it please the king: Heb. if it be good with the king
Esther 1:19 from him: Heb. from before him
Esther 1:19 that it be not altered: Heb. that it pass not away
Esther 1:19 unto another: Heb. unto her companion
Esther 1:21 pleased the king: Heb. was good in the eyes of the king
Esther 1:22 that it should be published according to the language of every people: Heb. that one should publish it according to the language of his people
Esther 2:3 unto the custody: Heb. unto the hand
Esther 2:3 Hege: Or, Hegai, ver. 8
Esther 2:7 brought up: Heb. nourished
Esther 2:7 fair and beautiful: Heb. fair of form, and good of countenance
Esther 2:9 such things: Heb. her portions
Esther 2:9 he preferred her: Heb. he changed her
Esther 2:11 to know how: Heb. to know the peace
Esther 2:17 favour: Or, kindness
Esther 2:17 in his sight: Heb. before him
Esther 2:18 release: Heb. rest
Esther 2:21 Bigthan: Or, Bigthana
Esther 2:21 the door: Heb. the threshold
Esther 3:8 for: Heb. meet Or, equal
Esther 3:9 that they may be destroyed: Heb. to destroy them
Esther 3:9 pay: Heb. weigh
Esther 3:10 enemy: Or, oppressor
Esther 3:12 scribes: Or, secretaries
Esther 4:3 many lay in sackloth and ashes: Heb. sackcloth and ashes were laid under many
Esther 4:4 chamberlains: Heb. Eunuchs
Esther 4:5 whom he had appointed to attend upon her: Heb. whom he had set before her
Esther 4:14 enlargement: Heb. respiration
Esther 4:16 present: Heb. found
Esther 4:17 went: Heb. passed
Esther 5:8 to perform: Heb. to do
Esther 5:10 called: Heb. caused to come
Esther 5:14 gallows: Heb. tree
Esther 6:1 could not the King sleep: Heb. the kings sleep fled away
Esther 6:2 Bigthana: Or, Bigthan
Esther 6:2 door: Heb. threshold
Esther 6:6 whom the king delighted to honor?: Heb. in whose honour the King delighteth
Esther 6:7 whom the king delighted to honor: Heb. in whose honour the King delighteth
Esther 6:8 let the royal apparel be brought: Heb. let them bring the royal apparel
Esther 6:8 which the King useth to wear: Heb. wherewith the king clotheth himself
Esther 6:9 bring him on horseback: Heb. cause him to ride
Esther 6:10 let nothing fail: Heb. suffer not a whit to fail
Esther 7:1 to banquet: Heb. to drink
Esther 7:4 to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish: Heb. that they should destroy and kill, and cause to perish
Esther 7:5 that durst presume in his heart: Heb. whose heart hath filled him
Esther 7:6 The adversary: Heb. The man adversary
Esther 7:6 before: Or, at the presence of
Esther 7:8 before me: Heb. with me
Esther 7:9 gallows: Heb. tree
Esther 8:3 and besought him with tears: Heb. and she wept and besought him
Esther 8:5 devised: Heb. the device
Esther 8:5 which he wrote: Or, who wrote
Esther 8:6 I endure to see: Heb. be able that I may see
Esther 8:13 published: Heb. revealed
Esther 8:15 blue: Or, violet
Esther 9:3 officers of the king: Heb. those which did the business that belonged to the King
Esther 9:5 what they would: Heb. according to their will
Esther 9:11 was brought: Heb. came
Esther 9:13 let…be hanged: Heb. let men hang
Esther 9:17 of the same: Heb. in it
Esther 9:24 consume: Heb. crush
Esther 9:25 when Esther came: Heb. when she came
Esther 9:26 Pur: that is, Lot
Esther 9:27 fail: Heb. pass
Esther 9:28 fail: Heb. pass
Esther 9:28 perish: Heb. be ended
Esther 9:29 all authority: Heb. all strength
Esther 9:31 for themselves: Heb. for their souls
Esther 10:2 advanced him: Heb. made him great
Job 1:3 substance: Or, cattle
Job 1:3 household: Or, husbandry
Job 1:3 men of the East: Heb. sons of the East
Job 1:5 continually: Heb. all the days
Job 1:6 Satan: Heb. the adversary
Job 1:6 among them: Heb. in the midst of them
Job 1:8 Hast thou considered: Heb. hast thou set thy heart on
Job 1:10 substance: Or, cattle
Job 1:11 and he will curse thee to thy face: Heb. if he curse thee not to thy face
Job 1:12 power: Heb. hand
Job 1:16 The fire of God: Or, A great fire
Job 1:17 fell: Heb. rushed
Job 1:19 from the: Heb. from aside, etc
Job 1:20 mantle: Or, robe
Job 1:22 charged God foolishly: Or, attributed folly to God
Job 2:3 to destroy him: Heb. to swallow him up
Job 2:6 but save: Or, only
Job 3:2 spake: Heb. answered
Job 3:5 stain it: Or, challenge it
Job 3:5 let the blackness of the day terrify it: Or, let them terrify it, as those who have a bitter day
Job 3:6 let it not be joined unto the days: Or, let it not rejoice among the days
Job 3:8 their mourning: Or, Leviathan
Job 3:9 the dawning of the day: Heb. the eyelids of the morning
Job 3:17 weary be at rest: Heb. wearied in strength
Job 3:21 long: Heb. wait
Job 3:24 before I eat: Heb. before my meat
Job 3:25 the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me: Heb. I feared a fear, and it came upon me
Job 4:2 to commune: Heb. a word
Job 4:2 who can withold himself from speaking? Heb. who can refrain from words?
Job 4:4 the feeble knees: The bowing knees
Job 4:12 secretly: Heb. by stealth
Job 4:14 came upon me: Heb. met me
Job 4:14 all my bones: Heb. the multitude of my bones
Job 4:16 there was silence: Or, I heard a still voice
Job 4:18 and his Angels he charged: Or, nor in his Angels, in whom he put light
Job 4:20 destroyed: Heb. beaten in pieces
Job 5:1 turn: Or, look
Job 5:2 envy: Or, indignation
Job 5:6 affliction: Or, iniquity
Job 5:7 trouble: Or, labour
Job 5:7 the sparks fly upward: Heb. the sons of the burning coal, lift up to fly
Job 5:9 and unsearchable: Heb. and there is no search
Job 5:9 without number: Heb. till there be no number
Job 5:10 fields: Heb. outplaces
Job 5:12 cannot perform their enterprise: Or, cannot perform anything
Job 5:14 meet: Or, run into
Job 5:20 power: Heb. from the hands
Job 5:21 from the scourge of the tongue: Or, when the tongue scourgeth
Job 5:24 thy tabernacle shall be in peace: Or, peace is thy tabernacle
Job 5:24 sin: Or, err
Job 5:25 great: Or, much
Job 5:26 cometh in: Heb. ascendeth
Job 5:27 for thy good: Heb. for thyself
Job 6:2 laid: Heb. lifted up
Job 6:3 my words are swallowed up: That is, I want words to express my grief
Job 6:5 when he hath grass?: Heb. at grass
Job 6:8 the thing that I long for!: Heb. my expectation
Job 6:12 of brass? Heb. brasen
Job 6:14 to him that is afflicted: Heb. to him that melteth
Job 6:17 they vanish: Heb. they are cut off
Job 6:17 when it is hot: Heb. in the heat thereof
Job 6:17 consumed: Heb. extinguished
Job 6:21 for now ye are: Or, for now ye are like to them
Job 6:21 nothing: Heb. not
Job 6:27 ye overwhelm: Heb. ye cause to fall upon
Job 6:28 evident unto you: Heb. before your face
Job 6:29 is in it: that is, in this matter
Job 6:30 my taste: Heb. my palate
Job 7:1 an appointed time: Or, a warfare
Job 7:2 earnestly desireth: Heb. gapeth after
Job 7:4 the night be gone?: Heb. the evening be measured
Job 7:7 shall no more: Heb. shall not return
Job 7:7 see good: To see, that is, to enjoy
Job 7:8 I am not: That is, I can live no longer
Job 7:15 then my life: Heb. then my bones
Job 8:4 for their transgression: Heb. in the hand of their transgression
Job 8:9 nothing: Heb. not
Job 8:14 a spiders web: Heb. a spiders house
Job 8:20 help the evil doers: Heb. take the ungodly by the hand
Job 8:21 rejoicing: Heb. shouting for joy
Job 8:22 shall come to nought
Job 9:2 with God: Or, before God
Job 9:8 waves: Heb. heights
Job 9:9 Arcturus, Orion and Pleiades: Heb. Ash, Cesil, and Cimah
Job 9:12 who can hinder him?: Heb. who can turn him away?
Job 9:13 the proud helpers: Heb. helpers of pride, or strength
Job 9:26 swift ships: Heb. ships of desire. Or, ships of Ebeh
Job 9:31 abhor me: Or, make me to be abhorred
Job 9:33 any daysman: Heb. one that should argue. Or, Umpire
Job 9:35 but it is not so with me: Heb. but I am not so with myself
Job 10:1 weary of my life: Or, cut off while I live
Job 10:3 the work of thine hands?: Heb. the labour of thine hands
Job 10:7 thou knowest: Heb. it is upon thy knowledge
Job 10:8 have made me: Heb. took pains about me
Job 10:11 fenced: Heb. hedged
Job 10:17 thy witnesses: That is, thy plagues
Job 11:2 a man full of talk: Heb. a man of lips
Job 11:3 lies: Or, devices
Job 11:8 as high as heaven: Heb. the heights of heaven
Job 11:10 cut off: Or, make a change
Job 11:10 who can hinder him? Heb. who can turn him away?
Job 11:12 vain: Heb. empty
Job 11:17 shall be clearer than the noon day: Heb. shall arise above the noonday
Job 11:19 make suit unto thee: Heb. intreat thy face
Job 11:20 they shall not escape: Heb. flight shall perish from them
Job 11:20 giving up of the ghost: Or, a puff of breath
Job 12:3 understanding: Heb. an heart
Job 12:3 I am not inferior to you: Heb. I fall not lower then you
Job 12:3 who knoweth not such things as these?: With whom are not such as these?
Job 12:10 soul: Or, life
Job 12:10 all mankind: Heb. all flesh of man
Job 12:11 mouth: Heb. palate
Job 12:13 with him: That is, with God
Job 12:14 up: Heb. upon
Job 12:20 the speech of the trusty: Heb. the lip of the faithful
Job 12:21 weakeneth the strength of the mighty: Or, looseth the girdle of the strong
Job 12:23 straighteneth: Heb. leadeth in
Job 12:25 stagger: Heb. wander
Job 13:13 hold your peace: Heb. be silent from me
Job 13:15 maintain: Heb. prove, or argue
Job 13:27 lookest narrowly: Heb. observeth
Job 13:27 heels: Heb. roots
Job 14:1 of few days: Heb. short of days?
Job 14:4 who can bring: Heb. who will give?
Job 14:6 rest: Heb. cease
Job 14:10 wasteth away: Heb. is weakened, or cut off
Job 14:18 cometh: Heb. fadeth
Job 14:19 washest away: Heb. overflowest
Job 15:2 vain knowledge: Heb. knowledge of wind
Job 15:4 thou casteth off: Heb. thou makest void
Job 15:4 prayer: Or, speech
Job 15:5 uttereth: Heb. teacheth
Job 15:21 A dreadful sound: Heb. A sound of fears
Job 15:32 accomplished: Or, cut off
Job 15:35 vanity: Or, iniquity
Job 16:2 miserable: Or, troublesome
Job 16:3 vain words: Heb. words of wind
Job 16:6 what am I eased? Heb. what goeth from me?
Job 16:11 hath delivered me: Heb. hath shut me up
Job 16:19 on high: Heb. in the high places
Job 16:20 scorn me: Heb. are my scorners
Job 16:21 neighbor: Or, friend
Job 16:22 a few years: Heb. years of number
Job 17:1 My breath is corrupt: Or, my spirit is spent
Job 17:2 continue: Heb. lodge
Job 17:6 aforetime: Or, before them
Job 17:7 my members: Or, my thoughts
Job 17:9 shall be stronger: Heb. shall add strength
Job 17:11 the thoughts: Heb. the possessions
Job 17:12 short: Heb. near
Job 17:14 said: Heb. cried, or called
Job 18:4 himself: Heb. his soul
Job 18:6 candle: Or, lamp
Job 18:10 laid: Heb. hidden
Job 18:11 drive him: Heb. scatter him
Job 18:13 strength: Heb. bars
Job 18:18 He shall be driven: Heb. they shall drive him
Job 18:20 went before: Or, lived with him
Job 18:20 were afrighted: Heb. laid hold on horror
Job 19:3 make yourselves strange to me: Or, harden yourselves against me
Job 19:7 wrong: Or, violence
Job 19:17 mine own body: Heb. my belly
Job 19:18 young children: Or, the wicked
Job 19:19 my inward friends: Heb. the men of my secret
Job 19:20 and to: Or, as
Job 19:23 Oh that my words were now written: Heb. who will give? etc.
Job 19:26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Or, After I shall awake though this body be destroyed, yet out of my flesh shall I see God
Job 19:27 another: Heb. a stranger
Job 19:27 within me: Heb. in my bosom
Job 19:28 seeing the root of the matter is found in me: Or, and what root of matter is found in me?
Job 20:2 I make haste: Heb. my haste is in me
Job 20:5 short: Heb. from near
Job 20:6 clouds: Heb. cloud
Job 20:10 His children shall seek to please the poor: Or, the poor shall oppress his children
Job 20:13 within his mouth: Heb. in the midst of his palate
Job 20:17 the floods, the brooks: Or, streaming brooks
Job 20:18 according to his substance shall the restitution be: Heb. according to the substance of his exchange
Job 20:19 oppressed: Heb. crushed
Job 20:20 feel: Heb. know
Job 20:21 There shall none of his meat be left: Or, there shall be none left for his meats
Job 20:22 wicked: Or, troublesome
Job 20:29 appointed unto him by God: Heb. of his decree from God
Job 21:4 troubled?: Heb. shortened
Job 21:5 Mark me: Heb. Look unto me
Job 21:9 safe from fear: Heb. are peace from fear
Job 21:13 in wealth: Or, in mirth
Job 21:17 candle: Or, lamp
Job 21:18 carrieth away: Heb. stealeth away
Job 21:19 his iniquity: That is, the punishment of his iniquity
Job 21:23 in his full strength: Heb. in his very perfection, or in the strength of his perfection
Job 21:24 breasts: Or, milk pails
Job 21:28 the dwelling places: Heb. the tent of the tabernacles of the wicked
Job 21:30 the day of wrath: Heb. the day of wraths
Job 21:32 grave: Heb. graves
Job 21:32 remain in the tomb: Heb. watch in the heap
Job 21:34 falsehood: Heb. transgression
Job 22:2 he that is wise may be profitable unto himself: Or, if he may be profitable, doth his good success depend thereon?
Job 22:6 stripped the naked of their clothing: Heb. stripped the clothes of the naked
Job 22:8 mighty man: Heb. the man of arm
Job 22:8 the honorable man: Heb. eminent or accepted for countenance
Job 22:12 height of the stars: Heb. the head of the stars
Job 22:13 How: Or, what
Job 22:16 whose foundation was overflowen: Heb. a flood was poured upon their foundation
Job 22:17 for them?: Or, to them
Job 22:20 substance: Or, estate
Job 22:20 remnant: Or, their excellency
Job 22:21 him: That is, with God
Job 22:24 as dust: Or, on the dust
Job 22:25 defence: Or, gold
Job 22:25 plenty of silver: Heb. silver of strength
Job 22:29 humble person: Heb. him that hath low eyes
Job 22:30 he shall deliver the Island of the innocent: Or, the innocent shall deliver the Island
Job 23:2 my stroke: Heb. my hand
Job 23:10 the way that I take: Heb. the way that is with me
Job 23:12 I have esteemed: Heb. I have hid, or laid up
Job 23:12 my necessary food: Or, my appointed portion
Job 24:2 feed thereof: Or, feed them
Job 24:6 corn: Heb. mingled corn, or dredge
Job 24:6 they gather the vintage of the wicked: Heb. the wicked gather the vintage
Job 24:15 disguiseth his face: Heb. setteth his face in secret
Job 24:19 consume: Heb. violently take it
Job 24:22 and no man is sure of life: Or, he trusteth not his own life
Job 24:24 are gone: Heb. are not
Job 24:24 taken out: Heb. closed up
Job 26:5 and the inhabitants: Or, with the inhabitants
Job 26:10 until the day and night: Heb. until the end of light with darkness
Job 26:12 the proud: Heb. pride
Job 27:1 continued: Heb. added to take up
Job 27:2 vexed my soul: Heb. made my soul bitter
Job 27:3 the spirit of God: That is, the breath which God gave him
Job 27:6 so long as I live: Heb. from my days
Job 27:11 by the hand: Or, being in the hand etc.
Job 27:22 he would fain: Heb. in fleeing he would flee
Job 28:1 a vein: Or, a mine
Job 28:2 earth: Or, dust
Job 28:6 dust of gold: Or, gold ore
Job 28:9 rock: Or, flint
Job 28:11 from overflowing: Heb. from weeping
Job 28:15 it cannot be gotten for gold: Heb. fine gold shall not be given for it
Job 28:17 jewels of fine gold: Or, vessel of fine gold
Job 28:18 Coral: Or, Ramoth
Job 28:21 air: Or, heaven
Job 28:27 and declare it: Or, did number it
Job 29:1 continued: Heb. added to take up
Job 29:3 candle: Or, lamp
Job 29:6 me out: Heb. with me
Job 29:10 The nobles held their peace: Heb. The voice of the nobles was hid
Job 29:17 the jaws: Heb. the jawteeth or the grinders
Job 29:17 plucked: Heb. I cast
Job 29:19 spread out: Heb. opened
Job 29:20 fresh: Heb. new
Job 29:20 renewed: Heb. changed
Job 30:1 that are younger than I: Heb. of fewer days than I
Job 30:3 solitary: Or, dark as the night
Job 30:3 in former time: Heb. yesternight
Job 30:6 caves: Heb. holes
Job 30:8 base men: Heb. men of no name
Job 30:10 and spare not to spit in my face: Heb. and withhold not spittle from my face
Job 30:15 my soul: Heb. my principal one
Job 30:21 become cruel: Heb. turned to be cruel
Job 30:21 thy strong hand: Heb. the strength of thy hand
Job 30:22 substance: Or, wisdom
Job 30:24 grave: Heb. heap
Job 30:25 for him that was in trouble?: Heb. for him that was hard of day
Job 30:29 owls: Or, ostriches
Job 31:6 Let me be weighed in an even balance: Heb. let him weigh me in balances of Justice
Job 31:15 did not one fashion us in the womb?: Or, did he not fashion us in one womb?
Job 31:18 her: That is, the widow
Job 31:22 bone: Or, the chanelbone
Job 31:25 gotten much: Heb. found much
Job 31:26 the Sun: Heb. the light
Job 31:26 in brightness: Heb. bright
Job 31:27 my mouth hath kissed my hand: Heb. my hand hath kissed my mouth
Job 31:30 my mouth: Heb. my palate
Job 31:32 to the traveller: Or, to the way
Job 31:33 as Adam: Or, after the manner of men
Job 31:35 behold, my desire, that the Almighty would answer me: Or, behold my sign is that the Almighty will answer me
Job 31:38 complain: Heb. weep
Job 31:39 the fruits thereof: Heb. the strength thereof
Job 31:39 caused the owners thereof to lose their life: Heb. caused the soul of the owners thereof to expire, or breath out
Job 31:40 cockle: Or, noisome weeds
Job 32:1 to answer: Heb. from answering
Job 32:2 himself: Heb. his soul
Job 32:4 waited till Job had spoken: Heb. expected Job in words
Job 32:4 elder than he: Heb. elder for days
Job 32:6 young: Heb. few of days
Job 32:6 durst: Heb. I feared
Job 32:11 reasons: Heb. understandings
Job 32:11 what to say: Heb. words
Job 32:14 directed his words: Or, ordered his words
Job 32:15 they let off speaking: Heb. they removed speeches from themselves
Job 32:18 matter: Heb. words
Job 32:18 spirit within me: Heb. the spirit of my belly
Job 32:19 hath no vent: Heb. is not opened
Job 32:20 that I may be refreshed: Heb. that I may breath
Job 33:2 in my mouth: Heb. in my palate
Job 33:6 according to thy wish: Heb. according to thy mouth
Job 33:6 formed out of the clay: Heb. cut out of the clay
Job 33:8 in mine hearing: Heb. in mine ears
Job 33:13 he giveth not account: Heb. he answereth not
Job 33:16 he openeth the ears: Heb. he revealeth, or uncovereth
Job 33:17 purpose: Heb. work
Job 33:18 from perishing by the sword: Heb. from passing by the sword
Job 33:20 dainty meat: Heb. meat of desire
Job 33:24 a ransom: Or, an atonement
Job 33:25 then a childs: Heb. then childhood
Job 33:27 He looketh upon men, and if any say, I have sinned: Or, he shall look upon men, and say, I have sinned, etc.
Job 33:28 He will deliver his soul: Or, he hath delivered my soul etc. and my life
Job 33:29 oftentimes: Heb. twice and thrice
Job 34:3 mouth: Heb. palate
Job 34:6 my wound: Heb. mine arrow
Job 34:10 men of understanding: Heb. men of heart
Job 34:13 the whole: Heb. all of it
Job 34:14 upon man: Heb. upon him
Job 34:17 govern? Heb. binde
Job 34:20 the mighty shall be taken: Heb. they shall take away the mighty
Job 34:23 enter: Heb. go
Job 34:24 without number: Heb. without searching out
Job 34:25 destroyed: Heb. crushed
Job 34:26 in the open sight of others: Heb. in the place of beholders
Job 34:27 from him: Heb. from after him
Job 34:33 Should it be according to thy mind? Heb. Should it be from with thee?
Job 34:34 of understanding: Heb. of heart
Job 34:36 My desire is that Job may be tried: Or, My father, let Job be tried
Job 35:3 if I be cleansed from my sin? Or, if by it more then by my sin
Job 35:4 I will answer thee: Heb. I will return to thee words
Job 35:15 he: That is God
Job 35:15 he: That is Job
Job 36:2 that I have yet to speak of Gods behalf: Heb. that there are yet words for God
Job 36:5 wisdom: Heb. heart
Job 36:6 poor: Or, afflicted
Job 36:12 they shall perish by the sword: Heb. they shall pass away by the sword
Job 36:14 They die: Heb. Their soul dieth
Job 36:14 unclean: Or, Sodomites
Job 36:15 poor: Or, afflicted
Job 36:16 that which should be set on thy table: Heb. the rest of thy table
Job 36:17 judgment and justice take hold on thee: Or, judgment and justice should uphold thee
Job 36:18 deliver thee: Heb. turn thee aside
Job 36:30 the bottom: Heb. the roots
Job 36:33 the Vapour: Heb. that which goeth up
Job 37:2 Hear attentively: Heb. Hear in hearing
Job 37:3 lightning: Heb. light
Job 37:3 ends of the earth: Heb. wings of the earth
Job 37:6 likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength: Heb. and to the shower of rain, and to showers of rain of his strength
Job 37:9 Out of the south: Heb. out of the chamber
Job 37:9 North: Heb. scattering winds
Job 37:11 his bright cloud: Heb. the cloud of his light
Job 37:13 correction: Heb. a rod
Job 37:22 fair: Heb. gold
Job 38:3 answer thou me: Heb. make me know
Job 38:4 if thou hast understanding: Heb. if thou knowest understanding
Job 38:6 foundations: Heb. sockets
Job 38:6 fastened?: Heb. made to sink
Job 38:10 brake up for it my decreed place: Or, established my decree upon it
Job 38:6 thy proud waves: Heb. the pride of thy waves
Job 38:13 ends: Heb. wings
Job 38:20 to: Or, at
Job 38:30 is frozen: Heb. is taken
Job 38:31 Pleiades?: Or, the seven stars. Heb. Cimah
Job 38:31 Orion?: Heb. Cesil
Job 38:32 Mazzaroth: Or, the twelve signs
Job 38:32 guide: Heb. guide them
Job 38:35 here we are?: Heb. behold us
Job 38:37 who can stay: Heb. who can cause to lie down
Job 38:38 when the dust: Or, when the dust is turned into mire:
Job 38:38 groweth: Heb. is poured
Job 38:39 the appetite: Heb. the life
Job 39:6 the barren land: Heb. salt places
Job 39:7 of the driver: Heb. of the exactor
Job 39:13 wings and feathers unto the Ostrich?: Or, the feathers of the Stork and Ostrich
Job 39:20 terrible: Heb. terror
Job 39:21 He paweth: Or, His feet dig
Job 39:21 the armed men: Heb. the armour
Job 39:27 at thy command?: Heb. by thy mouth
Job 40:15 behemoth: Or, the elephant, as some think
Job 40:17 he moveth: Or, he settleth up
Job 40:23 he drinketh: Heb. he oppresseth
Job 40:24 He taketh it with his eyes: his nose pierceth through snares: Or, will any take him in his sight? or bore his nose with a ginn?
Job 41:1 leviathan: That is, a whale or a whirlpool
Job 41:1 which thou lettest down?: Heb. which thou drownest
Job 41:13 with: Or, within
Job 41:15 scales: Heb. strong pieces of shields
Job 41:22 sorrow is turned into joy: Heb. sorrow rejoiceth
Job 41:23 the flakes: Heb. the fallings
Job 41:26 habergeon: Or, breastplate
Job 41:30 Sharp stones: Heb. Sharp pieces, of potsherd
Job 41:33 who is made without fear: Or, who behave themselves without fear
Job 42:2 no thought can be withholden: Or, no thought of thine can be hindered
Job 42:8 him: Heb. his face or person
Job 42:9 Job: Heb. the face of Job
Job 42:10 gave Job twice as much: Heb. added to Job unto the double
Psalm 1:1 ungodly: Or, wicked
Psalm 1:3 wither: Heb. fade
Psalm 2:1 rage: Or, tumultuously assemble?
Psalm 2:1 imagine: Heb. mediate
Psalm 2:5 vex: Or, trouble
Psalm 2:6 my King: Heb. anointed
Psalm 2:6 upon my holy hill of Zion: Heb. upon Zion, the hill of my Holiness
Psalm 2:7 the decree: Or, for a decree
Psalm 3:3 for: Or, about
Psalm 4:1 chief: Or, overseer
Psalm 4:1 have mercy upon me: Or, be gracious unto me
Psalm 5:5 in thy sight: Heb. before thine eyes
Psalm 5:6 bloody and deceitful man: Heb. man of bloods and deceit
Psalm 5:7 thy holy temple: Heb. the temple of thy holiness
Psalm 5:8 mine enemies: Heb. those which observe me
Psalm 5:9 faithfulness: Or, steadfastness
Psalm 5:9 in their mouth: Heb. in his mouth i. in the mouth of any of them
Psalm 5:9 very wickedness: Heb. wickedness
Psalm 5:10 Destroy thou them: Or, make them guilty
Psalm 5:10 by their own counsels: Or, from their counsels
Psalm 5:11 defendest them: Heb. thou coverest over, or protectest them
Psalm 5:12 compass him: Heb. crown him
Psalm 6:1 upon: Or, upon the eight
Psalm 6:6 all the night: Or, every night
Psalm 7:1 words: Or, business
Psalm 7:2 none to deliver
Psalm 7:10 my defense is of God: Heb. my buckler is upon God
Psalm 7:11 God judgeth the righteous: Or, God is a righteous Judge
Psalm 7:15 He made a pit and digged it: Heb. he hath digged a pit
Psalm 8:2 ordained: Heb. founded
Psalm 8:7 all sheep and oxen: Heb. flocks and oxen, all of them
Psalm 9:4 thou hast maintained my right: Heb. thou hast made my judgment
Psalm 9:4 right: Heb. in righteousness
Psalm 9:6 O thou enemy, destructions are come to a perpetual end; and thou hast destroyed cities: Or, the destructions of the enemy are come to a perpetuall end; and their cities hast thou destroyed, etc.
Psalm 9:9 a refuge: Heb. an high place
Psalm 9:12 humble: Or, afflicted
Psalm 10:2 The wicked in his pride doth persecute the poor: Heb. in the pride of the wicked he doth persecute
Psalm 10:3 hearts: Heb. souls
Psalm 10:3 and blesseth: Or, the coveteous blesseth himself, he abborreth the Lord
Psalm 10:6 never: Heb. unto generation and generation
Psalm 10:7 deceit: Heb. deceits
Psalm 10:7 vanity: Or, iniquity
Psalm 10:8 are priviley set: Heb. hide themselves
Psalm 10:9 secretly: Heb. in the secret places
Psalm 10:10 He croucheth: Heb. he breaketh himself
Psalm 10:10 by his strong ones: Or, into his strong parts
Psalm 10:12 humble: Or, afflicted
Psalm 10:14 committeth: Heb. leaveth
Psalm 10:17 prepare: Or, establish
Psalm 10:18 oppress: Or, terrify
Psalm 11:2 privily: Heb. in darkness
Psalm 11:6 an horrible tempest: Or, a burning tempest
Psalm 12:1 Help: Or, save
Psalm 12:2 a double heart: Heb. an heart, and an heart
Psalm 12:3 proud things: Heb. great things
Psalm 12:4 are our own: Heb. are with us
Psalm 12:5 puffeth at him: Or, would ensnare him
Psalm 12:7 him. i. every one of them
Psalm 12:8 vilest men are exalted: Heb. the vilest of the sons of the men are exalted
Psalm 14:3 filthy: Heb. stinking
Psalm 14:5 There were they in great fear: Heb. they feared a fear
Psalm 14:7 O that: Heb. who will give? etc.
Psalm 15:1 abide: Heb. sojourn
Psalm 15:3 taketh up: Or, receiveth, or endureth
Psalm 16:4 hasten after another: Or, give gifts to another
Psalm 16:5 of mine: Heb. of my part
Psalm 16:9 rest in hope: Heb. dwell confidently
Psalm 17:1 the right: Heb. justice
Psalm 17:1 not out of fainted lips: Heb. without lips of deceit
Psalm 17:5 slip not: Heb. be not moved
Psalm 17:7 that savest by thy right hand, them which put their trust in thee, from those that rise up against them: Or, that savest them which trust in thee from these that rise up against thy right hand
Psalm 17:9 that oppress me: Heb. that waste me
Psalm 17:9 deadly enemies: Heb. my enemies against the soul
Psalm 17:12 Like as a lion: Heb. The likeness of him (i. of every one of them) is as a lion that desireth to ravin
Psalm 17:12 lurking: Heb. sitting
Psalm 17:13 disappoint him: Heb. prevent his face
Psalm 17:13 which is thy sword: Or, by thy sword
Psalm 17:14 from men which are thy hand: Or, from men by thine hand
Psalm 17:14 they are full of children: Or, their children are full
Psalm 18:2 my strength: Heb. my rock
Psalm 18:4 ungodly men: Heb. Belial
Psalm 18:5 sorrows: Or, cords
Psalm 18:8 out of his: Heb. by his
Psalm 18:16 many waters: Or, great waters
Psalm 18:23 before him: Heb. with
Psalm 18:24 in his eyesight: Heb. before his eyes
Psalm 18:26 shew thyself froward: Or, wrestle
Psalm 18:28 candle: Or, lamp
Psalm 18:29 run through: Or, broken
Psalm 18:30 tried: Or, refined
Psalm 18:35 thy gentleness hath made me great: Or, with thy meekness thou hast multiplied me
Psalm 18:36 my feet: Heb. mine ankles
Psalm 18:39 hast subdued: Heb. caused to bow
Psalm 18:44 as soon as they heard: Heb. at the hearing of the ear
Psalm 18:44 the strangers: Heb. the sons of the stranger
Psalm 18:44 submit: Or, yield feigned obedience
Psalm 18:47 avengeth: Heb. giveth avengements for me
Psalm 18:47 subdueth: Or, destroyeth
Psalm 18:48 violent man: Heb. man of violence
Psalm 18:49 give: Or, confess
Psalm 19:3 their voice is not heard: Or, without these their voice is heard. Heb. without their voice heard
Psalm 19:4 line: Or, their rule, or direction
Psalm 19:7 law: Or, doctrine
Psalm 19:7 converting: Or, restoring
Psalm 19:9 true: Heb. truth
Psalm 19:10 the honeycomb: Heb. the dropping of honeycombs
Psalm 19:13 the great: Or, much
Psalm 19:14 my strength: Heb. my rock
Psalm 20:1 defend thee: Heb. set thee on an high place
Psalm 20:2 thee help: Heb. thy help
Psalm 20:2 strengthen thee: Heb. support thee
Psalm 20:3 accept: Heb. turn to ashes, or, make fat
Psalm 20:6 from his holy heaven: Heb. from the heaven of his holiness
Psalm 20:6 with the saving strength of his right hand: Heb. by the strength of the salvation of his right hand
Psalm 21:6 made him most blessed: Heb. set him to be blessings
Psalm 21:6 made him exceeding glad: Heb. gladded him with joy
Psalm 21:12 shalt thou make them turn: Or, thou shalt set them as a butte
Psalm 21:12 back: Heb. shoulder
Psalm 22:1 from helping me: Heb. from my salvation
Psalm 22:2 am not silent: Heb. there is no silence to me
Psalm 22:7 shoot: Heb. open
Psalm 22:8 He trusted on the LORD: Heb. He rolled himself on the Lord
Psalm 22:8 seeing he delighted in him: Or, if he delight in him
Psalm 22:9 didst make me hope: Or, keptest me in safety
Psalm 22:11 none to help: Heb. not a helper
Psalm 22:13 gaped upon me with their mouths: Heb. opened their mouths against me
Psalm 22:14 out of joint: Or, sundry
Psalm 22:20 my darling: Heb. my only one
Psalm 22:20 from the power: Heb. from the hand
Psalm 23:2 green pastures: Heb. pastures of tender grass
Psalm 23:2 still waters: waters of quietness
Psalm 23:5 anointest: Heb. makest fat
Psalm 23:6 forever: Heb. to length of days
Psalm 24:4 He that hath clean hands: Heb. the clean of hands
Psalm 24:6 O Jacob: Or, O God of Jacob
Psalm 25:13 thy tender: thy bowels
Psalm 25:13 shalt dwell at ease: Heb. shall lodge in goodness
Psalm 25:14 and he will show them his covenant: Or, and his covenant to make them know it
Psalm 25:15 pluck: Heb. bring forth
Psalm 25:19 cruel hatred: Heb. hatred of violence
Psalm 26:8 where thine honor dwelleth: Heb. of the Tabernacle of thy honor
Psalm 26:9 Gather not: Or, take not away
Psalm 26:9 bloody men: Heb. men of blood
Psalm 26:10 full of bribes: Heb. filled with
Psalm 27:2 came upon me: Heb. approached against me
Psalm 27:4 the beauty: Or, the delight
Psalm 27:6 of joy: Heb. of shouting
Psalm 27:8 When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee: Or, my heart said unto thee, let my face seek thy face, etc.
Psalm 27:10 will take me up: Heb. will gather me
Psalm 27:11 a plain path: Heb. a way of plainness
Psalm 27:11 enemies: Heb. those which observe me
Psalm 28:1 to me: Heb. from me
Psalm 28:2 toward thy holy Oracle: Or, towards the Oracle of thy Sanctuary
Psalm 28:8 their strength: Or, his strength
Psalm 28:8 saving strength: Heb. strength of salvations
Psalm 28:9 feed: Or, rule
Psalm 29:1 ye mighty: Heb. ye sons of the mighty
Psalm 29:2 the glory due unto his Name: Heb. the honour of his name
Psalm 29:2 in the beauty of holiness: Or, in his glorious Sanctuary
Psalm 29:3 many waters: Or, great waters
Psalm 29:4 powerful: Heb. in power
Psalm 29:4 full of Majesty: Heb. in Majesty
Psalm 29:7 divideth: Heb. cutteth out
Psalm 29:8 shaketh: Or, to be in pain
Psalm 29:9 every one speak: Or, every whit of it uttereth etc.
Psalm 30:4 at the rememberance: Or, to the memorial
Psalm 30:5 his anger endureth but a moment: Heb. there is but a moment in his anger
Psalm 30:5 for a night: Heb. in the evening
Psalm 30:5 joy: Heb. singing
Psalm 30:6 prosperity: [marginal note missing in original]
Psalm 30:7 made my mountain to stand strong: Heb. settled strength
Psalm 30:12 my glory: That is, my tongue, or my soul
Psalm 31:2 my strong rock: Heb. to me for a rock of strength
Psalm 31:12 a broken vessel: Heb. a vessel that perisheth
Psalm 31:17 let them be silent in the grave: Or, let them be cut off for the grave
Psalm 31:18 grievous: Heb. a hard thing
Psalm 31:21 strong city: Or, fenced city
Psalm 32:6 in a time when thou mayest be found: Heb. in a time of finding
Psalm 32:8 I will guide thee with mine eye: Heb. I will counsel thee, mine eye shall be upon thee
Psalm 33:5 goodness: Or, mercy
Psalm 33:10 bringeth: Heb. maketh frustrate
Psalm 33:11 to all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
Psalm 34:5 They looked unto him: Or, they flowed unto him
Psalm 34:18 unto them that are of a broken heart: Heb. to the broken of heart
Psalm 34:18 of a contrite spirit: Heb. contrite of spirit
Psalm 34:21 shall be desolate: Or, shall be guilty
Psalm 35:6 dark and slippery: Heb. darkness and slipperiness
Psalm 35:8 at unawares: Heb. which he knoweth not of
Psalm 35:11 False witnesses: Heb. Witnesses of wrong
Psalm 35:11 they laid: Heb. they asked me
Psalm 35:12 spoiling: Heb. depriving
Psalm 35:13 humbled: Or, afflicted
Psalm 35:14 behaved: Heb. walked
Psalm 35:14 my friend, or brother: Heb. as a friend, as a brother to me
Psalm 35:15 adversity: Heb. halting
Psalm 35:17 my darling: Heb. my only one
Psalm 35:18 much: Heb. strong
Psalm 35:19 wrongfully: Heb. falsely
Psalm 35:25 Ah, so would we have it: Heb. Ah, ah, our soul
Psalm 35:27 my righteous cause: Heb. my righteousness
Psalm 36:2 until his iniquity be found to be hateful: Heb. to find his iniquity to hate
Psalm 36:4 mischief: Or, vanity
Psalm 36:6 the great mountains: Heb. the mountains of God
Psalm 36:7 excellent: Heb. precious
Psalm 36:8 abundantly: Heb. watered
Psalm 36:10 continue: Heb. draw out at length
Psalm 37:3 verily: Heb. in truth and stableness
Psalm 37:5 Commit thy way unto the LORD: Heb. roll thy way upon the Lord
Psalm 37:7 rest in the LORD: Heb. be silent to the LORD
Psalm 37:12 plotteth: Or, practiseth
Psalm 37:14 such as be of upright conversation: Heb. the upright of way
Psalm 37:20 the fat of lambs: Heb. the preciousness of Lambs
Psalm 37:23 ordered: Or, established
Psalm 37:26 ever: Heb. all the day
Psalm 37:31 steps: Or, goings
Psalm 37:35 a green bay tree: Or, a green tree, that groweth in his own soil
Psalm 38:3 rest: Heb. peace, or health
Psalm 38:6 troubled: Heb. worried
Psalm 38:10 is gone from me: Heb. is not with me
Psalm 38:11 sore: Heb. stroke
Psalm 38:11 my kinsmen: Or, my neighbors
Psalm 38:15 in thee: Or, thee do I wait for
Psalm 38:15 hear: Or, answer
Psalm 38:17 to halt: Heb. for halting
Psalm 38:19 are lively: Heb. being living, are strong
Psalm 39:1 my mouth with a bridle: Heb. a bridle, or muzzle for my mouth
Psalm 39:2 stirred: Heb. troubled
Psalm 39:4 how frail: Or, what time I have here
Psalm 39:5 at his best state: Heb. settled
Psalm 39:6 a vain show: Heb. image
Psalm 39:10 blow: Heb. conflict
Psalm 39:11 his beauty to consume away: Heb. that which is to be desired in him, to melt away
Psalm 40:1 I waited patiently: Heb. In waiting I waited
Psalm 40:2 an horrible pit: Heb. a pit of noise
Psalm 40:5 they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: Or, none can order them unto thee
Psalm 40:6 opened: Heb. digged
Psalm 40:8 within my heart: Heb. in the midst of my bowels
Psalm 40:12 faileth: Heb. forsaketh
Psalm 41:1 the poor: Or, the weak, or sick
Psalm 41:1 in time of trouble: Heb. in the day of evil
Psalm 41:2 thou wilt not deliver him: Or, do not now deliver
Psalm 41:3 make: Heb. turn
Psalm 41:7 my hurt: Heb. evil to me
Psalm 41:8 an evil disease: Heb. a thing of Belial
Psalm 41:9 mine own familiar friend: Heb. the man of my peace
Psalm 41:9 lift up: Heb. magnify
Psalm 42:1 panteth: Heb. brayeth
Psalm 42:5 cast down: Heb. bowed down
Psalm 42:5 praise: Or, give thanks
Psalm 42:5 for the help of his countenance: Or, his presence is salvation
Psalm 42:6 the hill Missar: Or, the little hill
Psalm 42:10 sword: Or, killing
Psalm 43:1 ungodly: Or, unmerciful
Psalm 43:1 from the deceitful and unjust man: Heb. from a man of deceit, and iniquity
Psalm 43:4 my exceeding joy: Heb. the gladness of my joy
Psalm 44:11 sheep appointed for meat: Heb. as sheep of meat
Psalm 44:12 for nought: Heb. without riches
Psalm 44:18 steps: Or, goings
Psalm 44:26 for our help: Heb. a help for us
Psalm 45:1 inditing: Heb. boileth or bublleth up
Psalm 45:4 ride prosperously: Heb. prosper thou, ride thou
Psalm 45:12 thy favour: Heb. thy face
Psalm 46:2 midst of the sea: Heb. heart of the seas
Psalm 46:5 and that right early: Heb. when the morning appeareth
Psalm 46:7 our refuge: Heb. an high place for us
Psalm 47:7 with understanding: Or, every one that hath understanding
Psalm 47:9 The princes of the people are gathered together , even the people of the God of Abraham: Or, the voluntary of the people are gathered unto the people of the God of Abraham
Psalm 48:13 Mark ye well her bulwarks: Heb. Set your heart to her bulwarks
Psalm 48:13 consider: Or, raise up
Psalm 49:11 to all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
Psalm 49:13 approve their sayings: Heb. delight in their mouth
Psalm 49:14 beauty: Or, strength
Psalm 49:14 in the grave, from their dwelling: Or, the grave being an habitation to every one of them
Psalm 49:15 from the power: Heb. from the hand of the grave
Psalm 49:15 grave: Or, hell
Psalm 49:18 whiles he lived: Heb. in his life
Psalm 49:19 he shall go: Heb. the soul shall go
Psalm 50:11 mine: Heb. with me
Psalm 50:18 hast been partaker with adulterers: Heb. thy portion was with adulterers
Psalm 50:19 Thou givest: Heb. thou sendest
Psalm 50:23 that ordereth his conversation: Heb. that disposeth his way
Psalm 51:5 conceive me: Heb. warm me
Psalm 51:10 a right spirit: Or, a constant spirit
Psalm 51:14 bloodguiltiness: Heb. bloods
Psalm 51:16 else would I give it: Or, that I should give it
Psalm 52:4 O thou deceitful tongue: Or, and the deceitful tongue
Psalm 52:5 destroy thee: Heb. beat thee down
Psalm 52:7 wickedness: Or, substance
Psalm 53:5 were they in great fear: Heb. they feared a fear
Psalm 53:6 Oh that the salvation: Heb. Who will give salvation, etc.
Psalm 54:5 mine enemies: Heb. those that observe me
Psalm 55:5 overwhelmed me: Heb. covered me
Psalm 55:13 a man, mine equal: Heb. a man according to my rank
Psalm 55:14 We took sweet counsel: Heb. who sweetened counsel
Psalm 55:15 hell: Or, the grave
Psalm 55:19 they have no changes, therefore they fear not God: Or, with whom also there be no changes, yet they fear not God
Psalm 55:20 he hath broken: Heb. he hath profaned
Psalm 55:22 burden: Or, gift
Psalm 55:23 bloody and deceitful men: Heb. men of bloods and deceit
Psalm 55:23 shall not live out half their days: Heb. shall not half their days
Psalm 56:2 mine enemies: Heb. mine observers
Psalm 57:3 from the reproach of him, that would swallow me up: Or, he reproacheth him that would swallow me up
Psalm 57:7 fixed: Or, prepared
Psalm 58:3 as soon as they be born: Heb. from the belly
Psalm 58:4 like the: Heb. according to the likeness
Psalm 58:4 adder: Or, asp
Psalm 58:5 charming never so wisely: Or, be the charmer never so cunning
Psalm 58:9 both living, and in his wrath: Heb. as living, as wrath
Psalm 58:11 a reward for: Heb. fruit of the etc.
Psalm 59:1 defend me: Heb. set me on high
Psalm 59:4 to help me: Heb. to meet me
Psalm 59:9 my defence: Heb. my high place
Psalm 59:10 mine enemies: Heb. mine observers
Psalm 59:15 for meat: Heb. to eat
Psalm 59:15 and grudge if they be not satisfied: Or, if they be not satisfied, then they will stay all night
Psalm 60:1 scattered: Heb. broken
Psalm 60:8 triumph thou because of me: Or, triumph thou over me: (by an irony)
Psalm 60:9 strong city: Heb. city of strength
Psalm 60:11 help of man: Heb. salvation
Psalm 61:4 trust: Or, make my refuge
Psalm 61:6 Thou wilt prolong the kings life: Heb. thou shalt add days to the days of the King
Psalm 61:6 as many generations: Heb. as generation and generation
Psalm 62:1 Truly: Or, only
Psalm 62:1 waiteth: Heb. is silent
Psalm 62:2 defence: Heb. high place
Psalm 62:4 inwardly: Heb. in their inward parts
Psalm 62:9 altogether: Or, alike
Psalm 62:11 power: Or, strength
Psalm 63:1 thirsty: Heb. weary
Psalm 63:1 where no water is: Heb. without water
Psalm 63:5 marrow: Heb. fatness
Psalm 63:10 They shall fall by the sword: Heb. They shall make him run out like water by the hands of the sword
Psalm 64:5 matter: Or, speech
Psalm 64:5 laying snares: Heb. to hide snares
Psalm 64:6 They search out iniquities, they accomplish: Or, we are consumed by that which they have thoroughly searched
Psalm 64:6 a diligent search: Heb. a search, searched
Psalm 64:7 shall they be wounded: Heb. their wound shall be
Psalm 65:1 waiteth: Heb. is silent
Psalm 65:3 Iniquities prevail: Heb. words or matters of iniquities
Psalm 65:8 to rejoice: Or, to sing
Psalm 65:9 waterest it: Or, after thou hadst made it to desire rain
Psalm 65:10 thou settlest: Or, thou causest rain to descend into the furrows thereof
Psalm 65:10 thou makest it soft: Heb. thou dissolvest it
Psalm 65:11 the year with thy goodness: Heb. the year of thy goodness
Psalm 65:12 rejoice on every side: Heb. are girded with joy
Psalm 66:1 all ye lands: Heb. all the earth
Psalm 66:3 submit themselves: Or, yield feigned obedience, Heb. lie
Psalm 66:9 holdeth: Heb. putteth
Psalm 66:12 wealthy: Heb. moist
Psalm 66:14 uttered: Heb. opened
Psalm 66:15 fatlings: Heb. marrow
Psalm 67:1 upon us: Heb. with us
Psalm 67:4 govern: Heb. lead
Psalm 68:1 before him: Heb. from his face
Psalm 68:3 exceedingly rejoice: Heb. rejoice with gladness
Psalm 68:6 in families: Heb. in a house
Psalm 68:9 send: Heb. shake out
Psalm 68:9 confirm: Heb. confirm it
Psalm 68:11 company: Heb. army
Psalm 68:12 did flee apace: Heb. did flee, did flee
Psalm 68:14 in it, it was: Or, for her, she was
Psalm 68:17 even thousands: Or, even many thousands
Psalm 68:18 for men: Heb. in the man
Psalm 68:23 dipped: Or, red
Psalm 68:26 from the fountain of Israel: Or, ye that are of the fountain of Israel
Psalm 68:27 and their Council: Or, with their company
Psalm 68:30 the company of spearmen: Or, the beast of the reeds
Psalm 68:30 scatter thou: Or, he scattereth
Psalm 68:33 send out: Heb. give
Psalm 68:34 clouds: Or, heavens
Psalm 69:2 deep mire: Heb. the mire of depth
Psalm 69:2 deep waters: Heb. depth of waters
Psalm 69:5 sins: Heb. guiltiness
Psalm 69:12 drunkards: Heb. drinkers of strong drink
Psalm 69:17 hear me speedily: Heb. make haste to hear me
Psalm 69:20 to take pity: Heb. to lament with me
Psalm 69:25 their habitation: Heb. their palace
Psalm 69:25 let none dwell: Heb. let there not be a dweller
Psalm 69:26 those whom thou hast wounded: Heb. thy wounded
Psalm 69:27 iniquity unto their iniquity: Or, punishment of iniquity
Psalm 69:32 humble: Or, meek
Psalm 69:34 moveth: Heb. creepeth
Psalm 70:1 to help me: Heb. to my help
Psalm 71:3 Be thou my strong habitation: Heb. be thou to me for a rock of habitation
Psalm 71:10 lay wait: Heb. watch, or observe
Psalm 71:18 when I am old and gray headed: Heb. unto old age, and gray hairs
Psalm 71:18 thy strength: Heb. thine arm
Psalm 71:22 with the psaltery: Heb. with the instrument of psaltery
Psalm 72:7 so long as: Heb. till there be no moon
Psalm 72:15 shall be given: Heb. one shall give
Psalm 72:17 shall endure: Heb. shall be
Psalm 72:17 his name shall be continued as long as the sun, and men shall be blessed in him: Heb. shall be as a son to continue his fathers name for ever
Psalm 73:1 Truly: Or, yet
Psalm 73:1 of a clean heart: Heb. clean of heart
Psalm 73:4 firm: Heb. fat
Psalm 73:5 in trouble as other men: Heb. in the trouble of other men
Psalm 73:5 like: Heb. with
Psalm 73:7 they have more then heart could wish: Heb. they pass the thoughts of the heart
Psalm 73:14 chastened: Heb. my chastisement was
Psalm 73:16 it was too painful for me: Heb. it was labour in mine eyes
Psalm 73:22 and ignorant: Heb. I knew not
Psalm 73:22 before thee: Heb. with thee
Psalm 73:26 strength: Heb. rock
Psalm 74:2 rod: Or, tribe
Psalm 74:7 They have cast fire into thy sanctuary: Heb. they have sent thy sanctuary into the fire
Psalm 74:8 destroy: Heb. break
Psalm 74:13 divide: Heb. break
Psalm 74:13 dragons: Or, whales
Psalm 74:15 mighty rivers: Heb. rivers of strength
Psalm 74:17 made: Heb. made them
Psalm 74:23 increaseth: Heb. ascendeth
Psalm 75:2 When I shall receive: Or, when I shall take a set time
Psalm 75:6 South: Heb. desert
Psalm 76:11 unto him that ought to be feared: Heb. to Fear
Psalm 77:2 my sore: Heb. my hand
Psalm 77:8 for ever more?: Heb. to generation and generation
Psalm 77:17 the clouds poured out water: Heb. the clouds were poured forth with water
Psalm 78:8 that set not their heart aright: Heb. that prepared not their heart
Psalm 78:9 carrying: Heb. throwing forth
Psalm 78:19 furnish: Heb. order
Psalm 78:25 Man did eat Angels food: Or, Every one did eat the bread of the mighty
Psalm 78:26 to blow: Heb. to go
Psalm 78:27 feathered foels: Heb. fowl of wing
Psalm 78:31 smote down: Heb. made to bow
Psalm 78:31 chosen men: Or, young men
Psalm 78:40 provoke him: Or, rebel against him
Psalm 78:42 from the enemy: Or, from affliction
Psalm 78:43 wrought: Heb. set
Psalm 78:47 destroyed: Heb. killed
Psalm 78:47 frost: Or, great hail stones
Psalm 78:48 He gave up: Heb. he shut up
Psalm 78:48 hot thunderbolts: Or, lightnings
Psalm 78:50 He made a way: Heb. He weighed a path
Psalm 78:50 their life over to the pestilence: Or, their beasts, to the murreine
Psalm 78:53 overwhelmed: Heb. covered
Psalm 78:63 given: Heb. praised
Psalm 78:69 established: Heb. founded
Psalm 78:71 From following: Heb. from after
Psalm 79:8 former iniquities: Or, the iniquities of them that were before us
Psalm 79:10 revenging: Heb. vengeance
Psalm 79:11 thy power: Heb. thine arm
Psalm 79:11 preserve thou those that are appointed to die: Heb. reserve the children of death
Psalm 79:13 to all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
Psalm 80:2 come and save us: Heb. come for salvation to us
Psalm 80:4 wilt thou be angry: Heb. wilt thou smoke?
Psalm 80:10 the goodly cedars: Heb. the Cedars of God
Psalm 81:5 through: Or, against
Psalm 81:6 were delivered: Heb. passed away
Psalm 81:7 Meribah: Or, strife
Psalm 81:12 unto their own hearts lust: Or, to the hardness of their hearts, or imagination
Psalm 81:15 submitted themselves: Or, yielded feigned obedience, Heb. lied
Psalm 81:16 with the finest of the wheat: Heb. with the fat of wheat
Psalm 82:3 Defend: Heb. judge
Psalm 82:5 out of course: Heb. moved
Psalm 83:5 consent: Heb. heart
Psalm 83:8 they have holpen the children of Lot: Heb. they have been an arm to the children of Lot
Psalm 84:6 of Baca, make it a well: Or, of mulberry trees make him a well etc.
Psalm 84:6 filleth: Heb. covereth
Psalm 84:7 from strength to strength: Or, from company to company
Psalm 84:10 I had rather be a doorkeeper: Heb. I would choose rather to sit at the threshhold
Psalm 85:1 favorable: Or, well pleased
Psalm 85:3 thou hast turned thyself from the fierceness of thine anger: Or, thou hast turned thine anger from waxing hot
Psalm 86:2 holy: Or, one whom thou favourest
Psalm 86:3 daily: Or, all the day
Psalm 86:13 hell: Or, grave
Psalm 86:14 violent: Heb. terrible
Psalm 88:5 from thy hand: Or, by thy hand
Psalm 88:17 daily: Or, all the day
Psalm 89:1 to all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
Psalm 89:4 to all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
Psalm 89:10 Rahab: Or, Egypt
Psalm 89:10 with thy strong arm: Heb. with the arm of thy strength
Psalm 89:13 a mighty arm: Heb. an arm with might
Psalm 89:14 habitation: Or, establishment
Psalm 89:18 the LORD is our defense, and the holy One of Israel is our king: Or, our shield is of the LORD, and our king is of the holy One of Israel
Psalm 89:31 break my statutes: Heb. profane my statutes
Psalm 89:33 suffer my faithfullness: Heb. I will not make void from him
Psalm 89:33 to fail: Heb. to lie
Psalm 89:35 that I will not lie: if I lie
Psalm 89:44 glory: Heb. brightness
Psalm 90:1 in all generations: Heb. in generation and generation
Psalm 90:4 when it is past: Or, when he hath passed them
Psalm 90:5 groweth up: Or, is changed
Psalm 90:9 passed away: Heb. turned away
Psalm 90:9 as a tale that is old
Psalm 90:10 The days of our years are threescore years and ten: Heb. As for the days of our years, in them are seventy years
Psalm 90:12 apply: Heb. cause to come
Psalm 91:1 abide: Heb. lodge
Psalm 91:13 adder: Or, asp
Psalm 91:16 long life: Heb. length of days
Psalm 92:2 every night: Heb. in the nights
Psalm 92:3 upon the harp with a solemn sound: Or, upon the solemn sound with the harp. Heb. Higgaion
Psalm 92:14 flourishing: Heb. green
Psalm 93:2 of old: Heb. from then
Psalm 93:5 forever: Heb. to length of days
Psalm 94:1 God, to whom vengeance belongeth: Heb. God of revenges
Psalm 94:1 shew: Heb. shine forth
Psalm 94:15 shall follow it: Heb. shall be after it
Psalm 94:17 almost: Or, quickly
Psalm 95:2 come before his presence: Heb. prevent his face
Psalm 95:4 In his: Heb. in whose
Psalm 95:4 the strength of the hills is his also: Or, the heights of the hills, are his
Psalm 95:5 The sea is his: Heb. Whose the sea is
Psalm 95:8 provocation: Heb. contention
Psalm 95:11 that they should not enter into my rest: Heb. if they enter into my rest
Psalm 96:8 due unto his name: Heb. of his name
Psalm 96:9 in the beauty of holiness: Or, in the glorious sanctuary
Psalm 97:1 multitude of Isles: Heb. many, or, great Isles
Psalm 97:2 habitation: Or, establishment
Psalm 97:12 at the remembrance: Or, to the memorial
Psalm 98:2 openly showed: Or, revealed
Psalm 99:5 he is holy: Or, it is holy
Psalm 100:1 all ye lands: Heb. all the earth
Psalm 100:3 not we ourselves: Or, and his we are
Psalm 100:5 to all generations: Heb. to generation, and generation
Psalm 101:3 wicked thing: Heb. thing of Belial
Psalm 101:6 in a perfect way: Or, perfect in the way
Psalm 101:7 shall not tarry: Heb. shall not be established
Psalm 102:3 like smoke: Or, (as some read) into smoke
Psalm 102:5 skin: Or, flesh
Psalm 102:20 those that are appointed to death: Heb. the children of death
Psalm 102:23 weakened: Heb. afflicted
Psalm 102:26 endure: Heb. stand
Psalm 103:8 plenteous in mercy: Heb. great of mercy
Psalm 103:11 as the heaven is high: Heb. according to the height of the heaven
Psalm 103:16 it is gone: Heb. it is not
Psalm 103:20 that excel in strength: Heb. mighty in strength
Psalm 104:5 Who laid the foundations of the earth: Heb. he hath founded the earth upon her bases
Psalm 104:8 They go up by the mountains: Or, The mountains ascend, the valleys descend
Psalm 104:10 He sendeth: Heb. who sendeth
Psalm 104:10 run: Heb. walk
Psalm 104:11 quench: Heb. break
Psalm 104:12 sing: Heb. give a voice
Psalm 104:15 oil to make his face to shine: Heb. to make his face shine with oil, or more then oil
Psalm 104:20 all the beasts of the forest do creep forth: Heb. all the beasts thereof do trample on the forest
Psalm 104:26 made: Heb. formed
Psalm 104:31 shall endure: Heb. shall be
Psalm 105:11 the lot: Heb. the cord
Psalm 105:18 he was laid in iron: Heb. his soul came into iron
Psalm 105:21 substance: Heb. possession
Psalm 105:27 signs: Heb. words of his signs
Psalm 105:32 he gave them hail for rain: Heb. he gave their rain, hail
Psalm 105:43 gladness: Heb. singing
Psalm 106:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
Psalm 106:13 They soon forgat: Heb. They made haste, they forgat
Psalm 106:14 lusted exceedingly: Heb. lusted a lust
Psalm 106:24 the pleasant land: Heb. a land of desire
Psalm 106:27 to overthrow: Heb. to make them fall
Psalm 106:43 brought low: Or, impoverished, or weakened
Psalm 107:3 from the South: Heb. from the sea
Psalm 107:22 rejoicing: Heb. singing
Psalm 107:25 raiseth: Heb. maketh to stand
Psalm 107:27 are at their wits end: Heb. all their wisdom is swallowed up
Psalm 107:34 barrenness: Heb. saltiness
Psalm 107:40 wilderness: Or, void place
Psalm 107:41 from: Or, after
Psalm 108:4 clouds: Or, skies
Psalm 109:2 mouth of the deceitful: Heb. of deceit
Psalm 109:2 are opened: Heb. have opened themselves
Psalm 109:6 Satan: Or, an adversary
Psalm 109:7 be condemned: Heb. go out guilty, or wicked
Psalm 109:8 office: Or, charge
Psalm 109:18 into his bowels: Heb. within him
Psalm 109:31 from those that condemn his soul: Heb. from the judges of his soul
Psalm 110:3 from the womb of the morning, thou hast: Or, more then the womb of the morning, thou shalt have, etc.
Psalm 110:6 many: Or, great
Psalm 111:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
Psalm 111:5 meat: Heb. prey
Psalm 111:8 stand fast: Heb. are established
Psalm 111:10 a good understanding: Or, good success
Psalm 111:10 that do his commandments: Heb. that do them
Psalm 112:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
Psalm 112:5 discretion: Heb. judgment
Psalm 113:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
Psalm 113:5 dwelleth on high: Heb. exalteth himself to dwell
Psalm 113:9 to keep house: Heb. to dwell in an house
Psalm 115:13 both: Heb. with
Psalm 116:3 gat hold: Heb. found me
Psalm 118:5 in distress: Heb. out of distress
Psalm 118:6 on my side: Heb. for me
Psalm 118:10 destroy them: Heb. cut them off
Psalm 118:12 destroy: Heb. cut down
Psalm 118:23 This is the LORDs doing: Heb. this is from the LORD
Psalm 119:1 undefiled: Or, perfect, or sincere
Psalm 119:7 thy righteous judgments: Heb. judgments of thy righteousness
Psalm 119:18 Open: Heb. Reveal
Psalm 119:24 my counsellors: Heb. men of my counsel
Psalm 119:28 melteth: Heb. droppeth
Psalm 119:37 Turn away: Heb. make to pass
Psalm 119:42 So shall I have werewith to answer him that reproacheth me: Or, so shall I answer him that reproveth me in a thing
Psalm 119:45 at liberty: Heb. at large
Psalm 119:58 favour: Heb. face
Psalm 119:61 bands: Or, companies
Psalm 119:75 right: Heb. righteousness
Psalm 119:76 for my comfort: Heb. to comfort me
Psalm 119:86 faithful: Heb. faithfulness
Psalm 119:90 unto all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
Psalm 119:90 abideth: Heb. standeth
Psalm 119:98 they are ever with me: Heb. it is ever with me
Psalm 119:103 taste!: Heb. palate
Psalm 119:105 lamp: Or, candle
Psalm 119:112 to perform: Heb. to do
Psalm 119:119 puttest away: Heb. causeth to cease
Psalm 119:132 as thou usest to do unto those: Heb. according to the custom towards those, etc.
Psalm 119:138 righteous: Heb. righteousness
Psalm 119:138 faithful: Heb. faithfulness
Psalm 119:139 consumed me: Heb. cut me off
Psalm 119:140 pure: Heb. tried or refined
Psalm 119:143 taken hold: Heb. found me
Psalm 119:146 and I shall keep thy testimonies: Or, that I may keep
Psalm 119:156 Great: Or, many
Psalm 119:160 Thy word is true from the beginning: Heb. The beginning of thy word is true
Psalm 119:165 nothing shall offend them: Heb. they shall have no stumbling block
Psalm 120:3 What shall be given unto thee?: Or, what shall the deceitful tongue give unto thee? or what shall it profit thee?
Psalm 120:3 done: Heb. added
Psalm 120:4 Sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper: Or, It is as the sharp arrows of the mighty man with coals of juniper
Psalm 120:7 for peace: Or, a man of peace
Psalm 121:1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help: Or, shall I lift up mine eyes to the hills? whence should my help come?
Psalm 122:5 are set: Heb. do set
Psalm 125:3 the wicked: Heb. wickedness
Psalm 126:1 turned again the captivity of Zion: Heb. returned the returning of Zion
Psalm 126:2 hath done great things for them: Heb. hath magnified to do with them
Psalm 126:5 joy: Or, singing
Psalm 126:6 precious seed: Or, seed basket
Psalm 127:1 that build it: Heb. are builders of it in it
Psalm 127:5 hath his quiver full of them: Heb. hath filled his quiver with them
Psalm 127:5 shall speak: Or, shall subdue, as Psal. 18 .45. Or, destroy
Psalm 129:1 Any: Or, much
Psalm 130:6 I say, more then they that watch for the morning: Or, which watch unto the morning
Psalm 131:1 exercise: Heb. walk
Psalm 131:1 high: Heb. wonderful
Psalm 131:2 myself: Heb. my soul
Psalm 131:3 from henceforth: Heb. from now
Psalm 132:5 an habitation: Heb. habitations
Psalm 132:11 thy body: Heb. thy belly
Psalm 132:15 abundantly: Or, surely
Psalm 132:17 lamp: Or, candle
Psalm 133:1 together: Heb. even together
Psalm 134:2 in the sanctuary: Or, in holiness
Psalm 135:8 both of man and beast: Heb. from man unto beast
Psalm 135:13 throughout all generations: Heb. to generation and generation
Psalm 136:8 to rule by day: Heb. for the rulings by day
Psalm 136:15 overthrew: Heb. shaked off
Psalm 137:3 a song: Heb. the words of a song
Psalm 137:3 wasted us: Heb. laid us on heaps
Psalm 137:4 strange land?: Heb. land of a stranger
Psalm 137:6 my chief joy: Heb. the head of my joy
Psalm 137:7 raise it: Heb. make bear
Psalm 137:8 destroyed: Heb. wasted
Psalm 137:8 that rewardeth thee, as thou hast served us: Heb. that recompenseth unto thee thy deed which thou didst to us
Psalm 137:9 the stones: Heb. the rock
Psalm 139:3 compassest: Or, winnowest
Psalm 139:12 hideth not: Heb. darkeneth not
Psalm 139:12 the darkness and the light: Heb. as is the darkness so is the light
Psalm 139:14 right: Heb. greatly
Psalm 139:15 substance: Or, strength or body
Psalm 139:16 all my members: Heb. all of them
Psalm 139:16 which in continuance were fashioned: Or, what days they should be fashioned
Psalm 139:24 wicked way: Heb. way of pain, or grief
Psalm 140:1 violent man: Heb. man of violences
Psalm 140:8 lest they exalt themselves: Or, let them not be exalted
Psalm 140:11 evil speaker be established in the earth, evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him: Heb. a man of tongue, or, an evil speaker, a wicked man of violence be established in the earth, let him be hunted to his overthrow
Psalm 141:1 set forth: Heb. directed
Psalm 141:5 Let the righteous smite me, it shall be a kindness, and let him reprove me, it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: Or, let the righteous smite me kindly, and reprove me, let not their precious oil break my head, etc.
Psalm 141:8 leave not my soul destitute: Heb. make not my soul bare
Psalm 141:10 escape: Heb. pass over
Psalm 142:4 I looked on my right hand, and beheld: Or, Look on the right hand, and see
Psalm 142:4 failed me: Heb. perished from me
Psalm 142:4 no man cared for my soul: Heb. no man sought after my soul
Psalm 143:7 lest I be like: Or, for I am become like. etc.
Psalm 143:9 I fly unto thee to hide me: Heb. hid me with thee
Psalm 144:1 my strength: Heb. my rock
Psalm 144:1 to war: Heb. to the war, etc.
Psalm 144:2 My goodness: Or, my mercy
Psalm 144:7 hand: Heb. hands
Psalm 144:10 salvation: Or, victory
Psalm 144:12 polished: Heb. cut
Psalm 144:13 all manner of store: Heb. from kind to kind
Psalm 144:14 strong to labour: Heb. able to bear burdens, or loaden with flesh
Psalm 145:3 and his greatness is unsearchable: Heb. and of his greatness there is no search
Psalm 145:5 works: Heb. things or words
Psalm 145:6 declare: Heb. declare it
Psalm 145:8 of great mercy: Heb. great in mercy
Psalm 145:13 an everlasting kingdom: Heb. a kingdom of all ages
Psalm 145:15 wait upon thee: Or, look unto thee
Psalm 145:17 holy: Or, merciful, or bountiful
Psalm 146:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
Psalm 146:3 help: Or, salvation
Psalm 147:3 wounds: Heb. griefs
Psalm 147:5 his understanding is infinite: Heb. of his understanding there is no number
Psalm 147:14 He maketh peace in thy borders: Heb. who maketh thy border peace
Psalm 147:19 his word: Heb. his words
Psalm 148:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
Psalm 148:10 flying foul: Heb. birds of wing
Psalm 148:13 excellent: Heb. exalted
Psalm 149:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
Psalm 149:3 in the dance: Or, with the pipe
Psalm 149:6 in their mouth: Heb. in their throat
Psalm 150:1 Praise ye: Heb. Hallelujah
Psalm 150:3 Trumpet: Or, Cornet
Psalm 150:4 dance: Or, Pipe
Proverbs 1:3 equity: Heb. equities
Proverbs 1:4 discretion: Or, advisement
Proverbs 1:6 the interpretation: Or, an eloquent speech
Proverbs 1:7 the beginning: Or, the principal part
Proverbs 1:9 an ornament: Heb. an adding
Proverbs 1:17 in the sight of any bird: Heb. in the eyes of everything that hath a wing
Proverbs 1:20 Wisdom: Heb. Wisdoms, that is, excellent wisdom
Proverbs 1:32 turning away of the simple: Or, ease of the simple
Proverbs 2:3 liftest up thy voice: Heb. givest thy voice
Proverbs 2:22 rooted out: Or, plucked up
Proverbs 3:2 long life: Heb. years of life
Proverbs 3:4 good understanding: Or, good success
Proverbs 3:8 health: Heb. medicine
Proverbs 3:8 marrow: Heb. watering, or moistening
Proverbs 3:13 the man that getteth understanding: Heb. the man that draweth out understanding
Proverbs 3:19 established: Or, prepared
Proverbs 3:27 to whom it is due: Heb. the owners thereof
Proverbs 3:29 Devise not evil: Or, practise no evil
Proverbs 3:31 the oppressor: Heb. a man of violence
Proverbs 3:35 shall be the promotion of fools: Heb. exalteth the fools
Proverbs 4:9 a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee: Or, she shall compass thee with a crown of glory
Proverbs 4:22 health: Heb. medicine
Proverbs 4:23 with all diligence: Heb. above all keeping
Proverbs 4:24 a froward mouth, and perverse lips: Heb. frowardness of mouth and perverseness of lips
Proverbs 4:26 and let all thy ways be established: Or, all thy ways shall be ordered aright
Proverbs 5:3 mouth: Heb. palate
Proverbs 5:10 thy wealth: Heb. thy strength
Proverbs 5:19 satisfy thee: Heb. water thee
Proverbs 5:19 and be thou ravished always with her love: Heb. err thou always in her love
Proverbs 5:22 sins: Heb. sin
Proverbs 6:3 make sure thy friend: Or, so shalt thou prevail with thy friend
Proverbs 6:14 soweth: Heb. casteth forth
Proverbs 6:16 unto him: Heb. of his soul
Proverbs 6:17 A proud look: Heb. haughty eyes
Proverbs 6:23 lamp: Or, candle
Proverbs 6:24 of the tongue of a strange woman: Or, of the strange tongue
Proverbs 6:26 the adulteress: Heb. the woman of a man, or a mans wife
Proverbs 6:32 understanding: Heb. heart
Proverbs 6:35 He will not regard any ransom: Heb. he will not accept the face of any ransom
Proverbs 7:7 the youths: Heb. the sons
Proverbs 7:9 In the evening: Heb. in the evening of the day
Proverbs 7:13 with an impudent face, said unto him: Heb. she strengthened her face and said
Proverbs 7:14 peace offerings with me: Heb. peace offerings are upon me
Proverbs 7:20 with him: Heb. in his hand
Proverbs 7:20 the day appointed: Or, the New moon
Proverbs 7:22 straightway: Heb. suddenly
Proverbs 8:7 an abomination to my lips: Heb. the abomination of my lips
Proverbs 8:8 froward: Heb. wreathed
Proverbs 8:12 prudence: Or, subtilty
Proverbs 8:20 lead: Or, walk
Proverbs 8:26 fields: Or, open places
Proverbs 8:26 highest: Or, the chief part
Proverbs 8:27 a compass: Or, a circle
Proverbs 8:35 obtain: Heb. bring forth
Proverbs 9:2 her beasts: Heb. her killing
Proverbs 9:17 eaten in secret: Heb. of secrecies
Proverbs 10:3 the substance of the wicked: Or, the wicked for their wickedness
Proverbs 10:8 a prating fool: Heb. a fool of lips
Proverbs 10:10 shall fall: Or, shall be beaten
Proverbs 10:10 shall fall: Or, shall be beaten
Proverbs 10:13 understanding: Heb. heart
Proverbs 10:17 erreth: Or, causeth to err
Proverbs 10:21 of wisdom: Heb. of heart
Proverbs 10:27 prolongeth: Heb. addeth
Proverbs 10:32 frowardness: Heb. frowardnesses
Proverbs 11:1 A false balance: Heb. balances of deceit
Proverbs 11:1 a just weight: Heb. a perfect stone
Proverbs 11:5 direct: Heb. rectify
Proverbs 11:12 void of wisdom: Heb. destitute of heart
Proverbs 11:13 A talebearer: Heb. he that walketh being a talebearer
Proverbs 11:15 smart: Heb. be sore broken
Proverbs 11:15 suretiship: Heb. those that strike hands
Proverbs 11:22 is without: Heb. departeth from
Proverbs 11:25 The liberal soul: Heb. the soul of blessing
Proverbs 11:30 winneth: Heb. taketh
Proverbs 12:8 of a perverse heart: Heb. perverse of heart
Proverbs 12:10 tender: Or, bowels
Proverbs 12:12 the net: Or, the fortress
Proverbs 12:13 The wicked is snared by the transgression of their lips: Heb. The snare of the wicked is in the transgression of lips
Proverbs 12:16 presently: Heb. in that day
Proverbs 12:24 slothful: Or, deceitful
Proverbs 12:26 excellent: Or, abundant
Proverbs 13:6 the sinner: Heb. sin
Proverbs 13:9 lamp: Or, candle
Proverbs 13:11 by labour: Heb. with the hand
Proverbs 13:13 shall be rewarded: Or, shall be in peace
Proverbs 13:16 layeth: Heb. spreadeth
Proverbs 13:20 shall be destroyed: Heb. shall be broken
Proverbs 14:10 his own bitterness: Heb. the bitterness of his soul
Proverbs 14:20 the rich hath many friends: Heb. many are the lovers of the rich
Proverbs 14:29 hasty of spirit: Heb. short of spirit
Proverbs 14:34 to any people: Heb. to nations
Proverbs 15:2 poureth: blecheth, or bubbleth
Proverbs 15:4 A wholesome tongue: Heb. The healing of the tongue
Proverbs 15:10 Correction: Or, instruction, etc.
Proverbs 15:19 plain: Heb. is raised up as a causey
Proverbs 15:21 destitute of wisdom: Heb. void of heart
Proverbs 15:23 in due season: Heb. in his season
Proverbs 15:26 pleasant words: Heb. words of pleasantness
Proverbs 15:32 instruction: Or, correction
Proverbs 15:32 heareth: Or, obeyeth
Proverbs 15:32 getteth understanding: Posseseth an heart
Proverbs 16:1 preparations: Or, disposings
Proverbs 16:3 Commit: Heb. roll
Proverbs 16:5 unpunished: Heb. held innocent
Proverbs 16:10 divine: Heb. divination
Proverbs 16:11 all the weights: Heb. all the stones
Proverbs 16:20 he that handleth a matter: Or, he that understandeth a matter
Proverbs 16:23 teacheth: Heb. maketh wise
Proverbs 16:26 He that laboureth: Heb. The soul of him that laboureth
Proverbs 16:26 craveth it of him: Heb. boweth unto him
Proverbs 16:27 an ungodly man: Heb. a man of Belial
Proverbs 16:28 soweth: Heb. sendeth forth
Proverbs 17:1 sacrifices: Or, good cheer
Proverbs 17:5 unpunished: Heb. held innocent
Proverbs 17:7 Excellent speech: Heb. A lip of excellency
Proverbs 17:7 lying lips: Heb. a lip of lying
Proverbs 17:8 a precious stone: Heb. a stone of grace
Proverbs 17:9 seeketh: Or, procureth
Proverbs 17:10 A reproof entereth more into a wise man, than an hundred stripes into a fool: Or, a reproof aweth more a wise man, then to strike a fool an hundred times
Proverbs 17:18 understanding: Heb. heart
Proverbs 17:20 He that hath a froward heart: Heb. The froward of heart
Proverbs 17:22 like a medicine: Or, to a medicine
Proverbs 17:27 an excellent spirit: Or, a cool spirit
Proverbs 18:1 having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom: Or, he that seperateth himself, seeketh according to his desire, and intermedleth in every business
Proverbs 18:8 talebearer: Or, whisperer
Proverbs 18:8 as wounds: Or, like as when men are wounded
Proverbs 18:8 innermost parts: Heb. chambers
Proverbs 18:10 safe: Heb. set aloft
Proverbs 18:13 answereth a matter: Heb. returneth a word
Proverbs 19:5 unpunished: Heb. held innocent
Proverbs 19:6 him that giveth gifts: Heb. a man of gifts
Proverbs 19:8 wisdom: Heb. an heart
Proverbs 19:11 discretion: Or, prudence
Proverbs 19:17 that which he hath given: Or, his deed
Proverbs 19:18 for his crying: Or, to his destruction Or, to cause him to die
Proverbs 19:19 do it again: Heb. add
Proverbs 19:25 will beware: Heb. will be cunning
Proverbs 19:28 an ungodly witness: Heb. a witness of Belial
Proverbs 20:4 cold: Or, winter
Proverbs 20:6 goodness: Or, bounty
Proverbs 20:10 Divers weights: Heb. A stone and a stone
Proverbs 20:10 measures: Heb. an ephah, and an ephah
Proverbs 20:17 bread of deceit: Heb. bread of lying, or falsehood
Proverbs 20:19 flattereth: Or, enticeth
Proverbs 20:20 lamp: Or, candle
Proverbs 20:23 a false balance: Heb. balance of deceit
Proverbs 20:27 candle: Or, lamp
Proverbs 20:30 cleanseth away evil: Heb. is a purging medicine against evil
Proverbs 21:4 An high look: Heb. haughtiness of eyes
Proverbs 21:4 the plowing of the wicked: Or, the light of the wicked
Proverbs 21:7 destroy them: Heb. saw them, or, dwell with them
Proverbs 21:9 a brawling woman: Heb. a woman of contentions
Proverbs 21:9 a wide house: Heb. an house of society
Proverbs 21:10 findeth no favor: Heb. is not favored
Proverbs 21:17 pleasure: Or, sport
Proverbs 21:19 in the wilderness: Heb. in the land of the desert
Proverbs 21:24 in proud wrath: Heb. in the wrath of pride
Proverbs 21:27 with a wicked mind? Heb. in wickedness
Proverbs 21:28 a false witness: Heb. a witness of lies
Proverbs 21:29 directeth: Or, considereth
Proverbs 21:31 safety: Or, victory
Proverbs 22:1 loving favor: Or, favour is better then, etc.
Proverbs 22:4 By humility: Or, The reward of humility, etc.
Proverbs 22:6 train up a child: Or, catechize
Proverbs 22:6 in the way: Heb. in his way
Proverbs 22:7 to the lender: Heb. to the man that lendeth
Proverbs 22:8 and the rod of his anger shall fail: Or, and with the rod of his anger he shall be consumed
Proverbs 22:9 He that hath a bountiful eye: Heb. good of eye
Proverbs 22:11 for the grace of his lips: Or, and hath grace in his lips
Proverbs 22:12 the words: Or, the matters
Proverbs 22:18 within thee: Heb. in thy belly
Proverbs 22:19 even to thee: Or, trust thou also
Proverbs 22:21 to them that send unto thee? Or, to those that send thee
Proverbs 22:28 landmark: Or, bound
Proverbs 22:29 mean men: Heb. obscure men
Proverbs 23:5 Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not?: Heb. wilt thou cause thine eyes to fly upon?
Proverbs 23:10 landmark: Or, bound
Proverbs 23:15 even mine: Or, even I will rejoice
Proverbs 23:18 end: Or, reward
Proverbs 23:20 of flesh: Heb. of their flesh
Proverbs 23:28 as for a prey: Or, as a robber
Proverbs 23:32 an adder: Or, a cockatrice
Proverbs 23:34 in the midst of the sea: Heb. in the heart of the sea
Proverbs 23:35 I felt it not: Heb. I knew it not
Proverbs 24:5 is strong: Heb. is in strength
Proverbs 24:5 increased strength: Heb. strengtheneth might
Proverbs 24:10 small: Heb. narrow
Proverbs 24:14 to thy taste: Heb. upon thy palate
Proverbs 24:18 it displease him: Heb. it be evil in his eyes
Proverbs 24:19 Fret not thyself because of evil men: Or, keep not company with the wicked
Proverbs 24:20 candle: Or, lamp
Proverbs 24:21 them that are given to change: Heb. changers
Proverbs 24:25 a good blessing: Heb. a blessing of good
Proverbs 24:26 giveth a right answer: Heb. that answereth right words
Proverbs 24:32 considered it well: Heb. set my heart
Proverbs 24:34 an armed man: Heb. a man of shield
Proverbs 25:3 unsearchable: Heb. there is no searching
Proverbs 25:6 Put not forth thyself: Heb. set not out thy glory
Proverbs 25:9 discover not a secret to another: Or, discover not the secret of another
Proverbs 25:11 fitly spoken: Heb. spoken upon his wheels
Proverbs 25:14 of a false gift: Heb. in a gift of falsehood
Proverbs 25:17 Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbors house: Or, let thy foot be seldom in thy neighbors house
Proverbs 25:17 weary of thee: Heb. full of thee
Proverbs 25:23 The North wind driveth away rain, so doeth an angry countenance a backbiting tongue: Or, The North wind bringeth forth rain, so doeth a backbiting tongue, an angry countenance
Proverbs 26:5 his own conceit: Heb. his own eyes
Proverbs 26:6 damage: Or, violence
Proverbs 26:7 are not equal: Heb. are lifted up
Proverbs 26:8 As he that bindeth a stone in a sling, so is he that giveth honour to a fool: Or, as he that putteth a precious stone in an heap of stones
Proverbs 26:10 The great God that formed all things both rewardeth the fool, and rewardeth transgressors: Or, a great man grieveth all, and he hireth the fool, he hireth also transgressors
Proverbs 26:11 returneth to his folly: Heb. iterateth his folly
Proverbs 26:15 it grieveth him: Or, he is weary
Proverbs 26:17 meddleth: Or, is enraged
Proverbs 26:18 firebrands: Heb. flames or sparks
Proverbs 26:20 Where no wood is: Heb. without wood
Proverbs 26:20 talebearer: Or, whisperer
Proverbs 26:20 ceaseth: Heb. is silent
Proverbs 26:22 innermost parts: Heb. chambers
Proverbs 26:24 dissembleth: Or, is known
Proverbs 26:25 speaketh fair: Heb. maketh his voice gracious
Proverbs 26:26 Whose hatred is covered by deceit: Or, hatred is covered into secret
Proverbs 27:1 tomorrow: Heb. tomorrow day
Proverbs 27:3 heavy: Heb. heaviness
Proverbs 27:4 Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous: Heb. Wrath is cruelty, and anger an overflowing
Proverbs 27:4 envy?: Or, jealousy
Proverbs 27:6 deceitful: Or, earnest, or frequent
Proverbs 27:7 loatheth: Heb. treadeth under foot
Proverbs 27:9 by hearty counsel: Heb. from the counsel of the soul
Proverbs 27:20 never: Heb. not
Proverbs 27:23 look well: Heb. set thy heart
Proverbs 27:24 riches: Heb. strength
Proverbs 27:24 to every generation?: Heb. to generation and generation
Proverbs 27:27 maintenance: Heb. life
Proverbs 28:2 but by a man of understanding: Or, by men of understanding and wisdom shall they likewise be prolonged
Proverbs 28:3 which leaveth no food: Heb. without food
Proverbs 28:7 is a companion of riotous men: Or, feedeth gluttons
Proverbs 28:8 unjust gain: Heb. by increase
Proverbs 28:11 in his own conceit: Heb. in his eyes
Proverbs 28:12 hidden: Or, sought for
Proverbs 28:20 innocent: Or, unpunished
Proverbs 28:22 He that hasteth to be rich, hath an evil eye: Or, he that hath and evil eye hasteth to be rich, ver, 20
Proverbs 28:24 a destroyer: Heb. a man destroying
Proverbs 29:1 He that being often reproved: Heb. a man of reproofs
Proverbs 29:2 in authority: Or, increased
Proverbs 29:4 he that receiveth gifts: Heb. a man of oblations
Proverbs 29:8 bring a city into a snare: Or, set a city on fire
Proverbs 29:10 The bloodthirsty: Heb. men of blood
Proverbs 29:13 the deceitful man: Or, the usurer
Proverbs 29:18 perish: Or, is made naked
Proverbs 29:20 in his words?: Or, in his matters?
Proverbs 29:25 shall be safe: Heb. shall be set on high
Proverbs 29:26 the rulers favor: Heb. the face of a ruler
Proverbs 30:3 have: Heb. know
Proverbs 30:5 is pure: Heb. purified
Proverbs 30:7 deny me them not: Heb. withhold not from me
Proverbs 30:8 convenient for me: Heb. of my allowance
Proverbs 30:9 deny thee: Heb. belie thee
Proverbs 30:10 Accuse not: Heb. hurt not with thy tongue
Proverbs 30:10 It is enough: Heb. wealth
Proverbs 30:17 the valley: Or, the brook
Proverbs 30:19 midst: Heb. heart
Proverbs 30:24 exceeding wise: Heb. wise made wise
Proverbs 30:27 by bands: Heb. gathered together
Proverbs 30:31 A greyhound: Or, horse. Heb. girt in the loins
Proverbs 31:5 pervert: Heb. alter
Proverbs 31:5 of any of the afflicted: Heb. of all of the sons of affliction
Proverbs 31:6 of heavy hearts: Heb. bitter of soul
Proverbs 31:8 appointed to destruction: Heb. the sons of destruction
Proverbs 31:16 buyeth: Heb. taketh
Proverbs 31:18 She perceiveth: Heb. she tasteth
Proverbs 31:20 She stretched out: Heb. she spreadeth
Proverbs 31:21 scarlet: Or, double garments
Proverbs 31:29 have done virtuously: Or, have gotten riches
Ecclesiastes 1:5 hasteth: Heb. panteth
Ecclesiastes 1:7 return again: Heb. return to go
Ecclesiastes 1:13 to be exercised therewith: Or, to afflict them
Ecclesiastes 1:15 that which is wanting: Heb. defect
Ecclesiastes 1:16 had great experience: Heb. had seen much
Ecclesiastes 2:3 to give myself unto wine: Heb. to draw my flesh with wine
Ecclesiastes 2:3 all the days of their life: Heb. the number of the days of their life
Ecclesiastes 2:7 servants born in my house: Heb. sons of my house
Ecclesiastes 2:8 as musical instruments: , and that of all sorts: Heb. musical instrument, and instruments
Ecclesiastes 2:12 even that which hath been already done: Or, in those things which have been already done
Ecclesiastes 2:13 that wisdom excelleth folly: Heb. that there is an excellency in Wisdom more then in folly, etc
Ecclesiastes 2:15 happeneth even to me: Heb. happeneth to me, even to me
Ecclesiastes 2:18 taken: Heb. laboured
Ecclesiastes 2:21 leave: Heb. give
Ecclesiastes 2:24 should make his soul enjoy: Or, delight his senses
Ecclesiastes 2:26 in his sight: Heb. before him
Ecclesiastes 3:1 to be born: Heb. to bear
Ecclesiastes 3:5 to refrain: Heb. to be far from
Ecclesiastes 3:6 get: Or, seek
Ecclesiastes 3:15 that which is past: Heb. that which is driven away
Ecclesiastes 3:18 that God might manifest them: Or, that they might clear God, and see, etc.
Ecclesiastes 3:21 of man: Heb. of the sons of man
Ecclesiastes 3:21 goeth upward: Heb. is ascending
Ecclesiastes 4:1 side: Heb. hand
Ecclesiastes 4:4 every right work: Heb. all the rightness of work
Ecclesiastes 4:4 for this a man is envied of his neighbour: Heb. this is the envy of a man from his neighbour
Ecclesiastes 4:13 who will no more be admonished: Heb. who knoweth not to be admonished
Ecclesiastes 5:2 thing: Or, word
Ecclesiastes 5:8 at the matter: Heb. at the will or purpose
Ecclesiastes 5:18 it is good and comely: Heb. there is a good which is comely, etc.
Ecclesiastes 5:18 all the days of his life: Heb. the number of the days
Ecclesiastes 5:18 [symbol missing in 1611 edition]: Or, though he give not much, yet he remembreth etc.
Ecclesiastes 6:7 appetite: Heb. soul
Ecclesiastes 6:9 then the wandering of the desire: Heb. then the walking of the soul
Ecclesiastes 6:12 all the days of his vain life: Heb. the number of the days of the life of his vanity
Ecclesiastes 7:3 Sorrow: Or, anger
Ecclesiastes 7:6 crackling: Heb. sound
Ecclesiastes 7:10 wisely: Heb. out of wisdom
Ecclesiastes 7:11 is good with an inheritance: Or, as good as an inheritance, yea, better too
Ecclesiastes 7:12 defence: Heb. shadow
Ecclesiastes 7:14 set: Heb. made
Ecclesiastes 7:16 destroy thyself?: Heb. be desolate?
Ecclesiastes 7:17 before thy time? Heb. not in thy time?
Ecclesiastes 7:21 take no heed: Heb. give not thine heart
Ecclesiastes 7:25 I applied mine heart: Heb. I and mine heart compassed
Ecclesiastes 7:26 who so pleaseth God: He that is good before God
Ecclesiastes 7:27 counting one by one to find out the account: Or, weighing one thing after another to find out the reason
Ecclesiastes 8:1 the boldness: Heb. the strength
Ecclesiastes 8:5 shall feel: Heb. shall know
Ecclesiastes 8:7 when it shall be?: Or, how it shall be?
Ecclesiastes 8:8 discharge: Or, casting of weapons
Ecclesiastes 9:1 I considered in my heart: Heb. I gave, or set to my heart
Ecclesiastes 9:9 Live joyfully: Heb. see, or enjoy life
Ecclesiastes 10:1 Dead flies: Heb. Flies of death
Ecclesiastes 10:3 his wisdom: Heb. his heart
Ecclesiastes 10:5 from: Heb. from before
Ecclesiastes 10:6 in great dignity: Heb. in great heights
Ecclesiastes 10:11 a babbler: Heb. the master of the tongue
Ecclesiastes 10:12 gracious: Heb. grace
Ecclesiastes 10:13 his talk: Heb. his mouth
Ecclesiastes 10:14 is full of words: Heb. multiplieth words
Ecclesiastes 10:19 merry: Heb. maketh glad the life
Ecclesiastes 10:20 thought: Or, conscience
Ecclesiastes 11:1 upon the waters: Heb. upon the face of the waters
Ecclesiastes 11:6 shall prosper: Heb. shall be right
Ecclesiastes 11:10 sorrow: Or, anger
Ecclesiastes 12:3 the grinders cease, because they are few: Or, the grinders fail, because they grind little
Ecclesiastes 12:9 moreover, because the preacher was wise: Or, the more wise the preacher was, etc.
Ecclesiastes 12:10 acceptable words: Heb. words of delight
Ecclesiastes 12:12 study: Or, reading
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Or, the end of the matter, even all that hath been heard, is
Song of Solomon 1:2 thy Love: Heb. thy loves
Song of Solomon 1:4 the upright love thee: Or, they love thee uprightly
Song of Solomon 1:7 as one that turneth aside: Or, as one that is vailed
Song of Solomon 1:14 Camphire: Or, Cypress
Song of Solomon 1:15 my love: Or, my companion
Song of Solomon 1:17 rafters: Or, galleries
Song of Solomon 2:3 I sat down under his shadow with great delight: Heb. I delighted and sat down, etc.
Song of Solomon 2:3 taste: Heb. palate
Song of Solomon 2:4 banqueting house: Heb. house of wine
Song of Solomon 2:5 comfort me with apples: Heb. straw me with apples
Song of Solomon 2:7 I charge you: Heb. I adjure you
Song of Solomon 2:9 shewing himself: Heb. flourishing
Song of Solomon 2:17 of Bether: Or, of division
Song of Solomon 3:9 a chariot: Or, a bed
Song of Solomon 4:1 that appear: Or, that eat of, etc.
Song of Solomon 4:6 break: Heb. breathe
Song of Solomon 4:9 ravished: Or, taken away my heart
Song of Solomon 4:12 enclosed: Heb. barred
Song of Solomon 4:13 Camphire: Or, Cypress
Song of Solomon 5:1 yea drink abundantly, O beloved!: Or, and be drunken with loves
Song of Solomon 5:4 for him: Or, (as some read) in me
Song of Solomon 5:5 sweet smelling: Heb. passing, or running about
Song of Solomon 5:8 that: Heb. what
Song of Solomon 5:10 the chiefest: Heb. a standard bearer
Song of Solomon 5:11 bushy: Or, curled
Song of Solomon 5:12 fitly set: Heb. sitting in fullness, that is fitly placed, and set as a precious stone in the foil of a ring
Song of Solomon 5:13 sweet flowers: Or, towers of perfumes
Song of Solomon 5:16 his mouth: Heb. his palate
Song of Solomon 6:5 overcome me: Or, they have puffed me up
Song of Solomon 6:12 or ever I was aware: Heb. I knew not
Song of Solomon 6:12 made me like the chariots of Amminadab: Or, set me on the chariot of my willing people
Song of Solomon 6:13 of two armies: Or of Mahanaim
Song of Solomon 7:2 liquor: Heb. mixture
Song of Solomon 7:5 Carmel: Or, crimson
Song of Solomon 7:5 held: Heb. bound
Song of Solomon 7:9 sweetly: Heb. straightly
Song of Solomon 7:9 of those that are asleep: Or, of the ancient
Song of Solomon 7:12 appear: Heb. open
Song of Solomon 8:1 I should not be despised: Heb. they should not despise me
Song of Solomon 8:4 that ye stir not up: Heb. why should ye stir up, or why, etc.?
Song of Solomon 8:6 cruel: Heb. hard
Song of Solomon 8:10 favour: Heb. peace
Song of Solomon 8:14 make haste: Heb. flee away
Isaiah 1:4 laden: Heb. of heaviness
Isaiah 1:4 gone away backward: Heb. alienated, or seperated
Isaiah 1:5 revolt more and more: Heb. increase revolt
Isaiah 1:6 ointment: Or, oil
Isaiah 1:7 as overthrown by strangers: Heb. as the overthrow of strangers
Isaiah 1:11 he goats: Heb. great he goats
Isaiah 1:12 to appear: Heb. to be seen
Isaiah 1:13 iniquity: Or, grief
Isaiah 1:15 make many prayers: Heb. multiply prayer
Isaiah 1:15 blood: Heb. bloods
Isaiah 1:17 relieve: Or, righten
Isaiah 1:25 purely: Heb. according to pureness
Isaiah 1:27 her converts: Or, they that return of her
Isaiah 1:28 destruction: Heb. breaking
Isaiah 1:31 and the maker: Or, and his work
Isaiah 2:2 established: Or, prepared
Isaiah 2:4 pruninghooks: Or, scythes
Isaiah 2:6 from the East: Or, more then the East
Isaiah 2:6 please themselves in the children: Or, abound with the children. etc.
Isaiah 2:16 pleasant pictures: Heb. pictures of desire
Isaiah 2:18 the idols he shall utterly abolish: Or, the idols shall utterly pass away
Isaiah 2:19 the earth: Heb. the dust
Isaiah 2:20 his idols of silver: Heb. the idols of his silver, etc.
Isaiah 2:20 which they made each one for himself: Or, which they made for him
Isaiah 3:3 the honourable man: Heb. a man eminent in countenance
Isaiah 3:3 eloquent orator: Or, skillfull of speech
Isaiah 3:7 shall he swear: Heb. lift up the hand
Isaiah 3:7 healer: Heb. binder up
Isaiah 3:11 given him: Heb. done to him
Isaiah 3:12 they which lead thee: Or, they which call thee blessed
Isaiah 3:12 destroy: Heb. swallow up
Isaiah 3:14 eaten: Or, burnt
Isaiah 3:16 wanton eyes: Heb. deceiving with their eyes
Isaiah 3:16 mincing: Or, tripping nicely
Isaiah 3:17 discover: Heb. make naked
Isaiah 3:18 cauls: Or, networks
Isaiah 3:19 chains: Or, sweet balls
Isaiah 3:19 mufflers: Or, spangled ornaments
Isaiah 3:20 tablets: Heb. houses of the soul
Isaiah 3:25 mighty: Heb. might
Isaiah 3:26 desolate: Or, emptied, Heb. cleansed
Isaiah 4:1 let us be called by thy name: Heb. let thy name be called upon us
Isaiah 4:1 to take away: Or, take thou away
Isaiah 4:2 beautiful and glorious: Heb. beauty and glory
Isaiah 4:2 for them that are escaped of Israel: Heb. for the escaping of Israel
Isaiah 4:3 among: Or, to life
Isaiah 4:5 upon: Or, above
Isaiah 4:5 a defense: Heb. a covering
Isaiah 5:2 very fruitful hill: Heb. the horn of the son of oil
Isaiah 5:2 fenced it: Or, made a wall about it
Isaiah 5:2 made: Heb. hewed
Isaiah 5:5 trodden: Heb. for a tredding
Isaiah 5:7 his pleasant plant: Heb. plant of his pleasures
Isaiah 5:7 oppression: Heb. a scab
Isaiah 5:9 in mine ears said the LORD: Or, this is in mine ears saith the LORD, etc.
Isaiah 5:9 of a truth: Heb. if not, etc.
Isaiah 5:11 inflame them: Or, pursue them
Isaiah 5:13 their honourable men are famished: Heb. their glory are men of famine
Isaiah 5:16 God that is holy: Or, the holy God, Heb. The God the holy
Isaiah 5:20 that call evil good: Heb. that say concerning evil, It is good, etc.
Isaiah 5:21 in their own sight: before their face
Isaiah 5:24 the fire: Heb. the tongue of fire
Isaiah 5:25 torn: or as dung
Isaiah 5:30 sorrow: Or, distress
Isaiah 5:30 and the light is darkened in the heavens thereof: Or, when it is light it shall be dark in the destructions thereof
Isaiah 6:1 train: Or, the skirts thereof
Isaiah 6:3 one cried unto another: Heb. this cried to this
Isaiah 6:3 the whole earth if full of his glory
Isaiah 6:4 door: Heb. thresholds
Isaiah 6:5 undone: Heb. cut off
Isaiah 6:6 having a live coal: Heb. and in his hand a live coal
Isaiah 6:7 he laid it: Heb. caused it to touch
Isaiah 6:8 Here am I: Heb. behold me
Isaiah 6:9 indeed, but understand not: Or, without ceasing, etc. Heb. hear ye in hearing, etc.
Isaiah 6:11 utterly desolate: Heb. desolate with desolation
Isaiah 6:13 and it shall return, and shall be eaten: Or, when it is returned and hath been bruised
Isaiah 6:13 substance: Or, stock, or stem
Isaiah 7:2 confederate with Ephraim: Heb. resteth on Ephraim
Isaiah 7:3 Shearjashub: that is, The remnant shall return
Isaiah 7:3 in the highway: Or, causeway
Isaiah 7:4 neither be fainthearted: Heb. let not thine heart be tender
Isaiah 7:6 vex: Or, waken
Isaiah 7:8 that it be not a people: Heb. from a people
Isaiah 7:9 if ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established: Or, do ye not believe? it is because ye are not stable
Isaiah 7:10 moreover the LORD spake: Heb. and the Lord added to speak
Isaiah 7:11 ask it either in the depth: Or, make thy petion deep
Isaiah 7:14 a virgin…shall call: Or, thou, O virgin, shalt call
Isaiah 7:19 bushes: Or, commendable trees
Isaiah 7:22 in the land: Heb. in the midst of the land
Isaiah 8:1 Mahershalalhashbaz: Heb. In making speed to the spoil he hasteneth the prey. Or, make speed, etc
Isaiah 8:3 went unto: Heb. approached unto
Isaiah 8:4 the riches of Damascus, and the spoil of Samaria shall be taken away before the king of Assyria: Or, He that is before the King of Assyria shall take away the riches etc.
Isaiah 8:8 the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land: Heb. the fullness of the breadth of thy land shall be the stretching out of his wings
Isaiah 8:9 and ye: Or, yet
Isaiah 8:11 with a strong hand: Heb. in strength of hand
Isaiah 8:20 no light: Heb. no morning
Isaiah 9:1 of the nations: Or, populous
Isaiah 9:11 join: Heb. mingle
Isaiah 9:16 the leaders: Or, they that call them blessed
Isaiah 9:17 folly: Or, villany
Isaiah 9:19 fuel: Heb. meat
Isaiah 9:20 snatch: Heb cut
Isaiah 10:1 that write grivousness: Or, to the writers that write grievousness
Isaiah 10:5 O Assyrian: Or, woe to the Assyrian: Heb. Asshur
Isaiah 10:5 Assyrian: Heb. Ashur
Isaiah 10:5 and the: Or, though
Isaiah 10:6 to tread them down: Heb. to lay them a treading
Isaiah 10:12 punish: Heb. visit upon
Isaiah 10:12 of the stout heart: Heb. of the greatness of the heart
Isaiah 10:13 like a valiant man: Or, like many people
Isaiah 10:15 as if the rod should shake itself against them: Or, as if a rod should shake them that lift it up
Isaiah 10:15 itself, as if it were no wood: Or, that which is not wood
Isaiah 10:18 both soul and body: Heb. from the soul and even to the flesh
Isaiah 10:19 few: Heb. number
Isaiah 10:22 of them: Heb. in or amongst
Isaiah 10:22 with: Or, in
Isaiah 10:24 and shall lift up his staff against thee: Or, but he shall lift up his staff for thee
Isaiah 10:27 shall be taken away: Heb. shall remove
Isaiah 10:30 lift up thy voice: Heb. cry shrill with thy voice
Isaiah 10:34 by a mighty one: Or, mightily
Isaiah 11:3 quick: Heb. sent or smell
Isaiah 11:4 reprove: Or, argue
Isaiah 11:8 cockatrice: Or, adders
Isaiah 11:10 glorious: Heb. glory
Isaiah 11:12 corners: Heb. wings
Isaiah 11:14 them of the East: Heb. the children of the East
Isaiah 11:14 they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab: Heb. Edom and Moab shall be the laying on of their hand
Isaiah 11:14 and the children of Ammon shall obey them: Heb. the children of Ammon their obedience
Isaiah 11:15 dryshod: Heb. in shoes
Isaiah 12:4 call upon his name: Or, proclaim his name
Isaiah 12:6 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
Isaiah 13:4 like as of: Heb. the likeness of
Isaiah 13:7 be faint: Or, fall down
Isaiah 13:8 amazed: Heb. wonder
Isaiah 13:8 one at another: Heb. every man at his neighbor
Isaiah 13:8 flames: Heb. faces of the flames
Isaiah 13:19 as when…overthrew: Heb. as the overthrowing
Isaiah 13:21 wild beasts: Heb. ziim
Isaiah 13:21 dolefull creatures: Heb. Ochim
Isaiah 13:21 owels: Or, ostriches
Isaiah 13:21 [symbol missing here in 1611 edition] Heb. daughters of the owle
Isaiah 13:22 beasts of the Islands: Heb. Zim
Isaiah 13:22 desolate: Or, palaces
Isaiah 14:2 whose captives they were: Heb. that had taken them captives
Isaiah 14:4 proverb: Or, Taunting speech
Isaiah 14:4 golden city ceased?: Or, exactresse of gold
Isaiah 14:6 a continual stroke: Heb. a stroke without removing
Isaiah 14:9 Hell: Or, the grave
Isaiah 14:9 chief ones: Heb. leaders, or great goats
Isaiah 14:12 O Lucifer: Or, O day star
Isaiah 14:17 that opened not the house of his prisoners? : Or, did not let his prisoners loose homeward
Isaiah 14:29 cockatrice: Or, adder
Isaiah 14:31 none shall be alone: Or, he shall not be alone
Isaiah 14:31 appointed: Or, assemblies
Isaiah 14:32 trust in it: Or, betake themselves unto it
Isaiah 15:1 brought to silence: Or, cut off
Isaiah 15:3 weeping abundantly: Heb. descending into weeping, or, coming down with weeping
Isaiah 15:5 his fugitives shall flee unto Zoar, an heifer: Or, to the borders thereof even to Zoar as an heifer
Isaiah 15:5 destruction: Heb. breaking
Isaiah 15:6 desolate: Heb. desolations
Isaiah 15:7 brook of the willows: Or, valley of the Arabians
Isaiah 15:9 more: Heb. additions
Isaiah 16:1 Sela: Or, Petra, Heb. a rock
Isaiah 16:2 cast out of the nest: Or, a nest forsaken
Isaiah 16:3 Take: Heb. bring
Isaiah 16:4 extortioner: Heb. wringer
Isaiah 16:4 the oppressors: Heb. the treaders down
Isaiah 16:5 established: Or, prepared
Isaiah 16:7 mourn: Or, mutter
Isaiah 16:8 stretched out: Or, plucked up
Isaiah 16:9 the shouting for: Or, the alarm is fallen upon, etc.
Isaiah 16:14 feeble: Or, not many
Isaiah 17:8 images: Or, sun images
Isaiah 17:11 heap in the day of grief, and of desperate sorrow: Or, removed in the day of inheritance, and there shall be deadly sorrow
Isaiah 17:12 multitude: Or, noise
Isaiah 17:12 mighty: Or, many
Isaiah 17:13 rolling: Or, thistledown
Isaiah 18:2 scattered and peeled: Or, outspread and polished
Isaiah 18:2 a nation meted out and trodden down: Or, a nation that meteth out, and treadeth down. Heb. a nation of line line, and treading under foot
Isaiah 18:2 whose land the rivers have spoiled: Or, whose land the rivers despise
Isaiah 18:4 consider in my dwelling place: Or, regard my set dwelling
Isaiah 18:4 upon herbs: Or, after rain
Isaiah 18:7 scattered and peeled: Or, outspread and polished. etc.
Isaiah 19:2 set: Heb. mingle
Isaiah 19:3 shall fail: Heb. shall be emptied
Isaiah 19:3 destroy: Heb. swallow up
Isaiah 19:4 give over: Or, shut up
Isaiah 19:7 and be no more: Heb. and shall not be
Isaiah 19:9 networks: Or, white works
Isaiah 19:10 purposes: Heb. foundations
Isaiah 19:10 for fish: Heb. of living things
Isaiah 19:13 they that are the stay: Or, governors. Heb. corners
Isaiah 19:14 a perverse spirit: Heb. a spirit of perversities
Isaiah 19:18 the language: Heb. the lip
Isaiah 19:18 of destruction: Or, of Heres, or of the sun
Isaiah 20:2 by Isaiah: Heb. by the hand of Isaiah
Isaiah 20:4 the Egyptians…: Heb. the captivity of Egypt
Isaiah 20:4 shame: Heb. nakedness
Isaiah 20:6 isle: Or, country
Isaiah 21:2 grievous: Heb. hard
Isaiah 21:4 my heart panted: Or, my mind wandered
Isaiah 21:4 turned: Heb. put
Isaiah 21:8 He cried, a lion: Or, cried as a lion
Isaiah 21:8 whole nights: Or, every night
Isaiah 21:10 corn: Heb. son
Isaiah 21:14 brought: Or, bring ye
Isaiah 21:15 from the drawn sword: Or, for fear. Heb. from the face
Isaiah 21:17 archers: Heb. bows
Isaiah 22:3 by the archers: Heb. of the bow
Isaiah 22:4 I will weep bitterly: Heb. I will be bitter in weeping
Isaiah 22:6 uncovered: Heb. made naked
Isaiah 22:7 choicest valleys: Heb. the choice of the valleys
Isaiah 22:7 at the gate: Or, towards
Isaiah 22:16 as he: Or, O he
Isaiah 22:17 the LORD will carry thee away with: Or, the Lord who covered thee with an excellent covering, and clothed thee gorgeously, v. 18. shall surely, etc.
Isaiah 22:17 the mighty captive: Heb. the captivity of a man
Isaiah 22:18 large: Heb. large of spaces
Isaiah 22:24 vessels of flagons: Or, instruments of viols
Isaiah 23:2 still: Heb. silent
Isaiah 23:7 afar off: Heb. from afar off
Isaiah 23:9 to stain: Heb. to pollute
Isaiah 23:10 strength: Heb. girdle
Isaiah 23:11 against the merchant city: Or, concerning a merchant man
Isaiah 23:11 strong holds: Or, strengths
Isaiah 23:15 shall Tyre sing as an harlot: Heb. it shall be unto Tyre as the song of an harlot
Isaiah 23:18 durable: Heb. old
Isaiah 24:1 turneth it upside down: Heb. perverteth the face thereof
Isaiah 24:2 priest: Or, Prince
Isaiah 24:4 the haughty people: Heb. the height of the people
Isaiah 24:15 fires: Or, valleys
Isaiah 24:16 uttermost: Heb. wing
Isaiah 24:16 My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me: Heb. leanness to me or my secret to me
Isaiah 24:21 punish: Heb. visit upon
Isaiah 24:22 as prisoners: Heb. with the gathering of prisoners
Isaiah 24:22 pit: Or, dungeon
Isaiah 24:22 visited: Or, found wanting
Isaiah 24:23 before his ancients gloriously: Or, there shall be glory before his ancients
Isaiah 25:7 destroy: Heb. swallow up
Isaiah 25:7 cast over: Heb. covered
Isaiah 25:10 troden down: Or, threshed
Isaiah 25:10 troden down for the dunghill: Or, threshed in Madmenah
Isaiah 26:2 truth: Heb. truths
Isaiah 26:3 perfect peace: Heb. peace, peace
Isaiah 26:3 mind: Or, thought, or imagination
Isaiah 26:4 everlasting strength: Heb. the rock of ages
Isaiah 26:11 at the people: Or, towards thy people
Isaiah 26:12 in us: Or, for us
Isaiah 26:16 prayer: Heb. secret speech
Isaiah 26:21 blood: Heb. bloods
Isaiah 27:1 piercing: Or, crossing like a bar
Isaiah 27:4 go through: Or, march against
Isaiah 27:7 as he smote those: Heb. according to the stroke of those
Isaiah 27:8 when it shootest forth: Or, when thou sendest it forth
Isaiah 27:8 he stayeth: Or, when he removeth it
Isaiah 27:9 images: Or, sun images
Isaiah 28:1 overcome: Heb. broken
Isaiah 28:3 under feet: Heb. with feet
Isaiah 28:4 eateth it up: Heb. swalloweth
Isaiah 28:9 doctrine?: Heb. the hearing
Isaiah 28:10 must be: Or, hath been
Isaiah 28:11 stammering lips: Heb. stammerings of lip
Isaiah 28:11 will he speak: Or, he hath spoken
Isaiah 28:18 trodden down by it: Heb. a treading down to it
Isaiah 28:19 to understand the report: Or, when he shall make you to understand doctrine
Isaiah 28:25 the principal wheat: Or, the wheat in the principal place, and barley in the appointed place
Isaiah 28:25 rye: Or, spelt
Isaiah 28:25 place?: Heb. border
Isaiah 28:26 For his God doth instruct him to discretion: Or, and he bindeth it in such sort as God doth teach him
Isaiah 29:1 Woe to Arial, to Ariel the city: Or, oh Ariel, that is the lion of God. Or, of the city
Isaiah 29:1 kill: Heb. out of the heads
Isaiah 29:4 whisper: Heb. peep or chirp
Isaiah 29:9 cry ye out, and cry: Or, take your pleasure and riot
Isaiah 29:10 rulers: Heb. heads
Isaiah 29:11 book: Or, letter
Isaiah 29:14 I will proceed: Heb. I will add
Isaiah 29:19 shall increase: Heb. shall add
Isaiah 29:24 shall come to understanding: Heb. shall know understanding
Isaiah 30:7 concerning this: Or, to her
Isaiah 30:8 the time to come: Heb. the latter day
Isaiah 30:12 oppression: Or, fraud
Isaiah 30:14 vessel: Heb. the bottle of potters
Isaiah 30:17 a beacon: Or, a tree bereft of branches, or boughs, or a mast
Isaiah 30:20 affliction: Or, oppression
Isaiah 30:22 thy graven images of silver: Heb. the graven images of thy silver
Isaiah 30:22 cast them: Heb. scatter
Isaiah 30:24 clean: Or, savoury. Heb. leavened
Isaiah 30:25 high hill: Heb. lifted up
Isaiah 30:27 and the burden thereof: Or, and the grievousness of flame
Isaiah 30:27 heavy: Heb. heaviness
Isaiah 30:29 mighty one: Heb. rock
Isaiah 30:30 his glorious voice: Heb. the glory of his voice
Isaiah 30:32 in every place where the grounded staff shall pass: Heb. every passing of the rod founded
Isaiah 30:32 lay upon him: Heb. cause to rest upon him
Isaiah 30:32 with it: Or, against them
Isaiah 30:33 of old: Heb. from yesterday
Isaiah 31:2 call back: Heb. remove
Isaiah 31:4 noise: Or, multitude
Isaiah 31:7 his idols of gold: Heb. the idols of his gold
Isaiah 31:8 from the sword: Or, for fear of the sword
Isaiah 31:8 discomfited: Or, tributarie. Heb. for melting, or tribute
Isaiah 31:9 his strong hold for fear: Or, his strength. Heb. rock shall pass away for fear
Isaiah 32:2 great: Heb. heavy
Isaiah 32:4 rash: Heb. hasty
Isaiah 32:4 plainly: Or, elegantly
Isaiah 32:7 when the needy speaketh right: Or, he speaketh against the poor in judgment
Isaiah 32:8 stand: Or, be established
Isaiah 32:10 days and years: Heb. days above a year
Isaiah 32:12 the pleasant fields: Heb. the fields of desire
Isaiah 32:13 yea upon: Or, burning upon. etc.
Isaiah 32:14 forts and towers: Or, clifts and watchtowers
Isaiah 32:19 and the city shall be in a low place: Or, and the city shall be utterly abased
Isaiah 33:6 salvation: Heb. salvations
Isaiah 33:7 valiant ones: Or, messengers
Isaiah 33:9 hewen down: Or, withered away
Isaiah 33:15 righteously: Heb. in righteousnesses
Isaiah 33:15 uprightly: Heb. uprightnesses
Isaiah 33:15 opressions: Or, deceits
Isaiah 33:15 blood: Heb. bloods
Isaiah 33:16 high: Heb. heights, or high places
Isaiah 33:17 the land that is very far off: Heb. the land of far distances
Isaiah 33:18 receiver? Heb. weigher
Isaiah 33:19 stammering: Or, ridiculous
Isaiah 33:21 broad rivers and streams: Heb. broad of spaces or hands
Isaiah 33:22 lawgiver: Heb. statutemaker
Isaiah 33:23 Thy tacklings are loosed: Or, they have forsaken thy tacklings
Isaiah 34:1 all that is therein: Heb. the fulness thereof
Isaiah 34:7 unicorns: Or, rhinocerots
Isaiah 34:7 soaked: Or, drunken
Isaiah 34:11 cormorant: Or, pelican
Isaiah 34:13 owls: Or, ostriches: Heb. daughters of the owl
Isaiah 34:14 beasts: Heb. Ziym
Isaiah 34:14 wild beasts: Heb. Iiym
Isaiah 34:14 shrichowle: Or, night monster
Isaiah 35:4 fearful: Heb. hasty
Isaiah 35:7 grass with reeds: Or, a court for reeds etc.
Isaiah 35:8 but it shall be for those: Or, for he shall be with them
Isaiah 36:3 scribe: Or, secretary
Isaiah 36:5 vain words: Heb. a word of lips
Isaiah 36:5 I have counsell and strength for war: Or, but counsell and strength are for the war
Isaiah 36:8 pledges: Or, hostages
Isaiah 36:16 Make an agreement with me by a present: Or, seek my favour by a present. Heb. make with me a blessing
Isaiah 37:3 blasphemy: Or, provocation
Isaiah 37:4 left: Heb. found
Isaiah 37:7 send a blast upon him: Or, put a spirit into him
Isaiah 37:18 nations: Heb. lands
Isaiah 37:19 cast: Heb. given
Isaiah 37:24 By thy servants: Heb. by the hand of thy servants
Isaiah 37:24 the tall cedars thereof: Heb. the tallness of the cedars thereof, and the choice of the firr trees thereof
Isaiah 37:24 forest of his Carmel: Or, the forest and his fruitful field
Isaiah 37:25 beseiged places: Or, fenced and closed
Isaiah 37:26 Hast thou not heard long ago, how I have done it; and of ancient times, that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced cities into ruinous heaps: Or, Hast thou not heard how I have made it long ago, and formed it of ancient times? Should I now bring it to be laid waste, and defenced cities to be ruinous heaps?
Isaiah 37:27 of small power: Heb. short of hand
Isaiah 37:28 abode: Or, sitting
Isaiah 37:31 the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah: Heb. the escaping of the house of Judah that remaineth
Isaiah 37:38 Armenia: Heb. Ararat
Isaiah 38:1 Set thine house in order: Heb. give charge concerning thy house
Isaiah 38:3 sore: Heb. with great weeping
Isaiah 38:8 degress which is gone down in the sun dial: Heb. degrees by, or with the Sun
Isaiah 38:12 with a pining sickness: Or, From the thrum
Isaiah 38:14 undertake for me: Or, ease me
Isaiah 38:17 for peace I had great bitterness: Or, on my peace came great bitterness
Isaiah 38:17 thou hast in love to my soul delivered it from the pit: Heb. thou hast loved me from the pit
Isaiah 39:2 precious things: Or, spicery
Isaiah 39:2 armor: Or, jewels. Heb. vessels or instruments
Isaiah 40:2 comfortably: Heb. to the heart
Isaiah 40:2 warfare: Or, appointed time
Isaiah 40:4 straight: Or, a straight place
Isaiah 40:4 places plain: Or, a plain place
Isaiah 40:9 O Zion, that bringest good tidings: Or, O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion
Isaiah 40:9 O Jersulem, that bringest good tidings: Or, O thou that tellest good tidings to Jerusalem
Isaiah 40:10 with strong hand: Or, against the strong
Isaiah 40:10 his work before him: Or, recompence for his work
Isaiah 40:11 that are with young: Or, that give suck
Isaiah 40:12 a measure: Heb. a Tierce
Isaiah 40:13 his counselor: Heb. man of his counsel
Isaiah 40:14 instructed him: Heb. made him understand
Isaiah 40:14 understanding?: Heb. understandings
Isaiah 40:20 is so impoverished: Heb. I poor of oblation
Isaiah 40:22 it is he that sitteth: Or, him that sitteth, atc.
Isaiah 40:31 renew: Heb. change
Isaiah 41:2 the righteous man: Heb. righteousness
Isaiah 41:3 safely: Heb. in peace
Isaiah 41:6 Be of good courage: Heb. be strong
Isaiah 41:7 goldsmith: Or, founder
Isaiah 41:7 him that smote: Or, the smiting
Isaiah 41:7 saying: It is ready for the sodering: Or, saying of the soder, it is good
Isaiah 41:11 they that strive with thee: Heb. the men of thy strife
Isaiah 41:12 them that contended: Heb. the men of thy contention
Isaiah 41:12 they that war against thee: Heb. the men of thy war
Isaiah 41:14 men: Or, few men
Isaiah 41:15 teeth: Heb. mouths
Isaiah 41:21 Produce: Heb. cause to come near
Isaiah 41:22 consider them, and know: Heb. set our heart upon them
Isaiah 41:24 of nothing: Or, worse than nothing
Isaiah 41:24 of naught: Or, worse then of a viper
Isaiah 41:28 answer: Heb. return
Isaiah 42:3 smoking: Or, dimly burning
Isaiah 42:3 quench: Heb. quench it
Isaiah 42:4 discouraged: Heb. broken
Isaiah 42:10 all that is therein
Isaiah 42:13 prevail: Or, behave himself mightily
Isaiah 42:14 devour: Heb. swallow or sup up
Isaiah 42:16 straight: Heb. into straightness
Isaiah 42:21 it: Or, him
Isaiah 42:22 they are all of them snared: Or, in snaring all the young men of them
Isaiah 42:22 for a spoil: Heb. a treading
Isaiah 42:23 for the time to come? Heb. for the after time
Isaiah 43:4 life: Or, person
Isaiah 43:10 no God formed: Or, nothing formed of God
Isaiah 43:13 let it?: Heb. turn it back
Isaiah 43:14 nobles: Heb. bars
Isaiah 43:20 owls: Or, ostriches. Heb. daughters of the owl
Isaiah 43:23 small cattle: Heb. lambs or kids
Isaiah 43:24 filled me: Heb. made me drunk, or, abundantly moistened
Isaiah 43:27 teachers: Heb. interpreters
Isaiah 43:28 princes of the Sanctuary: Or, holy princes
Isaiah 44:8 God: Heb. rock
Isaiah 44:9 delectable: Heb. desireable
Isaiah 44:12 with the tongs: Or, with an axe
Isaiah 44:14 strengtheneth: Or, taketh courage
Isaiah 44:18 shut: Heb. daubed
Isaiah 44:19 considereth in his heart: Heb. setteth to his heart
Isaiah 44:19 to the stock of a tree? Heb. that which comes of a tree
Isaiah 44:26 decayed: Heb. wastes
Isaiah 45:1 have holden: Or, strengthened
Isaiah 45:13 direct: Or, make straight
Isaiah 45:24 Surely, shall one say, In the LORD have I righteousness and strength: Or, Surely he shall say of me, In the LORD is all righteousness and strength. Heb. righteousness
Isaiah 46:2 themselves: Heb. their soul
Isaiah 46:11 Heb. the man of my counsel
Isaiah 47:10 perverted thee: Or, caused thee to turn away
Isaiah 47:11 from whence it riseth: Heb. the morning thereof
Isaiah 47:11 put it off: Heb. expiate
Isaiah 47:13 astrologers: Heb. viewers of the heavens
Isaiah 47:13 the monthly prognosticators: Heb. that give knowledge concerning the months
Isaiah 47:14 themselves: Heb. their souls
Isaiah 48:4 obstinate: Heb. hard
Isaiah 48:10 with silver: Or, for silver
Isaiah 48:13 my right hand hath spanned the heavens: Or, the palm of my right hand hath spread out
Isaiah 49:4 my work: Or, my reward
Isaiah 49:5 Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I: Or, that Israel may be gathered to him, and I may etc.
Isaiah 49:6 it is a light thing that thou shouldst: Or, art thou lighter, then that thou shouldest etc.
Isaiah 49:6 preserved: Or, desolations
Isaiah 49:7 to him whom man despiseth: Or, to him that is despised in soul
Isaiah 49:8 establish: Or, raise up
Isaiah 49:15 that she should not have compassion: Heb. from having compassion
Isaiah 49:22 arms: Heb. bosom
Isaiah 49:23 nursing fathers: Heb. nourishers
Isaiah 49:23 queens: Heb. Princesses
Isaiah 49:24 the lawful captive: Heb. the captivity of the just
Isaiah 49:25 captives: Heb. captivity
Isaiah 49:26 sweet wine: Or, new wine
Isaiah 50:8 mine adversary?: Heb. the master of my cause
Isaiah 51:13 were ready: Or, made himself ready
Isaiah 51:19 are come: Heb. happened
Isaiah 51:19 destruction: Heb. breaking
Isaiah 52:12 be your rereward: Heb. gather you up
Isaiah 52:13 deal prudently: Or, prosper
Isaiah 53:1 report? Or, doctrine. Heb. hearing
Isaiah 53:3 he hid as it were our faces from him: Or, he hid as it were his face from us. Heb. as a hiding of faces from him or from us
Isaiah 53:5 wounded: Or, tormented
Isaiah 53:5 stripes: Heb. bruise
Isaiah 53:6 laid on him the iniquity of us all: Heb. he hath made the iniquity of us all to meet on him
Isaiah 53:8 He was taken from prison, and from judgment: Or, he was taken away my distress and judgment, but etc.
Isaiah 53:8 was he stricken: Heb. was the stroke upon him
Isaiah 53:9 death: Heb. deaths
Isaiah 53:10 when thou shalt make his soul on offering: Or, when his soul shall make an offering
Isaiah 55:2 spend: Heb. weigh
Isaiah 55:7 the unrighteous man: Heb. the man of iniquity
Isaiah 55:7 abundantly pardon: Heb. he will multiply to pardon
Isaiah 56:1 judgment: Or, equity
Isaiah 56:8 besides: Heb. to his gathered
Isaiah 56:10 sleeping: Or, dreaming or talking in their sleep
Isaiah 56:11 greedy: Heb. strong of appetite
Isaiah 56:11 can never have enough: Heb. Know not to be satisfied
Isaiah 57:1 merciful men: Heb. men of kindness or godliness
Isaiah 57:1 from the evil to come: Or, from that which is evil
Isaiah 57:2 enter into peace: Or, go in peace
Isaiah 57:2 in his: Or, before him
Isaiah 57:5 with idols: Or, among the okes
Isaiah 57:8 made a covenant with them: Or, hewed it for thyself larger than theirs
Isaiah 57:8 where thou sawest it: Or, thou providest room
Isaiah 57:9 thou wentest to the king: Or, thou respectedst the King
Isaiah 57:10 life: Or, living
Isaiah 57:17 frowardly: Heb. turning away
Isaiah 58:1 aloud: Heb. with the throat
Isaiah 58:3 labours: Or, things wherewith ye grieve others: Heb. griefs
Isaiah 58:4 ye shall not fast as ye do this day: Or, ye fast not as this day
Isaiah 58:5 day for a man to afflict his soul?: Or, to afflict his soul for a day?
Isaiah 58:6 the heavy burdens: Heb. the bundles of the yoke
Isaiah 58:6 oppressed: Heb. broken
Isaiah 58:7 cast out: Or, afflicted
Isaiah 58:8 shall be thy rereward: Heb. shall gather thee up
Isaiah 58:11 drought: Heb. droughts
Isaiah 58:11 fail not: Heb. lie, or deceive
Isaiah 59:2 have hid: Or, have made him hide
Isaiah 59:5 cockatrice: Or, adders
Isaiah 59:5 that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper: Or, that which is sprinkled is as if there brake out a viper
Isaiah 59:7 destruction: Heb. breaking
Isaiah 59:8 judgment: Or, right
Isaiah 59:15 maketh himself a prey: Or, is accounted mad
Isaiah 59:15 it displeased him: Heb. it was evil in his eyes
Isaiah 59:18 deeds: Heb. recompences
Isaiah 59:19 lift up a standard: Or, put him to flight
Isaiah 60:1 shine, for thy light is come: Or, be enlightened, for thy light cometh
Isaiah 60:5 abundance of the Sea shall be converted unto thee: Or, noise of the Sea shall be turned toward thee
Isaiah 60:5 forces: Or, wealth
Isaiah 60:11 forces: Or, wealth
Isaiah 61:10 decketh: Heb. decketh as a priest
Isaiah 62:4 Hephzibah: That is, my delight is in her
Isaiah 62:4 Beulah: That is, married
Isaiah 62:5 as the bridegroom rejoiceth: Heb. with the joy of the bridegroom
Isaiah 62:6 ye that make mention of the LORD: Or, ye that are the Lords remembrancers
Isaiah 62:7 rest: Heb. silence
Isaiah 62:8 Surely, I will no more give: Heb. if he give, etc.
Isaiah 62:11 work: Or, recompense
Isaiah 63:1 glorious: Heb. decked
Isaiah 63:11 shepherd: Or, shepherds, as Psal. 77.21
Isaiah 63:15 the sounding: Or, the multitude
Isaiah 63:16 our Redeemer, thy Name is from everlasting: Or, our redeemer, from everlasting is thy name
Isaiah 63:19 they were not called by thy Name: Heb. thy name was not called upon them
Isaiah 64:2 the melting fire: Heb. the fire of meltings
Isaiah 64:4 seen, O God, besides thee, what he hath prepared for him: Or, seen a God beside thee which doeth so for him, etc.
Isaiah 64:7 consumed: Heb. melted
Isaiah 65:3 upon altars of brick
Isaiah 65:4 broth: Or, pieces
Isaiah 65:5 nose: Or, anger
Isaiah 65:11 troop: Or, Gad
Isaiah 65:11 number: Or, Meni
Isaiah 65:14 vexation: Heb. breaking
Isaiah 65:17 come into mind: Heb. come upon the heart
Isaiah 65:22 shall long enjoy the work of their hands: Heb. shall make them continue long, or shall wear out
Isaiah 66:3 lamb: Or, kid
Isaiah 66:3 burneth incense: Heb. maketh a memorial of
Isaiah 66:4 delusions: Or, devices
Isaiah 66:9 bring to the birth: Or, beget
Isaiah 66:11 abundance: Or, brightness
Isaiah 66:17 behind one tree: Or, one after another
Isaiah 66:20 litters: Or, coaches
Isaiah 66:23 from one new Moon to another, and from one Sabbath to another: Heb. from new Moon to his new Moon, and from Sabbath to his Sabbath
Jeremiah 1:5 ordained: Heb. gave
Jeremiah 1:13 towards the North: Heb. from the face of the North
Jeremiah 1:14 shall break forth: Heb. shall be opened
Jeremiah 1:17 confound: Or, break to pieces
Jeremiah 2:2 thee: Or, for thy sake
Jeremiah 2:10 over: Or, over to
Jeremiah 2:14 spoiled?: Heb. become a spoil
Jeremiah 2:15 yelled: Heb. gave out their voice
Jeremiah 2:16 broken the crown: Or, feed on thy crown, deut. 33.12 Isai. 8.8
Jeremiah 2:20 transgress: Or, serve
Jeremiah 2:23 thou art a swift dromedaire: Or, O swift dromedaire
Jeremiah 2:24 A wild ass: Or, O wild ass etc.
Jeremiah 2:24 used: Heb. taught
Jeremiah 2:24 her pleasure: Heb. the desire of her heart
Jeremiah 2:24 turn: Or, reverse it
Jeremiah 2:25 there is no hope: Or, is the case desperate?
Jeremiah 2:27 brought me forth: Or, begotten me
Jeremiah 2:27 their back unto me: Heb. the hinder part part [sic] of the neck
Jeremiah 2:28 trouble: Heb. evil
Jeremiah 2:31 We are Lords: Heb. we have dominion
Jeremiah 2:34 secret search: Heb. digging
Jeremiah 3:1 They say: Heb. Saying
Jeremiah 3:9 lightness: Or, fame
Jeremiah 3:10 feignedly: Heb. in falsehood
Jeremiah 3:16 come to mind: Heb. come upon the heart
Jeremiah 3:16 that be done: Or, it be magnified
Jeremiah 3:17 imagination: Or, stubbornness
Jeremiah 3:18 with: Or, to
Jeremiah 3:18 given for an inheritance unto your fathers: Or, caused your fathers to possess
Jeremiah 3:19 pleasant land: Heb. land of desire
Jeremiah 3:19 from me: Heb. from after me
Jeremiah 3:20 husband: Heb. friend
Jeremiah 4:6 retire: Or, strengthen
Jeremiah 4:6 destruction: Heb. breaking
Jeremiah 4:12 a full wind from those places: Or, a fuller wind then those
Jeremiah 4:12 give sentence against them: Heb. utter judgments
Jeremiah 4:19 at my very heart: Heb. the walls of my heart [symbol in wrong place]
Jeremiah 4:30 face: Heb. eyes
Jeremiah 5:6 evenings: Or, deserts
Jeremiah 5:6 are increased: Heb. are strong
Jeremiah 5:21 understanding: Heb. heart
Jeremiah 5:26 they lay wait as he that setteth snares: Or, they pry as foulers lie in wait
Jeremiah 5:27 cage: Or, coop
Jeremiah 5:30 A wonderful and horrible thing: Or, astonishment and filthiness
Jeremiah 5:31 bear rule: Or, take into their hands
Jeremiah 6:2 comely: Or, dwelling at home
Jeremiah 6:6 cast a mount: Or, pour out the engine of shot
Jeremiah 6:8 depart: Heb. be loosed or disjointed
Jeremiah 6:14 hurt: Heb. bruise or breach
Jeremiah 6:30 Reprobate silver: Or, refuse silver
Jeremiah 7:10 which is called by my Name: Heb. whereupon my Name is called
Jeremiah 7:18 Queen of heaven: Or, frame, or workmanship of heaven
Jeremiah 7:22 concerning: Heb. concerning the matter of
Jeremiah 7:24 imagination: Or, stubbornness
Jeremiah 7:24 went: Heb. were
Jeremiah 7:28 correction: Or, instruction
Jeremiah 7:31 came it into my heart: Heb. came it upon my heart
Jeremiah 8:8 certainly, in vain made he it, the pen of the scribes is in vain: Or, the false pen of the scribes worketh for falsehood
Jeremiah 8:9 The wise men are ashamed: Or, have they been ashamed, etc.
Jeremiah 8:9 what wisdom is in them? Heb. the wisdom of what thing
Jeremiah 8:13 I will surely consume them: Or, in gathering I will consume
Jeremiah 8:14 gall: Or, poison
Jeremiah 8:16 all that is in it: Heb. the fullness thereof
Jeremiah 8:18 in: Heb. upon
Jeremiah 8:19 because of them that dwell in a far country: Heb. because of the country of them that are far off
Jeremiah 8:22 recovered?: Heb. gone up
Jeremiah 9:1 that my head were waters: Heb. who will give my head etc.
Jeremiah 9:4 neighbour: Or, friend
Jeremiah 9:5 deceive: Or, mock
Jeremiah 9:8 in heart: Heb. in the midst of him
Jeremiah 9:8 his wait: Or, wait for him
Jeremiah 9:10 habitations: Or, pastures
Jeremiah 9:10 burnt up: Or, desolate
Jeremiah 9:10 both the fowel of the heavens: Heb. from the fowel even to etc.
Jeremiah 9:11 desolate: Heb. desolation
Jeremiah 9:14 imagination: Or, stubbornness
Jeremiah 9:25 punish: Heb. visit upon
Jeremiah 9:26 in the utmost corners: Heb. cut off into corners, or having the corners of their hair polled
Jeremiah 10:3 customs of the people are vain: Heb. statutes, or, ordinances are vanity
Jeremiah 10:7 to thee doeth it: Or, it liketh thee
Jeremiah 10:8 altogether: Heb. in one, or at once
Jeremiah 10:10 true God: Heb. God of truth
Jeremiah 10:10 everlasting King: Heb. King of eternity
Jeremiah 10:13 multitude: Or, noise
Jeremiah 10:13 with rain: Or, for rain
Jeremiah 10:14 brutish is his knowledge: Or, is more brutish, then to know:
Jeremiah 10:17 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
Jeremiah 10:24 bring me to nothing: Heb. diminish me
Jeremiah 11:5 so be it: Heb. Amen
Jeremiah 11:8 imagination: Or, stubbornness
Jeremiah 11:11 to escape: Heb. to go forth of
Jeremiah 11:12 trouble: Heb. evil
Jeremiah 11:13 shameful: Heb. shame
Jeremiah 11:14 trouble: Heb. evil
Jeremiah 11:15 What hath my beloved to do in mine house: Heb. what is to my beloved in my house?
Jeremiah 11:15 when thou doest evil: Or, when thy evil is
Jeremiah 11:19 the tree with the fruit thereof: Heb. the stalk with his bread
Jeremiah 11:22 punish: Heb. visit upon
Jeremiah 12:1 yet let me talk with thee: Or, let me reason the case with thee
Jeremiah 12:2 they grow: Heb. they go on
Jeremiah 12:3 towards thee: Heb. with thee
Jeremiah 12:6 they have called a multitude after thee: Or, they cried after thee fully
Jeremiah 12:6 fair words: Heb. good things
Jeremiah 12:7 the dearly beloved: Heb. the love
Jeremiah 12:8 crieth out against me: Or, yelleth. Heb. giveth out his voice
Jeremiah 12:9 speckled: Or, taloned
Jeremiah 12:9 come to devour: Or, cause them to come
Jeremiah 12:10 pleasant portion: Heb. portion of desire
Jeremiah 13:10 imagination: Or, stubbornness
Jeremiah 13:14 one against another: Heb. a man against his brother
Jeremiah 13:14 but destroy them: Heb. from destroying them
Jeremiah 13:18 principalities: Or, head tires
Jeremiah 13:21 punish: Heb visit upon’
Jeremiah 13:22 made bear: Or, shall be violently taken away
Jeremiah 13:23 accustomed: Heb. taught
Jeremiah 13:27 when shall it once be?: Heb. after when yet?
Jeremiah 14:1 the dearth: Heb. the words of the dearths or restraints
Jeremiah 14:9 by thy Name, leave us not: Heb. thy Name is called upon us
Jeremiah 14:13 assured peace: Heb. peace of truth
Jeremiah 14:18 go about into a land that they know not: Or, make merchandise against a land, and men acknowledge it not, Chap. 5.31
Jeremiah 15:3 kinds: Heb. families
Jeremiah 15:4 I will cause them to be removed: Heb. I will give them for a moving
Jeremiah 15:5 ask how thou doest?: Heb. to ask of thy thy peace
Jeremiah 15:7 children: Or, whatsoever is dear
Jeremiah 15:8 against the mother of the young me: Or, against the mother city, a young man spoiling, etc. Or, against the mother and the young men
Jeremiah 15:11 I will cause the enmity to entreat thee well: Or, I will entreat the enemy for thee
Jeremiah 15:16 I am call by thy Name: Heb. thy Name is called upon me
Jeremiah 15:18 fail?: Heb. be not sure?
Jeremiah 16:5 mourning: Or, mourning feast
Jeremiah 16:7 tear themselves for them: Or, break bread for them, as Ezek. 24.17
Jeremiah 16:12 imagination: Or, stubbornness
Jeremiah 16:21 The LORD: Or, JEHOVAH
Jeremiah 17:1 point: Heb. nail
Jeremiah 17:4 even thyself: Heb. in thyself
Jeremiah 17:8 drought: Or, restraint
Jeremiah 17:11 sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not: Or, gathereth young which she hath not brought forth
Jeremiah 17:16 follow thee: Heb. after thee
Jeremiah 17:18 destroy them with double destruction: Heb. break them with a double breach
Jeremiah 18:3 wheels: Or, frames or seats
Jeremiah 18:4 that he made of clay, was marred in the hand of the potter: Or, that he made, was marred as clay in the hand of the potter
Jeremiah 18:4 made it again: Heb. returned and made
Jeremiah 18:14 the snow of Lebanon which cometh from the rock of the field? or shall the cold flowing waters that come from another place be forsaken?: Or, my fields for a rock, or for the snow of Lebanon? shall the running waters be forsaken for the strange cold waters?
Jeremiah 18:18 with the tongue: Or, for the tongue
Jeremiah 18:21 pour out their blood: Heb. pours them out
Jeremiah 18:23 to slay me: Heb. for death
Jeremiah 19:2 the East gate: Heb. the Sun gate
Jeremiah 19:11 be made whole: Heb. be healed
Jeremiah 20:3 Magormissabib: That is, fear round about
Jeremiah 20:7 deceived: Or, enticed
Jeremiah 20:10 all my familiars: Heb. every man of my peace
Jeremiah 21:12 Execute: Heb. judge
Jeremiah 21:13 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
Jeremiah 21:14 punish: Heb. visit upon
Jeremiah 22:4 upon the throne of David: Heb. for David upon his throne
Jeremiah 22:14 large: Heb. through aired
Jeremiah 22:14 windows: Or, my windows
Jeremiah 22:17 violence: Or, incursion
Jeremiah 22:21 prosperity: Heb. prosperities
Jeremiah 22:23 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
Jeremiah 22:27 desire: Heb. lift up their mind
Jeremiah 23:6 The LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS: Heb. Jehovahtsidkenu
Jeremiah 23:10 swearing: Or, cursing
Jeremiah 23:10 course: Or, violence
Jeremiah 23:13 folly: Or, an absurd thing, Heb. unsavoury
Jeremiah 23:14 an horrible thing: Or, filthiness
Jeremiah 23:15 profaneness: Or, hypocrisy
Jeremiah 23:17 imagination: Or, stubbornness
Jeremiah 23:18 counsel: Or, secret
Jeremiah 23:28 that hath a dream: Heb. with whom is
Jeremiah 23:31 use their tongues: Or, that smooth their tongues
Jeremiah 23:34 punish: Heb. visit upon
Jeremiah 24:2 they were so bad: Heb. for badness
Jeremiah 24:5 captive: Heb. captivity
Jeremiah 24:9 to be removed: Heb. for removing or vexation
Jeremiah 25:10 I will take from them: Heb. I will cause to perish from them
Jeremiah 25:12 punish: Heb. visit upon
Jeremiah 25:22 isles: Or, region by the Sea side
Jeremiah 25:23 that are in the utmost corners: Heb. cut off into corners, or having the corners of the hair polled, chap. 9.28
Jeremiah 25:29 which is called by my name: Heb. upon which my Name is called
Jeremiah 25:34 the days of your slaughter: Heb. your days for slaughter
Jeremiah 25:34 a pleasant vessel:
Jeremiah 25:35 And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the principal of the flock to escape: Heb. flight shall perish from the shepherds, and escaping from, etc.
Jeremiah 25:38 desolate: Heb. a desolation
Jeremiah 26:10 in the entry: Or, at the door
Jeremiah 26:11 This man is worthy to die: Heb. The judgment of death is for this man
Jeremiah 26:14 as seemeth good and meet unto you: Heb. as it is good and right in your eyes
Jeremiah 26:19 the LORD: Heb. the face of the LORD
Jeremiah 26:23 common people: Heb. sons of the people
Jeremiah 27:4 say unto your masters: Or, concerning their masters, saying
Jeremiah 27:9 dreamers: Heb. dreams
Jeremiah 27:15 a lie: Heb. in a lie, or lyingly
Jeremiah 28:3 two full years: Heb. two years of days
Jeremiah 28:4 captives: Heb. captivity
Jeremiah 28:16 rebellion: Heb. revolt
Jeremiah 29:2 eunuchs: Or, chamberleins
Jeremiah 29:9 falsely: Heb. in a lie
Jeremiah 29:11 expected end: Heb. end and expectation
Jeremiah 29:18 to be a curse: Heb. for a curse
Jeremiah 29:24 Nehelamite: Or, dreamer
Jeremiah 29:32 rebellion: Heb. revolt
Jeremiah 30:5 of fear, and not of peace: Or, there is fear, and not peace
Jeremiah 30:6 a man: Heb. a male
Jeremiah 30:13 that thou mayest be bound up: Heb. for binding up, or pressing
Jeremiah 30:18 heap: Or, little hill
Jeremiah 30:23 continuing: Heb. cutting
Jeremiah 30:23 fall: Or, remain
Jeremiah 31:3 of old: Heb. from afar
Jeremiah 31:3 with lovingkindness have I drawn thee: Or, have I extended lovingkindness unto thee
Jeremiah 31:4 tabrets: Or, timbrels
Jeremiah 31:5 eat them: Heb. profane them
Jeremiah 31:9 supplications: Or, favours
Jeremiah 31:20 sound: are troubled
Jeremiah 31:32 although I was an husband unto them: Or, should I have continued a husband unto them?
Jeremiah 32:9 seventeen shekels of silver: Or, seven shekels and ten pieces of silver
Jeremiah 32:10 subscribed the evidence: Heb. wrote in the book
Jeremiah 32:17 too hard for thee: Or, hid from thee
Jeremiah 32:19 work: Heb. doing
Jeremiah 32:24 mounts: Or, engines of shot
Jeremiah 32:31 a provocation: Heb. for my anger
Jeremiah 32:33 back: Heb. neck
Jeremiah 32:39 forever: Heb. all days
Jeremiah 32:40 from them: Heb. from after them
Jeremiah 32:41 assuredly: Heb. in truth, or stability
Jeremiah 33:3 mighty: Or, hidden
Jeremiah 33:16 The LORD our righteousness: Heb. Jehovatsidkenu
Jeremiah 33:17 David shall never want: Heb. There shall not be cut off from David
Jeremiah 34:1 his dominion: Heb. the dominion of his hand
Jeremiah 34:3 he shall speak with thee mouth to mouth: Heb. his mouth shall speak to thy mouth
Jeremiah 34:14 hath been sold unto thee: Or, hath sold himself
Jeremiah 34:15 now: Heb. today
Jeremiah 34:15 which is called by my Name: Heb. whereupon my name is called
Jeremiah 34:17 to be removed: Heb. for a removing
Jeremiah 35:4 door: Heb. threshold or vessel
Jeremiah 35:19 shall not want a man to stand before me: Heb. There shall not a man be cut off from, etc
Jeremiah 36:7 they will present their supplication: Heb. their supplication shall fall
Jeremiah 36:10 entry: Or, door
Jeremiah 36:26 of Hammelech: Or, of the king
Jeremiah 36:31 punish: Heb. visit upon
Jeremiah 36:32 like: Heb. as they
Jeremiah 37:2 by the prophet: Heb. by the hand of the prophet
Jeremiah 37:9 selves: Heb. souls
Jeremiah 37:10 wounded: Heb. thrust through
Jeremiah 37:11 broken up: Heb. made to ascend
Jeremiah 37:12 to separate himself thence in the midst of the people: Or, to slip away from thence in the midst of the people
Jeremiah 37:14 false: Heb. falsehood or lie
Jeremiah 37:16 cabins: Or, cells
Jeremiah 37:20 let my supplication: Heb. let my supplication fall
Jeremiah 38:4 welfare: Heb. peace
Jeremiah 38:6 of Hammelech: Or, of the king
Jeremiah 38:9 he is like to die: Heb. he will die
Jeremiah 38:10 with thee: Heb. in thine hand
Jeremiah 38:14 third: Or, principal
Jeremiah 38:22 Thy friends: Heb. men of thy peace
Jeremiah 38:23 thou shalt cause…burnt: Heb. thou shalt burn, etc.
Jeremiah 38:27 they left off speaking with him: Heb. they were silent from him
Jeremiah 39:5 gave judgment upon him: Heb. spake with him judgments
Jeremiah 39:7 with chains: Heb. with two brasen chains, or fetters
Jeremiah 39:9 the captain of the guard: Or, chief Marshal. Heb. chief of the executioners or slaughtermen. And so verse 10. 11, etc.
Jeremiah 39:10 at the same time: Heb. in that day
Jeremiah 39:11 to: Heb. by the hand of
Jeremiah 39:12 look well to him: Heb. set thine eyes upon him
Jeremiah 40:1 chains: Or, manicles [error in location of symbol in marginal notes. The symbol should be for the word chains and not captain]
Jeremiah 40:4 I will look well unto thee: Heb. I will set mine eye upon thee
Jeremiah 40:9 to serve: Heb. to stand before. And so verse 10
Jeremiah 40:14 to slay thee?: Heb. to strike thee in soul?
Jeremiah 41:6 weeping all along as he went, Heb. in going and weeping
Jeremiah 41:9 because of Gedaliah: Or, near Gedaliah: Heb. by the hand or by the side of Gedaliah
Jeremiah 42:2 Let, we beseech thee, our supplication be accepted before thee: Or, let our supplication fall before thee
Jeremiah 42:16 shall follow close: Heb. shall cleave after you
Jeremiah 42:17 so shall it be with all the men: Heb. so shall all the men be
Jeremiah 42:19 admonished you: Heb. testified against you
Jeremiah 42:20 ye dissembled in your hearts: Or, you have used deceit against your souls
Jeremiah 43:13 images: Heb. statues, or standing images
Jeremiah 43:13 Bethshemesh: Or, The house of the Sun
Jeremiah 44:7 out of Judah: Heb. out of the midst of Judah
Jeremiah 44:9 wickedness: Heb. wickednesses, or, punishments etc.
Jeremiah 44:10 humbled: Heb. contrite
Jeremiah 44:14 have a desire: Heb. lift up their soul
Jeremiah 44:17 queen…of heaven: Or, frame of heaven
Jeremiah 44:17 vitailes: Heb. bread
Jeremiah 44:19 men?: Or, husbands
Jeremiah 44:28 mine or theirs: Heb. from me or from them
Jeremiah 46:5 beaten down: Heb. broken in pieces
Jeremiah 46:5 fled apace: Heb. fled a flight
Jeremiah 46:9 Ethiopians: Heb. Cush
Jeremiah 46:9 Lybians: Heb. Put
Jeremiah 46:11 not be cured: Heb. no cure shall be unto thee
Jeremiah 46:16 he made many to fall: Heb. multiplied the faller
Jeremiah 46:19 furnish thyself to go into captivity: Heb. make thee instruments of captivity
Jeremiah 46:21 fatted bullocks: Heb. bullocks of the stall
Jeremiah 46:25 multitude: Or, nourisher, Heb. Amon
Jeremiah 46:28 yet will I not leave thee: Or, not utterly cut thee off
Jeremiah 47:1 Gaza: Heb. Azzah
Jeremiah 47:2 all that is therein: Heb. the fulness thereof
Jeremiah 47:4 the country: Heb. the isle
Jeremiah 47:6 put up thyself: Heb. gather thyself
Jeremiah 47:7 how can it be: Heb. how canst thou?
Jeremiah 48:1 Misgab: Or, the high place
Jeremiah 48:2 cut down: Or, be brought to silence
Jeremiah 48:2 pursue thee: Heb. go after thee
Jeremiah 48:5 continual weeping: Heb. weeping with weeping
Jeremiah 48:6 heath: Or, a naked tree
Jeremiah 48:10 deceitfully: Or, negligently
Jeremiah 48:11 remained: Heb. stood
Jeremiah 48:15 his chosen: Heb. the choice of
Jeremiah 48:19 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
Jeremiah 48:27 skippedst for joy: Or, movedst thyself
Jeremiah 48:30 his lies shall not so affect it: Or, those on whom he stayeth (Heb. his bars) do not right
Jeremiah 48:34 desolate: Heb. desolations
Jeremiah 48:37 clipped: Heb. diminished
Jeremiah 48:39 back: Heb. neck
Jeremiah 48:41 Kerioth: Or, the cities
Jeremiah 48:45 tumultuous ones: Heb. children of noise
Jeremiah 48:46 captives: Heb. in captivity
Jeremiah 49:1 Concerning: Or, against
Jeremiah 49:1 their king: Or, Melcom
Jeremiah 49:3 their king: Or, Melcom
Jeremiah 49:4 thy flowing valley: Or, thy valley floweth away
Jeremiah 49:8 turn back: Or, they are turned back
Jeremiah 49:9 till they have enough: Heb. their sufficiency
Jeremiah 49:19 appoint me: Or, convent me in judgment
Jeremiah 49:21 red sea: Heb. weedy Sea
Jeremiah 49:23 fainthearted: Heb. melted
Jeremiah 49:23 on the sea: Or, as on the sea
Jeremiah 49:30 get you far off: Heb. flit greatly
Jeremiah 49:31 wealthy: Or, that is at ease
Jeremiah 49:32 utmost corners: Heb. cut off into corners, or that have the corners of their hair pulled
Jeremiah 50:1 by Jeremiah: Heb. by the hand of Jeremiah
Jeremiah 50:2 set up: Heb. lift up
Jeremiah 50:6 resting place: Heb. place to lie down in
Jeremiah 50:9 expert man: Or, destroyer
Jeremiah 50:11 fat: Heb. big or corpulent
Jeremiah 50:16 sickle: Or, scythe
Jeremiah 50:21 of Merathaim: Or, of the rebels
Jeremiah 50:21 of Pekod: Or, visitation
Jeremiah 50:26 from the uttermost border: Heb. from the end
Jeremiah 50:26 cast her: Or, tread her
Jeremiah 50:31 proud: Heb. pride
Jeremiah 50:32 proud: Heb. pride
Jeremiah 50:36 liars: Or, chief stays. Heb. bars
Jeremiah 50:44 appoint me: Or, convent me to plead
Jeremiah 51:1 midst: Heb. heart
Jeremiah 51:11 bright: Heb. pure
Jeremiah 51:12 ambushes: Heb. liers in wait
Jeremiah 51:14 by himself: Heb. by his soul
Jeremiah 51:14 lift up: Heb. utter
Jeremiah 51:16 multitude: Or, noise
Jeremiah 51:17 is brutish by his knowledge: Or, is more brutish then to know
Jeremiah 51:20 with thee: Or, in thee, or by thee
Jeremiah 51:26 desolate forever: Heb. everlasting desolations
Jeremiah 51:33 it is time to thresh her: Or, in the time that he thresheth her
Jeremiah 51:35 The violence done to me: Heb. my violence
Jeremiah 51:35 flesh: Or, remainder
Jeremiah 51:35 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
Jeremiah 51:38 yell: Or, shake themselves
Jeremiah 51:47 do judgment: Heb. visit upon
Jeremiah 51:49 As Babylon hath caused the slain of Israel to fall: Or, both Babylon is to fall, O ye slain of Israel, and with Babylon, etc.
Jeremiah 51:49 the earth: Or, the country
Jeremiah 51:58 The broad wall of Babylon: Or, The walls of broad Babylon
Jeremiah 51:58 broken: Or, made naked
Jeremiah 51:59 with: Or, on the behalf of
Jeremiah 51:59 quiet prince: Or, prince of Menucha or chief chamberlain
Jeremiah 51:62 desolate: Heb. desolations
Jeremiah 52:11 put out: Heb. blinded
Jeremiah 52:11 in chains: Or, fetters
Jeremiah 52:11 prison: Heb. house of the wards
Jeremiah 52:12 captain of the guard: Or, chief Marshal. Heb. chief of the executioners or slaughtermen. And so vers. 14. etc.
Jeremiah 52:12 served: Heb. stood before
Jeremiah 52:18 shovels: Or, instruments to remove the ashes
Jeremiah 52:18 bowles: Or, basons
Jeremiah 52:19 firepans: Or, censers
Jeremiah 52:20 the brass: Heb. their brass
Jeremiah 52:21 fillet: Heb. thread
Jeremiah 52:24 door: Heb. threshold
Jeremiah 52:25 were near the kings person: Heb. saw the face of the king
Jeremiah 52:25 principal scribe: Or, scribe of the captain of the host
Jeremiah 52:29 persons: Heb. souls
Jeremiah 52:32 kindly unto him: Heb. good things with him
Jeremiah 52:34 every day a portion: Heb. the matter of the day in his day
Lamentations 1:3 because of great servitude: Heb. for the greatness of servitude
Lamentations 1:7 pleasant: Or, desireable
Lamentations 1:8 is removed: Heb. is become a removing or wandering
Lamentations 1:10 pleasant: Or, desireable
Lamentations 1:11 relieve the soul: Or, to make the soul to come again
Lamentations 1:12 Is it nothing to you: Or, is it nothing
Lamentations 1:12 pass by? Heb. pass by the way
Lamentations 1:15 the virgin…as in a winepress: Or, the winepress of the virgin, etc.
Lamentations 1:16 relieve: Heb. bring back
Lamentations 1:18 commandment: Heb. mouth
Lamentations 1:21 called: Or, proclaimed
Lamentations 2:2 brought them down: Heb. made to couch
Lamentations 2:4 pleasant to the eye: Heb. all the desirable of the eye
Lamentations 2:6 tabernacle: Or, hedge
Lamentations 2:7 given up: Heb. shut up
Lamentations 2:8 destroying: Heb. swallowing up
Lamentations 2:11 swoon: Or, faint
Lamentations 2:15 by: Heb. by the way
Lamentations 2:20 span long?: Or, swadled with their hands
Lamentations 3:13 arrows: Heb. sons
Lamentations 3:15 bitterness: Heb. bitternesses
Lamentations 3:16 covered me with ashes: Or, rolled me in the ashes
Lamentations 3:17 prosperity: Heb. good
Lamentations 3:19 Remembering: Or, remember
Lamentations 3:20 humbled: Heb. bowed
Lamentations 3:21 recall to my mind: Heb. make to return to my heart
Lamentations 3:33 willingly: Heb. from his heart
Lamentations 3:35 most high: Or, a superior
Lamentations 3:36 approveth not: Or, seeth not
Lamentations 3:39 complain: Or, murmur
Lamentations 3:51 mine heart: Heb. my soul
Lamentations 3:51 because of all: Or, more then all
Lamentations 3:65 sorrow of the heart: Or, obstinacy of heart
Lamentations 4:3 sea monsters: Or, sea calves
Lamentations 4:6 punishment of the iniquity: Or, iniquity
Lamentations 4:8 blacker then a cole: Heb. darker than blackness
Lamentations 4:9 pine away: Heb. flow out
Lamentations 4:14 so that men could not touch: Or, in that they could not but touch
Lamentations 4:15 it is unclean: Or, ye polluted
Lamentations 4:16 anger: Or, face
Lamentations 4:22 punishment of thine iniquity: Or, thine iniquity
Lamentations 4:22 discover thy sins: Or, carry thee captive for thy sins
Lamentations 5:4 is sold unto us: Heb. cometh for price
Lamentations 5:5 Our necks are under persecution: Heb. on our necks are we persecuted
Lamentations 5:10 terrible: Or, terrors or storms
Lamentations 5:16 The crown is fallen from our head: Heb. the crown of our head is fallen [† symbol is missing in 1611 text]
Lamentations 5:20 so long time?: Heb. for length of days
Lamentations 5:22 But thou hast utterly rejected us: Or, for wilt thou utterly reject us?
Ezekiel 1:1 captives: Heb. captivity
Ezekiel 1:3 Ezekiel: Heb. Jehezkel
Ezekiel 1:4 infolding itself: Heb. catching itself
Ezekiel 1:7 straight feet: Heb. a straight foot
Ezekiel 1:11 stretched upward: Or, divided above
Ezekiel 1:18 rings: Or, strakes
Ezekiel 1:20 of the living: Or, of life
Ezekiel 1:21 of the living: Or, of life
Ezekiel 2:3 nation: Heb. nations
Ezekiel 2:4 impudent: Heb. hard of face
Ezekiel 2:6 briers: Or, rebels
Ezekiel 2:7 rebellious: Heb. rebellion
Ezekiel 3:5 strange speech, and of an hard language: Heb. deep of lips, and heavy of tongue, and so ver. 6
Ezekiel 3:6 strange speech and of an hard language: Heb. deep of lip, and heavy language
Ezekiel 3:6 surely had I sent thee to them, they would have hearkened unto thee: Or, if I had sent thee etc. would they not have hearkened unto thee?
Ezekiel 3:7 impudent and hard hearted: Heb. stiff of forehead, and hard of heart
Ezekiel 3:13 touched: Heb. kissed
Ezekiel 3:14 bitterness: Heb. bitter
Ezekiel 3:14 heat of my spirit: Heb. hot anger
Ezekiel 3:20 righteousness: Heb. righteousnessess
Ezekiel 3:26 a reprover: Heb. a man reproving
Ezekiel 4:2 battering rams: Or, chief leaders
Ezekiel 4:3 iron pan: Or, a flat plate, or slice
Ezekiel 4:6 each day for a year: Heb. a day for a year, a day for a year
Ezekiel 4:8 from one side to another: Heb. from thy side to thy side
Ezekiel 4:9 fitches: Or, spelt
Ezekiel 5:3 skirts: Heb. wings
Ezekiel 6:4 images: Or, sun images, and so vers. 6
Ezekiel 6:5 lay: Heb. give
Ezekiel 6:5 desolate then the wilderness: Or, desolate from the wilderness
Ezekiel 7:3 recompense: Heb. give
Ezekiel 7:6 watcheth for thee: Heb. awaketh against thee
Ezekiel 7:7 sounding: Or, echo
Ezekiel 7:9 thee: Heb. upon thee
Ezekiel 7:11 their multitude: Or, their tumultuous persons. Heb. tumult
Ezekiel 7:13 although they were yet alive: Heb. though their life were yet among the living
Ezekiel 7:13 in the iniquity of his life: Or, whose life is in his iniquity. Heb. his iniquity
Ezekiel 7:17 shall be weak as water: Heb. go into water
Ezekiel 7:19 removed: Heb. for a separation or uncleanness
Ezekiel 7:19 because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity: Or, because their iniquity is their stumbling block
Ezekiel 7:20 set it far from them: Or, made it unto them an unclean thing
Ezekiel 7:22 robbers: Or, buglers
Ezekiel 7:24 their holy places shall be defiled: Or, they shall inherit their holy places
Ezekiel 7:25 Destruction: Heb. cutting off
Ezekiel 7:27 according to: Heb. with their judgments
Ezekiel 8:17 Is it a light thing..that they commit here?: Or, is there anything lighter then to commit?
Ezekiel 9:2 which lieth: Heb. which is turned
Ezekiel 9:2 a slaughter weapon: Heb. a weapon of his breaking in pieces
Ezekiel 9:2 by his side: Heb. upon his loins
Ezekiel 9:4 set a mark: Heb. mark a mark
Ezekiel 9:5 mine hearing: Heb. mine ears
Ezekiel 9:6 utterly: Heb. to destruction
Ezekiel 9:9 full of: Heb. filled with
Ezekiel 9:9 perverseness: Or, wrestling of judgment
Ezekiel 9:11 reported the matter: Heb. returned the word
Ezekiel 10:2 fill thine hand: Heb. the hollow of thine hand
Ezekiel 10:4 went up: Heb. was lifted up
Ezekiel 10:7 stretched forth: Heb. sent forth
Ezekiel 10:12 body: Heb. flesh
Ezekiel 10:13 it was cried unto them in my hearing, O wheel: Or, they were called in my hearing, wheel, or Galgal
Ezekiel 10:17 living: Or, of life
Ezekiel 11:3 It is not near, let us build houses: Or, it is not for us to build houses near
Ezekiel 11:12 ye have not walked: Or, which have not walked
Ezekiel 12:3 stuff: Or, instruments
Ezekiel 12:4 as they that go forth into captivity: Heb. as the goings forth of captivity
Ezekiel 12:5 Dig thou: Heb. Dig for thee
Ezekiel 12:7 I digged: Heb. digged for me
Ezekiel 12:11 they shall remove and go into captivity
Ezekiel 12:16 a few men: Heb. men of number
Ezekiel 12:19 all that is therein: Heb. the fullness thereof
Ezekiel 13:2 prophecy out of their own hearts: Heb. them that are prophets out of their own hearts
Ezekiel 13:3 follow: Heb. walk after
Ezekiel 13:3 and have seen nothing: Or, and things which they have not seen
Ezekiel 13:5 gaps: Or, breaches
Ezekiel 13:5 made up the hedge: Heb. hedged the hedge
Ezekiel 13:9 assembly: Or, secret or counsel
Ezekiel 13:10 a wall: Or, a slight wall
Ezekiel 13:18 armholes: Or, elbows
Ezekiel 13:20 to make them fly: Or, into gardens
Ezekiel 13:22 by promising him life: Or, that I should save his life. Heb. by quickening him
Ezekiel 14:6 yourselves: Or, others
Ezekiel 14:15 spoil: Or, bereave
Ezekiel 14:16 in it: Heb. in the midst of it
Ezekiel 14:21 how: Or, also when
Ezekiel 15:4 Is it meet: Heb. will it prosper?
Ezekiel 15:5 meet: Heb. made fit
Ezekiel 15:8 committed a trespass: Heb. trespassed a trespass
Ezekiel 16:3 birth: Heb. cutting out, or habitation
Ezekiel 16:4 supple thee: Or, when I looked upon thee
Ezekiel 16:6 polluted: Or, trodden under foot
Ezekiel 16:7 caused thee to multiply: Heb. made thee a million
Ezekiel 16:7 excellent ornaments: Heb. ornaments of ornaments
Ezekiel 16:9 blood: Heb. bloods
Ezekiel 16:12 forehead: Heb. nose
Ezekiel 16:17 of men: Heb. of a male
Ezekiel 16:19 a sweet savour: Heb. a savour of rest
Ezekiel 16:20 to be devoured: Heb. to devour
Ezekiel 16:24 eminent place: Or, brothel house
Ezekiel 16:27 daughters: Or, cities
Ezekiel 16:31 that thou buildest: Or, in thy daughters is thine etc.
Ezekiel 16:33 hirest: Heb. bribest
Ezekiel 16:38 as women: Heb. with judgments of
Ezekiel 16:39 thy fair jewels: Heb. instruments of thine ornament
Ezekiel 16:46 younger: Heb. lesser than thou
Ezekiel 16:47 that were a very little thing: Or, that was lothed as a small thing
Ezekiel 16:56 mentioned: Heb. for a report or hearing
Ezekiel 16:56 pride: Heb. pride or excellencies
Ezekiel 16:57 Syria: Heb. Aram
Ezekiel 16:57 despise: Or spoil
Ezekiel 16:58 borne: Heb. borne them
Ezekiel 17:3 divers: Heb. embroidering
Ezekiel 17:5 planted it in a fruitful field: Heb. put it in a field of seed
Ezekiel 17:8 soil: Heb. field
Ezekiel 17:13 taken an oath of him: Heb. brought him to an oath
Ezekiel 17:14 but that by keeping of his Covenant it might stand: Heb. to keep his covenant to stand to it
Ezekiel 18:5 lawful and right: Heb. judgment and justice
Ezekiel 18:10 robber: Or, breaker up of an house
Ezekiel 18:10 that doth the like to any one of these things: Or, that doeth to his brother, besides any of these
Ezekiel 18:13 blood: Heb. bloods
Ezekiel 18:16 hath not withholden the pledge: Heb. hath not pledged the pledge or taken to pledge
Ezekiel 18:32 yourselves: Or, others
Ezekiel 19:7 desolate: Or, their widows
Ezekiel 19:9 in chains: Or, in hooks
Ezekiel 19:10 in thy blood: Or, in thy quietness or in thy likeness
Ezekiel 20:4 judge them: Or, plead for them
Ezekiel 20:5 lifted up: Or, sware, and so verse 6, etc.
Ezekiel 20:11 shewed them: Heb. made them to know
Ezekiel 20:27 committed a trespass: Heb. trespassed a trespass
Ezekiel 20:29 I said unto them, What is the high place: Or, I told them what the high place was, or Bamah
Ezekiel 20:37 bond: Or, delivering
Ezekiel 20:40 firstfruits: Or, chief
Ezekiel 20:41 sweet savour: Heb. savour of rest
Ezekiel 21:7 shall be weak as water: Heb. shall go into water
Ezekiel 21:10 it contemneth the rod of my son, as every tree: Or, it is the rod of my son, it despiseth every tree
Ezekiel 21:12 terrors, by reason of the sword, shall be upon my people: Or, they are thrust down to the sword with my people
Ezekiel 21:13 Because it is a trial, and what if the sword contemn even the rod?: Or, When the trial hath been, what then? shall they not also belong to the despising rod?
Ezekiel 21:14 hands together: Heb. hand to hand
Ezekiel 21:15 point: Or, glittering, or fear
Ezekiel 21:15 wrapped: Or, sharpened
Ezekiel 21:16 or on the left, whithersoever thy face is set: Heb. set thyself, take the left hand
Ezekiel 21:21 parting of the way: Heb. mother of the way
Ezekiel 21:21 arrows: Or, knives
Ezekiel 21:21 images: Heb. Teraphim
Ezekiel 21:22 captains: Or, battering rams. Heb. rams
Ezekiel 21:23 to them that have sworn oaths: Or, for the oaths made unto them
Ezekiel 21:27 I will overturn, overturn, overturn it: Heb. Perverted, perverted, perverted will I make it
Ezekiel 21:30 Shall I cause it to return: Or, cause to it to return
Ezekiel 21:31 brutish: Or, burning
Ezekiel 22:2 judge: Or, plead for
Ezekiel 22:2 bloody city?: Heb. city of bloods
Ezekiel 22:2 shalt show her: Heb. make her know
Ezekiel 22:5 infamous, and much vexed: Heb. polluted of name, much in vexation
Ezekiel 22:6 power: Heb. arm
Ezekiel 22:7 oppression: Or, deceit
Ezekiel 22:9 men that carry tales: Heb. men of slanders
Ezekiel 22:11 one: Or, every one
Ezekiel 22:11 another: Or, every one
Ezekiel 22:11 lewdly: Or, by lewdness
Ezekiel 22:16 shalt take thine inheritance: Or, shalt be prophaned
Ezekiel 22:18 dross: Heb. drosses
Ezekiel 22:20 as they gather: Heb. according to the gathering
Ezekiel 22:26 violated: Heb. offered violence to
Ezekiel 22:29 oppression: Or, deceit
Ezekiel 22:29 wrongfully: Heb. without right
Ezekiel 23:7 she committed her whoredoms with them: Heb. bestowed her whoredoms upon them
Ezekiel 23:7 chose men of Assyria: Heb. the choice of the children of Asshur
Ezekiel 23:10 famous: Heb. a name
Ezekiel 23:11 she was more corrupt in her inordinate love then she: Heb. she corrupted her inordinate love more then etc.
Ezekiel 23:11 more then her sister in her whoredoms: Heb. more then the whoredoms of her sister
Ezekiel 23:16 as soon as she saw: Heb. at the sight of her eyes
Ezekiel 23:17 Babylonians: Heb. children of Babel
Ezekiel 23:17 alienated from them: Heb. tossed or disjointed
Ezekiel 23:26 fair jewels: Heb. instruments of thy decking
Ezekiel 23:36 judge: Or, plead for
Ezekiel 23:40 to come: Heb. coming
Ezekiel 23:41 stately: Heb. honourable
Ezekiel 23:42 common sort: Heb. of the multitude of men
Ezekiel 23:42 Sabeans: Or, drunkards
Ezekiel 23:43 whoredoms with her: Heb. Her whoredoms
Ezekiel 23:46 to be removed and spoiled: Heb. for a removing and spoil
Ezekiel 23:47 dispatch them: Or, single them out
Ezekiel 24:5 burn: Or, heap
Ezekiel 24:16 run down: Heb. go
Ezekiel 24:17 Forbear: Heb. be silent
Ezekiel 24:17 lips: Heb. upper lip. And so vers. 22
Ezekiel 24:21 that which your soul pitieth: Heb. the pity of your soul
Ezekiel 24:25 that whereupon the set their minds: Heb. the lifting up of the soul
Ezekiel 25:4 men: Heb. children
Ezekiel 25:6 hands: Heb. hand
Ezekiel 25:6 feet: Heb. foot
Ezekiel 25:6 heart: Heb. soul
Ezekiel 25:7 spoil: Or, meat
Ezekiel 25:9 the side of Moab: Heb. shoulder of Moab
Ezekiel 25:10 with the Ammonites: Or, against the children of Ammon
Ezekiel 25:12 by taking vengeance: Heb. by revenging revengement
Ezekiel 25:13 they of Dedan shall fall by the sword: Or, they shall fall by the sword unto Dedan
Ezekiel 25:15 for the old hatred: Or, with perpetual hatred
Ezekiel 25:16 Sea coast: Or, haven of the Sea
Ezekiel 25:17 vengeance: Heb. great vengeances
Ezekiel 26:8 cast a mount against thee: Or, pour out the engine of shot
Ezekiel 26:10 as men enter into a city wherein is made a breach
Ezekiel 26:12 thy pleasant houses: Heb. houses of thy desire
Ezekiel 26:16 trembling: Heb. tremblings
Ezekiel 26:17 Seafaring: Heb. of the seas
Ezekiel 26:21 a terror: Heb. terrors
Ezekiel 27:3 of perfect beauty: Heb. perfect of beauty
Ezekiel 27:4 midst: Heb. heart
Ezekiel 27:5 made: Heb. built
Ezekiel 27:6 oars…have made thy benches of Ivory: Or, they have made thy hatches of ivory well trodden
Ezekiel 27:6 the company: Heb. the daughter
Ezekiel 27:7 blue and purple: Or, purple and scarlet
Ezekiel 27:9 calkers: Or, stoppers of chinks. Heb. strengtheners
Ezekiel 27:13 market: Or, merchandise
Ezekiel 27:16 wares: Heb. works
Ezekiel 27:16 Agate: Or, Chrysoprase
Ezekiel 27:17 balm: Or, rosin
Ezekiel 27:19 going to and fro: Or, Meuzall
Ezekiel 27:20 precious clothes: Heb. clothes of freedom
Ezekiel 27:21 they occupied with thee: Heb. they were the merchants of thy hand
Ezekiel 27:24 sorts of things: Or, excellent things
Ezekiel 27:24 clothes: Heb. followings
Ezekiel 27:26 midst: Heb. heart
Ezekiel 27:27 and in: Or, even withall
Ezekiel 27:27 middest: Or, heart
Ezekiel 27:28 suburbs: Or, waves
Ezekiel 27:36 a terror: Heb. terrors
Ezekiel 27:36 never shalt be any more: Heb. shalt not be forever
Ezekiel 28:2 midst: Heb. heart
Ezekiel 28:5 By thy great wisdom: Heb. by the greatness of thy wisdom
Ezekiel 28:9 slayeth: Or, woundeth
Ezekiel 28:13 Sardius: Or, ruby
Ezekiel 28:13 Beril: Or, chrysolite
Ezekiel 28:13 Emeraude: Or, Chysoprase
Ezekiel 28:19 a terror: Heb. terrors
Ezekiel 28:26 safely: Or, with confidence
Ezekiel 28:26 despise: Or, spoil
Ezekiel 29:5 open fields: Heb. face of the field
Ezekiel 29:10 utterly waste: Heb. wastes of waste
Ezekiel 29:10 Syene: Heb. Seveneh
Ezekiel 29:14 habitation: Or, birth
Ezekiel 29:14 base: Heb. low
Ezekiel 29:19 take her spoil, and take her prey: Heb. spoil her spoil and prey her prey
Ezekiel 29:20 for his labor: Or, for his hire
Ezekiel 30:4 pain: Or, fear
Ezekiel 30:5 Libya: Heb. Phut
Ezekiel 30:5 men: Heb. children
Ezekiel 30:8 destroyed: Heb. broken
Ezekiel 30:12 dry: Heb. drought
Ezekiel 30:12 all that is therein: Heb. the fullness thereof
Ezekiel 30:14 Zoan: Or, Tanis
Ezekiel 30:15 Sin: Or, Pelusium
Ezekiel 30:17 Aven: Or, Heliopolis
Ezekiel 30:17 Phibeseth: Or, Pubastum
Ezekiel 30:18 darkened: Or, restrained
Ezekiel 31:3 with fair branches: Heb. fair of branches
Ezekiel 31:4 made him great: Or, nourished
Ezekiel 31:4 set him up: Or, brought him up
Ezekiel 31:4 little rivers: Heb. conduits
Ezekiel 31:5 when he shot forth: Or, when it sent them forth
Ezekiel 31:11 deal with him: Heb. in doing he shall do unto him
Ezekiel 31:14 their trees stand up: Or, stand upon themselves for their height
Ezekiel 31:15 to mourn: Heb. to be black
Ezekiel 32:2 a whale: Or, dragon
Ezekiel 32:6 the land wherein thou swimmest: Or, the land of thy swimming
Ezekiel 32:7 put thee out: Or, extinguish
Ezekiel 32:8 bright lights of heaven: Heb. lights of the light in heaven
Ezekiel 32:8 dark over thee: Heb. them dark
Ezekiel 32:9 vex: Heb. provoke to anger, or grief
Ezekiel 32:15 destitute of that whereof it was full: Heb. desolate from the fullness thereof
Ezekiel 32:20 to the sword: Or, the sword is laid
Ezekiel 32:23 terror: Or, dismaying
Ezekiel 32:27 with their weapons of warfare: Heb. with weapons of their war
Ezekiel 32:29 laid: Heb. given or put
Ezekiel 33:2 When I bring the sword upon a land: Heb. a land when I bring a sword upon her
Ezekiel 33:4 whosoever heareth: Heb. he that hearing heareth
Ezekiel 33:14 lawful and right: Heb. judgment and justice
Ezekiel 33:27 to be devoured: Heb. to devour him
Ezekiel 33:28 most desolate: Heb. desolation and desolation
Ezekiel 33:31 as the people cometh: Heb. according to the coming of the people
Ezekiel 33:31 sit before thee as my people: Or, my people sit before thee
Ezekiel 33:31 they show much love: Heb. they make loves or jests
Ezekiel 33:32 a very lovely song: Heb. a song of loves
Ezekiel 34:5 because there is no shepherd: Or, without a shepherd, and so verse 8
Ezekiel 34:12 As…seeketh: Heb. according to the seeking
Ezekiel 34:17 cattle: Heb. small cattle of lambs and kids
Ezekiel 34:17 he goats: Heb. great he goats
Ezekiel 34:29 of renown: Or, for renown
Ezekiel 34:29 consumed: Heb. taken away
Ezekiel 35:3 most desolate: Heb. desolation and desolation
Ezekiel 35:5 perpetual hatred: Or, hatred of old
Ezekiel 35:5 shed the blood of the children: Heb. powered out the children
Ezekiel 35:5 force: Heb. hands
Ezekiel 35:7 most desolate: Heb. desolation and desolation
Ezekiel 35:10 whereas the LORD was there: Or, though the Lord was there
Ezekiel 35:12 to consume: Heb. to devour
Ezekiel 35:13 boasted: Heb. magnified
Ezekiel 36:3 Because they have: Heb. because for because
Ezekiel 36:3 ye are taken up in the lips: Or, ye are made to come up on the lip of the tongue
Ezekiel 36:4 rivers: Or, bottoms or dales
Ezekiel 36:14 bereave: Or, cause to fall
Ezekiel 36:23 their: Or, your
Ezekiel 36:38 holy flock: Heb. flock of holy things
Ezekiel 37:2 valley: Or, champian
Ezekiel 37:9 wind: Or, breath
Ezekiel 38:2 the chief prince: Or, prince of the chief
Ezekiel 38:5 Libya: Or, Phut
Ezekiel 38:10 think an evil thought: Or, conceive a mischievous purpose
Ezekiel 38:11 safely: Or, confidently
Ezekiel 38:12 To take a spoil, and to take a prey: Heb. to spoil the spoil, and to prey the prey
Ezekiel 38:12 midst: Heb. navel
Ezekiel 38:17 by: Heb. by the hand of
Ezekiel 38:20 steep places: Or, towers. Or stairs
Ezekiel 39:2 leave but the sixth part of thee: Or, strike thee with six plagues, or, draw thee back, with an hook of six teeth, as chap. 38.4
Ezekiel 39:2 North parts: Heb. the sides of the North
Ezekiel 39:4 sort: Heb. wing
Ezekiel 39:4 to be devoured: Heb. to devour
Ezekiel 39:5 the open field: Heb. the face of the field
Ezekiel 39:6 carelessly: Or, confidently
Ezekiel 39:9 handstaves: Or, javelins
Ezekiel 39:9 burn them with fire: Or, make a fire of them
Ezekiel 39:11 noses: Or, mouths
Ezekiel 39:11 Hamongog: That is, the multitude of Gog
Ezekiel 39:14 men of continual: Heb. men of continuance
Ezekiel 39:15 set up: Heb. build
Ezekiel 39:16 Hamonah: That is, the multitude
Ezekiel 39:17 unto every feathered fowel: Heb. to the fowel of every wing
Ezekiel 39:17 sacrifice: Or, slaughter
Ezekiel 39:18 goats: Heb. great goats
Ezekiel 39:28 which caused them: Heb. by my causing of them etc.
Ezekiel 40:2 by which: Or, upon which
Ezekiel 40:6 which looketh toward the East: Heb. whose face was the way toward the East
Ezekiel 40:12 space: Heb. limit, or bound
Ezekiel 40:16 narrow: Heb. closed
Ezekiel 40:16 arches: Or, galleries, or porches
Ezekiel 40:16 inward: Or, within
Ezekiel 40:19 without: Or, from without
Ezekiel 40:20 that looked: Heb. whose face was
Ezekiel 40:21 arches: Or, galleries or porches
Ezekiel 40:30 broad: Heb. breadth
Ezekiel 40:40 as one goeth: Or, at the step
Ezekiel 40:43 hooks: Or, and irons or the two hearthstones
Ezekiel 40:45 charge: Or, ward, or, ordinance, and so ver. 46
Ezekiel 41:2 door: Or, entrance
Ezekiel 41:6 side chambers were…one over another: Heb. side chamber over side chamber
Ezekiel 41:6 thirty: Or, three and thirty times, or foot
Ezekiel 41:6 have hold: Heb. be holden
Ezekiel 41:7 there was an enlarging: Heb. it was made broader and went round
Ezekiel 41:15 galleries: Or, several walks, or, walks with pillars
Ezekiel 41:16 cieled with wood: Heb. cieling of wood
Ezekiel 41:16 and from the ground up to the windows: Or, the ground unto the windows
Ezekiel 41:17 measure: Heb. measures
Ezekiel 41:21 posts: Heb. post
Ezekiel 42:5 were higher then these: Or, did eat of these
Ezekiel 42:5 then the lower, and then the middlemost of the building: Or, and the building consisted of the lower and the middlemost
Ezekiel 42:9 from under: Or, from the place
Ezekiel 42:9 was the entry: Or, he that brought me
Ezekiel 42:9 as one goeth: Or, as he came
Ezekiel 42:16 side: Heb. wind
Ezekiel 43:3 the vision that I saw, when I came to destroy the city: Or, when I came to prophecy that the city should be destroyed. See chap. 9. 2,5
Ezekiel 43:8 and the wall between me and them: Or, for there was but a wall between me and them
Ezekiel 43:10 pattern: Or, sum, or number
Ezekiel 43:13 bottom: Heb. bosom
Ezekiel 43:13 edge: Heb. lip
Ezekiel 43:15 Altar: Heb. Marel, that is, the Mountain of God
Ezekiel 43:15 Altar: Heb. altar: Heb. Ariel, that is, the Lion of God
Ezekiel 43:26 consecrate: Heb. fill their hands
Ezekiel 43:27 peace offerings: Or, thank offerings
Ezekiel 44:5 mark well: Heb. set thine heart
Ezekiel 44:7 strangers: Heb. children of a stranger
Ezekiel 44:8 charge: Or, ward, or ordinance. And so verse 14. and 16
Ezekiel 44:12 caused…to fall into iniquity: Heb. were for a stumbling block of iniquity unto etc.
Ezekiel 44:18 that causeth sweat: Or, in sweating places. Heb. in, or with sweat
Ezekiel 44:22 put away: Heb. thrust forth
Ezekiel 44:22 that had a priest before: Heb. from a priest
Ezekiel 44:29 dedicate: Or, devoted
Ezekiel 44:30 first: Or, chief
Ezekiel 45:1 when ye shall divide by lot the land: Heb. when ye cause the land to fall
Ezekiel 45:1 an holy: Heb. holiness
Ezekiel 45:2 suburbs: Or, void places
Ezekiel 45:9 exactions: Heb. expulsions
Ezekiel 45:15 lamb: Or, kid
Ezekiel 45:15 peace offerings: Or, thank offerings
Ezekiel 45:16 shall give: Heb. shall be for
Ezekiel 45:16 for: Or, with
Ezekiel 45:17 peace offerings: Or, thank offerings
Ezekiel 46:5 as he shall be able: Heb. the gift of his hand
Ezekiel 46:13 the first year: Heb. of his year
Ezekiel 46:13 every morning: Heb. morning by morning
Ezekiel 46:21 in every corner of the court there were courts: Heb. a court in a corner of a court, and a court in a corner of a court
Ezekiel 46:22 joined: Or, made with chimneys
Ezekiel 46:22 corners: Heb. cornered
Ezekiel 47:5 waters to swim: Heb. waters of swimming
Ezekiel 47:7 bank: Heb. lip
Ezekiel 47:8 desert: Or, plain
Ezekiel 47:9 rivers: Heb. two rivers
Ezekiel 47:11 shall not be healed: Or, and that which shall not be healed
Ezekiel 47:12 shall grow: Heb. shall come up
Ezekiel 47:12 new: Or, principal
Ezekiel 47:12 for medicine: Or, for bruises and sores
Ezekiel 47:14 lifted: Or, swore
Ezekiel 47:16 Hazarhatticon: Or, the middle village
Ezekiel 47:18 from: Heb. from between
Ezekiel 47:19 strife: Or, Meribah
Ezekiel 47:19 river: Or, valley
Ezekiel 47:19 Southward: Or, toward Teman
Ezekiel 48:11 for the Priests that are sanctified: Or, the sanctified portion shall be for the priests
Ezekiel 48:11 my charge: Or, ward, or, ordinance
Ezekiel 48:23 a portion: Heb. one portion
Ezekiel 48:28 strife in Kadesh: Or, Meribahkadesh
Ezekiel 48:35 The LORD is there: Heb. Jehovahshammah
Daniel 1:5 the wine which he drank: Heb. the wine of his drink
Daniel 1:10 worse: Heb. sadder
Daniel 1:10 sort?: Or, term, or continuance
Daniel 1:11 Melzar: Or, the steward
Daniel 1:12 pulse: Heb. of pulse
Daniel 1:12 to eat: Heb. that we may eat, etc.
Daniel 1:17 Daniel had understanding: Or, he made Daniel understand
Daniel 1:20 wisdom and understanding: Heb. wisdom of understanding
Daniel 2:5 cut in pieces: Cald. made pieces
Daniel 2:6 rewards: Or, Fee
Daniel 2:8 gain: Cald. buy
Daniel 2:14 answered: Cald. returned
Daniel 2:14 captain: Or, chief marshall. Cald. chief of the executioners or slaughtermen
Daniel 2:18 of the God: Cald. from before God
Daniel 2:18 should not perish: Or, that they should not destroy Daniel, etc.
Daniel 2:25 I have found: Cald. that I have found
Daniel 2:25 captivities of Judah: Cald. children of the captivity of Judah
Daniel 2:28 maketh known: Cald. hath made known
Daniel 2:29 came: Cald. came up
Daniel 2:31 sawest: Cald. wast seeing
Daniel 2:32 thighs: Or, sides
Daniel 2:34 without hands: Or, which was not in hands. As verse 45
Daniel 2:42 broken: Or, brittle
Daniel 2:43 one to another: Cald. this with this
Daniel 2:44 the days: Cald. their days
Daniel 2:44 the Kingdom: Cald. kingdom thereof
Daniel 2:45 without hands: Or, which was not in hand
Daniel 2:45 hereafter: Cald. after this
Daniel 3:4 aloud: Cald. with might
Daniel 3:4 it is commanded: Cald. they commanded
Daniel 3:5 dulcimer: Or, singing. Cald. Symphony
Daniel 3:12 have not regarded thee: Cald. have set no regard upon thee
Daniel 3:14 true: Or, of purpose, as Exodus 21.13
Daniel 3:19 full: Cald. filled
Daniel 3:20 most mighty: Cald. mighty of strength
Daniel 3:21 coats: Or, mantles
Daniel 3:21 hats: Or, turbant
Daniel 3:22 commandment: Cald. word
Daniel 3:22 flame: Or, spark
Daniel 3:24 counsellors: Or, governors
Daniel 3:25 they have no hurt: Cald. there is no hurt in them
Daniel 3:26 mouth: Cald. door
Daniel 3:29 I make a decree: Cald. a decree is made by me
Daniel 3:29 anything amiss: Cald. error
Daniel 3:30 promoted: Cald. made to prosper
Daniel 4:2 I thought it good: Cald. it was seemly before me
Daniel 4:10 I saw: Cald. I was seeing
Daniel 4:14 aloud: Cald. with might
Daniel 4:27 a lengthening of thy tranquility: Or, an healing of thine error
Daniel 4:29 in: Or, upon
Daniel 5:2 taken out: Cald. brought forth
Daniel 5:6 countenance: Cald. brightnesses
Daniel 5:6 was changed: Cald. changed it
Daniel 5:6 joints: Or, girdles. Cald. bindings or knots
Daniel 5:7 aloud: Cald. with might
Daniel 5:7 scarlet: Or, purple
Daniel 5:9 countenance: Cald. brightnesses
Daniel 5:11 father: Or, grandfather
Daniel 5:11 thy father: Or, grandfather
Daniel 5:12 interpreting: Or, of an interpreter, etc.
Daniel 5:12 disolving: Or, of a dissolver
Daniel 5:12 doubts: Cald. knots
Daniel 5:13 father: Or, grandfather
Daniel 5:16 make interpretations: Cald. interpret
Daniel 5:17 rewards: Or, fee, as chap. 2.6
Daniel 5:20 in pride: Or, to deal proudly
Daniel 5:20 deposed: Cald. made to come down
Daniel 5:21 his heart was made like: Or, he made his heart equal, etc.
Daniel 5:31 being: Cald. he as the Son of, etc.
Daniel 5:31 about: Or, now
Daniel 6:6 assembled together: Or, came tumultously
Daniel 6:7 decree: Or, interdict
Daniel 6:8 altereth not: Cald. passeth not
Daniel 6:18 instruments of music: Or, table
Daniel 6:27 power: Cald. hand
Daniel 7:1 had: Cald. saw
Daniel 7:1 matters: Or, words
Daniel 7:4 and it was: Or, wherewith
Daniel 7:5 it raised up itself on one side: Or, it raised up one dominion
Daniel 7:12 their lives were prolonged: Cald. a prolonging in life was given them
Daniel 7:15 body: Cald. sheath
Daniel 7:18 most high: Cald. high ones, i. things Or, places
Daniel 7:19 from all the others: Cald. from all those
Daniel 7:27 dominions: Or, rulers
Daniel 8:3 the other: Heb. the second
Daniel 8:5 touched not the ground: Or, none touched him in the earth
Daniel 8:5 a notable horn: Heb. a horn of sight
Daniel 8:10 to the host: Or, against the host
Daniel 8:11 to: Or, against
Daniel 8:11 by him: Or, from him
Daniel 8:12 an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression: Or, the host was given over for the transgression against the daily sacrifice
Daniel 8:13 that certain: The number of secrets, or, the wonderful numberer. Heb. Palmoni
Daniel 8:13 of desolation: Or, making desolate
Daniel 8:14 days: Heb. evening morning
Daniel 8:14 cleansed: Heb. justified
Daniel 8:18 set me upright: Heb. made me stand upon my standing
Daniel 8:23 are come to the full: Heb. are accomplished
Daniel 8:24 holy people: Heb. people of the holy ones
Daniel 8:25 peace: Or, prosperity
Daniel 9:1 which was: Or, in which he, etc.
Daniel 9:7 belongeth: Or, thou hast, etc.
Daniel 9:13 made we not our prayer before: Heb. intreated the face
Daniel 9:15 gotten thee renown: Heb. made thee a name
Daniel 9:18 which is called by thy name: Heb. whereupon thy Name is called
Daniel 9:18 present: Heb. cause to fall
Daniel 9:21 swiftly: Heb. with weariness or flight
Daniel 9:22 to give thee skill and understanding: Heb. to make thee skillful of understanding
Daniel 9:23 commandment: Heb. word
Daniel 9:23 greatly beloved: Heb. a man of desires
Daniel 9:24 to finish: Or, to restrain
Daniel 9:24 prophecy: Heb. prophet
Daniel 9:25 shall be built again: Heb. shall return and be built
Daniel 9:25 wall: Or, breach or ditch
Daniel 9:25 in troublous times: Heb. in strait of times
Daniel 9:26 but not for himself: Or, shall have nothing
Daniel 9:26 desolations are determined: Or, it shall be cut off by desolations
Daniel 9:27 for the overspreading of abominations: Or, with the abominable armies
Daniel 10:1 long: great
Daniel 10:2 full weeks: Heb. weeks of days
Daniel 10:3 pleasant bread: Heb. bread of desires
Daniel 10:5 a certain man: Heb. one man
Daniel 10:8 comeliness: Or, vigour
Daniel 10:10 set: Heb. moved
Daniel 10:11 a man greatly beloved: Heb. a man of desires
Daniel 10:11 stand upright: Heb. stand upon thy standing
Daniel 10:13 one of the: Or, the first
Daniel 10:17 the servant of this my Lord: Or, this servant of my Lord
Daniel 10:21 holdeth: Heb. strengtheneth himself
Daniel 11:6 join themselves: Heb. shall associate themselves
Daniel 11:6 an agreement: Heb. rights
Daniel 11:6 he that begat her: Or, who she brought forth
Daniel 11:8 their precious vessels: Heb. vessels of their desire
Daniel 11:10 shall be stirred: Or, shall war
Daniel 11:13 come (after certain years): Heb. at the end of times of years
Daniel 11:14 the robbers: Heb. the children of robbers
Daniel 11:15 the most fenced cities: Heb. the city of munitions
Daniel 11:15 his chosen people: Heb. the people of his choices
Daniel 11:16 glorious land: Or, goodly land. Heb. land of ornament
Daniel 11:17 upright: Or, much uprightneous, or equal conditions
Daniel 11:17 corrupting: Heb. to corrupt
Daniel 11:18 for his: Heb. for him
Daniel 11:18 the reproach: Heb. his reproach
Daniel 11:20 a raiser of taxes: Heb. one that causeth an exactour to pass over
Daniel 11:20 anger: Heb. angers
Daniel 11:21 estate: Or, place
Daniel 11:24 peaceably even upon the fattest: Or, into the peaceable or fat, etc.
Daniel 11:24 forecast: Heb. think thoughts
Daniel 11:27 hearts: Heb. their hearts
Daniel 11:31 maketh desolate: Or, astonisheth
Daniel 11:32 corrupt: Or, cause to dissemble
Daniel 11:35 them: Or, by them
Daniel 11:38 forces: Or, munitions. Heb. Mauzzin, or, as for the almighty God in his seat he shall honor, yea he shall honor a God, etc.
Daniel 11:38 pleasant things: Heb. things desired
Daniel 11:39 most strongholds: Heb. fortresses of munitions
Daniel 11:39 gain: Heb. a price
Daniel 11:41 glorious land: Or, goodly land. Heb. land of delight, or ornament
Daniel 11:42 stretch forth: Heb. send forth
Daniel 11:45 glorious holy mountian: Or, goodly. Heb. mountain of delight of holiness
Daniel 12:3 wise: Or, teachers
Daniel 12:5 bank: Heb. lip
Daniel 12:6 upon: Or, from above
Daniel 12:7 an half: Or, part
Daniel 12:11 the abomination: Heb. to set up the abomination, etc.
Daniel 12:11 that maketh: Or, astonisheth
Daniel 12:13 for: Or, and thou, etc.
Hosea 1:4 avenge: Heb. visit
Hosea 1:6 Loruhamah: That is, not having obtained mercy
Hosea 1:6 I will no more: Heb. I will not add any more to
Hosea 1:6 but I will utterly take them away: Or, that I should altogether pardon them
Hosea 1:9 Loammi: That is, not my people
Hosea 1:10 in: Or, instead of that
Hosea 2:1 Ammi: That is, my people
Hosea 2:1 Ruhamah: That is, having obtained mercy
Hosea 2:5 drink: Heb. drinks
Hosea 2:6 make a wall: Heb. wall a wall
Hosea 2:8 wine: Heb. new wine
Hosea 2:8 which they prepared for Baal: Or, wherewith they made Baal
Hosea 2:9 recover: Or, take away
Hosea 2:10 lewdness: Heb. folly or villany
Hosea 2:12 destroy: Heb. make desolate
Hosea 2:14 comfortably: Or, friendly. Heb. to her heart
Hosea 2:16 Ishi: that is, my husband
Hosea 2:16 Baali: That is, my Lord
Hosea 3:1 of wine: Heb. of grapes
Hosea 3:2 half homer: Heb. lethech
Hosea 3:4 an image: Heb. a standing or statue
Hosea 4:2 blood: Heb. bloods
Hosea 4:5 destroy: Heb. cut off
Hosea 4:6 destroyed: Heb. cut off
Hosea 4:8 set their heart on their iniquity: Heb. lift up their soul to their iniquity
Hosea 4:9 punish: Heb. visit upon
Hosea 4:9 reward: Heb. cause to return
Hosea 4:14 I will not: Or, shall I not? etc.
Hosea 4:14 shall fall: Or, be punished
Hosea 4:18 is sour: Heb. is gone
Hosea 4:18 rulers: Heb. shields
Hosea 5:2 though: Or, and, etc.
Hosea 5:2 a rebuker: Heb. a correction
Hosea 5:4 they will not frame: Heb. they will not give
Hosea 5:4 will not frame…doings: Or, their doings will not suffer them
Hosea 5:12 rottenness: Or, a worm
Hosea 5:13 to king Jareb: Or, to the king of Jareb: Or, to the king that should plead
Hosea 5:15 till they acknowledge their offence: Heb. till they be guilty
Hosea 6:4 goodness: Or, mercy, or, kindness
Hosea 6:5 and thy judgments are as: Or, that thy judgments might be, etc.
Hosea 6:7 like men: Or, like Adam
Hosea 6:8 polluted with blood: Or, cunning for blood
Hosea 6:9 by consent: Heb. with one shoulder. Or, to Sichem
Hosea 6:9 lewdness: Or, enormity
Hosea 7:1 wickedness: Heb. evils
Hosea 7:1 spoileth: Heb. strippeth
Hosea 7:2 consider not: Heb. say not to
Hosea 7:4 who ceaseth: Or, the raiser will cease
Hosea 7:4 from raising: Or, from waking
Hosea 7:5 with bottles of wine: Or, with heat through wine
Hosea 7:6 made ready: Or, applied
Hosea 7:9 here and there: Heb. sprinkled
Hosea 7:13 destruction: Heb. spoil
Hosea 7:15 have bound: Or, chastened
Hosea 8:1 thy mouth: Heb. the roof of thy mouth
Hosea 8:7 stalk: Or, standing corn
Hosea 8:9 lovers: Heb. loves
Hosea 8:10 sorrow: Or, begin
Hosea 8:13 for the sacrifice of mine offerings: Or, in the sacrifices of mine offerings, they etc.
Hosea 9:1 upon: Or, in, etc.
Hosea 9:2 winepress: Or, winefat
Hosea 9:6 destruction: Heb. spoil
Hosea 9:6 the pleasant places for their silver, nettles: Or, their silver shall be desired, the nettle etc. Heb. the desire
Hosea 9:7 the spiritual man: Heb. man of the spirit
Hosea 9:8 in: Or, against
Hosea 9:14 miscarrying: Heb. that casteth the fruit
Hosea 9:16 the beloved: Heb. the desires
Hosea 10:1 an empty vine, he bringeth forth fruit: Or, a vine emptying the fruit which it giveth
Hosea 10:1 images: Heb. statues, or standing images
Hosea 10:2 Their heart is divided: Or, he hath divided their heart
Hosea 10:2 break: Heb. behead
Hosea 10:5 priests…: Or, Chemarims
Hosea 10:7 the water: Heb. the face of the water
Hosea 10:10 when they shall bind themselves in their two furrowes: Or, when I shall bind them for their two transgressions, or in their two habitations
Hosea 10:11 her fair neck: Heb. the beauty of her neck
Hosea 10:15 your great wickedness: Heb. the evil of your evil
Hosea 11:4 take off: Heb. lift up
Hosea 11:7 none at all would exalt him: Heb. together they exalted not
Hosea 11:12 with the Saints: Or, with the most holy
Hosea 12:2 punish: Heb. visit upon
Hosea 12:3 had power with God: Heb. was a prince, or behaved himself princely
Hosea 12:7 a merchant: Or, Canaan
Hosea 12:7 oppress: Or, deceive
Hosea 12:8 in all my labours they shall find none iniquity in me, that were sin: Or, all my labours suffice me not, he shall have punishment of iniquity in whom is sin
Hosea 12:10 by the ministry: Heb. by the hand
Hosea 12:14 most bitterly: Heb. with bitterness
Hosea 12:14 blood: Heb. bloods
Hosea 13:2 they sin more and more: Heb. they add to sin
Hosea 13:2 men that sacrifice: Or, the sacrificers of men
Hosea 13:5 great drought: Heb. droughts
Hosea 13:8 the wild beast: Heb. the beast of the field
Hosea 13:9 is thine help: Heb. in thy help
Hosea 13:10 I will…: rather, Where is thy king?
Hosea 13:13 long: Heb. a time
Hosea 13:14 power: Heb. the hand
Hosea 13:15 pleasant vessels: Heb. vessels of desire
Hosea 14:2 receive us graciously: Or, give good
Hosea 14:5 grow: Or, blossom
Hosea 14:5 cast forth: Heb. strike
Hosea 14:6 spread: Heb. shall go
Hosea 14:7 grow: Or, blossom
Hosea 14:7 sent: Or, memorial
Joel 1:4 That which the palmerworm hath left: Heb. The residue of the palmerworm
Joel 1:7 barked my fig tree: Heb. laid my fig tree for a barking
Joel 1:10 dried up: Or, ashamed
Joel 1:14 solemn assembly: Or, day of restrain
Joel 1:17 seed: Heb. grains
Joel 1:19 pastures: Or, habitations
Joel 2:1 trumpet: Or, cornet
Joel 2:2 of many generations: Heb. of generation and generation
Joel 2:6 blackness: Heb. pot
Joel 2:8 sword: Or, dart
Joel 2:17 rule over them: Or, use a byword against them
Joel 2:20 he hath done great things: Heb. he hath magnified to do
Joel 2:23 former rain: Or, a teacher of righteousness
Joel 2:23 moderately: Heb. according to righteousness
Joel 3:5 pleasant things: Heb. desireable
Joel 3:6 the Grecians: Heb. the sons of the Grecians
Joel 3:9 prepare: Heb. sanctify
Joel 3:10 pruninghooks: Or, scythes
Joel 3:11 cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD: Or, the Lord shall be brought down
Joel 3:14 decision: Or, concision, or threshing
Joel 3:16 hope: Heb. place of repair, or harbour
Joel 3:17 holy: Heb. holiness
Joel 3:18 flow: Heb. go
Joel 3:20 dwell: Or, abide
Joel 3:21 for the LORD dwelleth in Zion: Or, Even I the Lord that dwelleth in Zion
Amos 1:3 for four: Or, he for four
Amos 1:3 turn away the punishment: Or, convert it, or let it be quiet. And so ver. 6
Amos 1:5 the plain of Aven: Or, Bikathaven
Amos 1:5 house of Eden: Or, Betheden
Amos 1:6 carried away captive the whole captivity: Or, carried them away with an entire captivity
Amos 1:9 the brotherly covenant: Heb. the covenant of brethren
Amos 1:11 cast off all pity: Heb. corrupted his compassions
Amos 1:13 ript up the women: Or, divided the mountains
Amos 2:7 maid: Or, young woman
Amos 2:8 the condemned: Or, such as have fined or mulcted
Amos 2:13 I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves: Or, I will press your place as a cart full of sheaves presseth
Amos 2:14 himself: Heb. his soul or life
Amos 2:16 courageous: Heb. strong of his heart
Amos 3:2 punish: Heb. visit upon
Amos 3:4 cry out: Heb. give forth his voice
Amos 3:6 not be afraid? Or, not run together
Amos 3:6 and the LORD hath not done it?: Or, and shall not the L. do somewhat?
Amos 3:9 oppressed: Or, oppressions
Amos 3:10 robbery: Or, spoil
Amos 3:12 taketh: Heb. delivereth
Amos 3:12 in a couch: Or, on the beds feet
Amos 3:14 visit the transgressions of Israel: Or, punish Israel for
Amos 4:3 ye shall cast them in the palace: Or, ye shall cast away the things of the palace
Amos 4:4 three years: Heb. three years of days
Amos 4:5 offer a sacrifice: Heb. offer by burning
Amos 4:5 this liketh: Heb. so ye love
Amos 4:9 when your gardens… increased, the palmer worm: Or, the multitude of your gardens etc. did the palmerworm etc.
Amos 4:10 after the manner: Or, in the way
Amos 4:10 have taken away your horses: Heb. with the captivity of your horses
Amos 4:13 wind: Or, spirit
Amos 5:9 spoiled: Heb. spoil
Amos 5:11 pleasant vineyards: Heb. vineyards of desire
Amos 5:12 a bribe: Or, a ransom
Amos 5:21 smell in your solemn assemblies: Or, smell your holy days
Amos 5:22 peace offerings: Or, thank offerings
Amos 5:24 run down: Heb. rule
Amos 5:26 the tabernacle of your Moloch: Or, Siccuth your king
Amos 6:1 are at ease: Or, are secure
Amos 6:1 chief: Or, firstfruits
Amos 6:3 seat: Or, habitation
Amos 6:4 stretch themselves: Or, abound with superfluities
Amos 6:5 chant: Or, quaver
Amos 6:6 wine in the bowls: Or, in bowls of wine
Amos 6:6 affliction: Heb. breach
Amos 6:8 all that is therein: Heb. the fullness thereof
Amos 6:3 we may not make mention: Or, they will not, or have not
Amos 6:11 breaches: Or, droppings
Amos 6:14 river: Or, valley
Amos 7:1 grasshoppers: Or, green worms
Amos 7:2 by whom shall Jacob arise?: Or, who of (or for) Jacob shall stand?
Amos 7:13 chapel: Or, sanctuary
Amos 7:13 Kings Court: Heb. house of the kingdom
Amos 7:14 Sycamore fruit: Or, wild figs
Amos 7:15 as I followed: Heb. from behind
Amos 8:3 shall be howlings: Heb. shall howl
Amos 8:3 with silence: Heb. be silent
Amos 8:5 new Moon: Or, month
Amos 8:5 set forth: Heb. open
Amos 8:5 falsifying the balances by deceit?: Heb. perverting the balances of deceit
Amos 9:1 lintel: Or, chapiter, or knop
Amos 9:1 cut them: Or, wound them
Amos 9:6 stories: Or, spheres Heb. ascensions
Amos 9:6 troupe: Or, bundell
Amos 9:9 sift: Heb. cause to move
Amos 9:9 grain: Heb. stone
Amos 9:11 close up the breaches: Heb. hedge, or wall
Amos 9:12 which are called by my name: Heb. upon whom my name is called
Amos 9:13 soweth: Heb. draweth forth
Amos 9:13 sweet wine: Or, new wine
Obadiah 1:5 some grapes? Or, gleanings
Obadiah 1:7 the men that were at peace: Heb. the men of thy peace
Obadiah 1:7 they that eat thy bread: Heb. the men of thy bread
Obadiah 1:7 in: Or, of it
Obadiah 1:11 carry away captive: Or, carried away his substance
Obadiah 1:12 thou shouldest not have looked: Or, do not behold, etc.
Obadiah 1:12 spoken proudly: Heb. magnified thy mouth
Obadiah 1:13 substance: Or, forces
Obadiah 1:14 delivered up: Or, shut up
Obadiah 1:16 swallow down: Or, sup up
Obadiah 1:17 deliverance: Or, they that escape
Obadiah 1:17 shall be holiness: Or, it shall be holy
Obadiah 1:20 which is in Sepharad: Or, shall possess that which is in Sepharad
Jonah 1:1 Jonah: Called Matth. 12.39 Jonas
Jonah 1:4 sent out: Heb. cast forth
Jonah 1:4 was like to be broken: Heb. thought to be broken
Jonah 1:9 the LORD: Or, JEHOVAH
Jonah 1:10 exceedingly afraid: Heb. with great fear
Jonah 1:11 may be calm unto us?: Heb. may be silent unto us
Jonah 1:11 wrought and was tempestuous: Or grew more and more tempestuous. Heb. went
Jonah 1:13 rowed: Heb. digged
Jonah 1:15 ceased: Heb. stood
Jonah 1:16 offered a sacrifice unto the LORD, and made vows: Heb. sacrifice unto the LORD, and vowed vows
Jonah 1:17 belly: Heb. bowels
Jonah 2:2 by reason of mine affliction: Or, out of mine affliction
Jonah 2:2 hell: Or, the grave
Jonah 2:3 midst: Heb. heart
Jonah 2:6 bottoms: Heb. cuttings off
Jonah 2:6 corruption: Or, the pit
Jonah 3:3 exceeding: Heb. of God
Jonah 3:7 published: Heb. said
Jonah 3:7 nobles: Heb. great men
Jonah 4:4 doest thou well to be angry?: Or, art thou greatly angry?
Jonah 4:6 gourd: Or, palmcrist. Heb. Kikajon
Jonah 4:6 exceeding glad: Heb. rejoiced with great joy
Jonah 4:8 vehement: Or, silent
Jonah 4:9 Doest thou well to be angry: Or, art thou greatly angry?
Jonah 4:9 I do well to be angry: Or, I am greatly angry
Jonah 4:10 had pity: Or, spared
Jonah 4:10 came up in a night: Heb. was the son of the night
Micah 1:2 Hear all ye people: Heb. hear ye people all of them
Micah 1:2 all that therein is: Heb. the fullness thereof
Micah 1:4 a steep place: Heb. a descent
Micah 1:8 owls: Heb. daughters of the owl
Micah 1:9 her wound is incurable: Or, she is greviously sick of her wounds
Micah 1:10 Aphrah: That is, dust
Micah 1:11 inhabitant: Heb. inhabitress
Micah 1:11 Saphir: Or, thou that dwellest fairly
Micah 1:11 Zaanan: Or, the country of flocks
Micah 1:11 Bethezel: Or, a place near
Micah 1:12 waited: Or, was grieved
Micah 1:14 to: Or, for
Micah 1:14 Achzib: That is, a lie
Micah 1:15 he shall come unto Adullam, the glory of Israel: Or, the glory of Israel shall come etc.
Micah 2:2 oppress: Or, defraud
Micah 2:4 a doleful lamentation: Heb. with a lamentation of lamentations
Micah 2:4 turning away he hath divided: Or, instead of restoring
Micah 2:6 Prophesy ye not: Or, prophesy not, as they prophesy
Micah 2:6 Prophesy: Heb. drop, etc.
Micah 2:7 straightened: Or, shortened
Micah 2:7 uprightly?: Heb. upright
Micah 2:8 Even of late: Heb. yesterday
Micah 2:8 with the garment: Heb. over against a garment
Micah 2:9 women: Or, wives
Micah 2:11 walking in the spirit and falsehood: Or, walk with the wind, and lie falsely
Micah 3:6 that ye shall not have a vision: Heb. from a vision
Micah 3:6 that ye shall not divine: Heb. from divining
Micah 3:7 lips: Heb. upper lip
Micah 3:10 blood: Heb. bloods
Micah 3:11 and say: Heb. saying
Micah 4:3 pruninghooks: Or, scythes
Micah 5:2 from everlasting: Heb. the days of eternity
Micah 5:4 feed: Or, rule
Micah 5:5 principal men: Heb. princes of men
Micah 5:6 waste: Heb. eat up
Micah 5:6 with the sword: Or, with her own naked swords [symbol in wrong place in verse]
Micah 5:8 sheep: Or, goats
Micah 5:13 standing images: Or, statues
Micah 5:14 cities: Or, enemies
Micah 6:1 before: Or, with
Micah 6:6 of a year old? Heb. sons of a year
Micah 6:7 body: Heb. belly
Micah 6:8 walk humbly: Heb. humble thyself to walk
Micah 6:9 the man of: Or, thy name shall see that which is
Micah 6:10 Are there yet the treasures of wickedness in the house of the wicked: Or, is there yet unto every man an house of the wicked? etc.
Micah 6:10 scant measure that is abominable: Heb. measure of leanness
Micah 6:11 Shall I count them pure: Or, shall I be pure with, etc.
Micah 6:16 the statues: Or, he doth much keep the etc.
Micah 6:16 desolation: Or, astonishment
Micah 7:1 summer fruits: Heb. the gatherings of summer
Micah 7:2 good: Or, godly, or merciful
Micah 7:3 mischevious desire: Heb. the mischief of the soul
Micah 7:10 She that is mine enemy shall see it, and shame shall cover her: Or, and thou wilt see her that is mine enemy and cover her with shame
Micah 7:10 she be trodden down: Heb. she shall be for a treading down
Micah 7:12 from: Or, even to
Micah 7:13 Notwithstanding: Or, after that it hath been
Micah 7:14 Feed: Or, rule
Micah 7:17 worms: Or, creeping things
Nahum 1:2 God is jelous, and the LORD revengeth: Or, the Lord is a jealous God, and a revenger, etc.
Nahum 1:2 furious: Heb. that hath fury
Nahum 1:6 abide: Heb. stand up
Nahum 1:7 strong hold: Or, strength
Nahum 1:11 a wicked counselor: Heb. a counsellor of Belial
Nahum 1:12 Though they be quiet, and likewise many, yet thus shall they be cut down: Or, if they would have been at peace, so should they have been many, and so should they have been shorn, and he should have passed away
Nahum 1:12 cut down: Heb. shorn
Nahum 1:15 keep: Heb. feast
Nahum 1:15 wicked: Heb. Belial
Nahum 2:1 He that dasheth: Or, the disperser or hammer
Nahum 2:2 excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: Or, the pride of Jacob and the pride of Israel
Nahum 2:3 in scarlet: Or, dyed scarlet
Nahum 2:3 flaming torches: Heb. fiery torches
Nahum 2:4 they shall seem: Heb. their show
Nahum 2:5 worthies: Or, gallants
Nahum 2:5 defense: Heb. covering or coverer
Nahum 2:6 dissolved: Or, molten
Nahum 2:7 Huzzab: Or, That which was established, or, there was a stand made
Nahum 2:7 led away: Or, discovered
Nahum 2:8 of old: Or, from the days that she hath been
Nahum 2:8 look back: Or, cause to turn
Nahum 2:9 for there is none end of the store: Or, And their infinite store, etc.
Nahum 2:9 pleasant furniture: Heb. vessels of desire
Nahum 3:1 bloody City: Heb. city of bloods
Nahum 3:3 the bright sword, and the glittering spear: Heb. the flame of the sword and the lightning of the spear
Nahum 3:8 populous No,: Or, nourishing. Heb. No Amon
Nahum 3:9 thy helpers: Heb. in thy help
Nahum 3:16 spoileth: Or, spreadeth himself
Nahum 3:18 nobles: Or, valiant ones
Nahum 3:19 healing: Heb. wrinkling
Habakkuk 1:4 wrong: Or, wrested
Habakkuk 1:6 breadth: Heb. breadths
Habakkuk 1:7 their judgment and their dignity shall proceed of themselves: Or, from them shall proceed the judgment of these, and the captivity of these
Habakkuk 1:8 fierce: Heb. sharp
Habakkuk 1:9 their faces shall sup up as the East: Heb. the supping up of their faces, etc. Or, their faces shall look toward the East. Heb. the opposition of their faces toward the East
Habakkuk 1:12 mighty: Heb. rock
Habakkuk 1:12 established: Heb. founded
Habakkuk 1:13 iniquity: Or, grievance
Habakkuk 1:14 creeping: Or, moving
Habakkuk 1:15 drag: Or, flue net
Habakkuk 1:16 plenteous: Or, dainty. Heb. fat
Habakkuk 2:1 tower: Heb. fenced place
Habakkuk 2:1 unto me: Or, in me
Habakkuk 2:1 when I am reproved: Or, when I am argued with. Heb. upon my reproof or arguing
Habakkuk 2:5 Yea also: Or, how much more
Habakkuk 2:6 Woe to him: Or, Ho, he
Habakkuk 2:8 blood: Heb. bloods
Habakkuk 2:9 coveteth an evil countenance: Or, gaineth an evil gain
Habakkuk 2:9 power of evil: Heb. palm of the hand
Habakkuk 2:11 beam: Or, piece, or, fastening
Habakkuk 2:11 shall answer it: Or, witness against it
Habakkuk 2:12 blood: Heb. bloods
Habakkuk 2:13 very vanity?: Or, in vain
Habakkuk 2:14 with the knowledge of the glory of the LROD: Or, by knowing the glory of the Lord
Habakkuk 2:16 with shame for glory: Or, more with shame then with glory
Habakkuk 2:18 the maker of his work: Heb. the facioner of his facion
Habakkuk 2:20 let all the earth keep silence before him: Heb. be silent all the earth before him
Habakkuk 3:1 upon Sigionoth: Or, according to variable songs or tunes called in Hebrew Shigianoth
Habakkuk 3:2 thy speech: Heb. thy report or thy hearing
Habakkuk 3:2 revive: Or, preserve alive
Habakkuk 3:3 Teman: Or, the South
Habakkuk 3:4 horns coming out of his hand: Or, bright beams out of his side
Habakkuk 3:5 burning coals: Or, burning diseases
Habakkuk 3:7 Cushan: Or, Ethiopia
Habakkuk 3:7 in affliction: Or, under affliction or vanity
Habakkuk 3:8 thy chariots of salvation?: Or, thy chariots were salvation
Habakkuk 3:9 Thou didst cleave the earth with rivers: Or, thou didst cleave the rivers of the earth
Habakkuk 3:11 at the light of thine arrows: Or, thine arrows walked in the light, etc.
Habakkuk 3:13 by discovering: Heb. making naked
Habakkuk 3:14 came out as a whirlwind: Heb. were tempestuous
Habakkuk 3:15 heap: Or, mud
Habakkuk 3:16 invade them: Or, cut them in pieces
Habakkuk 3:17 fail: Heb. lie
Habakkuk 3:19 stringed instruments: Heb. Neginoth
Zephaniah 1:2 will utterly consume: Heb. by taking away I will make an end
Zephaniah 1:2 the land: Heb. the face of the land
Zephaniah 1:3 stumblingblocks: Or, idols
Zephaniah 1:5 by the LORD: Or, to the Lord
Zephaniah 1:7 bid: Heb. sanctified or prepared
Zephaniah 1:8 punish: Heb. visit upon
Zephaniah 1:12 settled: Heb. curded, or thickened
Zephaniah 2:1 not desired:
Zephaniah 2:7 for: Or, when, etc.
Zephaniah 2:11 famish: Heb. make lean
Zephaniah 2:14 Cormorant: Or, pelican
Zephaniah 2:14 upper lintels: Or, knops, or chapiters
Zephaniah 2:14 for he shall uncover: Or, when he hath uncovered
Zephaniah 3:1 filthy: Or, gluttenous. Heb. craw
Zephaniah 3:2 correction: Or, instruction
Zephaniah 3:5 every morning: Heb. morning by morning
Zephaniah 3:6 towers: Or, corners
Zephaniah 3:9 language: Heb. lip
Zephaniah 3:9 consent: Heb. shoulder
Zephaniah 3:11 because of mine holy: Heb. in my holy
Zephaniah 3:16 slack: Or, faint
Zephaniah 3:17 he will rest: Heb. he will be silent
Zephaniah 3:18 reproach of it was a burden: Heb. the burden upon it was reproach
Zephaniah 3:19 I will get them praise: Heb. I will set them for a praise
Zephaniah 3:19 where they have been put to shame: Heb. of their shame
Haggai 1:1 by Haggai: Heb. by the hand of Haggai
Haggai 1:1 governor: Or, captain
Haggai 1:5 Consider your ways: Heb. set your heart on your ways
Haggai 1:6 with holes: Heb. pierced through
Haggai 1:7 Consider…: Heb. Set your heart on your ways
Haggai 1:9 blow upon it: Or, blow it away
Haggai 2:1 by the: Heb. by the hand of
Zechariah 1:2 sore displeased: Heb. with displeasure
Zechariah 1:6 take hold: Or, overtake
Zechariah 1:8 speckled: Or, bay
Zechariah 1:17 prosperity: Heb. good
Zechariah 2:13 his holy habitation: Heb. the habitation of his holiness
Zechariah 3:1 Satan: That is, an adversary
Zechariah 3:1 to resist him: Heb. to be his advesary
Zechariah 3:7 charge: Or, ordinance
Zechariah 3:7 places: Heb. walks
Zechariah 3:8 men wondered: Heb. men of wonder
Zechariah 4:2 with a bowl: Heb. with her bowl
Zechariah 4:2 seven pipes: Or, seven several pipes to the lamps etc.
Zechariah 4:6 might: Or, army
Zechariah 4:10 for they shall rejoice…those seven…eyes of the LORD: Or, sith the seven eyes of the Lord shall rejoice
Zechariah 4:10 plummet: Heb. stone of tin
Zechariah 4:12 through: Heb. by the hand
Zechariah 4:12 empty…golden oil out: Or, empty out of themselves oil into the gold
Zechariah 4:12 the golden: Heb. the gold
Zechariah 4:14 anointed ones: Heb. sons of oil
Zechariah 5:3 every one that stealeth shall be cut off as on this side: Or, every one of this people that stealeth, holdeth himself guiltless as it doth
Zechariah 5:7 talent: Or, weighty piece
Zechariah 6:3 bay: Or, strong
Zechariah 6:5 spirits: Or, winds
Zechariah 6:12 grow up out of his place: Or, branch up from under him
Zechariah 7:2 to pray before the LORD: Heb. to intreat the face of the Lord
Zechariah 7:6 did not ye: Or, be not ye they that etc.
Zechariah 7:7 Should ye not hear the words: Or, are not these the words
Zechariah 7:7 by the: Heb. by the hand of, etc.
Zechariah 7:9 Execute true judgment: Heb. judge judgment of truth
Zechariah 7:11 pulled away the shoulder: Heb. they gave a backsliding shoulder
Zechariah 7:11 stopped: Heb. made heavy
Zechariah 7:12 by the: Heb. by the hand of
Zechariah 7:14 pleasant land: Heb. land of desire
Zechariah 8:4 for very age: Heb. multitude of days
Zechariah 8:6 marvellous: Or, hard or difficult
Zechariah 8:7 the West country: Heb. the country of the going down of the Sun
Zechariah 8:10 no hire for man: Or, the hire of man became nothing. etc.
Zechariah 8:12 prosperous: Heb. of peace
Zechariah 8:16 execute the judgment of truth and peace: Heb. judge truth, and the judgment of peace
Zechariah 8:19 feasts: Heb. solemn, or set times
Zechariah 8:21 speedily: Or, continually. Heb. going
Zechariah 8:21 pray before: Heb. to intreat the face
Zechariah 9:7 blood: Heb. bloods
Zechariah 9:9 having salvation: Or, saving himself
Zechariah 9:11 by the blood of thy Covenant: Or, whose Covenant is by blood
Zechariah 9:15 subdue with sling stones: Or, subdue the slings of the stone
Zechariah 9:15 shall be filled like bowls: Or, shall fill both the bowls, etc.
Zechariah 9:17 cheerful: Or, grow, or speak
Zechariah 10:1 bright: Or, lightnings
Zechariah 10:2 idols: Heb. teraphims
Zechariah 10:2 were troubled: Or, answered that etc.
Zechariah 10:3 punished: Heb. visited upon
Zechariah 10:5 the riders on horses shall be confounded: Or, they shall make the riders on horses ashamed
Zechariah 11:2 mighty: Or, gallants
Zechariah 11:2 forest of the vintage: Or, the defenced forest
Zechariah 11:6 deliver: Heb. make to be found
Zechariah 11:7 poor: Or, verily the poor
Zechariah 11:7 bands: Or, binders
Zechariah 11:8 lothed them: Heb. was straightened for them
Zechariah 11:9 of another: Heb. of his fellow or neighbour
Zechariah 11:11 the poor of the flock…knew: Or, the poor of the flock, etc. certainly knew
Zechariah 11:12 if ye think good: Heb. if it be good in your eyes
Zechariah 11:14 Bands: Or, binders
Zechariah 11:16 cut off: Or, hidden
Zechariah 11:16 feed: Or, bear
Zechariah 12:2 trembling: Or, slumber or poison
Zechariah 12:2 when they shall be in the seige both against Judah and against Jerusalem: Or, and also against Judah shall he be which shall be in seige against Jerusalem
Zechariah 12:5 The inhabitants…shall be my strength: Or, there is strength to me and to the inhabitants, etc.
Zechariah 12:8 feeble: Or, abject. Heb. fallen
Zechariah 12:12 every family: Heb. families, families
Zechariah 13:1 uncleanness: Heb. separation for uncleanness
Zechariah 13:4 a rough garment: Heb. a garment of hair
Zechariah 13:4 to deceive: Heb. to lie
Zechariah 14:5 the mountains: Or, my mountains
Zechariah 14:5 for the valley of the mountains: Or, when he shall touch the valley of the mountains to the place he separated
Zechariah 14:6 clear: Heb. precious
Zechariah 14:6 dark: Heb. thickness
Zechariah 14:7 it shall be one day: Or, the day shall be one
Zechariah 14:8 former: Or, Eastern
Zechariah 14:10 turned: Or, compassed
Zechariah 14:10 inhabited: Or, shall abide
Zechariah 14:11 shall be safely inhabited: Or, shall abide
Zechariah 14:14 Judah also shall: Or, thou also, O Judah shalt
Zechariah 14:14 at: Or, against
Zechariah 14:18 have no: Heb. upon whom there is not
Zechariah 14:19 punishment: Or, sin
Zechariah 14:20 bells: Or, bridles
Malachi 1:1 by Malachi: Heb. by the hand of Malachi
Malachi 1:5 from: Or, upon. Heb. from upon
Malachi 1:7 Ye offer: Or, bring unto etc.
Malachi 1:8 for sacrifice: Heb. to sacrifice
Malachi 1:9 God: Heb. the face of God
Malachi 1:9 by your means: Heb. from your hand
Malachi 1:13 ye have snuffed at it: Or, whereas you might have blown it away
Malachi 1:14 which hath in his flock: Heb. in whose flock is
Malachi 2:3 corrupt: Or, reprove
Malachi 2:3 spread: Heb. scatter
Malachi 2:3 one shall take you away with it: Or, it shall take you away to it
Malachi 2:8 stumble at the law: Or, fall in the law
Malachi 2:9 have been partial: Or, lifted up the face against. Heb. accepted faces
Malachi 2:11 he loved: Or, ought to love
Malachi 2:12 the Master and the scholar: Or, him that waketh and him that answereth
Malachi 2:15 residue: Or, excellency
Malachi 2:15 a godly seed: Heb. a seed of God
Malachi 2:15 treacherously: Or, unfaithfully
Malachi 2:16 he hateth: Or, if he hate her, put her away
Malachi 2:16 putting away: Heb. to put away
Malachi 3:4 former: Or, ancient
Malachi 3:5 oppress: Or, defraud
Malachi 3:5 pour you out: Heb. empty out
Malachi 3:11 destroy: Heb. corrupt
Malachi 3:14 ordinance: Heb. observation
Malachi 3:14 mournfully: Heb. in black
Malachi 3:15 are set up: Heb. are built
Malachi 3:17 jewels: Or, special treasure
Matthew 1:11 Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren: some read, Josias begat Jakim, and Jakim begat Jechonias
Matthew 1:23 they shall call his name: Or, his name shall be called
Matthew 2:6 rule: Or, feed
Matthew 2:11 presented: Or, offered
Matthew 3:8 meet for repentance: Or, answerable to amendment of life
Matthew 4:12 cast: Or, delivered up
Matthew 5:11 falsely: Gr. lying
Matthew 5:15 a bushel: [symbol in wrong place in 1611] the word in the original signifieth a measure containing about a pint less than a peck
Matthew 5:21 by them: Or, to them
Matthew 5:29 offend thee: Or, do cause thee to offend
Matthew 6:1 of: Or, with
Matthew 6:2 do not sound a trumpet: Or, cause not a trumpet to be sounded
Matthew 9:16 new cloth: Or, raw, or unwrought cloth
Matthew 9:17 bottles: Or, sacks of skin, or, leather
Matthew 9:26 the fame hereof: Or, this fame
Matthew 9:36 fainted, and were scattered abroad: Or, were tired and lay down
Matthew 10:9 Provide: Or, get
Matthew 10:16 harmless: Or, simple
Matthew 10:23 have gone: Or, end or finish
Matthew 10:29 farthing?: It is in value half penny farthing, in the original, as being the tenth part of the Roman penny
Matthew 11:12 suffereth violence: Or, is gotten by force, and they that thrust men
Matthew 12:14 held a counsel: Or, took counsel
Matthew 13:33 measures: the word in the Greek is a measure containing about a peck and an half, wanting little more then a pint
Matthew 13:41 things that offend: Or, scandals
Matthew 14:2 do show forth themselves in him: Or, are wrought by him
Matthew 14:30 boisterous: Or, strong
Matthew 17:24 tribute money: called in the original Didrachma, being in value fifteen pence
Matthew 17:27 a piece of money: Or, a stater. It is half an ounce of silver, in value two shillings six pence, after five shillings the ounce
Matthew 18:24 talents: a talent is 750 ounces of silver, which after five shillings the ounce is 10.s.
Matthew 18:26 worshipped him: Or, besought him
Matthew 18:28 pence: the Roman penny is the eighth part of an ounce, which after 5. shillings the ounce is 7.d. ob.
Matthew 20:2 penny: the Roman penny is the eighth part of an ounce, which after five shillings the ounce, is seven pence halfpenny
Matthew 20:12 have wrought but one hour: Or, have continued one hour only
Matthew 22:19 penny: in value seven pence halfpenny, chap. 20.2
Matthew 22:20 superscription?: Or, inscription
Matthew 23:18 guilty: Or, a debtOr, or bound
Matthew 24:31 with a great sound of a trumpet: Or, with a Trumpet and a great voice
Matthew 24:51 cut him asunder: Or, cut him off
Matthew 25:8 gone out: Or, going out
Matthew 25:15 talents: a talent is 187. pound 10. Shillings, chap. 18.24
Matthew 26:26 blessed it: Many Greek copies have, gave thanks
Matthew 26:30 hymn: Or, psalm
Matthew 26:67 the palms: Or, rods
Matthew 27:9 whom they of the children of Israel did value: Or, whom they bought of the children of Israel
Matthew 27:27 common hall: Or, governors house
Matthew 28:2 was: Or, had been
Mark 1:4 for: Or, unto
Mark 1:10 opened: Or, cloven, or rent
Mark 1:34 to speak, because they knew him: Or, to say that they knew him
Mark 2:14 at the receipt of Custom: Or, at the place where the Custom was received
Mark 2:21 new: Or, raw, or unwrought
Mark 3:5 hardness: Or, blindness
Mark 3:10 pressed: Or, rushed
Mark 3:19 into an house: Or, home
Mark 3:21 friends: Or, kinsmen
Mark 4:21 bushel: The word, in the original, signifieth a less measure as Mat. 5.15
Mark 4:29 brought forth: Or, ripe
Mark 6:8 money: the word signifieth a piece of brass money, in value somewhat less than a farthing, mat. 10.9 but here it is taken in general for money
Mark 6:19 a quarrel: Or, an inward grudge
Mark 6:20 observed him: Or, kept him or saved him
Mark 6:27 an executioner: Or, one of his guard
Mark 6:37 pennyworth: the Rom. penny is sevenpence halfpenny as Mat. 18.28
Mark 6:45 unto Bethsaida: Or, over against Bethsaida
Mark 6:56 him: Or, it
Mark 7:2 defiled: Or, common
Mark 7:3 oft: Or, diligently, in the Original, with the fist, Theophylact, up to the elbow
Mark 7:4 pots: Or, beds
Mark 7:4 tables: Sextarius, is about a pint and an half
Mark 7:9 reject: Or, frustrate
Mark 7:26 Greek: Or, Gentile
Mark 9:16 with them?: Or, among yourselves
Mark 9:18 teareth him: Or, dasheth him
Mark 9:43 offend thee: Or, cause thee to offend
Mark 9:47 offend thee: Or, cause thee to offend
Mark 10:42 are accompted: Or, think good
Mark 10:52 made thee whole: Or, saved thee
Mark 11:22 Have faith in God: Or, have the faith of God
Mark 11:29 question: Or, thing
Mark 12:15 penny: Valuing of our money seven pence halfpenny, as Mat. 18.28
Mark 12:41 money: A piece of brass money, see Matth. 10.9
Mark 12:42 mites: It is the seventh part of one piece of that brass money
Mark 13:8 sorrows: The word in the original, importeth, the pains of a woman in travail
Mark 14:3 spikenard: Or, pure nard, or liquid nard
Mark 14:5 See Matt. 18.28
Mark 14:12 killed: Or, sacrificed
Mark 14:26 hymn: Or, psalm
Mark 14:72 he wept: Or, he wept abundantly, or he began to wept [sic]
Mark 16:14 at meat: Or, together
Luke 1:17 to: Or, by
Luke 1:28 highly favored: Or, graciously accepted, or much graced, see verse 30
Luke 1:45 that believed, for there: Or, which believed, that there
Luke 1:65 sayings: Or, things
Luke 1:77 by: Or, for
Luke 1:78 tender mercy: Or, bowels of the mercy
Luke 1:87 day spring: Or, sun rising, or branch, Zac. 3.8 esay 11.1 malach. 4.2. numb. 24.17
Luke 2:1 taxed: Or, enrolled
Luke 2:8 watch: Or, the night watches
Luke 2:38 Jerusalem: Or, Israel
Luke 2:52 stature: Or, age
Luke 3:8 worthy: Or, meet for
Luke 3:14 Do violence to no man: Or, put no man in fear
Luke 3:14 wages: Or, allowance
Luke 3:15 in expectation: Or, in suspense
Luke 3:15 mused: Or, reasoned or debated
Luke 4:7 worship me: Or, fall down before me
Luke 4:29 brow: Or, edge
Luke 4:34 Let us alone: Or, away
Luke 4:41 to speak, for they knew that he was Christ: Or, to say that they knew him to be Christ
Luke 6:40 that is perfect shall be as his master: Or, shall be perfected as his master
Luke 7:14 bier: Or, coffin
Luke 7:30 rejected: Or, frustrated
Luke 7:30 against themselves: Or, within themselves
Luke 7:41 pence: See Mat. 18.28
Luke 8:18 seemeth to have: Or, thinketh that he hath
Luke 9:28 sayings: Or, things
Luke 10:22 All these: Many ancient copies add these words, and turning to his Disciples he said
Luke 10:35 pence: See Matt. 20.2
Luke 11:3 day by day: Or, for the day
Luke 11:6 in his journey: Or, out of his way
Luke 11:33 bushell: See Matt. 5.15
Luke 11:41 as you have: Or, as you are able
Luke 11:52 hindered: Or, forbade
Luke 12:6 farthing: See Matt. 10.29
Luke 12:20 thy soul shall be required: Gr. do they require thy soul
Luke 12:29 neither be ye of doubtful mind: Or, live not in careful suspense
Luke 12:46 cut him in sunder: Or, cut him off
Luke 12:50 straitened: Or, pained
Luke 12:59 mite: See Mar. 12.42
Luke 13:4 sinners: Or, debtors
Luke 13:21 measures: See Mat. 13.33
Luke 15:8 pieces of silver: Drachma here translated a piece of silver, is the eighth part of an ounce, which cometh to seven pence half penny, and is equal to the Roman penny, Mat. 18.28
Luke 16:6 measures: the word Batus in the original containeth nine gallons 3. quarts
Luke 16:7 measures: the word here interpreted a measure, in the original containeth about fourteen bushels and a pottle
Luke 16:9 Mammon: Or, riches
Luke 16:11 Mammon: Or, riches
Luke 17:20 with observation: Or, with outward shew
Luke 17:21 within you: Or, among you
Luke 17:36 Two men shall be in the field, the one shall be taken, and the other left: This 36. verse is wanting in most of the Greek copies
Luke 18:9 that they were righteous: Or, as being righteous
Luke 19:13 pounds: Mina here translated a pound, is twelve ounces and an half, which according to five shillings the ounce, is 3. pounds two shillings sixpence
Luke 19:48 very attentive: Or, hanged on him
Luke 20:21 truly: Or, of a truth
Luke 20:24 penny: See Matt. 18.28
Luke 21:2 mites: See Mark 12.42
Luke 22:6 in the absence of the multitude: Or, without tumult
Luke 22:15 With desire I have desired: Or, I have heartily desired
Luke 22:42 willing, remove: Gr. willing to remove
Luke 23:24 gave sentence: Or, assented
Luke 23:33 Calvary: Or, the place of a skull
Luke 23:44 earth: Or, land
Luke 24:5 the living: Or, him that liveth
Luke 24:31 vanished out of their sight: Or, ceased to be seen of them
John 1:12 power: Or, the right or privilege
John 1:21 that Prophet?: Or, a Prophet
John 1:29 taketh away: Or, beareth
John 1:38 dwellest: Or, abidest
John 1:39 about the tenth hour: That was two hours before night
John 1:41 the Christ: Or, the anointed
John 1:42 a stone: Or, Peter
John 3:3 again: Or, from above
John 3:7 again: Or, from above
John 3:20 reproved: Or, discovered
John 3:27 receive: Or, take unto himself
John 4:46 nobleman: Or, courtier, or ruler
John 5:2 market: Or, gate
John 5:13 a multitude being in that: Or, from the multitude that was
John 6:27 Labour not: Or, work not
John 7:15 letters: Or, learning
John 7:23 that the Law of Moses should not be broken: Or, without breaking the Law of Moses
John 7:35 Gentiles: Or, Greeks
John 7:50 to Jesus: Gr. to him
John 9:6 anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay: Or, spread the clay upon the eyes of the blind man
John 9:34 cast him out: Or, excommunicated him
John 10:24 make us to doubt?: Or, hold us in suspense
John 11:18 about fifteen furlongs: that is, about two miles
John 11:33 was troubled: Gr. He troubled himself
John 13:19 Now: Or, From henceforth
John 13:26 sop: Or, morsel
John 14:18 comfortless: Or, orphans
John 15:5 without me: Or, severed from me
John 15:22 cloke: Or, excuse
John 16:8 reprove: Or, convince
John 16:25 proverbs: Or, parables
John 16:25 proverbs: Or, parables
John 16:29 proverb: Or, parable
John 16:32 his own: Or, his own home
John 17:19 sanctified through the truth: Or, truly sanctified
John 18:13 year: And Annas sent Christ bound unto Caiaphas the high priest, ver. 24
John 18:22 with the palm: Or, with a rod
John 18:28 the hall of judgment: Or, Pilats house
John 19:23 woven: Or, wrought
John 19:25 Cleophas: Or, Clopas
John 21:5 Children: Or, Sirs
Acts 1:4 being assembled together with them: Or, eating together with them
Acts 1:8 power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: Or, the power of the holy Ghost coming upon you
Acts 1:20 bishoprick: Or, office, or, charge
Acts 2:6 when this was noised: Gr. When this voice was made
Acts 2:6 confounded: Or, troubled in mind
Acts 2:29 let me: Or, I may
Acts 2:46 from house to house: Or, at home
Acts 3:15 Prince: Or, author
Acts 4:1 captain: Or, ruler
Acts 5:3 to lie: Or, to deceive
Acts 5:15 into the streets: Or, in every street
Acts 5:17 indignation: Or, envy
Acts 5:36 obeyed: Or, believed
Acts 6:14 Customs: Or, rites
Acts 7:20 exceeding fair: Or, fair to God
Acts 7:37 like unto me: Or, as myself
Acts 9:38 delay: Or, be grieved
Acts 11:26 with the Church: Or, in the Church
Acts 12:1 stretched: Or, began
Acts 12:5 prayer was made without ceasing: Or, instant and earnest prayer was made
Acts 12:13 to hearken: Or, to ask who was there
Acts 12:20 was highly displeased: Or, bare an hostile mind intending war
Acts 12:20 the kings chaberlaine: Gr. that was over the kings bedchamber
Acts 12:25 ministry: Or, charge, chap. 11.29, 30
Acts 13:1 brought up with Herod: Or, Herods foster brother
Acts 13:18 suffered: Gr. [Greek characters] as a nurse beareth or feedeth her child, Deut. 1.31. 2. Macc 7.27. according to the Sept. and so Chrysost.
Acts 13:34 mercies: Gr. [Greek characters] holy or just things, which word the Sept. both in the place of Esai 55.3. and in many others, use for that which is in the Hebrew, Mercies
Acts 13:36 own generation by the will of God: Or, after he had in his own age served the will of God
Acts 13:42 the next Sabbath: Or, in the week between, or in the Sabbath between
Acts 15:31 consolation: Or, exhortation
Acts 16:12 the chief: Or, the first
Acts 16:16 of divination: Or, of Python
Acts 16:19 marketplace: Or, court
Acts 17:16 wholly given to idolatry: Or, full of idols
Acts 17:18 babbler: Or, base fellow
Acts 17:19 Areopagus: Or, Mars hill. It was the highest court in Athens
Acts 17:22 Mars hill: Or, the court of the Areopagites
Acts 17:23 devotions: Or, gods that you worship, 2 Thess. 2.4
Acts 17:31 hath given assurance: Or, offered faith
Acts 18:11 continued: Or, sat there
Acts 19:35 a worshipper: Gr. the temple keeper
Acts 19:38 the law is open: Or, the Court days are kept
Acts 19:39 lawful: Or, ordinary
Acts 20:23 abide me: Or, wait for me
Acts 22:29 examined him: Or, tortured him
Acts 23:12 under a curse: Or, with an oath of execration
Acts 25:6 more then ten days: Or, as some copies read, no more than eight or ten days
Acts 25:20 I doubted of such manner of questions: Or, I was doubtful how to enquire hereof
Acts 25:21 hearing: Or, judgment
Acts 27:7 Crete: Or, Candy
Acts 27:10 hurt: Or, injury
Acts 27:14 arose: Or, beat
Acts 27:40 taken up the anchors, they committed themselves unto the sea: Or, cut the anchors, they left them in the sea, etc.
Romans 1:4 declared: Gr. determined
Romans 1:5 for obedience to the faith: Or, to the obedience of faith
Romans 1:9 with my spirit: Or, in my spirit
Romans 1:12 with you: Or, in you
Romans 1:13 among you: Or, in you
Romans 1:19 in them: Or, to them
Romans 1:20 so that they are: Or, that they may be
Romans 1:28 to retain: Or, to acknowledge
Romans 1:28 a reprobate mind: Or, a mind void of judgment
Romans 1:31 without natural: Or, unsociable
Romans 1:32 have pleasure in them: Or, consent with them
Romans 2:9 Gentile: Gr. Greek
Romans 2:10 Gentile: Gr. Greek
Romans 2:15 their conscience also bearing witness: Or, the conscience witnessing with them
Romans 2:15 the meanwhile: Or, between themselves
Romans 2:18 approves the things that are more excellent: Or, triest the things that differ
Romans 3:9 proved: Gr. charged
Romans 3:19 guilty before God: Or, subject to the judgment of God
Romans 3:25 set forth: Or, foreordained
Romans 3:25 remission: Or, passing over
Romans 4:17 before him: Or, like unto him
Romans 5:6 in due time: Or, according to the time
Romans 5:12 for that: Or, in whom
Romans 5:17 by one mans offence: Or, by one offence
Romans 5:18 by the offence of one: Or, by one offence
Romans 5:18 righteousness of one: Or, by one righteousness
Romans 6:3 were: Or, are
Romans 6:7 freed: Gr. justified
Romans 6:13 instruments: Gr. arms, or weapons
Romans 6:17 which was delivered you: Gr. whereto ye were delivered
Romans 6:20 from righteousness: Gr. to righteousness
Romans 7:5 motions: Gr. passions
Romans 7:6 that being dead wherein: Or, being dead to that
Romans 7:7 lust: Or, concupiscence
Romans 7:15 allow: Gr. know
Romans 7:24 the body of this death: Or, this body of death
Romans 8:3 for sin: Or, by a sacrifice for sin
Romans 8:6 to be carnally minded: Gr. the minding of the flesh
Romans 8:6 to be spiritually minded: Gr. the minding of the spirit
Romans 8:7 the carnal mind: Gr. the minding of the flesh
Romans 8:11 by his spirit: Or, because of his spirit
Romans 8:22 the whole creation: Or, every creature
Romans 8:27 because: Or, that
Romans 9:3 accursed: Or, separated
Romans 9:4 covenants: Or, testaments
Romans 9:12 elder: Or, greater
Romans 9:12 younger: Or, lesser
Romans 9:20 repliest against God?: Or, answereth again, or disputest with God?
Romans 9:22 fitted: Or, made up
Romans 9:28 the work: Or, the account
Romans 9:33 ashamed: or confounded
Romans 10:16 report?: Or, preaching. Gr. the hearing of us
Romans 11:7 blinded: Or, hardened
Romans 11:8 slumber: Or, remorse
Romans 11:12 diminishing: Or, decay, or loss
Romans 11:17 among them: Or, for them
Romans 11:25 blindness: Or, hardness
Romans 11:30 believed: Or, obeyed
Romans 11:31 believed: Or, obeyed
Romans 11:32 concluded them all: Or, shut them all up together
Romans 11:36 whom: Gr. him
Romans 12:3 soberly: Gr. to sobriety
Romans 12:8 giveth: Or, imparteth
Romans 12:8 with simplicity: Or, liberally
Romans 12:10 with brotherly love: Or, in the love of the brethren
Romans 12:16 condescend to men of low estate: Or, be contented with mean things
Romans 13:1 ordained: Or, ordered
Romans 13:13 honestly: Or, decently
Romans 14:1 not to doubtful disputations: Or, not to judge his doubtful thoughts
Romans 14:5 fully persuaded: Or, fully assured
Romans 14:6 regardeth: Or, observeth
Romans 14:14 unclean: Gr. common
Romans 14:15 charitably: Gr. according to charity 1. Cor. 8.11
Romans 14:23 doubteth: Or, discerneth, and putteth a difference between meats
Romans 15:5 according: Or, after the example of
Romans 15:16 offering up: Or, sacrificing
Romans 15:22 much: Or, many ways, or oftentimes
Romans 15:24 with your company: Gr. with you. Ver. 32
Romans 15:31 do not believe: Or, are disobedient
Romans 16:10 household: Or, friends
Romans 16:11 household: Or, friends
Romans 16:19 simple: Or, harmless
Romans 16:20 bruise: Or, tread
1 Corinthians 1:7 coming: Gr. revelation
1 Corinthians 1:10 divisions: Gr. schisms
1 Corinthians 1:17 words: Or, speech
1 Corinthians 2:4 enticing: Or, persuasible
1 Corinthians 2:5 stand: Gr. be
1 Corinthians 2:15 judgeth: Or, discerneth
1 Corinthians 2:15 judged: Or, discerned
1 Corinthians 2:16 may: Gr. shall
1 Corinthians 3:3 divisions: Or, factions
1 Corinthians 3:3 as men?: Gr. according to man
1 Corinthians 3:9 husbandry: Or, tillage
1 Corinthians 3:13 shall be revealed: Gr. is revealed
1 Corinthians 3:17 defile: Or, destroy
1 Corinthians 4:3 judgment: Gr. day
1 Corinthians 4:7 maketh thee to differ from another?: Gr. distinguisheth thee?
1 Corinthians 4:9 spectacle: Gr. theater
1 Corinthians 5:3 judged: Or, determined
1 Corinthians 5:7 is sacrificed: Or, is slain
1 Corinthians 5:8 the Feast: Or, holiday
1 Corinthians 6:12 expedient: Or, profitable
1 Corinthians 7:15 to peace: Gr. in peace
1 Corinthians 7:22 free man: Gr. made free
1 Corinthians 7:26 distress: Or, necessity
1 Corinthians 8:6 in him: Or, for him, Rom. 11.36
1 Corinthians 8:8 are we the better: Or, have we the more
1 Corinthians 8:8 are we the worse: Or, have we the less
1 Corinthians 8:9 liberty: Or, power
1 Corinthians 8:10 emboldened: Gr. edified
1 Corinthians 9:5 wife: Or, woman
1 Corinthians 9:13 live: Or, feed
1 Corinthians 10:6 followed them: Or, went with them
1 Corinthians 10:6 our examples: Gr. our figures
1 Corinthians 10:11 ensamples: Or, Types
1 Corinthians 10:13 common: Or, moderate
1 Corinthians 10:30 grace: Or, thanksgiving
1 Corinthians 10:32 Gentiles: Gr. Greeks
1 Corinthians 11:2 ordinances: Or, traditions
1 Corinthians 11:10 power: That is, a covering, in sign that she is under the power of her husband
1 Corinthians 11:15 covering: Or, veil
1 Corinthians 11:18 divisions: Or, schisms
1 Corinthians 11:19 heresies: Or, sects
1 Corinthians 11:20 not to eat: Or, ye cannot eat
1 Corinthians 11:22 them that have not?: Or, them that are poor
1 Corinthians 11:24 in remembrance: Or, for a remembrance
1 Corinthians 11:26 ye do show: Or, shew ye
1 Corinthians 11:29 damnation: Or, judgment
1 Corinthians 11:34 condemnation: Or, judgment
1 Corinthians 12:3 accursed: Or, Anathema
1 Corinthians 12:5 administrations: Or, ministries
1 Corinthians 12:13 Gentiles: Gr. Greeks
1 Corinthians 12:23 bestow: Or, put on
1 Corinthians 12:25 schism: Or, division
1 Corinthians 12:28 diversities: Or, kinds
1 Corinthians 12:29 workers: Or, powers
1 Corinthians 13:4 vaunteth not: Or, is not rash
1 Corinthians 13:6 in the truth: Or, with the truth
1 Corinthians 13:11 thought: Or, reasoned
1 Corinthians 13:12 darkly: Gr. in a riddle
1 Corinthians 14:2 understandeth: Gr. heareth
1 Corinthians 14:7 sounds: Or, tunes
1 Corinthians 14:9 easy: Gr. Significant
1 Corinthians 14:12 of spiritual: Gr. of spirits
1 Corinthians 14:20 men: Gr. perfect or of a ripe age
1 Corinthians 14:27 two…: by two or three sentences separately
1 Corinthians 14:33 confusion: Gr. tumult, or unquietness
1 Corinthians 15:2 keep in memory: Or, hold fast
1 Corinthians 15:2 what I preached: Gr. by what speech
1 Corinthians 15:8 one born: Or, an abortive
1 Corinthians 15:31 your: Some read, our
1 Corinthians 15:32 after the manner of men: Or, to speak after the manner of men
1 Corinthians 15:55 grave: Or, hell
1 Corinthians 16:3 liberality: Gr. gift
2 Corinthians 1:6 is effectual: Or, is wrought
2 Corinthians 1:9 sentence: Or, answer
2 Corinthians 1:15 benefit: Or, grace
2 Corinthians 1:18 word: Or, preaching
2 Corinthians 2:6 punishment: Or, censure
2 Corinthians 2:10 the person: Or, in the sight
2 Corinthians 2:17 corrupt: Or, deal deceitfully with
2 Corinthians 3:6 giveth life: Or, quickeneth
2 Corinthians 3:12 plainness: Or, boldness
2 Corinthians 3:18 by the spirit of the Lord: O, of the Lord the spirit
2 Corinthians 4:2 dishonesty: Gr. shame
2 Corinthians 4:8 in despair: Or, altogether without help or means
2 Corinthians 5:9 labour: Or, endeavour
2 Corinthians 5:12 in appearance: Gr. in the face
2 Corinthians 5:17 he is: Or, let him be
2 Corinthians 5:19 committed unto us: Gr. put in us
2 Corinthians 6:4 approving: Gr. commending
2 Corinthians 6:5 in tumults: Or, in tossings to and fro
2 Corinthians 7:9 after a godly manner: Or, according to God
2 Corinthians 7:15 inward: Gr. bowels
2 Corinthians 8:10 forward: Gr. willing
2 Corinthians 8:19 grace: Or, gift
2 Corinthians 8:22 I have: Or, he hath
2 Corinthians 9:5 bounty: Gr. blessing
2 Corinthians 9:5 whereof ye had notice before: Or, which hath been so much spoken of before
2 Corinthians 10:1 in presence: Or, in outward appearance
2 Corinthians 10:2 think: Or, reckon
2 Corinthians 10:4 through God: Or, to God
2 Corinthians 10:5 imaginations: Or, reasonings
2 Corinthians 10:12 are not wise: Or, understand it not
2 Corinthians 10:13 rule: Or, line
2 Corinthians 10:15 enlarged by you: Or, magnified in you
2 Corinthians 10:16 line: Or, rule
2 Corinthians 11:1 bear with me: Or, you do bear with me
2 Corinthians 11:10 no man shall stop me in this boasting: Gr. this boasting shall not be stopped in me
2 Corinthians 11:16 receive: Or, suffer
2 Corinthians 12:4 lawful: Or, possible
2 Corinthians 12:15 you: Gr. your souls
2 Corinthians 13:4 in him: Or, with him
Galatians 1:14 equals: Gr. equals in years
Galatians 1:18 went up: Or, returned
Galatians 2:2 privately: Or, severally
Galatians 3:4 so many: Or, so great
Galatians 3:6 accounted: Or, imputed
Galatians 3:15 covenant: Or, testament
Galatians 4:3 Elements: Or, rudiments
Galatians 4:9 again: Or, back
Galatians 4:9 Elements: Or, rudiments
Galatians 4:15 Where is then: Or, What was then?
Galatians 4:17 you: Or, us
Galatians 4:20 stand in doubt of you: Or, I am perplexed for you
Galatians 4:24 Covenants: Or, testaments
Galatians 4:24 answereth…which now is: Or, is in the same rank with
Galatians 5:7 who did hinder you: Or, who did drive you back?
Galatians 5:16 ye shall not fulfill: Or, fulfill not
Galatians 5:24 affections: Or, passions
Galatians 6:1 if: Or, although
Galatians 6:14 by whom: Or, whereby
Ephesians 1:3 places: Or, things
Ephesians 1:10 heaven: Gr. the heavens
Ephesians 1:12 trusted: Or, hoped
Ephesians 1:17 in the knowledge: Or, for the acknowledgement
Ephesians 1:19 of his might power: Gr. of the might of his power
Ephesians 2:3 the desires: Gr. the wills
Ephesians 2:10 ordained: Or, prepared
Ephesians 2:16 thereby: Or, in himself
Ephesians 3:3 afore: Or, a little before
Ephesians 4:1 of the Lord: Or, in the Lord
Ephesians 4:8 captivity captive: Or, a multitude of captives
Ephesians 4:10 fill: Or, fulfill
Ephesians 4:13 in the unity: Or, into the unity
Ephesians 4:13 stature: Or, age
Ephesians 4:15 speaking: Or, being sincere
Ephesians 4:18 blindness: Or, hardness
Ephesians 4:24 true holiness: Or, holiness of truth
Ephesians 4:28 to give: Or, to distribute
Ephesians 4:29 to use of the edifying: Or, to edify profitably
Ephesians 5:6 disobedience: Or, unbelief
Ephesians 5:13 reproved: Or, discovered
Ephesians 6:9 forbearing: Or, moderating
Ephesians 6:9 your master also: Some read, both your, and their master
Ephesians 6:12 spiritual wickedness: Gr. wicked spirits
Ephesians 6:12 high places: Or, heavenly
Ephesians 6:13 having done all: Or, having overcome all
Ephesians 6:20 in bonds: Or, in a chain
Ephesians 6:20 therein: Or, thereof
Ephesians 6:24 in sincerity: Or, with incorruption
Philippians 1:3 remembrance: Or, mention
Philippians 1:6 will perform it: Or, will finish it
Philippians 1:7 I have you in my heart: Or, you have me in your heart
Philippians 1:7 partakers of my grace: Or, partakers with me of grace
Philippians 1:9 judgment: Or, sense
Philippians 1:10 approve: Or, try
Philippians 1:10 are excellent: Or, differ
Philippians 1:13 in Christ: Or, for Christ
Philippians 1:13 palace: Or, Ceasars Court
Philippians 1:13 all other places: Or, to all others
Philippians 2:7 likeness: Or, habit
Philippians 2:15 harmless: Or, sincere
Philippians 2:15 ye shine: Or, shine ye
Philippians 2:17 offered: Gr. poured forth
Philippians 2:19 But: Or, moreover
Philippians 2:20 likeminded: Or, so dear unto me
Philippians 2:29 hold such: Or, honour such
Philippians 4:8 honest: Or, venerable
Philippians 4:10 hath flourished: Or, is revived
Philippians 4:18 I have all: Or, I have received all
Colossians 1:13 his dear Son: Gr. the Son of his love
Colossians 1:18 in all things: Or, among all
Colossians 1:20 having made peace: Or, making peace
Colossians 1:21 in your mind by wicked works: Or, by your mind in wicked works
Colossians 1:25 to fulfill the word of God: Or, fully to preach the word of God, Rom. 1.19
Colossians 1:27 in you: Or, amongst you
Colossians 2:1 conflict: Or, fear or care
Colossians 2:3 In whom: Or, wherein
Colossians 2:8 rudiments: Or, elements
Colossians 2:15 in it: Or, in himself
Colossians 2:16 in meat, or in drink: Or, for eating and drinking
Colossians 2:16 respect: Or, in part
Colossians 2:18 beguile you: Or, judge against you
Colossians 2:18 in a voluntary humility: Gr. being a voluntary in humility
Colossians 2:20 rudiments: Or, elements
Colossians 2:23 neglecting: Or, punishing, or not sparing
Colossians 3:2 affection: Or, mind
Colossians 3:13 quarrel: Or, complaint
Colossians 4:12 laboring: Or, striving
Colossians 4:12 complete: Or, filled
1 Thessalonians 1:4 beloved, your election of God: Or, beloved of God, your election
1 Thessalonians 2:6 burdensome: Or, used authority
1 Thessalonians 2:15 persecuted us: Or, chased us out
1 Thessalonians 2:19 rejoicing?: Or, glorying
1 Thessalonians 3:11 direct: Or, guide
1 Thessalonians 4:1 beseech: Or, request
1 Thessalonians 4:1 exhort: Or, beseech
1 Thessalonians 4:6 defraud: Or, oppress, or, overreach
1 Thessalonians 4:6 in any matter: Or, in the matter
1 Thessalonians 4:8 despiseth: Or, rejecteth
1 Thessalonians 4:12 nothing: Or, of no man
1 Thessalonians 4:18 comfort: Or, exhort
1 Thessalonians 5:11 comfort: Or, exhort
1 Thessalonians 5:14 exhort: Or, beseech
1 Thessalonians 5:14 unruly: Or, disorderly
1 Thessalonians 5:27 charge: Or, adjure
2 Thessalonians 1:7 his mighty angels: Gr. the angels of his power
2 Thessalonians 1:8 taking: Or, yielding
2 Thessalonians 1:11 count: Or, vouchsafe
2 Thessalonians 2:6 withholdeth: Or, holdeth
2 Thessalonians 3:1 may have free: Gr. may run
2 Thessalonians 3:2 unreasonable: Gr. absurd
2 Thessalonians 3:5 the patient waiting for Christ: Or, the patience of Christ
2 Thessalonians 3:13 be not weary: Or, faint not
2 Thessalonians 3:14 by this Epistle note that man: Or, signify that man by an Epistle
1 Timothy 1:6 having swarved: Or, not aiming at
1 Timothy 2:1 Exhort: Or, desire
1 Timothy 2:2 authority: Or, eminent place
1 Timothy 2:6 to be testified: Or, a testimony
1 Timothy 2:9 broided: Or, plaited
1 Timothy 3:2 of good behavior: Or, modest
1 Timothy 3:3 Not given to wine: Or, not ready to quarrel and offer wrong as one in wine
1 Timothy 3:6 a novice: Or, one newly come to the faith
1 Timothy 3:13 have used: Or, ministered
1 Timothy 3:15 ground: Or, stay
1 Timothy 4:8 little: Or, for a little time
1 Timothy 4:15 to all: Or, in all things
1 Timothy 5:4 piety: Or, kindness
1 Timothy 5:6 in pleasure: Or, delicately
1 Timothy 5:8 house: Or, kindred
1 Timothy 5:9 taken: Or, chosen
1 Timothy 5:14 to speak reproachfully: Gr. for their railing
1 Timothy 5:19 before: Or, under
1 Timothy 5:21 without preferring: Or, without prejudice
1 Timothy 6:2 faithful: Or, believing
1 Timothy 6:4 proud: Or, a fool
1 Timothy 6:4 doting: Or, sick
1 Timothy 6:5 Perverse disputing: Or, gallings one of another
1 Timothy 6:10 erred: Or, been seduced
1 Timothy 6:13 Confession: Or, profession
1 Timothy 6:17 uncertain riches: Gr. uncertainty of riches
1 Timothy 6:18 willing: Or, sociable
2 Timothy 1:12 believed: Or, trusted
2 Timothy 2:2 among: Or, by
2 Timothy 2:6 The husbandman that laboureth, must be first partaker of the fruits: Or, the husbandman laboring first must be partaker of the fruits
2 Timothy 2:17 canker: Or, gangrene
2 Timothy 2:19 sure: Or, steady
2 Timothy 2:24 patient: Or, forbearing
2 Timothy 2:26 recover: Gr. awake
2 Timothy 2:26 taken captive: Gr. taken alive
2 Timothy 3:3 false accusers: Or, makebates
2 Timothy 3:8 reprobate: Or, of no judgment
2 Timothy 3:10 Thou hast fully known: Or, thou hast been a diligent follower of
2 Timothy 4:5 make full proof: Or, fulfill
2 Timothy 4:15 our words: Or, our preachings
Titus 1:2 In: Or, for
Titus 1:5 are wanting: Or, left undone
Titus 1:8 good men: Or, good things
Titus 1:9 as he hath been taught: Or, in teaching
Titus 1:16 reprobate: Or, void of judgment
Titus 2:2 sober: Or, vigilant
Titus 2:3 holiness: Or, holy women
Titus 2:3 false accusers: Or, makebates
Titus 2:4 sober: Or, wise
Titus 2:6 sober minded: Or, discreet
Titus 2:9 answering again: Or, gain saying
Titus 2:11 that bringeth salvation hat appeared to all men: Or, that bringeth salvation to all men, hath appeared
Titus 3:4 love: Or, pity
Titus 3:6 abundantly: Gr. richly
Titus 3:14 maintain good works: Or, profess honest trades
Hebrews 1:8 righteousness: Gr. rightness, or straightness
Hebrews 2:1 let them slip: Gr. run out as leaking vessels
Hebrews 2:4 gifts: Or, distributions
Hebrews 2:7 little lower then: Or, a little while inferior to
Hebrews 2:9 for: Or, by
Hebrews 2:16 took not on him the nature of Angels, but he took on him the seed of Abraham: Gr. he taketh not hold of Angels, but of the seed of Abraham he taketh hold
Hebrews 3:2 appointed: Gr. made, 1 Sam. 12.6
Hebrews 3:11 they shall not enter: Gr. if they shall enter
Hebrews 4:2 the word preached: Gr. the word of hearing
Hebrews 4:2 not being mixed with faith in them: Or, because they were not united by faith to
Hebrews 4:6 it was first preached: Or, the Gospel was first preached
Hebrews 4:8 Jesus: that is, Joshua
Hebrews 4:9 rest: Or, keeping of a Sabbath
Hebrews 4:11 unbelief: Or, disobedience
Hebrews 5:2 can have compassion: Or, can reasonably bear with
Hebrews 5:7 in that he feared: Or, for his piety
Hebrews 5:13 unskillful: Gr. hath no experience
Hebrews 5:14 of full age: Or, perfect
Hebrews 5:14 of use: Or, of an habit, or perfection
Hebrews 6:1 principles of the doctrine of Christ: Or, the word of the beginning of Christ
Hebrews 6:7 by: Or, for
Hebrews 6:17 confirmed it by an oath: Gr. interposed himself by an oath
Hebrews 7:3 without descent: Gr. without pedigree
Hebrews 7:6 descent: Or, pedigree
Hebrews 7:19 but the bringing in: Or, but it was the bringing in
Hebrews 7:21 without an oath: Or, without swearing of an oath
Hebrews 7:24 unchangeable: Or, which passeth not from one to another
Hebrews 7:25 to the uttermost: Or, evermore
Hebrews 7:28 consecrated: Gr. perfected
Hebrews 8:2 of the Sanctuary: Or, of holy things
Hebrews 8:4 there are Priests: Or, they are Priests
Hebrews 8:6 Covenant: Or, Testament
Hebrews 8:10 put: Gr. give
Hebrews 8:10 in: Or, upon
Hebrews 9:1 ordinances: Or, ceremonies
Hebrews 9:2 the Sanctuary: Or, holy
Hebrews 9:10 ordinances: Or, rites, or ceremonies
Hebrews 9:14 spot: Or, fault
Hebrews 9:16 be: Or, be brought in
Hebrews 9:18 dedicated: Or, purified
Hebrews 9:19 scarlet: Or, purple
Hebrews 10:5 prepared me: Or, thou hast fitted me
Hebrews 10:19 boldness: Or, liberty
Hebrews 10:20 consecrated: Or, new made
Hebrews 11:1 substance: Or, ground, or confidence
Hebrews 11:4 yet speaketh: Or, is yet spoken of
Hebrews 11:7 moved: Or, being weary
Hebrews 11:13 in faith: Gr. according to faith
Hebrews 11:18 Of: Or, To
Hebrews 11:22 made mention: Or, remembered
Hebrews 11:26 of Christ: Or, for Christ
Hebrews 11:31 that believeth not: Or, that were disobedient
Hebrews 11:40 provided: Or, foreseen
Hebrews 12:2 Author: Or, beginner
Hebrews 12:13 straight: Or, even
Hebrews 12:15 fail: Or, fall from
Hebrews 12:17 place of repentance: Or, way to change his mind
Hebrews 12:23 written: Or, enrolled
Hebrews 12:24 Covenant: Or, Testament
Hebrews 12:27 are shaken: Or, may be shaken
Hebrews 12:28 let us have: Or, let us hold fast
Hebrews 13:7 have the rule: Or, are the guides
Hebrews 13:15 giving thanks: Gr. confessing to
Hebrews 13:17 have the rule: Or, guide
Hebrews 13:20 Covenant: Or, Testament
Hebrews 13:21 working: Or, doing
James 1:9 rejoice: Or, glory
James 1:13 evil: Or, evils
James 1:25 deed: Or, doing
James 2:2 assembly: Gr. synagogue
James 2:3 in a good place: Or, well, or seemly
James 2:5 the: Or, that
James 2:11 that said: Or, that Law which said
James 2:17 alone: Gr. by itself
James 2:18 without: Some copies read, by thy works
James 2:22 seest thou: Or, thou seest
James 2:26 spirit: Or, breath
James 3:1 condemnation: Or, judgment
James 3:5 a matter: Or, wood
James 3:6 course: Gr. wheel
James 3:7 kind: Gr. nature
James 3:7 mankind: Gr. nature of man
James 3:11 place: Or, hole
James 3:15 sensual: Or, natural
James 3:16 confusion: Gr. tumult or unquietness
James 3:17 without partiality: Or, without wrangling
James 4:1 fightings: Or, brawling
James 4:1 lusts: Or, pleasures
James 4:3 lusts: Or, pleasures
James 4:5 to envy?: Or, enviously
James 4:14 It is even: Or, for it is
James 5:7 Be patient: Or, be long patient, or suffer with long patience
James 5:9 Grudge not: Or, groan, or grieve not
James 5:17 earnestly: Or, in his prayer
1 Peter 1:3 abundant: Gr. much
1 Peter 1:4 for you: Or, for us
1 Peter 1:13 to the end: Gr. perfectly
1 Peter 1:24 For: Or, for that
1 Peter 2:5 are built up: Or, be ye built
1 Peter 2:7 he is precious: Or, he is an honour
1 Peter 2:9 peculiar people: Or, a purchased people
1 Peter 2:9 praises: Or, virtues
1 Peter 2:12 whereas: Or, wherein
1 Peter 2:16 using: Gr. having
1 Peter 2:17 Honour: Or, esteem
1 Peter 2:20 acceptable: Or, thank
1 Peter 2:21 for us: Some read, for you
1 Peter 2:23 committed himself: Or, committed his cause
1 Peter 2:24 on: Or, to
1 Peter 3:6 daughters: Gr. children
1 Peter 3:8 love as brethren: Or, loving to the brethren
1 Peter 3:12 against: Gr. upon
1 Peter 3:15 fear: Or, reverence
1 Peter 4:8 shall: Or, will
1 Peter 5:2 which is among you: Or, as much as in you is
1 Peter 5:3 being lords over: Or, overruling
2 Peter 1:3 to: Or, by
2 Peter 1:21 in old time: Or, at any time
2 Peter 2:2 pernicious ways: Or, lascivious ways, as some copies read
2 Peter 2:10 government: Or, dominion
2 Peter 2:11 against them: some read against themselves
2 Peter 2:14 adultery: Gr. an adulteress
2 Peter 2:18 clean: Or, for a little, or a while as some read
2 Peter 3:5 standing: Gr. consisting
2 Peter 3:12 hasting unto the coming: Or, hasting the coming
1 John 2:10 stumbling: Gr. scandal
1 John 2:27 him: Or, it
1 John 2:29 ye know: Or, know ye
1 John 3:11 message: Or, commandment
1 John 3:19 assure: Gr. persuade
1 John 4:17 our love: Gr. love with us
1 John 5:14 in him: Or, concerning him
2 John 1:8 wrought: Or, gained. Some copies read, which ye have gained, but that ye receive, etc.
2 John 1:12 face to face: Gr. mouth to mouth
3 John 1:1 in the truth: Or, truly
3 John 1:2 wish: Or, pray
3 John 1:14 face to face: Gr. mouth to mouth
Jude 1:6 first estate: Or, principality
Jude 1:7 strange: Gr. other
Revelation 3:14 of the Laodiceans: Or, in Laodicea
Revelation 4:8 rest not: Gr. they have no rest
Revelation 5:8 odours: Or, incense
Revelation 6:6 A measure: The word choenix, signifieth a measure containing one wine quart, and the twelfth part of a quart
Revelation 6:8 unto them: Or, to him
Revelation 6:13 untimely figs: Or, green figs
Revelation 8:3 offer it with the prayers: Or, add it to the prayers
Revelation 9:11 Apollyon: that is to say, A destroyer
Revelation 9:15 for: Or, at
Revelation 11:2 leave out: Gr. cast out
Revelation 11:3 I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy: Or, I will give unto my two witnesses that they may prophesy
Revelation 11:13 of men: Gr. names of men
Revelation 11:18 destroy: Or, corrupt
Revelation 12:1 wonder: Or, sign
Revelation 12:3 wonder: Or, sign
Revelation 13:1 name: Or, names
Revelation 13:3 wounded: Gr. slain
Revelation 13:5 to continue: Or, to make war
Revelation 13:15 life: Gr. breath
Revelation 13:16 to receive: Gr. to give
Revelation 14:4 were redeemed: Gr. were bought
Revelation 14:13 from henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit: Or, from henceforth saith the Spirit, yea
Revelation 14:15 ripe: Or, dried
Revelation 16:9 scorched: Or, burned
Revelation 17:4 decked: Gr. gilded
Revelation 17:5 HARLOTS: Or, fornications
Revelation 18:3 abundance: Or, power
Revelation 18:12 Thine: Or, sweet
Revelation 18:13 slaves: Or, bodies
Revelation 20:13 hell: Or, hell [obviously a typo in 1611]
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